Tuesday 24 January 2017

A message to all my blogland friends

Morning Peeps.

Most of you know I suffer long term health problems and in the last year they have not been particularly kind to me. As an extra 'inconvenience' I have been unwell since before Christmas which ended up with me in hospital and recovery is slow going.

It's a harsh reality check and hard to accept that you can't do all you want or used to do and that most things take twice as long as they once did. This means eventually something has to give, not just for the sake of my unwilling body but for the benefit of those around me who at the end of the day are the ones who have to pick up the pieces each time I am unwell.

So I have had to reach a very difficult decision and prioritise what I feel is the most effective way of utilising my time. Also most know that since my relapse last Summer I have struggled typing, doing so just exacerbates my pain so this is another thing I have to take into account.

I love running my three challenges and I know they give pleasure to so many, therefore I believe they must be the focus of my computer efforts. Coupled with my love of crafting, as like so many of us it offers a sanctuary and lifeline to sanity some days, a place where I can lose myself and continue to share some creations which may even offer a little inspiration along the way.

As you will have gathered by now, my limited keyboard time will in future be concentrated on preparing challenge posts and commenting on entries which out of necessity will in part be cut and paste. And although I dislike the idea and much as I cherish your friendship, I am stepping back from daily blogland visiting. All of that said I see many of you through the challenges so not all is lost but as they say in Italy 'il buon senso deve prevalere' (common sense must prevail).


Marianne said...

So sorry to hear you are not well. I understand that you will not be commenting and visiting our blogs and have to spend time on other things. I hope crafting will help you through these bad times and that we will see your lovely creations on the challenges. Take good care, Brenda and I hope you'll feel better soon. xxx Marianne

Di said...

Dearest B, how wise you are to take this decision. I know it won't have been done lightly but I feel sure you will benefit from a lighter load. And as you say, it's those closest to us who pick up the pieces when we're unwell so anything you can do to ease your pressures will hopefully be a help. I'll still be visiting you when I can of course, although I too have had to cut back time spent at the desk/laptop.

Sending you big hugs - and Parsnip is rustling round looking for his stethoscope so he can rush over to check you out. Don't answer the door if you see a pair of brown eyes peeping through the letter box!! :)


Di xx

Desire Fourie said...

Dearest Brenda
Please know that you are in my prayers and may each day have less health challenges for you as you prioritise here in blog land. We totally understand and I am sure all your lovely followers here have to know you as the must amazing caring bloggy friend.
Lots of healing hugs
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Marianne said...

I can fully understand that you need to prioritise, Brenda. I've always been amazed at how you could keep up with all of your followers and make such a huge effort to leave us all some sweet comments, even when times got tough. I think it's a wise decision to focus on what makes you happy. I do hope that your current situation will stabilise, so that you can continue crafting.
Take good care of yourself! Marianne x

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Oh dear Brenda, I am so sorry that you are having such difficulties. I can understand how creativity brings relief and joy and I love seeing your gorgeous & inspiring designs. Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments at my blog, especially when it was difficult. It truly is amazing what you are able to accomplish. You are wise to prioritise so that you can continue to do what you love, I'm sure your blog friends will completely understand. Take good care of yourself, Hugs, Shirley xx

Sheetal Ahlawat said...

Dear Brenda, you have been one of the kindest and most inspiring crafters I have known in the blogging world. Take good care of yourself. regards

Rainey's Craft Room said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your health issues are not getting any better but we all understand your need to prioritise your work load to make things easier all round. This was not an easy decision I expect as I know how much you love to visit and be part of this community, however things will hopefully be much less stressful and easier for you this way.
I look forward to seeing what you create for your challenge projects and hope that this 'therapy' will help you through.

KarinsArtScrap said...

I'm so sorry to hear this Brenda, but I understand it.
But glad you do the challenges and I will see you there.
I hope you have some days that it goes with you I'm only sad that I don't see your beautiful work.
But I will always visit you no matter what you do.
Gr Karin

Golden Goddess Designs said...

take care of yourself!


