Sunday 5 April 2020

Over the Rainbow

I'll be totally honest and tell you I was in two minds about posting today or even carrying on crafting, try as much as I have to be philosophical, everything that is going on in the World defies all that in which we believe. Hundreds of thousands of poor souls dying alone, their devastated families left to deal with nightmares they may never overcome and not one of us is exempt from the reality of there but the Grace of God. Yet still there are those selfish enough to ignore all we are instructed to do, carry on as normal and in so doing put others at risk.

Over the past three weeks I've not crafted and struggled to even comment on your blogs, not because I don't want to, more that I have this sense of guilt that it's just not right to indulge in something enjoyable and from which I take pleasure. For many, many years I've been active in the community one way or another, as a Councillor, School Governor and through work, with all the first priority has been to help others overcome their problems and find solutions for them to help support their quality of life. But at present non of this is possible, here am I reliant of food and medication deliveries which seems wrong and a feeling of total impotence that all of what is happening is out of our control, against that scenario every day 'normal' activities just seem so futile.

So why did I do this post after being in two minds, well my friend Donna in Florida said to me yesterday that visiting friends in blogland may well help them during these difficult times and I should carry on for that reason if no other. And she is of course totally right,  indeed I have read that craft is helping so many through these turbulent times, so thank you Donna for the reality check (much needed kick in the bum) as sometimes it doesn't require a phone call or letter from someone in need of help.

So new challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and 'Anything Goes'. As always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both. 

As with yesterday's post my shares were created weeks ago, the background of the top card was made by dabbing oxides onto a piece of acetate roughly following the sequence of a rainbow, spritzed with water and place a piece of card and rubbing the back gently to release the colour. I then stamped the beautiful Blueprint Freesia which was one of the stamps launched by CB Lesley a couple of months ago, stamped the flowers a second time to decoupage and sponged a sun and some spots. The sentiment is also from one of the blueprint sets.

This Penny Black stamp called Together was a release last year but hasn't seen too much ink as yet so I thought I would put that right, inking it with Distress Markers and stamping onto a Gelli Plate background, a lovely inspirational sentiment from the set called Just Beleive and some pearls.

And some Poppies, these are the lovely Spontaneous Joy, again inked with Distress Markers, some subtle background stencilling and a shrink plastic Butterfly.
And another reminder that my friends John and Rosie of Limetree Crafts who many of you know from shows around the Country now have an on line shop so you can still but their paper products whilst the Country is on lockdown.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


Wendy L said...

All very beautiful Brenda.
A very philosophical post today and I understand where you are coming from, there is so much going on in the world and I can't do anything except stay at home. I feel guilty as my sister's have had to get mum in a care home, thankfully before the lockdown in UK but I want to get over and help empty her flat but even they cant do that yet as they are over 70. I couldn't even go in my Craft room yesterday as no inclination at all. I hope this feeling passes soon.
Lots of love to you.

Crafting Queen said...

Hi Brenda, totally understand how you feel but do hope you keep on crafting as it will take your mind off things. Do love your creations they are fantastic! Hav ea good day. x

Mervi said...

Beautiful cards and especially liked the sentiments on every one.
Crafting keeps me in sane, so keep on;-))m

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous and 2 beautiful cards Brenda

Gr Karin

Craftyfield said...

I usually feel guilty or question if I am doing enough to fulfil my responsibilities, so now, I actually feel serene, since it isn't something I can do anything about, it's the law... I might as well use that time to good effect, and I am pleased I can devote more time to oversee my son's studies, to crafting or anything that gives me pleasure. And the sadness and horrors of the pandemic, I just try to push at the back of my mind in a far recess so it doesn't panic me into listlessness.
I for one am glad you decided to blog these 3 lovely cards! Carry on crafting for blogland, Brenda! xx

Cath Wilson said...

Good for yoy, Brenda! Your friend is absolutely can bring sunshine and encouragement to so many people. You are in such a privileged position with all your contacts in blogland!

It is hard not to be able to 'do' but we can all do our own little bit and you do that so beautifully with your gorgeous art :-) On an internet group I belong to, we send 'sunshine' cards to people having a rough time. It's always a blessing to know that someone has thought about us. Reminding someone they're loved is no small thing. You - and what you do - bring joy to so many and I, for one, am very grateful for your art, your challenge blog work and all the encouragement you give. Thank you.

