Morning Peeps, back from holiday and in time to tell you about our new challenge at Allsorts where Ellie has chosen the theme of 'Sun, Moon, Stars or Baby'. Our lucky winner will receive a double Hollypond Hill CD ROM set. Again this is a two week challenge during the holiday season.
When I ran regular classes and demos, something I only do now and again these days as my health is unpredictable, I was often referred to as the "Moon Lady" or "Poppy Lady" because invariably I included a piece of work featuring either a sun or moon often accompanied by Poppies as well.
Old habits die hard as they say as nothing has changed and I continue to use both in my crafting regularly. On the above card I stamped the mountains and sea first which are from Stampscapes, placing some torn paper in the foreground where I wanted to create a beach before stamping. Then a sun mask, built up the colour using Pan Pastels, stamped the boat, also Stampscapes and some Inkylicious leaves around the top to frame the scene.
I took lots of photos on holiday but not had time to edit them as yet, we were delayed getting home due to BA's problems this week but were lucky that our flight did at least get air bound eventually, I think it was the last BA flight out of Geneva that afternoon. And to add further delay a lorry ran our taxi home off the M11, fortunately we were OK, it could have been far worse but the driver did a sterling job of controlling the car to prevent us going down the embankment to the oncoming traffic. The lorry failed to stop and seemed to speed up but we got all the details and it's thought he was on his mobile phone.
Have a good weekend everyone and please do pop over to the challenge blog to see the inspiration on display from my team mates.
When I ran regular classes and demos, something I only do now and again these days as my health is unpredictable, I was often referred to as the "Moon Lady" or "Poppy Lady" because invariably I included a piece of work featuring either a sun or moon often accompanied by Poppies as well.
Old habits die hard as they say as nothing has changed and I continue to use both in my crafting regularly. On the above card I stamped the mountains and sea first which are from Stampscapes, placing some torn paper in the foreground where I wanted to create a beach before stamping. Then a sun mask, built up the colour using Pan Pastels, stamped the boat, also Stampscapes and some Inkylicious leaves around the top to frame the scene.
We have been on holiday in the Alps and Alex had a race on the Italian side on Mont Blanc, the 60K Monterosa Est Himalayan Trail endurance race with weather conditions from 30deg to snow and ice at 3000m so we were thrilled that he came 5th in a large field of athletes. And a podium finish as in Ultra races they extend the podium to six. So I thought I would share a couple of photos, the bottom one is at the finish where he looks a bit battered and worn but happy.
And at the same time one of his elder brothers Eliot below was running the Centurion North Downs Way 100 mile race, he's been injured and unable to train properly but still managed 20th place, I don't have a photo of him in that one but this is one taken on day five of the Sussex Marathon Madness event which is in June - yes marathons on five consecutive evenings which he seemed to complete with ease and happy to display all five medals.
Daughter Joy also runs (but she's camera shy), mostly 10k and half marathons although she did do London as did eldest Granddaughter Anysia. And then of course there is Grandson Zachary who took part in the London Triathlon for the second time in July. I don't know where they get all their energy from as every one takes months of training, preparation and dedication but we are super proud of them all.
And at the risk of being super boring, this is a Tweet from the Home Secretary this week, our eldest son to the left who was seconded to the Home Office a few weeks ago as the UK National Mobilisation Coordinator, again we're super proud parents!
Back to Allsorts and my second card uses a mixture of stamps, I know the trees and sentiment are Inkylicious but I have no clue what make the fence is as it's unmounted, but a suspicion it might be Prickly Pear from the days I designed for them. Again the background is Pan Pastels and a mask and stencil to add the sun and rays.
I took lots of photos on holiday but not had time to edit them as yet, we were delayed getting home due to BA's problems this week but were lucky that our flight did at least get air bound eventually, I think it was the last BA flight out of Geneva that afternoon. And to add further delay a lorry ran our taxi home off the M11, fortunately we were OK, it could have been far worse but the driver did a sterling job of controlling the car to prevent us going down the embankment to the oncoming traffic. The lorry failed to stop and seemed to speed up but we got all the details and it's thought he was on his mobile phone.
Have a good weekend everyone and please do pop over to the challenge blog to see the inspiration on display from my team mates.

Hope you had a great holiday.Love your card, it's beautiful. Well done to your very sporting family. x
Oh dear, what a dramatic end to your holiday Brenda!! So glad you were o.k.
Your family is certainly focused when it comes to running!
Loving your cards - the scene with the sun behind the hills is stunning!
A fabulous post Brenda. I can see why you're so proud of your incredibly fit family. Well done to them all. Your cards are stunning and I especially like the first scene that you've created, it's right up my street! Many thanks for my Poppy stamp that arrived this morning and thank you also for the gorgeous tag that you made that was sent with it, I love it. I bet you can guess what I'll be doing today :) Wishing you a happy and colourful weekend xx
Your cards are fabulous as always Brenda and you have such a super fit family! You must be so proud of them all. Sorry to hear of your incident on the way home, it must have been very scary, but pleased you are home safe and well x
And you should be super proud, Brenda. High achievements there and some high octane!
Your card, by comparison, looks incredibly calm and peaceful - idyllic. Lovely scene building in beautiful, subtle colours.
Cath x
Welcome home Brenda!! What a lovely post, it's great to see your family, and of course you are super proud of them!! Pleased to hear you are ok after that dreadful near miss on your way home. Mobile phones certainly have a lot to answer for. I think Poppy Lady is spot on for you as, I think I have said before, I cannot see a poppy without you flitting into my mind!! Lovely cards by the way xx
Beautiful work Brenda, great photos. We had a similar incident only this was on the way to the airport and it was Range Rover and we were in Mini x
I hope you had a fabulous holiday and feel rested and relaxed now. I'm looking forward to seeing your photo's when you post them too. What an energetic family you have and you most certainly deserve to be proud parents.
