Morning Peeps, I'm surprising even myself here with a third post in four days. Today sees the start of a new challenge at
River of Creativity where this month our theme is Wildlife. The challenge is aimed at all types of crafting, it's been a slow build up so I do hope you will come check us out and join in.
I've gone down to Lavinia route and my card with an Oxide background and large sun shows the Hares and Rabbit having fun in the forest (or maybe my garden), I'm not sure Hares can leap quite that high but you all know I live in a fantasy world so anything is possible.

And some photos of my own in house wildlife, we are so lucky to see these beautiful creatures from the comfort of our home, we get Muntjac, Roe and Red Deer, above a Muntjac taken last year when far more leaves had fallen. Below two Red Deer, but I'm really miffed I didn't have a camera to hand when a pair of them, maybe these two, visited to feed with their Fawn last week, it was a wonderful sight.
And there are plenty of these to be had year round and I'm pleased to say there's been no sign of Myxomatosis for the last few years, it's a dreadful disease for rabbits.
Thought I would also share a few photos with you from last weekend when I had a wander round the paddock headlands, I will confess that the purpose of my walk with the girls (dogs) was purely to kick leaves, collect acorns and conkers (in true childlike fashion) and take some photos of the fungi.
The reality of my expectations was somewhat different, having had so much rain the leaves are mostly still green and few have been shed as you can see in the photo above. Sam the Squibble (so named by youngest Granddaughter) and friends had beaten me to most of the acorns, in fact from our three Oak trees I didn't find a single one. I didn't do much better with conkers although we have three Horse Chestnuts as well. So I am thinking the Squirrels winter larders are full to overflowing and they know something about the the severity of the winer ahead which us humans don't.
But there are plenty of blackberries, I figure they are of no interest to Squirrels. Likewise the fungi.
A small patch of Lords and Ladies under one of the Ash Trees and finally below, despite all the wind during the Spring and a bad bout of June Drop, the fruit produced more than expected this year, much to the delight of the visiting Deer above.
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