Candy now closed - click here to go to this weeks candy.
Our wonferful sponsors and megga craft store Sir Stampalot have more Hero goodies for you this week. A huge thank you to everyone who took part last week and for all your wonderful comments. Also a special thank you and big welcome to all my new followers, I really do appreciate your support.
Mr Random Org., has picked the following lucky winner from last weeks entries:
Mr Random Org., has picked the following lucky winner from last weeks entries:
True Random Number Generator
Min:1 Max: 424 Result: 155
Congratulations. Please mail me from the link on my profile, with your full name and postal address so I can get your candy off to you.
Each week until 1st April we will be giving away a Hero Goody package. They are all different and no clues as to the contents, why spoil the surprise, all I can say is that they contain as the name suggests Hero Arts products.
So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning, not much really:
* Just link to follow and leave a comment on this or any new post between now and midnight GMT Monday 1st March. If you leave comments on different posts, then each will be entered, so more chances to win !!
* Add the goody box picture above to your blog with a link back here to help us spread the word.
Each week I will do the draw using Random Org., adding all the names that have entered that week and post the winners here. Then the whole process will start all over again.
Please note that winners must make contact with me before the next weeks draw takes place, otherwise the previous draw will be re-run.
Wooo congrats, racinggrandma61! Enjoy your goodies :)
I'll go put this beautiful box in my sidebar.
Enjoy your goodiebag racinggrandma!!!!!Congrtulations!!!
Tha box is allready on my sidebar!!
Have a great day Hugs Lina
Huge congrats racinggrandma61 (what a fab blog name!!)
I am rushing off right now to add this beautiful box to my sidebar.
Dawn xx
Congrats, Racinggrandma61!!! Enjoy jour goodies...
I´ve linked your candy on my sidebar..
Hugs Micha
Congrats to the winner !!!!
And thanks Brenda for an other chance ...I am off now to add the box on my sidebar.
Peggy xx
Congrats to the winner and thanks for the chance to win the next time!
Count me in!
Many congratulations to the lucky winner and it's great to have another chance to win. Really love Hero Arts stuff.
Thanks Brenda!
congrats to winner! enjoy the candy!!! here's my link
Congratulations racinggrandma61, I am not jealous...really I'm not....well not much!!!
Congrats to the winner. I've added a ilnk to my sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win, I just love Hero Arts stuff
Claire xx
Lovely blog. I have added you to my blog.
Ann x
I like the look of this fab box, room for lots of lovely stuff lol.
Hi, i,ve added a link & have my fingers crossed!
Fleur xXx
ooh this looks like tasty candy, fingers crossed i will win :)
Congrats racinggrandma61. Have added box to my sidebar.
Nikki x
racinggrandma congrats to you I have added the new candty to my blog sidebar thank once again for another chance to play along
OOOH Awesome, Just updated my sidebar with the new one! FUN!
congratulations to the winner have posted your candy onto my side bar thanks once again hun for chance to win hugs cheryl xxxxx
OOooh what's in the box!!! please count me in and thanks for the chance to win more candy.
Love Diane
Congrats to racingramma!! I'm sure you'll enjoy your goodies!
And thans Brenda to a chance to another surprise,I've linked it on my sidebar!
This is really exciting - wonder what could be in the box!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Kat x
I've put the lovely box of surprises on my blog Brenda, congratulations to racinggrandma!
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Congrats to the winner! Your surprise box is on my sidebar blog! i hope to be luchy! thanks for the chance to win!
Hi Brenda,
Thanks for another opportunity to win a fab prize from you! I have linked the new candy to my sidebar at Create With Joy - hope you'll stop by and say hello when you have a free moment!
Count me in! Fingers crossed for this one. Hugs x
Wow, weekly candy, how wonderful is that, you generous lady! I am just off to pop a link in my sidebar xxx
I love surprises! It is great to win one ))) Thanks for the chance.
I linked it on sidebar
OOh! good another chance to win.I've got everything crossed.
oOOo Congrats RacinGrandma! I'm of to put this lovely box in my side bar!
Thanks for the chance again!
Kimmi x
I'll take a chance and participate!
La Vikinga likes the work you show on the blog...
Congrats to the winner :)
Thanks for such a great giveaway :)
Congratulations racingrandma! Thanks for the chance to win
Congrats to the winner, woohoo!
Would love to be be able to peek inside this box!!!!!!!!!!!
Have added to sidebar.Beccy x
Oooh, what is in the box? what is in the box? I´m sooo nosy!
Congrats to winner!
Hugs & greetings from Austria
Hi Brenda...
that's so exciting, I love surprises!! :))
I wanna find out what's in the box! Count me in please!
Count me in too :)
Hi Brenda, the blogcandy sounds very exciting. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx
Count me in! I posted it in the side bar on my blog.
Thank you
Lovely. Count me in please
wow hero arts is fab thanks huni xx
I've added your candy link to my blog, please add me in for the drawing!
Congrats and good luck all.
thank you once again for a chance to win this weeks candy
hav a great week
love tracey xx
Thanks for another opportunity to win. I've put the piccy in my sidebar. Please include me in the draw.
