My I Spy B's are: Butterfly, Blooms, Blue and Blobs
A very short post as I've been poorly and in bed all week, but will try and link to the Butterfly Challenge as I made this one for that as well. I've used a lot of stamp sets including Patchwork Butterfly. Just Butterflies, Pretty Poppies and Wild Meadow.

My B's are Butterflies and Black and the purple is so bright I could add Bold maybe?

Stunning cards Brenda. So sorry you have been unwell. Hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs.
Absolutely beautiful too, such lovely colours and pretty stamps used. So sorry to hear you have been poorly wishing you a speedy recovery, weather not been good this last week cold and damp, so mybe best place for you. Stay safe.
Babs x
Sorry to hear you have been so poorly. Beautiful cards, love butterflies.
Wonderful and stunning cards!
It's been rainy week, thunders and electric breaks, hope next week brings the summer back;-))m
Wonderful colours on your cards. Hope you feel better soon.
Wow, Brenda! Totally stunning creations. Gorgeous colours too. I really hope you feel better soon. Big gentle hugs xxx
Sorry to hear you have been poorly Brenda - I hope you are up and mobile again soon. Loving your cards - they are amazing, especially the second one
Stay safe
Two stunning cards Brenda, I love the vellum butterflies on the butterfly tree and the gorgeous colours on that card too. Sorry to hear you've been unwell (not the dreaded virus I hope). I hope that you are feeling better.
Sue xx
So sorry that you have been so poorly that you have been in bed, that doesn't sound too good. Hope you are better soon. These are two wonderful bright and cheery cards, I love them both, amazing backgrounds as always xx
Gorgeous as always. Rest up! x
So sorry to hear you have been poorly this week Brenda....your cards as usual are stunning
Stunning cards Brenda especially the last one-sorry to hear you have been ill all week hope you are feeling better and take care
Carol x
Beautiful. The purple one really catches my eye.
Hope you feel better soon.
Ang x
Two gorgeous creations with fabulous colours and great images, not forgetting the lovely shapes and designs.
Kath x
They are both so beautiful Brenda, such works of art with the pretty details and gorgeous flowers!
Hope you'll be feeling better soon! Thinking of you and sending lots of get well wishes your way!
gorgeous work Brenda
Gr Karin
Gorgeous makes, Brenda! Don't know what a "triptych" is called when there are 4 panels... quadriptych? Anyway, your purply card has got bold colours and beautiful too! I hope you are better already, in time to enjoy the sunny weather. x
Very Beautiful Butterflies Brenda, thought I'd get some B's in LOL! I love all the Backgrounds and Both designs are gorgeous. Love the Butterfly tree stamp.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
All beautiful Brenda, loving the last one, purple, wonderful, xxxx
Hi Brenda
these cards are gorgeous!
so sorry you are not well..
Beautiful cards Brenda, love your I spy B one, gorgeous colours. So sorry you have been poorly and hope you are soon on the mend.
Pat xx
Lovely cards Brenda, and the background colours are so pretty.
Sorry to hear that you've been unwell, hope you're feel better soon.
Avril xx
You can add beautiful, too - and brilliant :-) It's gorgeous. I love the combination of colours you've used and all the lovely little details. Gorgeous. Love your arched concertina, too. Lots of yummy stamps, lovely inks and colour.
Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you soon feel much, much better.
Cath x
Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the bold purple on your second creation. Sorry to hear that you have been unwell, hope you feel better soon.
Lots of lovely inkines Brenda always a pleasure to see!
Hope you feel better soon x
such pretty creations, I do like the arched cards you do. the colours on the second one are just amazing.
Your cards are beautiful and I love how colourful they both are! No favorite, but some positive energy from my for good that you aren't feeling well... hope you will beter soon! Hugs, Gerrina
Your creations are pure loveliness, B! Such a cute theme for your challenge, and that sentiment is so true about smiling! I hope you are soon feeling improved and able to resume a more normal life - although I understand "normal" is all relative to the hour we are currently living within. Lots of love, de
Hi Brenda!
Thank you for visiting my site earlier. That it was so many weeks since I was online ... thought it was yesterday ... Time just flies away.
You've created so much beauty since I was last online. And I hope you are well. As you wrote, coloring - and everything else creative - is very therapeutic. Luckily you can relax that way. I'll do what I can now to get started again.
Have a great summer day!
Hug Sussie
Beautiful card Brenda and such lovely colours ,Sorry to hear that you ahve been poorply . Hope you are feeling a bit better now ,If your weather is like ours , we need a bit more warmth and sun to brighten us up . love Jx
Ciao Brenda, mi dispiace molto che tu non stia bene!! Spero che il malessere passi presto!! Sono di nuovo online, ma ho poco tempo perchè anche mia mamma non sta bene, è caduta e si è fatta male ala schiena. Sembra che non sia nulla di grave, ma farla visitare è stato difficile, per via della situazione assurda degli ospedali qui in Italia. L'emergenza non c'è più ma per questioni politiche il governo continua a tenerci bloccati, alcuni ospedali sono adibiti solo per Covid anche se ci sono solo due o tre persone ricoverate. Gli altri sono pieni e non si possono prenotare visite. Una follia. La situazione qui non è rosea, l'Italia è in una fase pericolosa, ma non per il virus...
Le tue card mi hanno sollevato un po' il morale, sono così dolci e piene di vita!!! La prima è davvero incredibile per la forma e per la delicatezza... e i sentiments sono bellissimi, così come quella farfalla con la lancetta dell'orologio!!
La seconda card mi fa respirare.... adoro quelle tonalità di viola e il bellissimo effetto dell'albero di farfalle su quello sfondo... immagino fatto con stencils! Una vera meraviglia!
Un grande abbraccio, abbi cura di te
sorry to hear that you have been in bed poorly. Do hope that you are on the mend now. I love the card you have entered for my challenge. The colours are so pretty together. Thankyou for coming and playing along. hugs Mrs A.
Hope you're better now, Brenda! No fun being sick! I really love your first card--images & colors!
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