Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Candy this week, candy next week.......

This candy now closed - new candy at top of blog
I promised I would be back today and here I am with yet more exciting news about the Stampalot Challenge which lots of you will know from my post on Sunday is going to become a regular event starting on 1st April.

It was going to be just a one off, but lots of you have made it abundantly clear that you want more of the same, so we have come up with something to keep you occupied until we kick off with the first challenge.

Each week until 1st April we will be giving away a Hero Goody Bag. They are all different and no clues as to the contents, why spoil the surprise, all I can say is that they contain as the name suggests Hero Arts products.

So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning, not much really:

* Just leave a comment on any of the posts I add on this blog between now and midnight GMT next Monday 22nd February.


* A
the goody bag picture to your blog with this link back here to help us spread the word.

Each week I will do the draw using Random Org on Tuesday adding all the names that have entered that week and post the winners here. Then the whole process will start all over again and every week for the next five weeks.


fairie said...

Oh goody! Another chance. Love you guys and can't wait for the challenges to begin.

xoxo hugz

PinksyDoodles said...

Hi Brenda, I've put a post on my blog to help spread the good news.
Clare x

Wilfreda said...

I love candy :) Thanks for the chance to win.

Bobbi said...

Yeeeaa, more candy. Now I sound like my kids. I've posted this in my sidebar on my blog to spread the word. Thanks for the chance to win some candy.

Debs M said...

What a great idea! Your on my sidebar x

Suzi Mac said...

Hi Brenda, fantastic news on both the challenge and the Candy. I've added it to my sidebar with a link. Surprises are great, never know what's gonna pop out from the parcel.
Hugs Suzi xx

Ciacchina said...

wow! ti linko subito nella barra laterale destra del mio blog!

celia said...

Wow ik hou wel van verrassingen en doe dus heel graag mee! Dankjewel!!!Heel veel liefs,Celia.

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda
Fantastic news have the link on my blog,
I do love surprises, great idea with the goody bag.
Chris x

Scrappymax said...

Brenda, you certainly know how to get us excited don't you. Ooh I would so love to win as I don't have any Hero Arts yet. Thanks for the chance.
Max x

Glo said...

Here I am! :)

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

How nice of you to offer these goodies Brenda! I love surprises!!! I've posted a link on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.


Christine (All She Crafts) said...

Ahhh, now this level of complexity I can cope with!! *lol* So here I am.. Commenting! :o)
I *heart* Hero arts!

Thanks for the opportunity. :o)

Chris xx

Babs said...

WoW Brenda, what a scrumptious looking goody bag.
I will add it to my side bar
Babs x

craftymum said...

Oh Brenda. This looks so exciting. I have put a link in my side bar. Thanks for the opportunity to win
Love Sarah XXX

Christine (All She Crafts) said...

P.S. By 'logo', I assume you mean the photo, Brenda? If it refers to something else, can you let me know, please? Meanwhile, I'll put the photo on my sidebar with a link.

C xx

Josephine said...

I've put the photo on my sidebar. Many thanks for organising all these chances to win!

Sally H said...

Ooooh, lovely! I'm off to put it on my side bar now.

majsan said...

Hi Brenda! It`s sooo fun that you are continuing with goodies for us...Thank you for the chance to win... Hugs from Norway

Lorraine said...

thats brilliant cant wait for the 1st of april let the challenge begin ive put you on my sidebar xx

Ms. Jen said...

Wow! How generous of you. I can't wait for the challenge. I don't know how to do the picture yet but I'll put a link on my sidebar! Thanks!

Ruthie said...

YAY - how pretty does that look? And a surprise...how exciting! All linked up in my sidebar!


aga said...

Just can't wait the challange - it's so misterious as the bag!

Stacey Brucale said...

Thanks for the chance! Can't wait for the bimonthly challenges to start!

Caterina said...

I love the misteries and the surprises! Thank you for the chance to win!

Kat said...

Great news Brenda, can't wait for the new challenge to start. I'm off to post the candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win, I love Hero Arts!!

Kat x

Kathy Rogers said...

Hooray, my favourite candy, fat free!

Diamantin said...

I love candy :) Thanks for the chance to win.

Tkat said...

yeah!!! :) LOL thanks for the chance!!! :)

☼ Cheryl* said...

How fun!! I've added this at the top of my candy sidebar! xx

Mummylade said...

Oh, goodie, goodie! I'm on =)

Maria Sabina R said...

candy:D the best treatment for sadness:D yammy!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

peggy said...

Wow ..looove surprises !!!
I put a link on my sidebar , thanks for the chance.

Peggy xx

Tammy said...

