Saturday 20 April 2024

Up up and away

Morning everyone, a new challenge at Allsorts where Mervi would like to see Balloons. Prizes come from AALL and Create.

A short post, it was scheduled ready but realised last minute I'd not done the write up. Not been the best of weeks and to top it all infection and constant migraines now playing havoc with my dodgy eyes, so not feeling on my game. 

Both shares were samples for Stamp Addicts TV shows a few months ago but never shared, using what were then new release stamps, Pan Pastels for colour and dies.

Thanks to all who visit and leaving kind comments which I so appreciate.


Craftyfield said...

More stamps to tempt me with... I have this weakness for scenic stamps and this mountain looks wonderful! The balloons are great too.
I hope migraines and infection lose their grip so you can enjoy your crafting or the spring sun (or both!). x

Sarn said...

Fab scenic stamping using balloons and perfect for the current Allsorts theme of course!

Sending get well wishes your way. Xxx

Aquarius said...

Two lovely examples of cards with these great scenic stamps. Here's hoping your current health problems fly away on one of these balloons - now wouldn't that be a great solution 😊. Take care x

meg said...

A beautiful peaceful scene on each card,the balloon stamps are fabulous.Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery x

Mervi said...

Wonderful creations, lovely and airy;-))m

Pauline C said...

2 beautiful creations Brenda, the soaring hot air balloons are really uplifting! Hope you’re soon feeling better and getting your procedures sorted out, take care xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

this is super beautiful karin

Sandra H said...

Two stunning cards Brenda x

Margreet said...

Two stunning balloon cards, Brenda.
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
xxx Margreet

EmmaT said...

Fabulous card and image. Suffering from migraines myself you have my sympathy - I find them all consuming and exhausting. Sending big healing hugs Emmaxx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A beautifully framed scene for the top card and lovely placement in the design on the second too.

kiwimeskreations said...

Two beautiful cards Brenda - beautiful balloon stamps and stunningly used, especially the blue and red one.
so sorry to hear your system has suffered yet another assault, and that you are so poorly.

Linby said...

A beautiful serene scene on the first. Love the layout on the second one with another lovely little scene too.

Lisa said...

I'm sorry to hear about your tough week and health challenges. Despite that, your creations are absolutely stunning! The use of Pan Pastels for color adds such depth and softness to the designs. Sending positive thoughts for better days ahead.

Lynne said...

Sorry to hear you're still not feeling well Brenda. These are two fab cards. Love the blue and pink one and the top one looks like a mini masterpiece to go on a wall! x

Chris said...

Both beautiful cards Brenda, my favourite is the first with that wonderful tranquil scene, I love the way you've framed it too.
You really have been through the mill lately, it's awful to be in pain and feel ill, with one thing after another, you do brilliantly to keep going and make the best of it. I hope your migraines and eyes improve soon- and that much-cancelled procedure is rescheduled quickly.

Carol L said...

I don't know how you manage to create such beautiful cards when you're not feeling well and dealing with migraines, but you've nailed the challenge with 2 great creations. I love the peaceful, serene scene you created in the first and I really like all the great stenciling and stamping in the 2nd. Sending biggest hugs and best wishes for better days ahead. Take good care of yourself. Hugs

Ellibelle said...

Two beautiful cards showcasing the hot air balloons, especially loving the first one with that gorgeous scene but both are wonderful! I'm sorry you are dealing with a migraine and infection on top of your other health struggles, hoping you will soon find relief!
Sending hugs

crafty-stamper said...

Both beautiful cards and love the hot air balloons.Hope you are starting to feel better soon.
Carol x

Gail L said...

The scenes on both are wonderful!
sorry to hear you're still struggling :(
Hope you get some relief soon!

Fikreta said...

beautiful cards!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao cara Brenda, spero che le medicine facciano regredire al più presto l'emicrania e le infezioni!! E che dall'ospedale ti chiamino di nuovo al più presto per quella benedetta procedura!!
Due splendide cards, sono così armoniose e danno un senso di pace!! La scena nella prima card è davvero stupenda, così rilassante! E adoro come hai usato le differenti sezioni della seconda card, e quel tocco di stencil delicato aggiunge molto interesse!
Abbi cura di te!!! Un grande abbraccio

Pat said...

Two beautiful cards Brenda, the scene with the yachts is lovely. Hoping you soon feel better.

Pat xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Firstly, I'm so sorry to hear of your infection and migraines and not feeling up to your normal self, Brenda. I really hope things improve for you soon. Your first card reminds me of Summer and hopefully what is to come. Your second card sectioned off with the lovely colour mix is gorgeous. I have both those stamps. You've given me some inspiration. Take care. x

cuilliesocks said...

What gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the designs using the balloons, lovely colours too, Kate x

Wendy L said...

Loving both cards but the 2nd one does it for me, love it Brenda. Xx

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Brenda I am so sorry that you are not well and suffering with both the infection and Migraine's I do hope that you improve soon. I absolutely love your card Brenda the balloons and the colours look great I especially love the scenic one
lolo x

HilaryJane said...

You have created such lovely scenes with those balloon stamps. s sorry to hear things are still not good for you health wise. Hope it improves soon xx

Sarah said...

Wonderful cards Brenda. Sorry you are still suffering so badly and I hope next week is better for you xx

KraftyKoolKat said...

I am so sorry Brenda that you have had a rough week, added too by other health problems on top. You do so well working through all your health problems. These two cards are gorgeous.

Greta said...

Absolutely love the scene you created! Hope you seen feel better, Brenda. I'm recovering from Covid which found me after 4 years--ugh! So, I'm not really on my game either, but grateful it isn't worse.

Debbie said...

Lovely cards Brenda, I do hope you feel better soon x Debbie

Vicky Hayes said...

Two really striking cards Brenda! So sorry you've not had a good week and hope you and the dogs are feeling better soon. Vicky x

Tina Z. said...

Wow, I like your baloon ideas and cards. Stunning!