Saturday 18 May 2024

Celebrations all round

Morning everyone, today is our 15th Birthday at Allsorts and it's sobering to realise that's 871 challenges and don't think I've missed one which makes me very ancient I guess!

So of course we have very special prizes up for grabs from the generous guys at AALL and Create, oh my goodness just take a look. As Allsorts is 15 we had to have 15 winners.

Those who are into their A&C products will know recent releases have included some fabulous washi tapes, rub on's and DP's so being a lucky girl who gets to play with their goodies I've used some for my samples this week. The AALL and Create washi tape used on the above collection is called Free the Birds (75) and also one of their new die sets called Tag it Yourself (27). If you've not used these new layering washi tapes yet then you really need to give them a try as they are such fun.

I've used some of the new rub on's from AALL and Create on this one, Acid Blends (5) along with Textured Florals stamps (531) and Tick Tock ephemera (26). The sentiment from my Moments stamp set, link in the name and it's also back in stock at Create and Craft. In the months waiting for my treatment and unable to stamp I found the washi tapes and rub on's invaluable so be warned there are more to come. 

I am popping to the Path of Positivity challenge with this one, their optional twist is Art/Creativity, the words Art and Inspire are on background.

It's also mid month inspiration time at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations and at the first June sees another celebration.  

My shares for the mid months posts, the one below following the mood board at Stamping Sensations with an inky background and distress crackle paste to create the sun rays. Stamps are AALL and Create Anemone (980), Fully Fledged (751) and Watering Can (438), some washi tape and a few TRR flowers tucked in as well. The words above and below a sneak peek from of one of my new stamps sets coming shortly.

The one below was (after a change of word replacing Vintage with Rose) a Birthday card for our ex DIL whose name is Rose so perfect for her. Some recycled corrugate, gold Tilson dusted over, Rosy Posey stencil (138) in the background and Rose from Sent with Love (831). The word Rose I used to replace is on the same stamp set.

The challenges run until 29th May so still plenty of time to join in. 

After some hope last week there's been a bit of a downturn with a migraine every day, on a couple they only lasted a few hours but others 24/7 so at moment looking like the Albation failed. But the spinal and cervical nerve blocks seem to have kicked in and pain in the left hand/arm and lower back much better, so if I get a decent day migraine wise will get stamping to test the water.

A note about the new colours of Versafine Clair, I know lots are still trying to get hold of them and First Stop Stationers are expecting new stocks in the next couple of weeks. They told me their first allocation of 600 sold out in under 24 hours, but you can advance order if you call them to reserve and make payment. They are so reliable and their prices are pretty competitive as well! I've not used any of mine yet but some of the colours look really lovely.


KarinsArtScrap said...

wow Brenda what gorgeous cards you have karin

Sarn said...

First - congrats on 15 years at Allsorts Brenda.
The cards in this blog post are AALL amazing (see what I did there!?). I especially LOVE the trio of new Washi tape projects. Very vibrant.

Hope the migraines disappear, but glad the other nerve blocks seem to be helping.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda, che bell'inizio di giornata con la spettacolare celebrazione ad Allsorts e queste meravigliose cards piene di vita!!
Congratulazioni non solo ad Allsorts, ma soprattutto a te che hai gestito e portato avanti così tanti challenges per ben 15 anni e gestito innumerevoli DT!! Un enorme lavoro dietro le quinte, fatto con la tua solita modestia, precisione, gentilezza e dignità. Sei speciale!
Una stupenda carrellata di ispirazioni anche oggi e nonostante tutte le difficoltà che hai affrontato in questo ultimo periodo! Sei una forza della natura :)
Adoro la tag e le due card con gli uccellini fatte con i washi tapes/rub on's!! Wow! Non credevo che il rosso e il nero potessero risultare così dolci! Queste tre creazioni sono la mia ispirazione preferita della giornata, le trovo davvero "energetiche" e positive!! E che bel frame nero nella card quadrata, non so se è una fustella o fa parte del disegno, ma è davvero stupendo.
Splendido uso dei rub on's e washi tapes anche nella seconda card e il tuo bel sentiment attira l'attenzione anche sugli orologi con i dolci animaletti.
La card estiva è piena di gioia e quel sole con texture davvero bello. DEvo tirare fuori più spesso la pasta crackle, temo che sia sia già seccata a stare lì inutilizzata! Mi ha sorpreso la rondine in Estate, qui le rondini sono un segnale di primavera ma probabilmente da te arrivano dopo, quando qui fa già troppo caldo! Bellissimo il washi tape strappato sotto l'innaffiatoio e i bei fiori TRR si mischiano perfettamente con gli anemoni AALL&Create!
Mi piace molto il cartoncino corrugato che hai riciclato con l'effetto luccicante! E la rosa per la vostra ex DIL si staglia così bene sullo stencil delicato! Una bellissima card vintage con busta coordinata!
Spero che oggi il sole splenda da te, qui finalmente non piove più, abbiamo avuto forti temporali durati molto a lungo ne giorni scorsi e in alcune zone del Nord Italia e anche al Centro ci sono stati allagamenti e disastri. Qui per fortuna solo tanto fango e i fiori degli ulivi sono caduti quasi tutti. Anche quest'anno non credo che riusciremo ad avere una raccolta sufficiente per fare l'olio.
Ti auguro una splendida giornata!! Abbracci!