Waw awesome candy, so love to win it! Hugs,moni
Congratulazioni alla vincitrice!
ora vado a mettere il link nella barra laterale destra del mio blog! adoro i prodotti della hero arts!
ciao e grazie
congratulazioni alla vincitrice
Thanks for the chance to win, have got the pic on my side bar,
Love surprises!
BTW - love your present image!
Congrats, great gift. Enjoy it. Thanks to give a chance to win.
Congratulations racinggrandma61!
I really like the candy so I've entered him in the sidebar of my blog!
Really thank you for the chance to win!
Come to visit my blog here
How the heck did I miss this post?!? This is GORGEOUS!!
Thank you for the chance to win :) I've linked the candy on my sidebar. Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for the chance to win ...a suprise!! woo hoo how exciting!! I've added a link in my sidebar and was already an avid follower! xx
Fingers crossed, maybe this time I'll win for the first time! 8-) Love the package!!
Congrats on racinggrandma! Keep my fingers crossed for the next candy!
xxx Margreet
Congratulations to the winner - lucky lady.
Hugs Ali x
Congrats on the winner..yup she is a lucky lady....
I put already the new candy to spread the word on my BLOG here is my blog
I wish I win this cute candy :)
Thanks for the chance of winning this blog candy. I have put a pic in my sidebar
Ooh more super surprise candy - count me in!!
thanks for another chance to win some surprise blog candy!! I've added a link/pic of your candy on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win, I've left a pic on my side bar for you.
Good luck everyone
Anne x
Congrats, Racinggrandma61!
I´ve linked your candy on my sidebar.
Hugs Anett
thanks for another chance to win!!!
Congrats Racinggrandma61 < that's a mouthful
Thanks again
Congrats to the winner and thanks for another chance to win!
Congrats to the winner :) I've linked up again this week too :)
Congrats, Racinggrandma61!!!
I am in!!!!:)
Congrats to lucky racinggrandma61!!!!!!
Your new candy just awesome! Thanks and thanks for the chance to win!
Linked candy on my sidebar and I'm your follower.
Greetings from Russia,
Congrats to the lucky winner. Another mystery parcel.... how exciting. I so love coming in here and seeing your it's easy to remember to leave a comment.
partecipo dall'italia....mi chiamo monica e vado subito a postare sul blog
Wooo congrats, racinggrandma61! Enjoy your goodies :)
I'll go put this beautiful box in my sidebar and linked back to here.
Hugs Linda
Congrats to the winner and thanks for another chance to win some fab candy Brenda.
Love Lynda xxx
superb would be a nice surprise to receive such a mysterious parcel...tx for the chance to win.
Congrats to this weeks lucky winner and another lovely looking goody box this week, Brenda.
very well done to the winner - enjoy. Linked your box for this week.
It's in my sidebar, Brenda x congratulations to the winner
Brenda, what a lovely chance to win blog candy. Congratulations to the last winner and I hope you enjoy your goodies.
Here is the link mentioning your wonderful candy
Best wishes
Kym xxx
Count me in, I love goodie bags! Congrats to the winner! You are so sweet to offer these goodies!
Congrats to the winner!
Congrats to racingramma!
I'm wondering what is inside...
Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for doing such a fantastic giveaway and congrats to racinggrandma61!!!!
Congrats to the winner and thanks again for another chance to win.
Here I am! Iwould love to participate!
So I hope I can!
Congrats and enjoy your suprise.Julye
Goodie goodie...I hope I win this time :) Hugs from Norway...majsan
oooh surprise goodies that sounds fab, we've added the link to our blog. Thanks for the chance to win xx
I like to have a chance to win this too! Have a nice weekend! Hugs
Well done racinggrandma61
Wish I was waiting by your letter box.
Beryl xx
Wow! I wonder what goodies are inside the box :)
Congrats to the winner and thanks for another chance to win.
Thanks for another chance. hugs nnalorac.xx
Thanks for the chance to win! Can't wait to find out what is in the box!
Congrats racinggrandma61! How exciting that no one knows what's in the box!!! Thanks for the chance :-) I've added it to my blog here
Thanks for the chance at the surprise!! It's on my blog.
This box looks so yummmmy!
I'd love to win it.
I've linked it to my sidebar.
thanks for the chance to win!
I love boxes, they are sooo useful and full of surprises!! I've posted about your lovely goody box HERE and will also put it on my side bar as soon as blogger will save it! (At he moment it won't let me move anything up or down!)
Congrats to RacingGrandma!!!
I love hero arts so I am reposting and saying a prayor to win! Thank you for another op!
Rach ~ Queen La Rubba
Thanks so much for the chance to win!! Greetings from Poland!
Congratulations to RacingGrandma61 makes it even more special as nobody knows what your surprise was!!
I have linked this weeks to my blog here.... forgot to leave a message before now doh!
Sarah x
Congrats racinggrandma61! I am linking to my blog now! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats to the winner.
I've linked the new Candy.
Hugs, Sandra
A surprise, how fun! I'll put it up on my blog.
Love surprises...thanks for the chance to win. I've linked you to my sidebar.
Wow, congrats to this weeks winner. I've linked you on my sidebar.
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