Liz said...

Really sorry to hear that you are struggling so much with your health, Brenda. You've made the right decision to prioritise what is best for you, your health must come first. I'm sure all your blogging friends will understand and will be pleased that you're not leaving blogland. Take care. xx

StirYourCreativity said...

Brenda take care of your health and hope you are back soon with a bang :)

ionabunny said...

Dear Brenda, glad to see that you are out of hospital. I am glad that you will still be running the challenge blogs. I for one, and I am sure many others, fully understand that you must put health and self first and although I will miss your visits, it will just be nice to see you around and know that you are still doing what you love. Take care of yourself. Hugz

Barb said...

Dear Brenda I didn't know that you had been into hospital again although I do know how you have struggled with health problems. I think we'll all understand that it hasn't been an easy decision for you but equally your health really has to come first and I'm sure you're making the right decision. I do hope you will continue to enjoy your crafting and look forward to seeing your lovely work pop up on my reading list. I will certainly continue to comment when you pop up on my screen and wish you happiness and as much pain free time as possible for the future. Your beautiful work is a great inspiration and may you have peace and joy in all you choose to do. With my love. Barbxx

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear that you have not had any respite from your ill health Brenda and I hope that there will be better days ahead for you. You are a hugely generous and inspirational part of the crafting community and I am sure I speak for many of us when I say that seeing your beautiful work and being able to support your challenges is always a pleasure and I shall look forward to seeing you whenever you are able. Take care. Sarah xx

Margreet said...

So sorry for you Brenda, but as you said: common sense must prevail...take care!
xxx Margreet

cuilliesocks said...

Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear that that your health problems are so difficult and you are right to make this decision if it helps you. We understand that in order to keep the best health you can get prioritising is essential. This will be less stressful for you in the long term.
I'll still be popping in to see what you are creating, look after yourself dear Brenda, Kate x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

It must have been so hard for you to have come to this decision Brenda, but I can quite understand why you need to cut back. I can also understand that you need to continue with your crafting/therapy and I for one look forward to seeing what you make for the up coming challenges.
Look after your self.

Sue xx

Nadja said...

I'm so sorry to Heat about your illness.
Take care of you and I Hope you will be back spoon.
Hugo nadja

Kath said...

A hard decision but your health (and crafting) must take a priority.
Take care, Kath x

Greta said...

Such a hard decision, I know, Brenda. I truly have been amazed that you've continued with all this. Very wise to look at things realistically & figure out the priorities. So glad you can keep crafting in your life this way! What a bummer you ended up in the hospital & I hope things will improve for you in 2017. You never know what these changes will do regardless of what is expected from the disease. Sending you hugs with gratefulness for your friendship--Greta

Pen Sunshinepen said...

The most important thing is to look after yourself, a very hard decision to make but I am sure it is the right one.

With much love x

Fliss said...

I'm so sorry to hear you've been so poorly Brenda so can perfectly understand your decision as your health must come first.
I too haven't done much lately as I'm awaiting my cataract ops and my eyesight is not up to scratch at the moment so my visiting has also been cut down.
I hope things improve for you soon and will try to stay in touch when I can.
Take care, Fliss xx

Babs said...

Oh dear Brenda,so Sorry to hear this but you must do what is best for you your health is of great importance, I will miss your little visits to my blog and always the lovely comments you leave, I will keep popping in to see what beautiful creation you have made, look after yourself take care.
Hugs Babs x

Anonymous said...

i know the harsh reality from experience, brenda, so i'm glad for your sake that you've decided to focus on what matters most to you and your family. i hope it alleviates some stress for you and i look forward to your gorgeous projects, even if i don't always get around to commenting due my health issues.

hellerlittle said...

Dear Brenda,
So sorry to hear you are not well.
Very wise to look at things realistically & figure out the priorities.
I understand that you will not be commenting and visiting our blogs and to have spend time on other things. I hope crafting will help you through these bad times and that we will see your lovely creations on the challenges is better than nothing and making us wonder. Take good care, Brenda and I hope you'll feel better soon.
many lovely hugs

Glennis F said...