Pauline C said...

Wow Brenda it’s party time all around this week … congratulations on Allsorts 15th birthday and I see it’s We Love Stamping 15th next month as well … amazing! How incredibly generous of AALL & Create to offer such a wonderful set of prizes too.

What an absolutely stunning collection of cards you have produced this week .. fantastic showcase for the various A&C stamps, rub ons, stencils and washis as well as great inkiness. I particularly love the bird washi you have built up - I have seen these but not tried any- the, vibrant rub on and the use of corrugated card with the rose. I’m not familiar with the gold stuff you rubbed on it, must look into that.

Glad you managed to get new VFC’s … they are rarer than hens’ teeth right now! I managed to grab the 6 I wanted from Lavinia on Thursday but they sold out v quickly again, though they released more yesterday and are mostly still in stock this morning. I’m hoping they arrive today so I can play!

Sorry to hear your procedures have had mixed success .. I hope your migraines will improve
Pauline xx

Craftyfield said...

Gorgeous cards Brenda, the Free the Birds cards are amazing!
Congratulations on 15 years of hard graft, Allsorts is just as popular as it ever was when most blogs see a deep decline in readership.
To many more years! x

meg said...

a beautiful selection of floral cards Brenda, sorry to read that the ablation has not been as successful as you had hoped, but pleased the nerve blocks have helped

Carol L said...

Congrats on your devotion to Allsorts for so many years! That's something to be so proud of and the cards and creations you shared with us today are all amazing! I just love those red cardinals as well as the clock faces and flowers. I love how you added the sunshine in the corner with the pretty flowers in the watering can too, and the corrugated panel behind the vintage rose is a beautiful touch! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with migraines for so long, I can only imagine how difficult it is to deal with them but hopefully the ease of the pain in your hand, arm and back will make your days a little better. Take good care and have the best possible weekend.

Liz said...

A fabulous collection of cards Brenda, Washi tape looks amazing.
Hope you can get your migraines sorted out soon Brenda, they must be so difficult to cope with.
Liz xx

The Crafty Den said...

Beautiful cards Brenda. Your rose card is stunning; I love the background. Thank you so much for having me as a guest at We Love Stamping this month. Hugs, Denise x

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous cards and love everything you used-congrats on the 15th birthday on the two challenges.Good to hear the nerve treatment is working and hope the migraines start to improve.
Carol x

Chris said...

As always you've created a fabulous variety of cards for your challenges. My favourites are usually the stamped ones with all the beautiful details and techniques you incorporate so seamlessly but I am impressed with the results of that washi tape!
Congratulations to you and your team on Allsorts 15th birthday- a real milestone, never missing a challenge shows just how dedicated you are! It can't have been easy with all the health issues but as the say- where there's a will there's a way!
Glad you're in less pain after the nerve blocks- hope the migraines improve.

ScrappyHorses said...

Huge congrats on the birthday of AllSorts! Such a beautiful card with so much texture and creativity! Loving the layers and colors! So happy you shared with us at Path of Positivity! Katrina

Aquarius said...

A selection of beautiful projects in celebration of 15 years running Allsorts challenge - congratulations. Sorry to hear your recent procedures didn't result in total success but at least you have some relief from the pain so not all bad. Hopefully the migraines might settle given a little time.

coldwaters2 said...

WOW these are some terrific creations Brenda they show off some of the items that can be won perfectly I myself have not used Washi tape but I have seen it used on many occasions the ones you are showcasing look amazing each and every project is exceptionally beautiful it would be hard for me to choose a favourite so I am not I love them all
lolo x

Ellibelle said...

What an amazing assortment of cards/tag here Brenda. You showcased these products so beautifully with lots of great interrest on each one! And I wanted to say congratulations on running the challenges so successfully for such a long time!
Glad to hear the treatment helped in some ways, hopefully you get some relief from the migraines too!

HilaryJane said...