Today's challenge themes are wonderful and the art is amazing. I love your PB flowers - what you do with these stamps is always gorgeous. Your rainbow card is stunning. Such beautiful colours.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Cath x

Marina said...

Just popped in to admire your beautiful cards and send virtual hugs to you.

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

A gorgeous rainbow card and a fantastic collection of CB cards too Brenda.

I think we are all feeling a bit like you are at the moment Brenda. My trip around the blogs at the moment lets me know that my blogland friends are still out there and gives me a little feeling of normality. I belong to a group called UK stamper network and we have a couple of member that are keyworkers, at the moment we are sending cards out thanking and supporting them for the good work they are doing and also sending cards to other members just to say Hello and maybe cheer them up too. It does take my mind off of what is going on in the world if just for a small amount of time.

Take care and stay safe
Sue xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Beautiful cards Brenda...I don't think youre the only one feeling like that Brenda...I too am totally isolated and its being able to craft and visiting blogland that makes the time tolerable its something to look forward to every day...I don't craft everyday but do visit blogland every day please keep your creative juices flowing...
Sending you a big HUG

Anne xx

Fikreta said...

YOur cards are very beautiful!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh dear dear B. How I felt it with you in the beginning of your post. Here in Oz I’m even more blessed as five mins walk and I’m on an almost deserted beach.. but the knowledge that others cannot enjoy this beach doesn’t stop me going there, I click take photos and share on my blog like you said.. this encourages others.. and blesses!
.... however think it’s the overwhelming enormity of it all, apparently a friend was saying in ‘40s there was bad epidemic with diphtheria. So many folks anti vaccine these days, yet don’t see polio victims or tuberculosis or other more common ones, measles, mumps like we used to do.
Because of vaccines.
So modern medicine is great such a Godsend.
And you did so much when you could B. So now it’s your turn to bless others by letting them wait on you by delivering your medicine and food. It a gift of God’s provision.. for you and others who are no longer able to do it.
Each might when get to you on my prayer list I wonder how you’re going. I’m still praying for your eyes.
Love your work.. the oxides acetate smooch background on the freesia is lovely, as is the moon shape texture on second card, then poppies in quite a different shade.. al so different but lovely!
I started a flower fairy image tonight.. trying out my Watercolour pencils. Caran d’ache Aquarelle felt they’d been neglected long enough!
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Viv said...

I will just say that blogland is the only thing that is keeping me going at the mo. Being able to visit others even when I personally have nothing to share has become a bit of sanity in all this madness.
Lovely cards as always. x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I know exactly where you're coming from Brenda but a crafting is the only part of my life that's normal at the moment and it's really helping to get me through each day. I don't see it as indulging, I see it as keeping me sane. There is so much kindness in the crafting world and people are looking out for each other and reaching out to people who are on their own, which is lovely as perhaps this is the only social contact that some of them may have. Many moons ago Brenda, you were the one who helped and encouraged me to share what I'd made on my blog. At that time, I didn't have much confidence but you made me feel like I could do it, and I did. Crafting is now such a big part of my life and I have you to thank for that. Your friend is very wise.... you do make a difference. Take stay and stay safe. Crafty hugs, Sandra xx

Lynne said...

I can totally understand your feelings Brenda, but you have your own health to look after and crafting is one of the few things that we can do safely in our own homes with blogland being such a wonderful way to share and view others' creations. I am often in awe of your cards and wish I could make your style of card. I love the background on your first card and the others are just as fabulous x

Helen said...

Totally get where you are coming from, but we all need a bit of respite from the awfulness of the virus and all it is doing to our nation. Keeping tabs on friends blogs (even if I don't always comment) is keeping me sane. I really hope that this weekend's nice weather doesn't ruin the remaining freedom we have, although I fear that some people will always think rules don't apply to them so we will all end up being even more restricted. Then we really will need crafting to keep us going (not that I've done much myself lately) Stay safe and take care. big hugs.

Helen said...

BTW, the care are beautiful, especially those fabulous blue poppies - you and I love them !

Donna Ellis said...