Brenda, I can entirely sympathise with you, and your health must always come first. Just do what you can and take one day at a time

Jane said...

I'm so sorry that you are still unwell dear Brenda but please always put your health first. You are one of the kindest crafters I know and one of the first I "met" when I started entering challenges....4-5 years ago. I treasure your blogging friendship and will always be paying a visit to your lovely blog. I am amazed that you managed to run your challenges and I thank you for everything you do. Keep up with your own crafting, it gives you and us so much pleasure. Never worry about even copying and pasting comments over at mine, save those hands! Please take care,
Huge crafty hugs, Jane xxx

Tracey T said...

So sorry to hear that you've been so poorly again, Brenda. Wishing good health for the future x

Pat said...

So sorry you have had to make some hard choices, but I think your choices are right for you, keep on crafting Brenda and putting your wonderful creations on for all of us to see. Hopefully by cutting back you will soon be feeling much better. Thank you for all the wonderful friendly comments in the past. Take care of yourself.

Pat xx

Berina RGA said...

Dear Brenda, we totally understand. Please take care of your health. That is very important. We all love you and pray for your speedy recovery. I'm happy to know that you will be continuing your challenges and inspiration. Hope you feel better soon.

Helen said...

so sorry to read this, Brenda, but completely understand and as everyone has said, you (and your supportive family) and your health, are what matters. Will keep reading your challenges to stay in touch. Please don't worry about not visiting in return. xx

Wendy Fraser said...

Sorry to hear your health is so poor, sending you a big, gentle hug. I know what it's like to suffer from chronic illness, you can't do it all, make sure you put yourself first and do what you enjoy. xxx

Valerija said...

So sorry to hear you are not well.
Take care Brenda.
Hugs Valerija

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

So sorry for you dear Brenda, I know that your decision is suffered, but I'm sure that less time on the web is more health for you!
Don't worry, we love you and understand it so well! And we will be happy for any your new creation!
I'm glad you have choosen an italian quote to explain us your decison. :) Hai perfettamente ragione, devi scegliere bene le priorità. Grazie per la tua amicizia, l'apprezzo molto.
Abbracci e baci!!!

Cathy said...

Take care of yourself Brenda, as Darnell says Life is too short! Best wishes, Cathy x

Craftyfield said...

You are totally right, you must adapt your workload to whatever you can (and want)to do. I think most bloggers will understand and support your decision.
I really wish things will improve for you Brenda. xx

Sharon said...

Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you're still having health issues. However, your health has to be a priority and you have to do what is best for you. I'll keep checking in. I hope you get some benefit from limiting your activities. Take care. Sharon x

Aunty Sue said...

Totally get where your coming from this is happening to myself and although like you love to craft and be part of a DT finding it taking far longer than it did therefore i too have stepped back a little. Sending hugs from someone that totally understands.

ALI said...

Sorry to hear Brenda but completely understand, I'll still be visiting when you post. Ali x

Robin said...

Oh Brenda I was so hoping you were going to be on the up-mend. Take care of yourself. You come first. You will continue to remain in my prayers always. Hugs, Robin

kiwimeskreations said...

Hi Brenda - I have been prompted to pray for you since your last post, now I sort of know why. As I say under this type of circumstance , "somethings gotta give, and it's not going to be me in the middle!". Take care, and we will see you when you can get here.

Edith said...

Oh dear Brenda, I´m sorry to hear that you have so many difficutlties to handle with. Hope all will get better soon! I understand that you will step back from commenting, take your time to get well! Nothing is as important as our health! Is it possible to send a card to you? I would like to bring a smile to a kind person who I don´t know personally but is present in my crafters life for many years! My e-mail is era007 (at) gmx.de
Stay strong!
Hugs Edith

aussie aNNie said...

You know I am not expecting you to comment and just want to see you get better.xxx{aNNie}

scrappymo! said...