You all are making blogging super fabulous! When I get home I will post on my page. Smiles..
Always, Tammy

Jenny V. said...

Hi Brenda! What a surprise. I've put a post on my blog. Thanks for a chance to win.

lisa said...

This is great, Brenda. We all love surprises. I have put a link on my sidebar.


Tracy said...

Oooo, i love surprizes, thanks for the chance to win one.
Hugs Tracy x

Linda W said...

Hi Brenda, this is really great news! I've put the link on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win! Take care. Linda x

Sadilla said...

Hi dear
I love surprises... you are going to spoil us in that way!

Sarah A said...

Wow Brenda you guys are good to your followers!

More excitement with your surprises, you sure are a tease!! I have added it to my sidebar ;-)

Sarah x

pinky said...

Now who doesn't love surprises. Crossing everything that can be crossed! Hugs

Dragonlady said...

This is a great idea and I am so glad that you will be doing more challenges. I have put a link on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Hugs Ali x

Penni said...

Yeh what fab news!!! Can't wait until April 1st!!!

Off to post this in my sidebar.


Linapyssel said...

Thank you for pampering us all!!! This is so great!!
Posted a picture and link on my sidebar!
Hugs Lina

Loz said...

Oh I love surprises, especially those of the crafty kind! Have added the details on my sidebar... fingers crossed! x

Beryl said...

Looking forward to the start of the challenge.
Beryl xx

Big Mamma~ a.k.a. Mary S said...

Are you kidding.. I love it and Hero Arts. Thanks so much for the fun and Big Mamma's got her goodie bag showing.

Doreen said...

Done I just love candy.xxx

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Brenda, all done. I shall look forward to the challenges starting. I have put a link on the main part of my blog..

Here is the link to where it can be found on my blog

Best wishes

Kym xxx

Krafty Kows said...

You're on our blog - spreading the word. Thanks for the chance of the candy. Jeanette

HazelQ said...

Fabulous candy! Thank you for the chance to win, I've linked the picture on my sidebade.

Fleur said...

Hi Brenda, can't wait for the challenges to begin. just going to put pic on my side bar,
Hugs Fleur xXx

Cherry said...

Sounds like lots of fun Brenda. Thanks for your supportive comments - very appreciated. Hugs Cherry XXX

Senju Ninja said...

Hi Brena, this sounds really fun. Can't wait for what you guys have in store for us. Here is my link on sidebar.

Nikki said...

Thanks for the chance at your Mystery Stash of Hero Art Goodness :)
I've posted you Here
hugs Nikki

Lisa said...

sweet candy, thanks for the chance to win, I added the pic to my side bar

Kathy K said...

I love surprises. Thanks for a chance to win. I've added a link/pic of your candy on my blog.

Cor* said...

Yay, goody bags!! Yay, Floral fantasies and Sir Stampalot!! Thanks for the chance to win! http://fancyfree4ever.blogspot.com

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

I love surprises! Really I do! Count me in please.

Nikbee said...

Ooh, more candy! Thanks for the chance to win. I've posted a pic and link on my sidebar.

Nikki x

gocanucksgo said...

So exciting =) Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway!!! Off to post a pic on my side bar.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, great candy. Have added the candy to my sidebar.

Amanda said...

Hi Brenda. Thanks for another lot of candy! If it's Hero Arts, it will be good. I've put a clicky pic in my Candy Lane.

Julye said...

Wow what a fab idea suprise candy and a new challenge blog to look forward to ,not an April fool though I hope. Candy is uploading as I type thanks for sharing Julye

Ukka said...

Dear Brenda, I'm in, in your lottery! So wonderful give away!Your blog is so lovely.
Have a nice day

Queen La Rubba said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO ~ HEROS ARTS GOODIES! My Fav! Seriously! My fav stamp to use is my 1992 Flower Fairy! I love her. I have a Unicorn that I picekd up as an unmounted that I use with her! I love hero arts and would love to win Hero Arts Candy! Super Exciting! Pic is linked! Thank you for the op to hop aboard and enter to win!
Rach ~ Queen La Rubba

Claire said...

How exciting, goodies and a new challenge, really looking forward to taking part. I've posted a link on my sidebar
Claire xx

JAN said...

oh my this is such fun..i am already a follower and have added to the candy to my sidebar..i am excited to enter your giveaway thanks for the chance..looking forward to taking part too

Anonymous said...

wow! surprise goodies...exciting..

i love your works of creativity here..
am excited to win those goodies coz my friends
said hero arts products are fantastic to use..

well thumbs up for me..

from sweden

Anonymous said...

How Brillo would that be! Sign me up! lol

Got a pic/link in my sidebar :-D Thanks for the fun!

