Morning Peeps, this week I've been totally missing from blogland, mad ambulance rush last weekend, yet more antibiotics, more bloods and was summoned back within hours and seems I have stage 3/4 kidney impairment/failure. Apparently there are five stages, they say it can't be reversed but meds may be able to prevent it progressing further, but it's early days and need lots more tests and so on.
I've not crafted for a couple of weeks now, save the one card below which is unheard of but just not been well enough. Those who know me are aware that I am always a forward planner and have work ready and scheduled weeks ahead so I am hoping that will stand me in good stead for a time. Hopefully I can ease back into some crafting but I honestly don't think I can carry on with regular blogging over any beyond my remaining DT committements so will play it by ear.
Lucky all was scheduled from here on and this week's
Allsorts theme is hosted by Tracy Mouse and is 'Bring on the Bling.
We have two stamps from Little Claire as a prize for one lucky winner. It's also my turn to post over at the
Chocolate Baroque blog today, my pieces of artwork are below and you will find how I made them and links to all the products used in the post over there.
As I said, very little activity on the craft front, but I did try and managed just one card..........which took a couple of days...........for the new
Butterfly Challenge. The new format actually helped in that it supplies the basic requirements so only had to come up with my design, have to say I am not overly happy with it, but it's made so sharing.
I used DI's the create the background, then built it up using stencils, stamped CB Butterfly off the page, stamped it a second time and cut out, coloured and decoupaged and added a PB sentiment. I believe I have covered the following elements of the Butterfly Wheel: Light Blue, Lavender and Lemon (script stenciling), Letters, Layers and Lace (Butterfly's thorax) and of course the Butterfly.
Back to my Allsorts card and my starting place as is normally the case with a scenic card was to create the background with Pan Pastels and masks, in this case I used three varying sized circle masks. I then stamped the Fairy and other elements which are all Lavinia Stamps using archival black ink, glittered the Fairies wings although it doesn't show up too well on my photo and dotted some liquid pearls among the Fairy starts, or is that Fairy Magic ?
The incredible details on the face of this Fairy never ceases to amaze me, it goes a long way to prove the quality of Lavinia stamps as many would just squish and lose that detail.
And here are my Chocolate Baroque shares for today using stamps which featured on Lesley's recent Hochanda shows which was all about cottages and houses. Hochand presenter Dave Bradford named this "the house in the middle of nowhere" which I think sum's it up pretty well and could well be where we live down a single track farm road which does indeed go nowhere...............although we don't have any hills, just flat beautiful Countryside which stretches as far as the eye can see. I'm sure I've written this before, but from an upstairs window on a clear day you can see Ely Cathedral.
And before I sign off for today, here's what I did today to cheer myself up, I am lucky to have long strong nails and have them manicured every two weeks, no secret I love bright colours but this time is probably brighter than usuall. The girl who does my nails had the same using two new coloures so she did a copy cat on mine, the phrase "old enough to know better, too old to care' comes to mind.
Many thanks for popping in to take a peek today.