Your cards today are such a great showcase for ALL & Create products. I have enjoyed examining all the details. Thanks for such great inspiration xx

Pat said...

Absolutely amazing cards Brenda, all so different and all so beautiful, love the one with the watering can and beautiful flowers and the vintage rose is awesome. Sorry the migraines continue, but glad you have some relief from other pains. Have a lovely weekend.

Pat xx

Gail L said...

Love how vibrant each creation is!
Glad to hear the procedure gave you some relief!
Hope the migraines go away soom!

Mervi said...

Gorgeous cards all of them, love the summer flowers card.
Thanks for all the work for leading the team;-))m

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Gorgeous cards throughout this post Brenda but my favourite is the first one with those wonderful birds, that washi tape is gorgoeus!

Marlies said...

All beautiful cards as allways Brenda. I especially like the vintage rose one. Take take, Marlies x

EmmaT said...

Such beautiful and eclectic cards, love each one. 15 years not missing a challenge is amazing going, i wonder how many cards that is! lol Sorry the albation seems to have not really helped the migraines:-( Hopefully you can get some stamping in. Emmax

Karen P said...

As usual stunning collection of cards. I especially love those floral Sstamps Karen x

Lynne said...

Beautiful collection of cards Brenda and congrats on your 15 years! Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Take care, Lynne x

Linby said...

So many beautiful cards and such different colours and designs. I think the combination of stencil and stamp on the last one is so pretty.

Crafting Queen said...

Wow, stunning cards. Love all your designs. Glad one of your pain relief is working. Sorry I have been quiet, had to escort my sister to Trinida. Back now so will get things done. x

Sarah said...

Happy Allsorts Birthday to you Brenda and I have to say a very big thank you to you for your expertise in keeping this fab challenge going. I am truly honoured to be part of your wonderful team and look forward to submitting my Dt pieces as much as I used to enjoy entering the challenges!! Another wonderful collection of beauties xx

KraftyKoolKat said...

A mind blowing array of such gorgeous creations, your cards are always fantastic Brenda. You do the AALL & Create stamps and products proud. All the people in blogland thank you for all your dedication in running all these challenges for so long, even when you are so poorly. I hope things settle a bit more for you soon.

pinky said...

Wow what a post Brenda. Your cards are amazing and that first set are just lush. I adore the colours you have used and need to check out those washi tapes and rub ons! I am so sorry to hear you didn't fair better after your treatment, what a shame!! Sending hugs your way! xoxo

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Well done you and Congratulations on 15 wonderful birthday years with the Allsorts Challenge. Your cards are all so very beautiful Brenda, The colours, the designs, and the beauty in each, all very creative too. I'm sorry to hear about the migraines being troublesome, at least it helped with the pain in your arm and back is less, that has to be a blessing. Take care and I hope things will improve soon. x

Wendy L said...

A big Happy birthday to Allsorts Brenda. Wonderful makes and great prizes. Will try to enter when I get home, xxx

kiwimeskreations said...

Such beautiful work, Brenda, and great use of rub ons and washi tape!!
Sorry to hear the Ablation was not entirely successful - hope the nerve block gives you some better function in your arm, and continued freedom from pain

Sandra H said...

Wow what stunning creations we have the pleasure of seeing they are totally stunning and happy 15th anniversary with lots more to come x

Greta said...

Oh my goodness--such gorgeous projects, Brenda! I love every single one! Those sunrays look incredible! I didn't know there were new Versafine Clair colors, but I'll be looking for them. Happy the nerve blocks have given some relief and so sorry the ablation may not have been successful. Big congrats on 15 years!

Vicky Hayes said...

You have pulled an astonishing gallery of beautiful cards out of the bag here Brenda and very fitting for a big celebration! You are amazing to have been at the helm at Allsorts for 15 years and coordinated sponsors and incredible prizes too. A huge thank you for all that you do behind the scenes, along with your team past and present, to bring Crafty Blogland all the fun! I am raising a glass of bubbles to you as I type (sparkling water as it's 2pm!!)

Sorry to hear the new drug didn't work but am so pleased the spinal and cervical nerve blocks have given you some pain relief.

Vicky x

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Brenda, congratulations on the 15 years, a great achievement.
Yours cards are just stunning, beautiful designs and colours.
Sorry to hear that you are still struggling, but a bit of hope on the horizon about having less pain on your side.
I managed to eventually purchase the 3 colours that I really wanted from Lavinia, I probably won't bother with all the colours, don't think I need them all. Thanks for the link though, Kate x

Conny said...

Wonderful cards Brenda! Love your design!


Lisa said...

Wow congrats on 15 years. I love all these gorgeous cards. Wonderful selection.