Linda . J said...

Wow Brenda how fantastic and I have posted a link on my blog, thanks for this chance to enter.
Hugs Linda

Lynda said...

You really know how to tempt us Brenda - can't wait for the challenges to start!

Love Lynda xxx

Nannieflash said...

Hi Janice, I will do that for you, pop a link and a picture on my sidebar. By the way thank you for the lovely comments you left me on Mandys blog, that was so kind of you. Good luck with the new Challenge Blog at least this will keep you busy till then.
Hope Janice and Andy are settling in their new premises by the way. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

Rosa Forino said...

Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
saluti dall'italia public the post and slidebar on http://blogcandymania.blogspot.com/
Hugs, rosa

Unknown said...

reat candy. Thanks for giving a chance to win. I've linked you on my sidebar.

Lou said...

Thank you, how lucky are we to have a chance to win such a fab prize.hug Lou.xx

Spyder said...

Lovely goodies!! I've posted with a link or two
on Spyder's Corner

thank you

Unknown said...

This is really nice x thanks x Have linked you on my blog: www.charitycrafter.blogspot.com

Take care x Leigh x

Lisa said...

This is so yummy candy! I have a link on my sidebar :)

kisieltruskawkowy said...

I'm in. Great candy :)

Unknown said...

Woo hoo sound good a regular spot look fwd to it yet another must do challenge lol I'll pop a pick with link in my side bar sounds like fabby candy too!

Love Dawn xx

Monika Reeck said...

Woow sounds nice...it is a nice candy I think...I will put your Blog Candy on my side bar...thanks for the chance.

Love, Monika

scotspanda said...

hey hun have put your candy on my blog :o)

hope you are having a great week


Amanda xx

Unknown said...

ooooh yay so excited cant wait for the challenges to start whoop whoop :)

Merry said...

This is very exciting and I so love surprises. So have added you to my sidebar Brenda. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Diane said...

Oh how fun,I love surprises!!! I linked you up on my sidebar!!! Thanks for a chance girl!!!

domire said...

I've put the photo on my sidebar. Thanks for a chance

Ujjwal said...

This is great fun!! Hope to win this candy

Vero said...

Aaahhhh, I've been soooo busy at work and tired that I didn't even get a chance to visit your blog for a while, but I guess I just got back here at the right time for, may be, have a chance to win a suprise and exciting goody bag, that actually looks really pretty...
So... what is it? what is it?
Lots of love and hugs
Veronique xxx

Kimmi said...

WoW - I can not wait for the new challenges! I was unable to take part in the first due to having NO time to play! Fingers crossed I get more time from April!

Thank you for keeping us occupied and updated. Would love to win me some Hero Art goodies as my stash could seriously do with some!

Take care and again - good luck to the run up and for the challenge blog!

Kimmi xx

Always with a Sentiment said...

Hi Brenda. Wow. Another chance to win some goodies. I love a surprise.
Happy Crafting.
Love Sandra xx

Juls said...

mmmmmm!!! Just Loving all this Mystery!!!! thanks for the chance to win lovely goodies!!! Hugs Juls

Jacey's Mom said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I posted in my sidebar.

Rhonda Miller said...

Oh wow! I love Hero Arts. Thanks for a chance to win. I'm posting it on my sidebar. http://bluepoohbear753.blogspot.com

Wendy K. said...

Ooo, who doesn't like surprises?! Thanks for the chance to win.

susan said...

I would love to enter! Thanks for the chance! Off to read the rest of your blog.

Margreet said...

thanks for the chance to win that goodybag.....I posted you on my sidebar!
xxx Margreet

Tracey said...

thank you so much for a chance to win your goodybag.
your in my side bar
love tracey

Brooke said...

Oh how fun!! Who doesn't love goody bags!! I will put the pic on my blog and add you to my blog list!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Katarina said...

Fab candy, I've linked you on my candypost:


Cheryl said...

Fabulous blog cand! I love suprises!

I put a link to your candy in my side bar.

Thank you!

JoZart Designs said...

Thanks for the opportunity.. I lurve surprises!!

lunasol said...

bellissimo partecipo con piacere baci Anna

nnalorac said...

Am spreading the news, love surprises. Thanks. hugs nnalorac.xx

KarenB said...

I love surprises :) I've linked up the piccie on my sidebar and I'll be back to see what you're up to :)

Shirley N said...

The moving challenge was a lot of fun. It's great that you'll have regular challenges! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jules said...

Hi Brenda

Have linked you up to spread the word.

What fun and such a lovely prize for one lucky winner.

Sounds like there is lots of excitement to come!

Love Jules xx

Jackie said...