Hello, dearest Brenda! So many of us struggling with great empathy for those who are helpless. Indeed, even we are helpless to help - but somehow, Love finds a way of directing our paths and preparing us to become what is needed in our community, whether it is geographically local, or a community we have developed on line. I marvel that your cards seem to be made with the current crisis at hand. Your first card in particular captivates my heart with both manmade concepts and nature working together and the reminder that every moment is an adventure, and we should STAR in it! Each of your creations speaks somewhat to the same.

And one last thought - if our Moms were here with us, would they want their children to feel paralyzed with guilt and sorrow, or would they want us to rise up, become imaginative in how to better live, and bring some of our "Light" and Love to a needy world. There is always a way, even though it may not seem like a good way to us, if we have the ability, it means it was given us. I am always humbled by kindness done or said to me, and I'm sure most human beings feel the same way.

Thanks for being you, Miss B!

HilaryJane said...

I am so glad you decided todo our post in the end Brenda as it is important to see share, and this hobby of ours is such a good way of staying connected and getting support during these awful times. I know it must be especially hard for you as you aren't able to get out at all and are obviously used to being the one doing the helping. When I said to my husband that I just felt I needed to fell like I was helping he very clearly said you have done your bit, which I think you definitely have. We are helping now by staying indoors. At least I am able to have my daily walk which I am treasuring. Anyway, I think your cards are just stunning, all 3 are perfect in different ways, but I really love the background of the first one. Your cards bring such support and joy so please keep making them xx

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Brenda, I'm so glad that you posted your cards and your so insightful words. Everyone is full of fear at the moment and feeling useless as there doesn't seem we can change things. Well we can, not the big things, like giving the NHS what they need, but all the little things that keep us going and crafting and visiting others in Blogland helps, therefore, we are keeping ourselves occupied and sane. I love your work and you are always so very inspirational.
It must be difficult when you were always someone who did for others, but you still are, just differently.
I'm trying to not watch much news as it is awful, but I do try to compartmentalise the emotional bits, you have to or else you'd go bats.
I finish my day with thinking about the positives in my day and jotting them down, and there are many, it helps me with anxiety, take care and hugs, Kate x

KandA said...

I think so many of us feel lost at the moment with the uncertainties that lie ahead and how this situation may affect us and our love ones as well as the rest of the world. It really makes me so angry when I see people carry on and going out as normal - they are either very selfish or more likely stupid and live in a dream world thinking they are untouchable - and I think the safest place for us all is inside our own homes. I feel lucky that I have my Hubby with me but there are some in Blogland who are on their own and I'm certain crafting helps them and I know I'm grateful and appreciate all the time and energy you put into keeping these challenges up and running.

And on to your wonderful cards.... stunning as always and such lovely designs and fabulous flower stamps. Take care xx

Kathleen said...

Fantastic creations, especially the first one.

Question No 1.. What would you do if you didn't' make cards, or run challenges?

K xx

Liz said...

I'm sure many crafters have had similar thoughts to you, Brenda. I know I have and for a while lost my crafting mojo. But I read on a blog somewhere how crafting and visiting blogs was helping to keep them going. I know that it's important for us all to look after our mental health and being able to craft is a good way of helping to do that. I feel blessed that I have a hobby which I can still do during these difficult times.

Your cards are stunning, Brenda. Take care xx

Ellibelle said...

I'm thinking of you Brenda, please don't see crafting as indulging. It's a horrible time we are all going through but have to do our best to keep sane for our families and ourselves. I've been keeping very calm during this time which is surprising as years ago I'd get anxiety over everything. I used to work in pharmacy during the H1N1 epidemic which we have lost so many people to, but there were no masks or even a mention of masks. I keep reminding myself of those times and we need to keep faith that this also will pass and things will eventually be back to being somewhat normal. I know you have your health to worry about and I am glad you are able to get the food delivered to your home so you can keep safe!
Your cards are so beautiful and hopefully you will be able to get crafting soon!

Gail L said...

Beautiful cards!
We are all doing the same thing.
Being helpless.
I am even considering ordering my groceries online this week.
I'd much rather just stay in my safe house and yard!

Lynne K said...

So glad you decided to post your cards, Brenda, they are as gorgeous as usual and give pleasure to many of us.

