Sunday 5 May 2024

Magnolias and Palace visit

Morning everyone, time for new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are Vintage as selected by Lynn and a Mood Board to celebrate Pinky's birth month, along with the usual option of A/G with your stamped element.

Further down an insight into the weeks activities!

Above a page from an old book, some inky treatment then stamped the Penny Black Magnolia using my stamp platform to build up the colour. Butterfly, words from AALL and Create (754) and the word Vintage computer generated. Plus an envie to match. 

More AALL and Create, this time Watering Can (437), flowers from Hexapetalistic (978) Woody the Woodpecker from Follow your own Path (563), all cut out on the Scan and Cut and washi tape which I coloured in parts to carry the colours. When I use the S&C to cut elements most are stamped into snippets, it's a great way to use them all up, so I'm off to the Snippets Playground with this one.

The Palace visit was amazing, although not many photos to share as phones and belongings had to be handed in after walking through the Grand Entrance (where we see carriages arrive on TV footage). A limited number of photos were allowed in the central courtyard after the ceremony, but most of the photos were official ones which will be available shortly.

The Princess Royal officiated and displayed her usual sense of humour when Owen replied to a question and mentioned details of one of his meetings where the Queen, her Mother was present. The actual ceremony took place in the Throne Room and it was sobering realising how many Monarchs had been seated there over the centuries.

We were treated to a mini tour of some rooms, the Music Room with an amazing domed ceiling where many Royal Christenings have taken place including the (then) Princess Royal and Prince of Wales. The Blue Room is a huge galleried room of ornate furniture and fine china pieces, The White Room houses the Erard grand piano, a gift to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, a beautiful gold piece with inlaid carvings in shades of pink. We were seated alongside it on a huge chaise lounge and gold embroidered chairs for a time and I would so love to have taken a photo of all. 

That room also has the late Queens secret door leading to her private quarter's, disguised as a huge ornate mirror. The Equerry who escorted our party explaining everything in great detail said it's original purpose was to ensure the Queen could leave one gathering without doubling up on distance and move on refreshed to attend the next.

The room which had a great impact on me was the Queens Gallery (recently re-named by her eldest Son as the Picture Gallery), it houses the Worlds largest display of works by Venetian artist Canaletto. Being a lover of Venice, the artwork really appealed.

Just a few photos, the best I can offer at the moment, taken over the shoulders of one of the official photographers....

After the ceremony we had a champagne dinner at the Oxo Tower, Harvey Nichols restaurant, which by coincidence is where my outfit came from! We met up with Owen's daughters (two of our elder Granddaughters) and all was delicious especially my chocolate and cherry creation.

Added bonus of the day, you'll need to be a sport enthusiast to appreciate this one, Jeff Settling late of Sky TV was there to receive an MBE, we had a long chat with him and his wife and got an update on Hartlepool United.....again you'll need to know who he is to get that one!

Finally, I went into hospital first thing the morning after the Palace excitement, had both spinal and head procedures done, the latter required 48 hours rest as I opted for spinal anesthesia rather than a general, so it's taken a bit longer than planned to write this. Due back for a check up Wednesday.

Back to challenges and really hope you will join in with our themes this month.


KarinsArtScrap said...

what beautiful cards Brenda....... and what great an invitation...........fantastic photo's and you two are looking very karin

Craftyfield said...

Fabulous creations and even more fabulous news! What an experience for a proud mother! x

Sarn said...

What a happy post. Two brilliant cards as well as photo’s of a day you’ll never forget.

So glad you finally got the hospital treatment you so desperately needed. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Thanks for submitting homework to the Snippets Playground. Xxx

EmmaT said...

Gorgeous creations as always. The investiture Sounds like a memory to treasure and the hospital one to forget!! but hope its worked. Sending lots of positive healing vibes x

meg said...

Beautiful cards as always Brenda.Thank you for sharing your pics and experience of such a proud day for your family,hope the road to recovery is a smooth one

Mervi said...

What an exciting and honor day, so happy for you!
Gorgeous cards, now treat yourself;-))m

Helen said...

Good to hear from you and the Palace event - such a proud moment for you, and yes, I know about Jeff Stelling! Good luck for the recovering from the surgery. take care (and hope the boys give you(us) 3 points this afternoon. Helen xx

Lynne said...

