Saturday 6 April 2024

Animals for National Pet Awareness month

Morning everyone (this is a long one!). April is: National Pet Month (NPM) celebrates and raises awareness of responsible pet ownership. So Lorraine's theme 'For the love of Animals' at Allsorts challenge this week is most appropriate. Prizes come from Highlight Crafts and Stamp Addicts.

The scene above uses a fence stamp I bought in the US years ago when I was lucky enough to be invited to attend CHA (now Creativation) but afraid I've long since forgotten the make, teamed up with Inkylicious trees, Horses from Bee Crafty and a few Lavinia's thrown in as well. The dimension of the Horses suggest they are Heskey and Penelope, so guess Merlin was off across the paddock somewhere! A large masked sun and stencilled sunrays and Pan Pastels used for all colouring.

The Path of Positivity challenge is back in action so I would like to add the above card, that sentiment always seem positive to me.

A few more celebrating domestic animals, there were recent samples for Create and Craft TV using their latest in house die and USB release.

They are called 'Over the edge Animals', the idea that they do just that. The entire collection including USB and dies were (at time of writing this post) on special offer £35.99 for members and £39.99 non members here.

One final share, a few days late I'll confess with my April Card Chain Challenge share which went to Gail in Norway. I guess it also fits into our Allsorts theme with the Cockerel, as I had (now Fox'd, his own fault as he insisted on sleeping on one of the horses backs ready for an early morning start) one called Freddie. All stamps AALL and Create.

Have a good week everyone and my thanks as always for your visits.


Sarn said...

Wow! Lots of pets in your fab card designs Brenda. Very taken with the concertina card. Xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

super cute and beautiful cards you have made karin

Sarah said...

Fabulous animal creations Brenda, what super cute "over the edge" images too xx

Crafting Queen said...

I love all three cards. YOu kown the cats are my favourite. lol Anesha x

meg said...

Love the beautiful peaceful scene with the horses Brenda,wish the weather was like that here. The over the edge critters are adorable

Aquarius said...

A marvellous selection of cards to celebrate Pets' Week - difficult to choose between them as they are interesting and attractive in their different ways.

Lisa said...

What a delightful array of creations celebrating animals! The scene you've crafted with the fence stamp and various images captures the essence of National Pet Month beautifully. The Over the Edge Animals collection looks intriguing, and your Card Chain Challenge share to Gail in Norway adds a charming touch with the Cockerel stamp. Well done on these heartfelt creations!

Carol L said...

I just love the peaceful scene of the grazing horses in the field on a day about to begin with the sun rising. It's a beautiful design with all the elements and soft colors. Those adorable little faces on your other creations just bring smile after smile too. Thanks for sharing so many fun cards to inspire us all.

Pat said...

Beautiful set of cards Brenda, such a relaxing scene on the first one and so many cute animals on your others and a gorgeous final card with the cockerel stamp. Have a good weekend.

Pat xx

Chris said...

A great variety of cards and techniques here Brenda, the domestic pet cards are really sweet with those appealing images, my favourites are the stamped designs, the lovely tranquil scene with the sunrise and grazing horses and the sunny yellows of the cockerel card- amazing that you had one that slept on the horse, that must have been a sight! Shame about the fox...

crafty-stamper said...

WOW fabulous cards Brenda,love all the stamps,cute images and horse scene,shame about poor Freddie.
Carol x

coldwaters2 said...

Oh I am in heaven Brenda seeing all these wonderful animal creations it's just the best time ever, I love the wonderful scene with the horses and those dogs and bunny are awesome the bottom doggy looks a bit like our Bella the final card is fabulous great stamps and colours excellent projects I love them all
lolo x

Ellibelle said...

Lots of wonderful cards Brenda each one featuring wonderful animals, I especially love the scene on the first but love those cute faces on the over the edge animals. They make such fun projects! And a gorgeous card sent to Gail for CCC.

Gail L said...

I love the scenes you make!
The puppies are so cute!
Great card for the CCC!
Hope you're well!

HilaryJane said...

Lovely collection of pet themed cards. Love the country scene across the paddock. Your horses look very content. I did admire your CCC card on the reveal post xx

Pauline C said...

A fab selection of cards today Brenda. I love the layout and colours of your lovely paddock scene, and your doggie cards are very cute! Finally your card chain make is lovely and spring line with the wellies and fresh colours xx

Lorraine said...

A fabulous selection of cards Brenda, love all the animals.
Lorraine x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Che meravigliosa scena con i cavalli al pascolo nell'immenso prato con il sole che sorge all'orizzonte! Nella mia zona siamo in collina e non abbiamo prati così, ma ce ne sono in altre regioni d'Italia. Credo che rappresenti bene la zona dove vivi tu! Favolosi colori e lo steccato è molto bello. Congratulazioni per aver partecipato al CHA anche se anni addietro!
I cani, il gattino e il coniglio delle tre cards mi fanno sorridere con quegli occhi sgranati! Dolcissimi e davvero perfetti per sbucare fuori da un bordo o da un'apertura come hai fatto tu. La card con gli ovali è la mia preferita tra le tre.
Mi dispiace molto per Freddie, dormire sulla schiena del suo amico cavallo non è stata una buona abitudine. Bella la scelta del monocromatico per la card con il galletto, ha un bell'effetto un po' vintage.
Come mi piacerebbe avere i conigli selvatici che corrono liberi nel mio terreno e vederli guardando fuori dalle mie finestre! Vivi davvero in un angolo di paradiso! :)
Un abbraccio e buon weekend, ti auguro che sia soleggiato!
Qui il tempo è assurdo: nonostante l'Italia sia piccola, al nord la gente oggi era sulla neve a sciare, mentre al sud tutti alla spiaggia! Nella mia zona (centro/nord Italia) sole caldissimo ma con un venticello freddo!

Wendy L said...

A wonderful set of Animal cards Brenda and as much as I love animals my fave is the yellow wellies!!

EmmaT said...

Fabulous set of animal themed cards, the first one would be ideal for my brother who has horses and donkeys

Craftyfield said...

No surprise there I love your scene with the horses which I did think was illustration of your back garden (paddock)! Fab cards all around even if there is cute overload with the over the edge animals! x

Linby said...

A wonderful scene, I like the way you did the sun with it being a half circle. Those pets are adorable, the concertina one is my fav.

ScrappyHorses said...

How peaceful and serene these horses are out grazing with the sunrise! Beautiful color and stamping; love how you created the sun with masking. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

KraftyKoolKat said...

I adore all five creations Brenda, I do envy anyone having pets. I am not allowed any in my apartment block so have missed having one for twelve years now.

cuilliesocks said...

What a fabulous selection of animal cards Brenda, beautifully designed. Especially love the scene with the horses it's just lovely, Kae x

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Gorgeous pet cards, Brenda, and I love your gorgeous CCC card with the yellows!!

Greta said...

Beautiful animal cards!

Sandra H said...

Well l most certainly got your attention your cards are wonderful and a great way to celebrate this month xx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A super set of animal cards on your post Brenda, lovely scene for the first one and such cute little faces peeking our of those apertures.

Mervi said...

Stunning animal cards, love them all;-))m

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Always such creative cards from you Brenda, these are all fabulous. x