I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and have recovered from all the indulgences of the season.
Ours was good if hectic with upwards of ten each mealtime but it was lovely to have all the family together for a few days.
I thought I would share a picture of what Santa bought........well she arrived today actually, we have called her Holly, she is a yellow Labrador, seven weeks old and seems to be making herself at home already.
I have been really good over Christmas and didn't even switch my computer on for a couple of days, not that there was too much spare time anyhow but as a result have lots of blogland catching up to do over the weekend.
Sarah at pretty Little Ribbons has a great sale under way on her web site here so do pop over and grab some bargains.
Have a good weekend everyone and everything going to plan I will be catching up with you all shortly.