With regard to the current situation, I can only echo Shaz's wonderful comment above, along with the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Take care, and stay safe. xx

Leanne Harris said...

Beautiful makes Brenda. Love that vibrant orange on your PB make. It is certainly very strange times at the moment isn't it. I must admit to not getting as much crafting in as I would like recently - I've found myself so busy doing all the cleaning etc that cleaners don't come and do now and cleaning of the windows etc too -!!!! Having all the animals doesn't help in times like this as they make such a mess but they keep me smiling every single day.
I must get in to the craft room and keep that going!!! You keep safe and well xxxxx

kiwimeskreations said...

Thank you for posting Brenda - your cards always bring me joy! You are so very talented.
Yes it is a difficult time we are living in, and I too have folk around me who are flaunting the lock-down requirements, much to my frustration!!
That said, they are responsible their their actions, and if they and/or their family get ill... not that I would wish that on anybody.
Loving your work, and some of the sentiments you have and use are fabulous!
Stay safe

Babs said...

Well brenda what can I say that hasnt already been said, but like others I am so pleased you decided to do your posts , you are a inspiration to so many of us crafters brenda and like me we all look forward to seeing your amazing work. I know this is a terrible time for all of us but you have nothing to feel guilty about you have given so much to the community over the years and now it's your turn to reap some of that kindness back . Just think how much happiness you are giving to us crafters through your stunning creations you make, and all your wonderful comments you leave so many of us. I know I would be lost if I didnt have my craft goodies . So sending lots of hugs and prays and thinking of you.
Babs x

Jane said...

So well said Brenda, I too have been in 2 minds as to whether it is right to continue, especially that my daughter is a front line NHS doctor. However she said to me that everyone needs a distraction and even seeing a cheery card or reading a blog post is something which can help so many, especially people who are alone. That is why I am trying to stay creative, but boy it is difficult isn't it. You have always given so much to so many and you are continuing to share hope and creativity. These cards are beautiful. Stay hopeful and stay creative my friend. Sending huge virtual hugs xxx

Elena C said...

Hello Brenda!!! I think it helps a lot to visit blogs and keep crafting. My husband is sick with heart problems anyway, so I can't do much. But getting into my little craft room and my thoughts in creating something that I love (or not, and have to start over) is very therapeutic for me. I love to see other people's creations and yours are always a joy!!! Remember, God is in control and He has a plan!!!

Mrs A. said...

Donna is so right, but with me it isn’t a lack of mojo it is the time being spent chasing those illusive delivery slots that are always just out of reach. I feel exhausted by the end of the day just dealing with the holding on the line!, being disconnected and sheer lunacy of it all. We are surviing but having to plan each day carefully. Stay safe and well and keep on crafting . Your blog needs you. We need you. Hugs Mrs A.

Marlies said...

Beautiful cards Brenda. All very stylish and elegant as allways. I love your style of card making. I can only agree with all the comments above. Crafting and blogging can help take the mond off these terrible times and worries. SOmetimes it doens't help at all but we can at least try.
Take care and stay safe.
hugs, Marlies

Sharon said...

Well said Brenda, but don't feel bad. It is so nice to have some normality to escape back to away from all the uncertainty out there. Your rainbow theme is also quite appropriate this month as lots of children are drawing them to put in windows. It is so nice to see them going to and from work. Don't worry about being waited on, people really dont mind. Take care and look after yourself xx

Linby said...

Love the bright and cheerful colours on your first card. Lovely cards for Allsorts too.

Rainey's Craft Room said...

This sad and dreadful situation is affecting us in all different ways Brenda, you are not alone in that. Your friend is so right though that you should carry on with your hobby that you love. We have to find our own semblance of normal and so to post here on your blog might give you that and equally so that others can gain comfort from your words and inspiration for their own crafting too. Some might not have family members to converse with and are finding their online 'family' such a great support network. So keep up the post please, I love reading them. Stay safe and well.

ALI said...

Great cards Brenda and I'm so glad you got the proverbial kick up the bum from your blog friend Donna because I agree. Crafting takes mind off everything going on because I disappear in to another world while I'm doing it and visiting blogs lets me know slip in to a bit of normality.x

Take care! x

crafty-stamper said...