I've linked you from my side bar, thanks for the chance to win the goodies and I'm really looking forward to the new challenges :)

Papirolina said...

thanks for the chance!

greetings from Slovenia!

Larisa said...

Branda! it is nice to get a surprise. Please count me too ))) I linked it on sidebar http://larisa-raznosti.blogspot.com/
Hugs. Larisa

Paddington fan said...

Candy looks fab, I love a surprise!! I have linked to you from my sidebar at http://paddingtonfan.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance to win it!!
Love Jacky x

Create With Joy said...

Dear Brenda,

How sweet of you to do this! I just commented on your lovely green card - please add me to the draw. I have added you to my sidebar at Create With Joy - please come visit when you have a moment!

Ramona :-)

Linby said...

ooh would love to get a Hero arts surprise! put you on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is my first time to your blog, and let me say it is beautiful! I love your art, the borders used, all of the colors and of course, all of the pics of HERO ART candy! I love their stamps!

I do not own a blog, but, rather than be discriminated against, I will promise to tell 20 people about your blog and drawing by Monday at 6pm Eastern. Will that work for you?

Please let me know...

Traci S.
(I am Traci S. at SCS)

Marsha said...

How fun. I love surprises.

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Oh this will be fun Brenda! I love Hero Art stamps and will join the fun. I´ve linked this candy on my sidebar to spread the word.


Valentina said...

Wow ..looove surprises !!!

I would love to win Hero arts surprise!

paperscissors said...

oh you have made this fun and is sure to keep us busy until the challenges begin...now the challenge of waiting to see if i win then the challenge of waiting to see what's inside!!! lol!!!

Cazzy said...

I'm so happy - these sort of comments are working again and I love Hero Arts stamps and products so would love to win this mystery bag.

Cazzy x

jelonkaa - Ilona Wolnik said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win!! Greetings from Poland!

Debbi said...

Oh, I love surprises! The challenges will be fun, too!
Thanks for the chance to win!

fusiafscrapping said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Your candy looks lovely :)



Domna said...

WOW!!! This is really some wonderful candy.. Link in my sidebar. Thanks for a chance to win..

Paola said...

Thank you for the chance.
I have linked you on my sidebar.

Love greetings

Sandra said...

Hi Brenda,

I have linked your Candy. It's so nice that Sir Stampalot will have a Challenge. I love Challenges.
Hugs, Sandra

Yukkie Jenny said...

Wow, love surprises & candies!

Michelle said...

I added the piccie to my sidebar but i can't remember if i commented... so i best do it now. Thanks for the chance to be involved.


Ayu (MimiPipi Craft) said...

I really love goodie bag.. Thank you ^^

rinat said...

Fabulous blog candy Have become a follower and have a link to your candy. Thanks for the chance to win

Elsina said...

Looks lovely, thanks for the chance! I linked up.

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, the Blogcandy is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar...


Anonymous said...

wow this looks interesting,wonder what the goodies will be.Good luck to all xx jo xx

Liz said...

Looks yummy

Liz xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, I have added the link to my sidebar...fingers crossed, I love the new Hero art's...
thanks for the chance...

Andreja said...

How nice of you to offer that candy! I love surprises!!! I have posted a link on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Greetings from Slovenija, Andreja

marion said...

What a lovely blogcandy, i love surprises. I will try to put the image on my blog. But i am a newie. So it takes some time. greets marion holland

Sue said...

How exciting....fingers crossed (except for when I'm crafting) :)


jude said...

wow ,
thanks fro the chance to win can't wait for the challenges to start!
hugs judex

Claude said...

How fun, thanks for doing this!

Anne said...

I was sure I'd left a post but can't find it anywhere. Your goodie bag is on and linked to my sidebar so fingers crossed. Hugs x

cheryl said...

i was sure i too left a post oh well never mind hun your goddie bag is linked to my side bar hunny love hugs cherylxxxxx

Kathleen said...

Would love a chance to win your fab blog candy! Thankyou!

Mona said...

Very nice way to win a price

joy said...

Oh, my! I am going to add that image right now - would love to win a H.A. goodie bag!

Nkenge said...

love suprises

Laura said...

Thanks for the wonderful chance to win!

Jo said...

Hi Brenda ... I love the idea of mystery blog candy! I've added your link to my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jo xx

Pam and Presley said...

I visit often to see what you have came up with!! Thank you so much for sharing. I am a follower and I have posted you on my site and linked you back.

cureforcole08.blogspot.com is temp until my craft site is up

Thank you so much for sharing the great candy!!

God Bless
Pam Barker

Julye said...

So happy I can play again thanks for the chance Julye