Monday 30 December 2013

Top 5 of 2013

Edited 30th December: This time Debby really does want our Top 5 of 2013 and said it was OK to re-link this post.

Note added Christmas Eve afternoon: I just realise I got totally the wrong end of the stick here and what Debby actually wants are our Christmas Top 5, so as I don't have time to re-do my post now I have apologied to her and asked her to remove me from her linky. Probably about par for the course with me at the moment, well away with the fairies !


Well having been up baking since silly o'clock the mince pies and sausage rolls are made, choccy log decorated, cranberry sauce simmering away, red cabbage, apple and port slowing cooking in the oven so it's all lush tomorrow and the bubbles are on ice so you can all guess what I will be doing next ?

I would like to wish all my friends .................................  

A Very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and Wonderful Crafty New Year 

And to those who may not celebrate the season a peaceful few days. To this I would like to add my sincere thanks to everyone for their friendship and inspiration in 2013.

I thought this year I really should join in with Debby's seasonal posting of selecting my five favourite cards of the year.............and my is it tough choosing Debby !! I spent ages poring over my favourites, came to a short list of about a dozen and then it got even harder, but eventually here they are and if it tells me nothing else it confirms I use rather a lot of inkiness and colour coupled with a definite fetish for suns and moons, but it wouldn't do for us all to be the same would it ?

Dylusions, acrylic paint, Chocolate Baroque stamps and a bit of bleach
This one because I love travel and the intensity of colour and pattern

Yet more Pan Pastels with Sutter and Stampscape stamps
This one because I am a Country girl with a love of trees and animals

Pan Pastels and Lavinia stamps
This one because I believe in Fairies and this scene is at the end of my garden

Pan Pastels again, a Paris mask and FlonzCrafty stamps
This one because I adore Paris and Victorian fashion

Pan Pastels and Stamp Addicts stamps
This one because of the Poppies and heavy horses which remind me of my Dad and Granddad

Addendum: I know I have already shared my five favourites but this one is a special thank you to Debby for inspiring me to venture into white on white, it has always terrified me but seeing her stunning creations on this theme in recent months I took the plunge and this was my first successful attempt...................obviously there still had to be a sun/moon and a bit of Pan Pastel.

Have a wonderful Christmastime and looking forward to seeing you all again very soon.

Footnote: I have a little confession to make, somehow when I was preparing links for the monthly challenges I deleted the list of names entered into my Christmas candy. I asked the man at Inlinkz if it was possible to retrieve the list but it seems not, so I have to put my hands up and apologise to everyone who entered.


Jane said...

Hi Dear Brenda, what a fab Top 5, my fave is the horses as to me this is such a Brenda card, with the poppies as well. Debby's challenge is great isn't it and I have also joined in this year. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and sending my very best wishes to you for better health in 2014. Cheers to you and thanks for all you inspiration and blogging kindness, festive hugs, Jane xx

KandA said...

What a fabulous selection of cards. Love the WOW and all the wonderful colours.
Hope you have a really wonderful christmas and new year xx

Wendy L said...

6 very beautiful cards Brenda and I agree, so hard to choose. I love the white on white and I love the plough horses too. Have awonderful Christmas.xxxxx

Sally H said...

It seems our days have started in the same way, Brenda! Mince pies currently in the oven and apple muffins are cooling. Your five favourites are totally stunning and I love them all. I will try and join in too this year and I have a sneaking suspicion that trees may feature quite heavily, lol!

Phi said...

Merry Christmas Brenda. Thank you for a year of inspiration and eye candy. Have yourself and wonderful Christmas.

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda, I can imagine you had a hard time narrowing your choice down to 5 cards! The're all so gorgeous, but that first one, I must admit, is my absolute favorite!! Hugs to you my friend, Frea

Sasha said...

Hi Brenda,
I just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas with a happy and healthy New Year to follow xx

rachel said...

these are just stunning Brenda! Really lovely - they're all just gorgeous - but then all of your creations are! I do hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a brilliant New Year! Hugs Rachel xx

Sue said...

Your cards are always stunning Brenda! Thank you for sharing your favourites with us again. Your White card is wonderful too.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
hugs Sue xx

Marianne said...

Dear Brenda. I wish you and your beloved ones a very merry Christmas and a happy creative new year!!
xxx Marianne

Gail L said...

Great pics Brenda!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Hoping for a healthy 2014 for you.

