Saturday 30 December 2023

Peace Lily Snippets

Good morning Peeps, I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. Here it was hectic with fourteen for three days, I was still under the weather so for the first time ever handed the kitchen reigns over to whoever was willing and there were no shortage of takers. 

We've cause for extra celebration, our eldest son has been named in the New Year Honours list for his service to Policing, he played a leading role at the Home Office during Covid and the death of The Queen. I make no apologies for the very proud Mum mention.

So onto my card, I've not been up to much crafting the last few weeks so it's another from my unused folders. I would like to enter this into the current challenge at Path of Positivity, the optional twist is music but I have nothing music related so going the A/G route. The stamps are all from AALL and Create Clocks and Flowers (448) and stencil White Lotus (170) along with Oxides. The sentiment (cut into two) from my own Moments stamp set, also available from Create and Craft.

There is also another challenge in full swing over at the Snippets Playground so popping in there as well, the Lily's and leaves were all stamped onto snippets and paper pieced as were the words.

And meet Merlin, the newest member of the family. After losing Ben in October it was down to Anysia to let us me know when she felt ready to move on. Purely by chance Merlin was spotted and they bonded immediately, he's only a baby at three but so well mannered and going well for one so young. He arrived the week before Christmas and already fitting in well with Heskey and Penelope.


meg said...

A fabulous colour combo and sentiment,sounds as though you had a brilliant Christmas,congratulations to your son,thank you for sharing that news and how proud you are of him

Sarn said...

A very striking colour combo on this lovely card.

Sounds like you had a busy, but fun, time over Christmas -although it must have been hard to relinquish your usual duties. Hope you feel better soon.

Congratulations to your son.

Merlin looks a handsome lad. Bound to be cherished. Happy New Year xxx

Sarn said...

Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground too. Xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

it's a beautiful card Brenda and a fabulous karin

Lisa said...

I really love this pink and blue color combination. I used these colors this week and was really surprised how much I love the combination. It works great on your card.

Welcome Merlin. What a beauty!

Carol L said...

Your card is an amazing work of paper piecing and the colors are beautiful. I'm glad your Christmas went well and I hope you'll feel much better in the coming days. Congrats to your son - you have the right to be a proud mom :) Merlin is one fine looking horse too! wishing you all the best in the coming new year.

crafty-stamper said...

Hope you feel better soon and sounds like a great family Christmas-I hand over the kitchen to DIL too.Congratulations to your Son and Merlin looks very majestic.
Carol x
oops nearly forgot love the beautiful card too!
Carol x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao cara Brenda, hai fatto bene a lasciare lo scettro della cucina ai tuoi figli, cucinare per 14 non è sicuramente una passeggiata quando non si sta bene!! Spero che la tua salute stia migliorando e che tu possa trascorrere un Capodanno decente!
Merlin è davvero bellissimo e Anysia è stata coraggiosa a decidere di prenderlo dopo soli due mesi dalla perdita di Ben. Sono sicura che le darà delle soddisfazioni ed è ottimo che sia un cavallo educato e di buon carattere.
Congratulazioni per l'Onore riservato a tuo figlio, sicuramente meritatissimo e fonte di grande orgoglio per te!!!
La tua card è così vibrante, adoro i colori che hai usato e il paper piecing è perfetto, mi chiedo sempre come fai ad essere così accurata. Bellissimo sentiment, così vero, e lo stencil delicato sullo sfondo aggiunge dolcezza.
Qui abbiamo avuto un Natale tranquillo, a pranzo soltanto io e mia mamma... Per S.Stefano è venuto mio fratello con sua moglie, ma cucinare per quattro non è stata una grande fatica.
Ti auguro un 2024 di salute e tante soddisfazioni... e qualsiasi cosa il tuo cuore desideri!
Un abbraccio

Pauline C said...

Lovely card Brenda with a gorgeous colour combo. Sorry you were under the weather over Christmas but hope you were able to enjoy It with your family .. wow that is some gathering! Congratulations to your son, not surprised you are very proud. Lovely pic too of your new horse. Hope you will have an enjoyable New Year
Pauline xx

ScrappyHorses said...

Such a lovely card with a wonderful sentiment! Gorgeous color and texture! Also a hearty congrats to your son and your family with the new addition of Merlin! He is very handsome with his dappled coat and soft eye! Happy New Year and thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

Di said...

Fabulous card B - I do love those colours you used so beautifully. I'm with you about not liking to admit defeat over a long tradition such as cooking Christmas Dinner. But, if you look at it another way, the family would certainly have been very happy to take over and no doubt you'll be back at the helm next Christmas! Congratulations to your son on the NY Honours list inclusion - you must be very proud of him - and rightly so. And Merlin is stunning! A magnificent addition to the family! And such a perfect name as well. Here's hoping that 2024 is a better year.

Di xx

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Brenda your post has bought me so much delight your card is so beautiful the stamps and colours look wonderful and so does Merlin he is one handsome looking horse I really hope that you are feeling better I have thought about you often over the festive period something I don't celebrate but we did get to see the little ones for a couple of hours hope that you have a very Happy New Year
lolo x

Vicky Hayes said...