Two fab cards Brenda. You've certainly had an eventful week. I hope you are feeling an improvement after your treatment x

crafty-stamper said...

Both fabulous card and do hope the treatment worked and you are soon feeling better.Sounds like a brilliant day,a great memory and one to be proud of.
Carol x

Chris said...

Beautiful cards Brenda- love the vintage look of the first one and the use of the book page for a background.
So pleased you had a wonderful day celebrating your son's achievement, a special day you will remember forever.
Hope you are feeling better after the procedure.

HilaryJane said...

Love your cards, especially the vintage one with the book page. Thanks for sharing your Palace experience. It sounds very special. I am so glad that it all went well for you and you had the procedures. Hope you will start to get the benefit of those soon xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda, wow! Che fine settimana straordinario hai avuto!!! Ho dovuto rileggere due volte e aiutarmi un po' con il traduttore per comprendere tutto, e sembra davvero che tu avrai moltissimi ricordi meravigliosi da conservare!! (a parte le procedure in ospedale, sei stata coraggiosa a chiedere solo l'anestesia spinale, io avrei avuto paura! Ma di certo fa meno danni di quella totale).
Tu figlio è raggiante, un onore incredibile per lui e per tutti voi! E essere nella sala del Trono, fare il Tour del palazzo, ammirare la pinacoteca con le opere del Canaletto... la cerimonia officiata dalla Principessa... Tutto come un bel sogno!
Aspettiamo le foto ufficiali!! Persino in TV qui in Italia hanno parlato brevemente delle nuove investiture a Palazzo, immagino sia la stessa cosa!

Le tue due cards sono stupende e così allegre e interessanti, la prima con quella splendida magnolia e la farfalla sulla pagina di libro mi piace moltissimo e adoro come hai colorato il picchio e i fiori nell'innaffiatoio!

Un grande abbraccio, riposati e rimettiti in sesto!

Karen P said...

Beautiful cards Brenda and I am so happy you had such a good visit to Buckingham Palace. Such an amazing and proud day for your family Karen x

KraftyKoolKat said...

Two fantastic cards Brenda. What a fantastic day you had at the Palace and I am sure you are a very proud mum, I love your outfit. So pleased your hospital procedures went well, I hope you will see some improvement soon.

Crafting Queen said...

Wow, what an amazing experience. So glad you had your procedures done. Love your cards. Have a great day.Anesha

coldwaters2 said...

Wow what an awesome exciting post Brenda first a big congratulations to your son it sounds amazing the people that you met and the historic things that you saw I used to love visiting stately homes and feel the presence of the past so this brought so much joy to have you explain what you saw, I am also so glad that your ops were finally done it sounds like a truly wonderful time, your cards are both so beautiful as with all the stamps that you use they are so detailed stay safe
lolo x

Di said...

First of all dearest B - I LOVE your cards, and am delighted you brought one to share with us in the Playground. Beautiful work as always. I've said it before, I bet you never make a bad 'un!

And now for all the excitement of BP and OXO - what a day to remember! I love your outfit, just right for the occasion. I did have visions, if the party went on and over ran, of you arriving at hospital still in your finery - complete with fascinator! That would have caused a stir for sure.

Delighted that you had the procedures done at LONG LAST! I owe you an email but left you in peace as it must have been a very busy week. BTW, your two 'chaps' both looked very dashing - what a proud day for all of you.

Di xx

Pauline C said...

2 more beautiful cards Brenda, I especially love the vintage one with the use of the old book page and the gorgeous magnolia stamp … oh how I wish I had bought more of these old brushstroke stamps back in the day!

Lovely pictures of your palace visit … what a fabulous and memorable day it must have been! So lovely that you got a mini tour and told so many fascinating things about the place, plus getting to meet the Princess Royal and Jeff Stelling as a bonus … fantastic!

Wishing you a speedy recovery after your procedures .. take care xx

Carol L said...