Sarah said...

Fab Top 5 Brenda...heavy horses is my favourite though....can't think why!! Enjoy tomorrow!! xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

They are all gorgeous, thanks for sharing again ! Merry Christmas to you and your family including the fur members. I wish you all the best in 2014, Shirleyx

Robin said...

I'm heading over to your house. Sounds so yummy! Love the cards you have made. The fairies card was one of my faves too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hugs, Robin

ellyscard creatief said...

All creations are beautiful
Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year,
Blessings Elly

Pat said...

Great choice of cards Brenda and your white on white is stunning. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas.

Pat xx

Silvia(Barnie) said...

A fantastic choice, these are wonderful pieces. Just coming around to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a blessed year 2014.

Paula (PEP) said...

I must say that your first choice just floats my boat too - it's a wondrous use of that Chocolate Baroque border stamp & I'm not surprised that many of your choices feature that very distinctive but unusual card shape.
Wishing you all the best for the coming year.
Much love
Paula (PEP)

Mrs.B said...

Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas, Brenda
Avril xx

Glennis F said...

Loved seeing all your favourites - gorgeous!

Lotusblommans vardag said...

They are all so beautiful but the first card is really a TIP TOP SUPER CARD! <3
I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas.

Warm hugs
Susan in Sweden.

Vicky said...

Gorgeous as always hun...and wishing you a very merry Christmas too...:o)

biggest of love n hugs Vicky xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Very good choice, just a week early. Merry Christmas, hoping for a better health year for you next year x

susiestacey said...

Have a wonderful christmas Brenda, best wishes to you and your family for 2014.
Sounds like you are going to be having a gorgeous dinner x Susan x

mags said...

Stunning cards Brenda. Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas. Hope you have a lovely time.

Words and Pictures said...

Well, I'm glad you got the brief wrong - these are gorgeous, and it's lovely seeing them again! Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas, Brenda!
Alison xx

Kathleen said...

So you got the wrong end of the stick, who care's a pleasure to see these fabulous cards again especially your wow card.
Have a really good Christmas and I really wish you a very healthy 2014.

Kath x

AsilisA MaM said...

Dear Brenda, every your card is the piece of art and this TOP5 wirh an extra one - absolutely gorgeous!
Merry Christmas and the best wishes to you, health and good luck!

Patry Ro said...

Really gorgeous selection!!! Merry Christmas to you too!!!

Jaya Raghuvanshi said...

Fabulous selection of cards!! love them all.. I love the way you do scenes Brenda! really gorgeous!!

Whisper said...

Oooo what a stunning collection of cards and don't worry about the mix either - put it down to Christmas, it frazzles all of our brains !!, Luv Sam x

Janis said...

Exquisite cards!!!! Thanks for the review. I enjoyed it immensely.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Iris said...

Amazing cards - they take my breath away.

Gerrina said...

I just love to see what youre own favorites are of this year! Can immagine that you had a hard time before picking these ones... You made so many beautiful cards! Enjoy the X-mas days! Hugs, Gerrina said...

Happy christmas hunny x

Tracy said...

I love your top fiive, you do such wonderful scenes and I love how you use pan pastels. Read your added bit at the top about it being a christmas one but I'm glad you did these. Because Ivlove them all.
All the best for 2014,, a good year and better health
Happy crafting
Tracy xxx

Kat said...

Very late Christmas greetings Brenda. I have broadband again but no time to get near my laptop.

Lovely to see those gorgeous cards again.

Hope you're having a lovely Christmas with your family.

Take care,

Kat xx

Mummylade said...

Gorgeous collection and a very merry christmas to you and your family

pinky said...

Whether you got it right or wrong Brenda the selection you chose are absolutely gorgeous! Hope you have had a lovely Christmas with the family. I want to wish you and your family a healthy and lucky 2014.

Ellibelle said...

Love seeing all these beautiful creation in one post Brenda! They are just amazing, and you did a fantastic job on your white on white card!! Hope you had a good Christmas and wishing you all the Best!

Sarah said...

Gorgeous collection of cards B. Hope you had a very Happy Christmas. Best wishes for a crafty 2014 xxx

Rhonda Miller said...

These are all beautiful.

debby4000 said...

Please don't worry Brenda just add a link to this post next week when I do Favourite Five Creations 2013. I do love them all, I so enjoy popping by and you know my favourites are the scenes you made.

