I go out for a few hours and when I get back there's another award waiting for me, two in one week, cool or what ? The lovely lady who has given me this is called Jo and the award is apparently "For those with Great Attitude and Gratitude", gracious, me ........ perhaps I am doing something right after all with my incessant babbling and obsessive crafting.
So thank you so much Jo, I have left a message on your blog as well. Do you know, I've seem this lemonade card on other blogs and always wondered what it was all about, know I know. Wow. I know I need to pass this along, so will be giving it some thought.
And because I've been out all morning ........ yes, before anyone asks, there was a short crafty diversion to Stampalot, but the visit was genuine, I had to pick up a Cricut cartridge for class next week ........ and by sheer coincidence found a stamp I liked, but really I was not looking, it somehow came my direction. As if !
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