Wednesday, 24 November 2021

A dogs tale.......

Morning Peeps, over at River of Creativity it's inspiration time again and I have some shares which I hope might offer some encouragement for you to join in. Zoe has been working hard to get the new challenge out there and we would love to see you this month, the theme is 'The Gift', so please do pop over and take a look.

I have a candle and some bookmarks which have a little story behind them, as it's so dark these days I usually take my work into the conservatory to photograph. Having laid them on a sofa to take the photos I left them whilst I went to my office to download and make sure they were OK. Returned to collect them only to find two ripped to shreds and one very guilty looking eight month Lab old puppy named Rosa. We had a chat and I think she got the message 🦮 !!

As always, my appreciation for your visits and words of encouragement.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


meg said...

What a shame Brenda, the bookmarks are beautiful a gorgeous mix of colours and stamps,the yellow flowers on the candle a lovely touch of summer.Still think of all the joy the pup brings

cebelica said...

Ooops. Maybe the puppy tought they were for her to play with. ;) They were really beautiful. xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

these are beautiful and great stamps Brenda

gr karin

Zoechaos said...

Oh Rosa how could you that was very harsh criticism! But then if it is left unattended it must be yours to play with mustn't it? Tags are lovely Brenda so pleased you got to take a picture before Rosa got her paws on them. Thank you for all you are doing to promote our little challenge River of Creativity, the stream is starting to flow now. xoxo

Pauline C said...

Beautiful candle Brenda and I absolutely love these bookmarks … I’m still wanting to make more as Christmas gifts (after my 4 seasons st ) and these are really inspiring. What a disaster that naughty Rosa ate them! Hope you can recreate them with out too much trouble as they would be very welcome gifts for someone x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Such beautiful gifts Brenda. Rosa must have thought they were for her.

Sue xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Oh dear well she has good taste as they are fab

Chris said...

Oh dear! Naughty Rosa! If it's any consolation Marvin would have eaten all 3...and the candle, given the slightest opportunity! The bookmarks were beautiful as is the candle.

Stamps and Paper said...

Oh Brenda what a shame about your candles but your story did make me smile...your book marks are beautiful such lovely colours...and I love your sunflower candle


Linby said...

oh naughty Rosa! We will let her off as she is still learning lol!
Absolutely beautiful bookmarks and you've inspired me to do some. Although I mainly read on my kindle these days I do love a bookmark.

Vee Cassidy said...

Aw she wanted to help, I bet. These are lovely. Vee xx

cuilliesocks said...

Oh no Brenda, what a pity, no doubt Rosa just wanted to help, in a puppy sort of way.
Your book marks are gorgeous, beautifully stamped and inked, Kate x

HilaryJane said...

Oh dear, how upsetting, I do hope she has learnt her lesson now and such a shame because those bookmarks are fabulous and would make such good presents. I have no idea how you go about stamping on a candle, it looks very impressive xx

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful bookmarks I love the stamps and background,sorry but the story made me smile -do you think she listened?-love the stamps on your candle -am just in the middle of making one---well when I say in the middle I mean the idea is there and I have a candle lol.
Carol x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

What a shame that Rosa took a liking to them but they are gorgeous after all. Lovely gifts along side the candle too.

Anonymous said...

oh dear I remember those days when Bella was a puppy thank goodness she is over that now. Such a shame, your bookmarks and candle should I say were beautiful. Love Alison xx

aussie aNNie said...

Beautiful bookmarks and I love dressing up candles too, gorgeous. x

Fikreta said...

So beautiful bookmarks!
Candle is so pretty.

Carole said...

Beautiful bookmarks Brenda and a pretty candle too! xx

Gerrina said...

Oeps; the things that happen with the things that had to stay whole for at least a bit more time... Well I think you never have a dull moment with Rosa!
Love the serene feeling of the boolmarks, but the candle is something special and my favorite! Hugs, Gerrina

Pat said...

Gorgeous candle and beautiful bookmarks, what a shame they didn’t last very long at least you managed to get photos so we could all see them as they were before Rosa took a fancy to them. Have a lovely evening.

Pat xx

coldwaters2 said...

Two beautiful projects Brenda I love the book marks and the candle so wonderfully coloured superb work,
lorraine x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda, i tuoi segnalibri sono così belli insieme con i loro diversi colori! Peccato che Rosa li ha assaggiati! Ma i cuccioli fanno questo ed altro! :D
La storia mi ha fatto sorridere e mi ha ricordano un aneddoto che mi è successo anni fa: C'era stata una nevicata, una cosa molto insolita dalle mie parti e le mie piante grasse nei vasi erano coperte di neve. Erano così belle con la neve sopra che le ho fotografate... Peccato che non ho pensato di portarle in casa al caldo e la mattina dopo erano una poltiglia verde.... distrutte dal freddo!! Mi sono rimaste solo le foto. Anche io ho avuto una chiacchierata con me stessa quella volta! LOL :D
Stupenda la candela, così luminosa con i fiori gialli!!
Un abbraccio, oggi qui freddo e pioggia e le zucche ancora devono maturare completamente

Greta said...

These are so beautiful, Brenda! I really love the candle! Oh dear--it's hard to be an 8 mo old puppy, you know--haha! Fritz put everything he could reach in his mouth until he turned 2! I couldn't take my eyes off him for more than a second!

Sarn said...

Well I guess Rosa doesn’t want a bookmark for her book then?!!!! They are mini works of art and looked gorgeous.

That candle is a stunner too. Def too pretty to burn!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Tina Z. said...

Yes, dogs are such joy and love... Everything is so beautiful, I love bookmarks because I also collect them. And the candle is so special.

Sarah said...

Cheeky pup Rosa, bet she was in the dog house Brenda!! They were very pretty book marks and the candle is a lovely piece of decor xx

Vicky Hayes said...

What a gorgeous candle and the bookmarks are just wonderful Brenda. Thank goodness you photographed them before they were, ahem, 'cleared away' by miss Rosa. Surely a misunderstanding...! Vicky x

Craftyfield said...

I am yet to try the candles... but it's a brilliant gift idea!
I put in a second entry (another door sign) in the River of Creativity but this time from my Instagram. This is all new to me so I am investigating how it works! x

Mrs.B said...

Beautiful bookmarks Brenda, but what a shame Rosa thought you'd made them for her! At least you have a photo of them.
The candle looks fabulous, something I'm always saying I'm going to do.
Avril xx

Lee said...

Awww,she thought they were a gift for her bless her.Your creations are Stunning in every way.Sorry I missed this post.x