Julie said...

Hello my lovely B, how hard it must have been to find only 5 that you liked, I'm
Sure I couldn't have done it, you make so many cards and they're always stunning! Hope you're feeling well, happy Saturday my friend. Xxx

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

This is a great selection of stunning makes. Happy festive season, Brenda! xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Hello, Brenda - I am behind in my blog reading but am trying to get caught up. Your top 5 cards are beautiful - Christmas or not! I can see why these are your favourites. The white-on-white is gorgeous. I still have not attempted the totally white card but it does look so elegant. I hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you good health and happiness in 2014 and looking forward to seeing more of your lovely makes.

Casi said...

Wow, great play with colors! They are all so beautiful!!

LG Kerstin

nnalorac said...

I do it often Brenda! Never mind they are gorgeous cards. Love your inspiration, sorry I have been AWOL but hoping for great things in 2014 lol! Have a happy new year and all the best in whatever you do. Carolxx

sallysbitz2 said...

Your cards are all stunning Brenda, even though you got the wrong end of the stick x

I do hope you had a fab Christmas & that 2014 brings you everything you wish for x

hugs sally x

Donna Ellis said...

Well, I for one thoroughly enjoyed seeing your top 5! LOL I hate when I don't get it right. LOL hugs, de

Desire Fourie said...

This is a wonderful selection of cards and a great reflection of your beautiful creative style. Its all awesome unique Brenda creations.
{Would love you to visit my blog and join my 130,000 Page View Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

oh B this is just soooo wonderful, love how the panpastels starred...

Mm, think they will star in my top five as going to do it tomorrow, God willing.
Meant to have done it already as get her posts via email.

love hugs and prayers for every blessing in 2014, esp re health. Shaz in

misteejay said...

What a fabulous collection - I love the colours in the first card and your White-on-White card is beautiful.
Toni xx

Claire Phillips said...

I don't think I could ever choose 5 favourites of all your cards Brenda. But have to say that white on white card is pretty special if very different for you.
We have had a mad run upto Christmas here, don't think I have ever seen the kids soooooo excited. Topped by my oldest Jacob actually shaking while opening his surprise present on Christmas Day - a typewritter.....apparently all REAL writers have one! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and here's to a great 2014! Cheers Claire x

Kelly Lloyd said...

Hello Brenda,
Hope you had a great Christmas.
Your choice of favs are fantastic. But so are all your creations,
Here's wishing you all the very best for 2014
Hugs Kelly x

Claudia said...

Hi Brenda!!
your cards are beautiful!!
I wish you a fabulous 2014!!

cebelica said...

These are all amazing. Love, love, love them! Wishing you a happy New Year! I'm looking forward to see what gorgeous creations you have in stock for 2014. ;) Hugs! xx

Jackie Scott said...

Your cards are stunning. Such amazing colours on your cards. - A wonderful selection - love them all!

Mary said...

Gorgeous cards all 5 of them. I love the colors you choose. I love the Pan Pastels and Lavina Stamp card. Very whimsical! Happy New Year!

Jaya Raghuvanshi said...

Hey Brenda!! I know I have already commented here sweets...but just dropped in again to you a Very Very Happy New Year!! Wish you and your near and dear ones a wonderful year ahead with all the love and luck!!! have a blast!! :)

Shirley said...

All these makes are beautiful Brenda such a wide variety you have picked. My fave is the first x x

I do hope 2014 will be extra specially kind to you and your family this year. Happy New Year.

Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x

SusanLotus said...

Happy New Year to you Brenda!

Janice said...

Stunning cards, each and every one! Happy New Year Brenda, Jx

Marianne said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Brenda. I hope (correction: my DH and I hope) that this year will bring you love, joy and better health (any news on the op?), and of course lots of crafting! Love your selection. I was directed to Debby's blog by another blogger yesterday, and I think it's a great idea to take another look at one's own creations of the past year and be amazed at our own creative journey. I know I have not been able to create a lot of cards in 2013 but I do know I tried new things and loved it.
Marianne x

ionabunny said...

I love the first one. What stunning colours. So warm, and we could do with a bit of warm right now. The white on white is a monochrome masterpiece. Absolutely lovely. I won't go looking to see if I won the December candy then...... LOL That gave me a giggle which is always good for the soul. Wishing you all the best for 2014

debby4000 said...

So pleased you re-linked, good luck