I just LOVE the first card with your fabulous stamping over the book page, and the flowers on the 2nd card are stunning with their sparkly centers and the fun little bird. Thanks for sharing the great photos and memories of your son's investiture at Buckingham palace! It had to have been a tremendous honor and an exciting time for you all. It's good to see the face behind the blogger too, and you all looked amazing and happy together. I'm glad you felt well enough to enjoy all the festivities before your hospital procedures the following day too. Do continue to look after yourself and take good care before that check-up on Wednesday! Hugs!

Glennis F said...

Beautiful cards Brenda, (as always) and thanks for sharing photos of your visit, a very proud day for you

Gail said...

Beautiful cards!
Love the photos!
It's so nice to see you!
Hope the procedures worked for you, and you have a bit of relief!
What an awesome the palace!
Take it easy for a while!

LesleyG said...

Fabulous cards and fabulous photos, you must be very proud , and hope you feel better soon xxx

Sandra H said...

Wow Brenda what an experience you must be so proud and your cards as always are totally stunning too x

Pat said...

Two beautiful cards Brenda, especially the book page background one. Lovely photo's too, wonderful experience for you.

Pat xx

Vicky Hayes said...

I love both your beautiful cards Brenda and how exciting to have a run down on your son's investiture and your guided tour. Lovely photos too - you all look wonderful! Glad you were able to get your procedures done and hope you will pass your check up with flying colours on Wednesday. Vicky x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

What a lovely post. Beautiful cards, wonderful photo's and news about your Palace visit and adventures. I'm glad to hear that your hospital procedures went well and that you are recovering, take care of yourself.

Ellibelle said...

Such a memorable day at the palace and you all looked fabulous for the special occasion!
Glad you have the treatment behind you now too and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Gorgeous cards once again, so creative with the old book page! I bougth an old book for just that reason but not once have I thought of actually using it. Thanks for the reminder. If only I would remember where I put that book!!

Mrs.B said...

Beautiful cards, love the book page for a background and the faux woodgrain is great with the garden flowers.
Lovely photos of such a special day and the tour sounds so interesting. Hope you're feeling better now after your hospital visit.
Avril xx

pinky said...

Two beautiful cards, you do vintage well!! Wow I loved reading about your escapades!! You will remember that for a lifetime for sure! Congratulations to your son. I love the photo of the proud parents. You are such a brave woman and take these procedures in your stride. I hope the check ups shows everything went well. Hugs

Lorraine said...

Gorgeous cards Brenda - but never mind them!! What a fantastic day, and such an amazing 'proud mum' moment. I love the photos, you look beautiful.
Glad to hear your medical procedures went well, and I hope you are recovering well.
Lorraine x

Helen said...

Beautiful projects and fabulous photos too - sounds like an amazing experience!

Helen x

kiwimeskreations said...

What an incredible experience your trip to the palace was - thank you for sharing!!
Your cards are beautiful - love the magnolias on the inky book page!
Glad to hear you were able to have both procedures.. take care now

Inkyfingers said...

Great creations as always, Brenda and I particularly love the watering can card.
Thanks for sharing the photos and details of your proud day at the Palace. You all looked so spiffy in your gorgeous outfits and I bet the special celebration meal will be remembered too.
It's good to hear that you finally had the procedures and I'm sending good wishes for a great recovery.
Take care,
Carol x

Greta said...

Oh my goodness! Cannot even imagine attending the ceremony for your son at the palace and having the tour! What a dream! Just love your projects, especially the magnolia one! Hoping you have great results from the procedures!

Linby said...

Two wonderful cards both with great backgrounds. Love the dragonflies on the last post too.
Great to see the photos from The Palace, it sounds an amazing day.

Fikreta said...

very nice card!
Thanks for sharing photos day at the Palace.

Liz said...

Two beautiful creations, Brenda. It sounds like you had a fabulous time at the palace. xx

Lisa said...

Your cards are beautiful collage of vintage elements! The combination of the Penny Black Magnolia, butterfly, and words creates a charming composition.

Oh my goodness what an amazing experience visiting the palace. It is on my bucket list.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Firstly your cards are absolutely beautiful, so many lovely details as always. As for the Palace visit? What a day it must have been, with so much to take in, shame piccies couldn't be taken to help remember all the fine things of the day. Many congratulations to your son and to you, as his very proud parents. Good to hear your procedure went well? x