Your cards are wonderful as always and depict such calm and beautiful scenes, both are beautifully inked and stamped, you are so talented.
Your cards are so beautiful Brenda. Love the scenes on both, you always do such a fantastic job showcasing moons on your creations!
Such great achievements from your children! I am always amazed how people can enjoy a marathon, I want to drop down after 15 minutes of running! Looking forward to your vacation photos. We've spent 5 days in the Austian Alps last year while also visiting family in Germany, but between all of the photos from all the family members, I haven't attempted yet to sort through them. The joys of digital photography :-)
My goodness, what an "interesting" time you had lately… I hope despite the mishaps on the way back you had a splendid holiday.
Both cards are lovely scenes, very tranquil. Well done to the whole family! xx
Love these beautiful scenes. The first one is so tranquil.
Great photos and so right to be proud of these great achievers you have raised .
L x
Two lovely cards Brenda, both beautiful and tranquil scenes. So pleased you had a lovely holiday, although your journey home sounds a traumatic.
Wonderful photos of your family, no wonder you're proud, such great achievers.
Avril xx
Reading your post makes me feel very unfit...Congrats to all your lovely family on their achievements. Glad you had a good holiday and so glad your ending was not as terrible as could have been...someone watching out for you there...and of course last but by no means least..your cards are fabulous as have such a way with these scenes they are super. Have a good week...back down to earth as they say! xx
You must feel rightfully very proud of your children. Love the first card with the boat, hugs Mrs A.
What a brilliant post. Two really lovely cards, gorgeous images and background, your scenes are amazing.
Just love the photo's, what a fabulous sporting family, and i can totally understand why you are so very proud of them. Another great photo of your eldest Son, looking very smart and with a lovely smile.
Kath x
Two beautiful cards, Brenda. Congratulations to your family on their sporting achievements, thank for sharing the photos. What an awful end to your holiday, glad to hear everyone was okay. xx
Wow sounds like you had a very lucky escape.
Super pics of your wonderful family.
Great cards too, xxxx
Super makes as usual Brenda and fabulous proud family photo's. xxxx
Ciao Brenda, bentornata!!! Congratulazioni per tutte le vittorie dei tuoi figli!!! :D Davvero puoi essere molto orgogliosa di tutti loro!!! Wow!
Belle foto e Alex ha davvero fatto una maratona incredibile tra caldo e ghiaccio!!
Sono contenta che hai fatto una bella vacanza e grazie al cielo siete tornati a casa sani e salvi nonostante l'incidente con il camion!!! L'autista del taxi è stato molto bravo!!
Entrambe le tue card sceniche sono favolose! Mi piace tantissimo soprattutto la prima, la trovo molto rilassante e quel sole all'alba dietro la montagna è davvero stupendo! :)
Buona domenica!!
Both scenes are beautiful, but the first s my favorite...
An active fast moving family I think? As long as they all are enjoying those heavy sports they will find time to train I think... Glad the holliday was a good one! Enjoy your sunday!
cards are so ver beautiful!
amazing sporting achievements!
great photos!
both Cards are just so beautiful love the scenery, and what an achievement for your family, well done..
Babs x
beautiful cards Brenda and well done with running.
Gr Karin
What an adventure your whole family has been on Brenda!! No wonder you are so proud and what a good looking bunch of lads you have and I am sure Joy is a beautiful girl too! I am so glad to hear your return home escapades did you no harm but boy that must have been a close call!! I am loving your sun and moon cards today, very inspirational!!
Beautiful scenery cards, love the first one.
Fabulous photos. Happy new week;-))m
Love the cards!
Sounds like you had a wonderful and adventurous time on vacation!
Hope you are well!
Quite the family--you SHOULD be proud! So glad you weren't hurt in the accident--how scary! Love your scenes, Brenda!
Two beautiful scenes Brenda. So glad that you made it home unhurt from your holiday, a shame that it had to end like that. Great family photos, no wonder you are so proud of them.
Sue xx
Hope you had a fabulous holiday Brenda and looking forward to seeing the pics. Two fabulous cards and beautiful scenes. Great photos of your family... you must be so proud of them all xx
Not such a nice ending of your holidays Brenda but so glad that no one was injured, but it must have been very frighting for you.
You have a wonderful sportive family, something to be very proud of!
Your cards look fgantastic as allways! Take care, Marlies
Well am feeling quite shattered after reading first half of your post all that running!!! well done to them all and your eldest son too-you have every reason to be proud of them.Sounds like you had a close call on the way home -glad you are okay and enjoyed your holiday -fabulous cards to BTW
Carol x
What a beautiful pair of cards, Brenda and they both deserve to be framed and put on the wall IMHO! You have fabulous scene building skills. What an awesome family you have too and I can understand why you are so proud of them. Glad you got home safely in the end.
Carol x
lOVELY CARD and photos B, hope you enjoyed time away.xx
Amazing cards Brenda - and wow - what a talented bunch your family is - amazing to see your sons achievements! Brilliant! You must be very proud! Hugs rachel xx
What a talented family you have, so much to be proud of xx
I can understand why you're proud, such a wonderful family you have
Your cards are both Wonderful Brenda !! I love the so magnifique scenes and the lovely designs. Hope you feel better.
Yes, you can be proud of your son!! Congrats!
I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugs,
Love your cards Brenda, your photos are fab and you must be so proud of all your children and grandchildren, they acheive so much, it's wonderful.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
A stunning card and wonderful photos of your multi-talented family. Glad yopu had a lovely time but what an end to your holiday! So pleased you had a good driver to keep you safe. It sounds a horrific experience!
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