I am sorry to hear your battle continues with ongoing health issues. I titally understandthe needto cut back and concentrate on what brings you the greatest joy.
I am always amazed at how well you do as I do understand the challenges of crafting while dealing with debilitating illness. I was forced to cut drastically back last year and although it was hard to do...it was for the best.

I am happy to join in your challenges when i can, and a copy and paste does not bother me at all. It will be nice to know you stopped in.

Take care Brenda. I love your style and your beautiful cards...and I enjoy you!

Gerrina said...

It is sad that your health has made you take this discision... not only for me, but most of all for you, çause I know how often you get inspired by seeing the work of others (and see new techniques a/o products). It is getting a lot quieter in blogland the last few weeks. More people are sick or just quiting blogging and the ones that are blogging a lot of them don't comment anymore; seems like all they do is a thump on FB...
I will keep enjoying to do the great challenges and think that health goes before all so even though this must have been a strugle, I totally agree that you have to do what you like best. It is not that we won't see your beautiful projects anymore! I am glad that we "found" eachother in blogland and are blogfriends and (CB guestdesign-) teamies! Would still like to meet you in person and spent an afternoon crafting together!
Hope this will work out for you and sending some positive energy to help you do the things you want now! And feel free to visit my blog and look without commenting! Big hug, Gerrina

Crochet Addict UK said...

I am so sorry. I hope you heal quickly. I know how difficult it can be. Have you tried voice typing. I am just starting to. We will be here for when you can but please take all the time you need to heal.

Leanne Harris said...

Oh Brenda, you do what you feel you can do. You take care of yourself now and I'll watch how you go on from FSC, I send you my love and hope that you are going on as best you can, lots of love xxxxxxx

Carole Pollard said...

Such a sad post Brenda but your health is the priority. I am just pleased for you that you will still be able to do some limited crafting. I will still follow your blog and keep up with things on here Look after yourself take care Love and hugs Caorle x

Theresa's Studio said...

Brenda, you must make your health your priority. We will miss seeing you as much in Blogland but our thoughts are with you as you take care of yourself. Hugs and kisses!

pinky said...

You've always been a real trooper Brenda but its time to put yourself first! xxx

Debbie said...

Totally understand dear friend. I've had to step back from blogging on and off as our health has to come first. as long as we can do a it of crafting here and there then that's all that matters. look after yourself Brenda. Thinking of you lots and sending big hugs xxx Take care now.xx

Merry said...

Glad to hear that you won't be giving up crafting and card making altogether but life's routines have to be changed all the time. Comments are not necessary as I will still be visiting to see your wonderful creations. Take care and big hugs.

Paper Profusion said...

You really are doing the right thing Brenda, in fact you probably should have prioritised yourself quite some time ago. I have always appreciated your loyal and lovely visits, especially given your 'compromised' health, and will still be thrilled to see you pop by when one of your challenges is involved. You have been incredibly generous with your time and talent towards others. I hope that cutting back will allow you see some health / holistic improvements. Sending you lots of cyber hugs and warmest wishes for improvement, Nicola x

Unknown said...

Aww my friend I know it's hard to have to back away a little! Sorry to hear you're still struggling and sending hugs!
Lucy x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Hello Brenda, I'm so far behind with my commenting that I bet you thought I'd forsaken you, no chance! :) First of all, I'm sorry that you've been so poorly again, you seem to have way more of your fair share and my heart goes out to you. I am, however, pleased to hear that you are slowly on the mend. As to you decision, I know that is one that you wouldn't have made lightly and at the end of the day Brenda, you have to look after yourself and do what's right for you. We all know just how hard you work and I'm sure that each and every one of us wants what is best for you. From the very first post that I made, you have always been so kind and supportive and I absolutely treasure our friendship. Thank you for being you and I wish you much love and good health always. Crafty hugs, Sandra x X

Crafting Queen said...

TAke care of yourself . Hope your health will improve. Hugs ANesha

KandA said...