I'm glad you decided to post your cards and carry on blogging -we need some normality in these times and some distraction I don't listen to the news as all we can do is stay in and hopefully it helps.Must admit though I felt exactly the same when this lockdown was put in place I was tidying the craft room and I said to my daughter is there actually any point and my mojo instantly went into self isolation -luckily I already had a few already made and the couple I have made recently I am not happy with.Never feel guilty about the medication you take and just have to hope this turn of events is over sooner rather than later.Your cards are absolutely gorgeous and you have some beautiful stamps and sentiments.
Carol x

Sarah said...

Beautiful cards Brenda and I applaud you for your post today. I, for one, am delighted to see that you are still sharing your lovely work and words. I am incensed by the stupidity and utter selfishness of not only our fellow countrymen but idiots worldwide who really have the "it won't happen to me" attitude. In twenty odd years we have never seen so many walkers on our lane as we have since "lockdown" happened. Worse than that they are driving their cars, parking in our gateway and walking their dogs too, what bit of "exercise from your home" do they not understand!! Rant over!! Keep well dear lady xx

Desire Fourie said...

Brenda as always, these are such a wonderful creations with great attention to detail. Love the colours. All
the elements work so well together on them. Donna was so rogt, for us who breathe and live life through our crafts, this is now carrying us all thrpugh this global crisis and might inspite others to also acquire a craft skill aa their therapy. We have 9 days left of lockdown here in South Africa, but it seems like it might be extended. Please keep safe and healthy x
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Tracy said...

I adore Freesia's, I love to buy them and have them in the kitchen with that beautiful fragrance, used to grow them but the dogs eat everything in the garden now LOl! Your background rainbow colours are so pretty, must try that technique. Such pretty and beautiful creations.
I am not remarking on how your feeling as I am emailing you anyway love.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Anke said...

Oh Brenda your cards are so beautiful, I love your art.

All the best for you.


Jeni Mc said...

Brenda we need you to keep on crafting as you inspire us all, especially during these difficul times
Take care Jx

Dora said...

Beautiful cards.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful creations brenda! I unplug as much as possible because it’s frustrating and anxiety provoking hearing the constant negative news. Papercrafting keeps me busy and helps to replace all that with positivity; gives me a feeling of control that it’s something i can do i guess. Stay safe.

Gerrina said...

Three super beautiful cards! The gelliplate background is beautiful, just as the blue loose flowers, but the first card is my favorite! Enjoy the weekend!

Sally H said...

Stunning cards, Brenda! I love them all! Like you, I've struggled a bit this week. Last week I was doing my bit, fetching prescriptions for neighbours, doing shopping for SIL etc, but since then I've been a bit up and down. I think I'm stress crocheting, with 5 neck warmers and 23 granny squares so far, and doing rounds of texts and phone calls to make sure everyone is still okay. I'm missing Meg too. Anyway, enough of that, I'm catching up with blogland and I've found a little mojo for the first time this week and made a couple of cards. I'm at the end of the phone if you fancy a chat. lots of love, Sal x

Mrs.B said...

I'm just catching up Brenda and I'm pleased you decided to post these three beautiful cards and provided much needed inspiration for a lot of people who seem to be struggling to craft at the moment. Times are strange, I've not done much crafting, but instead took advantage of the fine weather to reorganise and spruce up the garden, but I always feel there's something missing if I'm not crafting and we all need a personal distraction to keep us sane. So keep on crafting and inspiring,
Avril xx

Poppyfield Card Crafts said...

I definitely know where you're coming from Brenda having read your post. Crafting is a good way to 'block' (just for a little time) the tragedies we are hearing about on a daily basis. It is so alarming and frightening to say the least!

So, on a much lighter note.... your cards are beautiful!

Stay safe!... June

Greta said...

Beautiful cards, Brenda! I especially love the second one--design & sentiment! These are challenging times, for sure. I struggle a lot with anger--yelling at idiots on TV--many of them in power here, unfortunately! Thank goodness the governor of our state closed things down early & we don't have the terrible numbers of some others. Crafting is therapeutic, for sure. I can only hope that my cards reach the recipients & give some joy. Thinking of you & sending hugs, Greta