Saturday 8 June 2024

Just dream

Morning everyone, a new challenge at Allsorts where Lolo would love to see 'Flowers galore'. Prizes come from Craft StashHighlight Crafts and AALL and Create. Also got a couple of photos to share further down, a fun one of the Horses and the Poppies are out!

AALL and Create released a beautiful new collection this week designed by Abs, I'll be honest and say I've declined some of the recent releases as I'm not a colourist and felt I couldn't do them justice. But as this release is floral I was persuaded to give it a go and above one of those samples. I used Best You Ever Had (1176), Bound to Return (1179), Explosive Bombosive (6) and Power of the Word (754).

I would like to enter this into the new Path of Positivity challenge where theres an optional theme of Goals/Dreams. 

In other news, migraines so, so, still there with the odd clear day, but don't think as violent as the last few months so maybe the treatment is doing something to help. I had an interesting 'educational' day yesterday, the consultant I see for Pernicious Anaemia asked me to be the patient in a video for NHS distribution aimed at encouraging GP practices to promote self injection of B12. I'm lucky as the district nurse does mine every six weeks, but many struggle to get one every twelve weeks, my Daughter and eldest Granddaughter included who both have PA, so I'm hopeful the video will help many like them, it affects far more women than men.

I was hesitant as unlike insulin and migraine injections which come in pre loaded pens and pretty easy to administer, this is a standard needle and injection, but first one done and wasn't that bad actually which is just as well as I need to do them every other day for a good few months to try and get on top of all that's going wrong with my body. 

A second one using flowers from a number of MCS collections, all cut on the Scan and Cut and my favourite Penny Black sentiment, the card was for the Birthday of one of our Granddaughter in laws who celebrated her Birthday this week, she loves Autumnal colours.

Anysia decided the Horses needed new facial fly protection, left it with her to choose and this is what we ended up with, not sure they are impressed? Left to right, my big boy Heskey, Merlin and Penelope.

The first Oriental Poppies came into bloom this week, heres one of them....

Have a good weekend everyone.


Aquarius said...

Super floral tag and card and the photo of the oriental poppy is great. Had to smile at the horses in their smart 'shades', very trendy 🙂. Certainly don't envy you having to self inject, hope it all goes well.

Sarn said...

Hey Poster Girl! You're very brave injecting yourself.

Lovely tag and beautiful card with all those flowers.

Hope the more regular injections help.

Happy Saturday & thanks for having me back as GD xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

what gorgeous flower tag and card,,,,and great photo's karin

crafty-stamper said...

Love the horses new shades and poppy,we have some smaller orange and yellow ones in flower.Definitely don't envy you the self injecting-well done you,we were told by a pharmacist they are having to train to take blood!!! Gps will be redundent altogether soon!Dr prescribed end of life drugs for John when needed but taken over two weeks to get them because the Chemists including a Boots and Asda one were having to close due to not having a pharmacist!!!Right rant over I love the gorgeous Autumn coloured card and love the tag and fabulous stamps and beautifully coloured.
Carol x

kiwimeskreations said...

You certainly are a bit of a guinea pig (treatment wise) at the moment - I was not aware of the prevalence PA - or that it affects women more than men!
Beautiful creations Brenda - Love that floral tag, that's so vibrant and cheerful. Your card is also beautifully made.
The horses don't look all that enchanted with their face gear. Your poppy image is stunning.

Carol L said...

Your floral tag is so pretty and I love those deckled edges with the fun design stamped on the tag. The flowers surrounding that great poem look amazing on that wonderful card as well. I wasn't aware you suffered from PA but I knew you had to deal with migraines. Hopefully the injections will help alleviate your pain. I cannot imagine how you manage to make so many beautiful crafty items while dealing with migraines but it shows your strength of character in moving forward. Wishing you the best possible weekend ahead and I'll send along a few hugs just for fun too.

Lynne said...

Beautiful tag and card Brenda, love the colours. I'm sure the injections will get easier but it must be daunting first time. lovely pics of poppy and horses. They don't look that impresseed do they? Have a good weekend x

Pat said...

Beautiful card Brenda, love these new stamps I ordered the floral set and it arrived yesterday so may get a card done for the challenge this week. Lovely photo's. Hope all goes well with the injections it's not a nice thing to have to do I know I struggled to inject myself after my knee op. I do hope that they help you though. Have a good weekend.

Pat xx

ScrappyHorses said...