My dear Brenda I am so sorry to hear your body is not behaving how you wish it would and fully understand the choices you have to make. You have to put yourself and your family first and take time to get better. It's always a delight and inspiration to see your wonderful creations and I would much rather continue to see them and know you get pleasure in your craft room, than have you struggle leaving comments on my blog... so please don't cause yourself any more pain. Take care xx

CdeBaca Crafts Gallery said...

I havent "known" you for very long and not entirely sure what you have but I have seen posts about you struggling to type etc. I hope all gets better for you and your work is amazing. Thank you for visiting my blog as well. It means a lot. Get better and sending prayers.

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Brenda you are one very special lady, you have made the right decision as your health and family always come first, I hope that you will feel better in yourself by cutting down on your commitments, you are very much loved and respected so please take care
lorraine x

Fikreta said...

you must take care.
health and family always come first, I hope that you will feel better.
lots of hugs

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda, I've just come across your blog & read your Jan 24th 2017 post. I'm sorry that you are so unwell & that you are faced with the need to cut back, its not an easy choice to make. However I'm so thankful for your courage, openness & honesty in sharing about your health issues & how they impact your life & your loved ones. I am in a similar situation & have recently had to cut back as my health continues to deteriorate. Reading your post has helped me not to feel alone & isolated & has inspired me to keep focussing on what I can do & to keep crafting. I pray that your health settles & that you may regain your strength & abilities. You are a very special lady. Hugs from a grateful heart Yvonne.

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

I hadn't read this post Brenda , so sorry to read of your ill health , makes mine seem nothing . Just do your best and look after your self ,family and four legged friends ( my only dog now is Hudson , who is 16 , I take him for walks in a push chair , along with my friend who has 3 old dogs , one of her's goes in a pram too , we get some looks but don't give a fig .
You are in my thoughts and prayers , I hope your not in too much pain, that's the worse and not sleeping makes me bad , I have fibromyalgia ,arthritis in my hands and an underactive thryroid.
I was going to ask about the tattered lace blog , it seems to have stopped . I love tattered lace dies and have a lot of them , I would be interested in doing something with TL , just a thought .
hoping you feel somewhat better soon .
sending love and warm hugs . jane x

Sarn said...

Hi Brenda . . . so sorry to hear you ended up on hospital. I know you've struggled with your health for ages and my heart goes out to you. You must do what is right for you and your health. Blogland comments are the least of your worries and I'm sure we all understand your decision.

Sending love and hugs,
Sarn xxx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh, Brenda, please feel better! I am so sorry for what you've been going through. I had no idea you were in the hospital. I know you have been suffering so much. Please know I'm thinking about you and praying for you. Don't worry about commenting - that should be the least of your worries. I hope you start having some good days again. Big hugs, my friend.

Gail L said...

Oh Brenda! I will miss you popping in, but you need to look after you!
I'll come by when I can, because your creations are amazing!
Just take it easy, and look after yourself!

Karen P said...

Now then Miss B time to look after yourself and not worry about the rest of us, we will be here ready, waiting and looking forward to your return. Please take care and rest it's what you need right now xx

Sue - said...

So sorry to hear you're still going through a bad health patch. Obviously you must do what you need to, to make life easier for yourself, as your body needs to time to repair itself. Hope things become easier for you soon.

Caro´s kreative Welt said...

Dear Brenda, take good care of yourself. Get well!
Hugs Carola

rachel said...

oh Brenda - common sense indeed must prevail - please take care lovely lady! Hugs rachel x

Rhonda Miller said...

Sorry to hear you've not been well. I hope you can find some relief. Hugs.

Marjeta said...

Hope you will recover as much as possible. Wish you all the best. Take care.


Inkypinkydelights said...

Oh Brenda, |I have just browsed back to find this post. I am so sorry you have not been well, and I fully understand what you say. You take care and look after yourself. I am so pleased you are continuing with the Challenge blogs though. As always, you know where I am if you need some crafty chat. Judy x