Saturday 9 July 2022

Allsorts of Animals

Morning everyone, time for another challenge at Allsorts and Lorraine (aka Lolo) has chosen the theme of 'Allsorts of Animals'. This weeks winners will receive a fun AALL and Create stamp set and another with would you believe these Horses!

A cautious return to my desk yesterday after spinal injections, the intense pain is subsiding but legs and left arm slow to re-gain strength. It's a bad relapse so have to accept it will be slow going and I have to say treatment has been no thanks to our GP surgery, even obtaining meds was like pulling teeth, it was 111 who came to the rescue, a story I know is echoed in many parts nowadays.

My card above was a Birthday card for eldest Granddaughter who inherited my love of her wedding last month, her Dad in his speech placed that one firmly on my shoulders.......what can I say other than guilty of getting her in the saddle at four!! And she went on to study Equine Husbandry at Cambridge, so not a bad outcome.

I used a mixture of stamps from several companies to build up the scene which I placed into an aperture and created an insert and envie to match.

I have samples for two different companies on Create and Craft on 15th along with the release of two of my A5 Christmas sentiment sets on the Stamp Addict shows, above a sneak peek along with one of the new 6x6 stencils also being released this week. The sentiments are a mixture, traditional and a few with a hint of humour. 

Below a recycled bottle using transfers from Oakwood, this is one of the new releases in their shows, they are beautiful with a lovely Vintage feel. Here's a link to the last release which are already available to purchase.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and my thanks for you visits which much appreciated during the weeks I have been unable to blog.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


Mervi said...

Fabulous creations.
Have a lovely weekend, take care;-))m

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous card and that bottle looks fabulous

take care Brenda

gr karin

meg said...

Pleased to read that you are feeling a little better,so sad to read your GO surgery weren't more helpful.A gorgeous card and fabulous decorated bottle

kiwimeskreations said...

So glad to hear you are on the 'up' again Brenda - that was a nasty episode :(.
Loving your work, and how you created the scene with the horses and framed it is exquisite. I am looking forward to seeing your Christmas sentiment release. The bottle is gorgeous - what beautiful transfers

Pauline C said...

Glad you’re feeling a bit better Brenda and hope the improvement continues. Beautiful horse scene … love the matching insert and envelope too. The snowflake stencil card is so pretty in the multi colours and your new sentiments look fab. Fantastic work on the decorated bottle.

Take care and have a good weekend
Pauline xx

Sandra H said...

Beautiful cards

Sarn said...

Beautiful cards and a superb transferred bottle!
So pleased to hear you're feeling a bit better and have managed to get some meds to help (evenutally). Grrr!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

A stunning collection of cards Brenda. So glad that you've made it back to the PC.

Sue xx

Gerrina said...

So glad that you can move again! So crazy how healthcare has to be nowadays...
Sending you some energy to stay patient...
Your scene is so beautiful! And that bottle is one to get unspired by every time! Wishing you a peaceful weekend!

Chris said...

It's good to have you back Brenda, so glad you're feeling a bit better now, hope you continue to improve, just take it easy! Your cards are beautiful, especially the horse one with that lovely tranquil scene, the bottle looks amazing, the bird transfer is so lifelike.
How exciting for your son to be getting Hamish, he's a lucky pup to be rehomed with such an animal-loving family and I'm sure he and Rosa will soon be the best of pals... they'll have so much fun playing together, everyone else watch out!

Lynne said...

Fabulous creations Brenda especially the horse scene, love it. Pleased you are slowly improving and not sure what to say about GP surgeries nowadays. They all seem to be the same. Hubby has been for fairly minor things and they just say go to A&E (and waste 7 hours in there for the day!).

HilaryJane said...

I am so pleased to hear that you are a tiny bit better, I hope the progress continues. Your cards are fabulous, I really love the first one with the horses and the clever decoration on the bottle xx

Ellibelle said...

Your horse scene looks absolutely beautiful Brenda and I am sure your granddaughter was delighted to receive it! And how beautifully the recycled bottle turned out! Fabulous Christmas card too with all the colorful snowflakes!
Glad you are feeling a bit better and hopefully no more intense pain!!

Liz said...

Two wonderful cards and your decorated bottle is fabulous. I’m sure your granddaughter was thrilled to receive her personalised card.
Hope your recovery continues to go well and you will soon be pain free. xx

Jeni Mc said...

Love this card Brenda . So glad you are back at your desk but do take it easy . Hope the progress continues Jx

Di said...

Hello B! What a palaver eh with the GP. No worries, Karma will win in the end. Glad you're feeling somewhat better. Wonderful work on here - as always. Sending hugs and a Dudley cuddle! He's a bit skinny right now after being 'buzzed' and scissored by us though!