Ok Brenda, I'm here to talk about that beautiful tag,,,but you posted a pic of horses which takes precedence! How cute are they and that beautiful sky. What kind of horse is Heskey? He is gorgeous! Merlin and Penelope are adorable! As for auto injectables...there's something else we have in common I have EGPA and will soon be doing my own shots at home. So you are a star in movies now? How fun is that! ;) On a serious note, hope the migraine pain is relieved soon. Ok, now to the gorgeous tag; so much beautiful color and dimension! The flowers are the perfect focal image with the inspirational quote. Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! Katrina

Ellibelle said...

Found a bit time for myself this morning while everyone is still sleeping so decided to visit a few blogs.
Your cards/tag are so beautiful, wonderful florals especially loving the tag but what a great way to showcase the beautiful quote on the second card.
I am sure it is a relief for the horses to have the eye covers. Those pesky flies can be such an annoyance to humans and animals alike!
And it sounds like you manage the self injections well, I am sure lots of people are so thankful for the video.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Absolutely love the tag, gorgeous background and words. I would think you are a great colourist Brenda, with your stunning cards. Your second card is vibrant and very summery and beautiful too. As for trialling the B12 injection? Good luck, I don't think hubby would be able to do it for his B12, if they are thinking this way. I just hope when it's rolled out, that they use the same way as insulin. Great, you were chosen to demonstrate to GP's. Well done you. I just love the donkeys and their space age eye protectors, such fun, but best for them, at least they are not troubled with the flies. Take care and I hope you are feeling better. x

Gail L said...

Sorry, I laughed at the horses!
They look very stylish, and I hope it helps with the files!
The purple poppy is beautiful! We have red, and orange!
Your tag and card are wonderful!
Glad the migraines seem to be easing a bit!
Good luck with the injections!
Hope the video helps lots of people!!
Have a great weekend!

meg said...

Hopefully the B12 will help the neuropathy Brenda, I'm sure giving yourself the injections will become second nature,two beautiful cards in warm sunny colours.Had to smile at the pic of the horses

Chris said...

The horses do not look very impressed at all with their new head gear! It does make a great photo though :) Hope it helps with the flies!
Stunning card and tag, the colours of the card are so vibrant and I love everything about the tag- the colouring looks beautiful to me.
Hope you get on ok with the self- injecting and the B12 helps you to feel better.

Crafting Queen said...

Great tag and card. Love the poppy flower. Hope all is well. Busy week here. Enjoy your weekend. Anesha x

HilaryJane said...

I hope the horses get used to their new accessories. I expect they will once they realise it means no annoying flies in their eyes. What a wonderful AALL and create tag, simply gorgeous. I am glad to hear that you are using your scan and cut. Sadly I am not using mine! I expect you will quickly get used to giving your own injections. Hope your migraines continue to improve xx

Sarah said...

You have done a great job of the colouring on your tag Brenda, a lovely selection of stamps. Gorgeous colours carried through to the second card too, love the shades of autumn. I am pleased to read that it wasnt too bad yesterday and will look out for your video "how to" if it lands here in Dorset. I love the matching fly bonnets, at least they all have one so there will be no sniggering!! xx

Linby said...

A gorgeous tag love the colours and the details. A beautiful frame card too.
A friends mother had to start to self inject at 90 years old, she's been doing it for two years now, I don't know how. But, I suppose if you have to then you have to. I do hope your symptoms continue to abate a little.

Liz said...

Gorgeous tag and card, Brenda. Hope the regular injections help. I can't say I envy you having to administer them yourself.
Liz xx

Pauline C said...

Gorgeous cards Brenda .. the new A&C collection looks fabulous though I too struggle with intricate colouring, and I love the frame card. That PB sentiment is my favourite and I’ve never managed to get my hands on it!!
I hope the injections will help .. I don’t envy you having to administer them but I guess if they are doing some good it helps xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda, bellissima tag e la tua colorazione sui bei fiori nuovi è perfetta con le sfumature di giallo e arancio! E la card per tua nipote con i caldi colori autunnali con i bellissimi fiori è deliziosa.
Sembra che diventerai una star con il video tutorial per le auto-iniezioni!! :) Sicuramente potrai aiutare molte persone che devono fare la stessa cosa!
I cavalli con quelle protezioni sugli occhi sono incredibili, non so se possono essere fastidiose per loro. La foto rende bene anche l'idea della pianura che ti circonda, che meraviglia! E il papavero orientale è davvero stupendo, hai fatto una foto meravigliosa!
Spero che l'emicrania continui a diminuire con il tempo...
Ti mando un grande abbraccio!!!
Buona Domenica, sembra che tu abbia finalmente un po' di sole! Qui molto umido e nuvoloso.