What a good thing you had plenty of helpers in the kitchen over the festive period! I am thrilled for you about your son and of course there should be no apologies for going to Mumland! Absolutely delighted to see Merlin turning up on cue too and hope he and Anysia deepen their bond and have a wonderful time together. A fabulous card from the folder and I am taking note of those gorgeous colours together!

Thanks for reminding me to link up my card at Allsorts - brain like a sieve!! - and wishing you a happy new year. Vicky x

Gail L said...

Sad you're feeling poorly; glad you had a lot of help in the kitchen!!
I at least had someone to dry the dishes every time I washed!
No dishwasher here. I did tell my mom that was next on the list!
Lovely card, and so pleased to meet Merlin!
Handsome looking chap!
And I'm happy for your eldest. what an accomplishment!! Good for him!

Sandra H said...

Ooh how very sad not the best time for anyone to be not feeling good with all the festivities and food to consume l hope your feeling better quickly and your card is stunning as always love the colours take care sending lots of hugs x

HilaryJane said...

Those colours look amazing and the black gives just the right amount of contrast. Many congrats to your son. I am glad you have enjoyed a good fsmily Christmas with someone else doing most of the work, perfect. Thanks for sharing the news of the new addition too. Happy New Year xx

Liz said...

Beautiful card Brenda, I love the colour combination.

Sorry to hear you were unwell over Christmas, hope you'll soon be fully recovered. Congratulations to your son. You must be so proud of him and rightly so.

Thanks for sharing the photo of the new addition to your family. xx

Aquarius said...

A great card as ever. How wonderful that family members stepped in and took over some of the cooking for so many people. Of course you're proud of your son's award which certainly deserved a mention. Beautiful new addition to the stables too. Very best of wishes for 2024

Lynne said...

A lovely colour combination for your fab card Brenda. Sorry that you're still under the weather. I don't know how you managed with 14 for 3 days! Big congrats to your son too, you must be super proud! :)
Happy New Year to you and let's hope it will be kind to us xx

cuilliesocks said...

Sorry to hear that you are still poorly Brenda, but Congratulation to your Son what an achievement, and you've every right to be a proud Mum.
Merlin is gorgeous, beautiful markings, wishing your Granddaughter many long and happy years with him.
Now for your card, it's gorgeous, wonderful design and a super colour pallet.
Wishing you all good things for the New Year, Kate x

Chris said...

Sounds as if you had a lovely Christmas despite not firing on all four. Hope you feel much better soon.
Huge congratulations to your son, you have every right to be proud of him.
Oh my Goodness, Merlin is so handsome, I hope Anysia has many happy years with him.
Nearly forgot to mention your beautiful card- gorgeous as always!
Happy New Year to you and yours.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

First off, your card is gorgeous, love the mix of colours. Great sentiment too. Congratulations to your Son on his Recognition, of course you are very proud, and he deserves a big Hooray for him, too. I'm so happy to see a new friend has been found and a beautiful horse too. Great he has company to help him settle. Wishing you Health and Happiness for 2024.
Faith x

ellyscard creatief said...

Hello Brenda. First of all, a healthy and blessed 2024. But, above all, I want to thank you for your always loving comments on my blog. With every creation I have posted on a challenge of yours, you have not once forgotten to leave a comment. I think you respond to every entry even though it is not your turn because I always see the photo of your dog as a response from others. Thank you so much Brenda. I had this translated with Google Translate, hopefully it is correct. Greetings from a very wet Netherlands.
Elly Booij

Craftyfield said...

Your son's recognition is such good news Brenda, no wonder you are a proud mum and no one can begrudge you that!
My best wishes for the new year, health foremost, and continued creativity! x

pinky said...

That is a handful of people for 3 days Brenda but glad they could take the reins and let you recuperate!! Congratulations to your Son. How great to get on the New Year Honours list!!! I love your beautiful card, so bright and cheerful. Wow Merlin is one handsome boy and I am sure he will be treasured by Anysia!!

Wendy L said...

Let's hope the new year brings you better health Brenda.
No wonder you are proud, he has done so well. Lovely addition to your yard. Your card, wow, the colours work well together, I would never have thought to put those two together but it looks great, xxx

KraftyKoolKat said...

Such a gorgeous creation Brenda. I hope you feel better soon, so glad it was all hands on deck for all the cooking. What a wonderful thing to happen to your son, he sounds like he well deserved it. A big welcome to Merlin, he looks a handsome lad and I am glad he is fitting in.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Carole said...

Lovely card Brenda! with great paper piecing. I hope by now you are feeling better and that you enjoyed being waited on for a change at Christmas. CONGRATULATIONS to your have every right to be proud...VERY proud.....and welcome Merlin! Happy New Year to you, xx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

I'm late to the party again, the festive season, visitors and the like have made the last 10 days whizz by. I hope you are feeling a little better too.
A fabulous colour combo using this gorgeous stamp. Congratulations to your son, what a proud moment.
Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year

Greta said...

So sorry you still haven't felt well, Brenda. Good you had family around, though. Your card is beautiful & I admire the paper piecing! What a gorgeous horse & so glad he's fitting in & clearly bringing needed joy!

Gerrina said...

A special color combination and it works too! Hugs, Gerrina