Saturday 6 January 2024


Morning everyone, today see our first Allsorts challenge of 2024, Lynn is our host with a mood board to inspire us. Prizes come from AALL and Create and Craft Stash and will be drawn on 26th January.

Short and sweet I'm afraid, one hand typing's not easy (left hand and arm still pretty useless) so minimalistic comments and apols for any typo's, card from file made some weeks ago.

The Hellebore comes from AALL and Create Hellebore (1063) stamped, coloured and cut out and placed onto an inky background, snowflakes using Snow Crystals (221), another new release, but unfortunately as it's a translucent crackle paste doesn't really show up on my photo. Some washi tape and words from the same stamp set.


Sarn said...

A very pretty card using Lynn’s mood board. Hope you feel better soon xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

such a beautiful card Brenda and a great karin

Aquarius said...

Such a pretty card with inspiration from the mood board. Sorry to hear you are still struggling, take care.

Craftyfield said...

Beautifully designed Brenda! You must be so frustrated with not being able to use your hand and arm, I am so sorry. x

Pauline C said...

Beautiful card Brenda, I love the colours and all the texture you have introduced. Sorry you are still struggling and hope things will look up soon
Pauline xx

crafty-stamper said...

Sorry to hear you are still struggling with your hand/arm.Beautiful card and stamps,you make great backgrounds too.
Carol x

Lynne said...

Beautiful background Brenda, love the colours and your overall design. Hope your health improves soon x

meg said...

A beautiful card Brenda,love the elements from the mood board you used,as always A fabulous background to showcase the images,hope you see an improvement in your hand soon

Lisa said...

Really wonderful flowers so perfect for the mood board. I love the addition of the squirrel. Looks like he is headed over to stop and small the flower. Happy New Year and blessings to you and your family. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and all your wonderful comments over the last year. I truly appreciate you taking the time.

Linby said...

This is so pretty love the soft delicate colours and layout. Sorry to read you are still struggling, I hope it improves.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda, i tuoi delicati backgrounds sono sempre stupendi e riesci sempre a stupirmi con il tuo decoupaging, così perfetto! Amo questa palette! Bellissimo l'elleboro con lo scoiattolo curioso e quel tocco di washi tape strappato che dirige l'occhio! Devo provare!
Anche il fiocco rustico con ala targhetta vintage sono dettagli molto carini.
Mi dispiace che la tua mano sinistra e il braccio non collaborano ancora. Speriamo che vadano meglio nei prossimi giorni!!!
Spero che tu abbia un weekend tranquillo e che ci sia un po' di sole per tenere su il morale.
Qui ieri è scesa molta pioggia, ora c'è il sole ma dicono che da domani pioverà ancora per parecchi giorni.
Un grande abbraccio!

Tina Z. said...

So beautiful, I love hellebores.
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Crafty hugs xx

Ellibelle said...

A beautiful creation, Brenda with some great elements from the mood board. Hope your hand and arm improve soon!

Kath said...

A beautiful card Brenda.
Kath x

HilaryJane said...

Sorry to hear you are still struggling, but your card is beautiful. At least we can look forward to the hellebores flowering soon and in the meantime we can enjoy your card xx

Chris said...

A beautiful card Brenda, fabulous stamps and background colours. I can't wait for the Hellebore to flower. Sorry that you're still struggling, it must be so frustrating, hope you feel better soon.xx

Carol L said...

This is such a lovely card with the squirrel, flowers and what looks like torn bits of paper. I'm so sorry you're having arm and hand issues, but hopefully things will heal quickly for you without so many restrictions! Take care of yourself first!

Rainey's Craft Room said...

This is a lovely card and beautiful take on the mood board too.

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Brenda sorry that you are still suffering I do hope that you feel better soon, Brenda your card is beautiful I love the flower and the colour also that little Squirrel our Bella has been chasing the ones in our garden today, lol, take care
lolo x

Sarah said...

A gorgeous card Brenda. Wishing you better days ahead xx

Gail L said...

Pretty card!
I got out the gelli plate again, so will see what I can do!!
Hope you're feeling better soon!

Liz said...

Your card is gorgeous Brenda, another beautiful floral design. Hope your arm improves soon. xx

Mervi said...

Love hellebores, the card is so gorgeous;-))m

Carole said...

Beautiful card as always Brenda.xx

Gerrina said...

I love hellebore; they make winter look so nice... And they look great her on this background; love how much color is in it! Hope you can move 'normal' soon again! ugs, Gerrina

Greta said...

Absolutely beautiful card, Brenda! So sorry your arm/hand are not cooperating. Hope you see improvement soon. Hugs, Greta

Vicky Hayes said...

Such a gorgeous board and the card you made is stunning! Lovely to see that cheeky squirrel popping up again!
So sorry that you're not well again. Sending gentle hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery. Vicky x