Di xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ciao Brenda, sono molto contenta di leggere di nuovo un tuo post e di sapere che stai migliorando!!! Sicuramente dovrai avere pazienza per i lenti progressi e sopportare il dolore ancora un po' (speriamo per poco!!) ma l'importante è recuperare la salute e tornare alla tua vita normale! A quanto pare i GP in UK sono peggiori di quelli italiani! Pazzesco che per avere la tua cura tu abbia dovuto andare al Pronto Soccorso!
Stupenda la card per tua nipote con i cavalli e la ghirlanda con il piccolo scoiattolo!!! Stupendo che tu le abbia tramandato la tua passione! :)
Congratulazioni per il lancio dei tuoi sentiments e stencils! I fiocchi di neve nei colori dell'arcobaleno sono così dolci e allegri!
La bottiglia riciclata è splendida con l'uccellino e i fiori, davvero una meraviglia!!!
Abbracci e auguri di veloce guarigione!!

cuilliesocks said...

It's good to see you back Brenda and tat you are feeling somewhat better. Shocking that it was difficult to get medication from your GP, not the kind of stress you need at this time.
I love your Granddaughter's card, beautiful stamps and design, lovely colours too. A pretty Christmas card too, and the decorated bottle is stunning. I hope you continue to improve Brenda, keep safe, Kate x

Craftyfield said...

Lovely makes Brenda! The release of your new stamps is exciting...
Hope you recover soon, in the meantime, take it easy. x

Marlies said...

You have created a lovely scenery card with the horses for your granddaughter and a lovely Christmas card with a very nice sentiment. The vintage looking bottle is a great piece of work, very effetive! I hope you soon recover, take care. Marlies x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

I hope that you are improving as each day passes and glad to see you at your desk. Lovely creations as always.

Pat said...

It's lovely to see you back Brenda, hope you continue to improve. Beautiful cards as always, the scene with the horses is gorgeous, love it. Take care.

Pat xx

Sarah said...

Some fabulous projects here .What a gorgeous horsey scene Brenda, and I am sure that it was well received. I hope your improvement is not too slow Brenda and you are able to do some gentle crafting in the not too distant future. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas sentiments xx

Linby said...

I love how you've combined the stamps to make this wonderful scene. Great bottle too - so much better than recycling.
Glad to see you back in blogland.

Mummylade said...

Glad to hear you are slowly improving, take care!

Liz said...

No idea what’s going on with blogger. I know I left a comment on this post a couple of days ago to say how much I love your cards and decorated bottle, but my comment has disappeared. I just popped back to say, in response to the comment you left on my blog, for some reason for the last few weeks your comments always land up in my spam folder. When I moderate the comments, I also check the spam folder and there are usually one or two there. Just wondered if the problems you have with the number of comments you are allowed to make has anything to so with blogger thinking your comments are spam. xx

Fikreta said...

Its so wonderful card!

crafty-stamper said...

Sorry to hear you had such a bad relapse and good to hear you are recovering allbeit slowly just take care.Ridiculous what is happening with the GPs you can see a Nurse or a surgery practioner but not a Dr have they all been sacked???
Love the beautiful card you made for your Grandaughter and fabulous decorated bottle
Carol x

Conny said...

Really wonderful creations! Love the bottle!


KraftyKoolKat said...

Such beautiful array of different creations Brenda. I love them all, especially the transfer on the bottle.

Vicky Hayes said...

Your creations are wonderful as always Brenda! I love the horsey one, such a beautiful scene, and the wonderful coloured snowflakes with the exuberant ribbon, and the bottle decorated with those bright transfers is really eye-catching! I'm so sorry you have been in so much pain. It horrifies me that GPs seem to be under orders to do as little as possible to help people at the moment - what is going on?! Thank goodness you were able to get help from 111. Sending best wishes for your recovery, Vicky x

coldwaters2 said...

Hi, Brenda, I am taking this opportunity to start visiting my friends I hope that blogger cooperates. Brenda that horse-themed card is fantastic so beautifully created the recycled bottle looks amazing such beautiful work as always. I do hope that you are improving day by day you are ACE.
lolo x

Gail L said...

So glad you are getting around a little bit!
Your horse card is amazing!
You are so creative!

Greta said...

Your granddaughter's BD card is so wonderful! Beautiful horse scene! My dad loved animals, but he always said his favorite was a colt. Before I was born, my folks lived in Montana & had friends who owned a ranch. My folks each had a horses since the friends kept them on the ranch.