Helen said...

Love the top floral card, Brenda. Hope the injections help but i don't envy you having to do them yourself. take care.

Sandra H said...

Beautiful card and tag Brenda l like Autumn colours too they can be so rich don't think the horses are that impressed lol but if it keeps the flies away then it's a good buy l too hope the injections help xx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A super floral tag using this lovely stamp and a gorgeous floral card beneath too. Hopefully your migraines will improve, you are a brave girl doing your own injections like that.
Great photo's, this could be an entry to a caption competition, I wonder what they are thinking?

Wendy L said...

I adore your tag Brenda. Lovely pics as well.
You are very brave re. injections. xx

cuilliesocks said...

Oh Brenda, I was shuddering just thinking about injecting myself with the vit B. I too have the injection every 12 weeks and go to the surgery for it. I'm afraid I just couldn't do it even although I injec4 times a day with insulin. I'm very impressed with you managing to do it. Pleased you are having some relief of the migraines. Your cards are awesome, the first one especially. The colours of your second are gorgeous.
Love the photo of those gorgeous horses, hope they get used to their new eye covers. A stunning poppy. Take care, Kate x

EmmaT said...

Beautiful cards, esp love the 2nd one with its hot colours. My brothers oldest horse had to wear an eye cover or sunglasses for a few months, didn't half look funny, these ones your horses are wearing remind of of a fly with big bulging eyes:-)

Mrs.B said...

Love the floral tag with it's grungy background and your frame card is so pretty.
Injecting yourself doesn't sound fun - but needs must and if it also helps others then well done you.
Love the horse 'shades' I hope they do too, and the oriental poppy is stunning.
Avril xx

Donna Ellis said...

What a beautiful, newsy post, B. Of course your flowers are incredible, and the layers are amazing. I have the same sentiment image! Great minds...
I wonder what Heskey, Merlin and Penelope thought when they could see their new eye "adornments" on each other LOL I hope it helps with the flies!
Your magenta poppy is downright glorious! Loving the macro shot with all the intricate details of the interior.
I hate that you are dealing with migraines. I used to get daily migraines called cluster headaches. For the last twenty years, I have somehow managed to avoid them - maybe had 10 in twenty years, for which I am exceedingly grateful. Headaches bring me to my knees, so I am amazed, once again, at your stamina in the midst of pain-combined-with-disabling-symptoms.
Back in 2011, after coming in weekly for B12 injections, the doctor suggested that my next visit, she show my husband how to do the injections (my hands shake too much). But that week, she also asked me to try something else. It was a high IU sublingual B12 to be taken twice daily. I was surprised how well it worked. After a month, I was able to take it only once per day. I still take it daily, and purchase it over the counter. I wish something like that could work for you as well. Do you find that as your body ceases functioning normally, that it is more difficult to assimilate medications, foods, and supplements? I'm sorry regarding the Pern. Anae. You probably are too humble to hear it, but I think of you often, and am encouraged to keep on going as best as I can - just like you do.
Your tag is perfect for the POP challenge, and the colors are lovely. B, I am blessed to have gotten to know you over the years. Yes... so grateful and encouraged by your love for all things beautiful, making you one of the most beautiful souls I know.

Tina Z. said...

wow, I adore your tag Brenda. and all the flowers ...
Lovely pictures as well.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Beautiful creations B., I estimate like the first tag!
I daily inject myself too for an endocrine condition, not diabetes, and recently had to change from an easier style to more difficult one. However I've adapted now and decided it's okay. Think new things are always daunting at first.
Praying for you each day.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Mm auto insert. 🙄 Estimate = especially!!

Conny said...

Wonderful tag and lovely card with all those flowers, Brenda!

Greta said...

Oh what a gorgeous tag, Brenda! Coloring was no problem for you, but I probably wouldn't have tried that image. Love the autumn colors card, too. Hope the treatment improves the migraines more, but glad you've had at least a little relief. You sure have a lot to deal with and it's wonderful you can still enjoy crafting and share your gorgeous makes! that's the prettiest poppy I've ever seen and fun to see the beautiful horses with their unique fly masks that kind of look like some Covid masks!

Lisa said...

Really wonderful tag and card. I love the bright cheery colors. I hope your treatments are helping.