Good afternoon all my blogland friends.
This an an extremely difficult post for me to write and one I have been pondering on for weeks, but I don't think I can put it off any longer.
Lots of you know that I have been suffering a relapse of my MS since early January and was out of proper blogland action for several weeks. Although I am much better than I was and can get about again, albeit a bit like I've had a few too many some days, as always tends to be the case with this horrid condition, every time you get a relapse, some parts of you never quite go back to where they were before the relapse.
This an an extremely difficult post for me to write and one I have been pondering on for weeks, but I don't think I can put it off any longer.
Lots of you know that I have been suffering a relapse of my MS since early January and was out of proper blogland action for several weeks. Although I am much better than I was and can get about again, albeit a bit like I've had a few too many some days, as always tends to be the case with this horrid condition, every time you get a relapse, some parts of you never quite go back to where they were before the relapse.
I am still finding working on the keyboard very difficult and this is further hampered by my poor balance and eye issues which are always the part of me that suffers lingering symptoms of optic neuritis, double vision and the inability to focus on the screen for any period of time. So of course I still can't drive my dear little car either which really clips my wings.
Now this part may sound like a cop out, but I can still craft reasonably well thank goodness, otherwise I would be climbing the walls and I am so grateful to Stampalot and Stamp Addicts for feeding my addiction and keeping me occupied these last few weeks...........more samples in the coming days.
And although close detail work such as colouring is still hard some days, working on larger pieces, inking and so on which don't require the same level of intensity are OK and where I have been concentrating most of my activity. And I do have a couple of demos coming up.......sitting is what I do best now, so at least I can still share some crafty interaction.
So I guess some of you will have already guessed where I am going here and hope you will understand that I have to be realistic about all of this and balance my time effectively. I have already reduced some of my DT commitments and am sticking with those I have been associated with for a long while now, Allsorts which I have been part of since day one, along with Stampalot and Penny Black at Allsorts monthly challenges, both of which I am proud to run. My fellow DT's are wonderful girls and I love working with them all.
This brings me to the bottom line and as much as I love visiting you all and so appreciate each and every one of your visits and comments here, I have to accept that for the time being at least, my blog activities are going to be limited to DT work and visiting entrants to those three challenges.
I will still share some work as and when........but the posts are likely to be short so that I can concentrate my 'screen' activities effectively. I so hope you will all understand and know that I am not ignoring you, just that for once, much as I hate the idea, common sense has to prevail, at least for the time being.

Dont you worry hun - everyone will understand.
Im so sorry you have been so unwell Brenda......
take care, and we are all still here :)
I'm so sorry to hear of all your troubles Brenda and can understand that you need to cut down on everything due to these.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely work and please don't worry about your lack of visiting, it's not a problem.
You just take it easy and do what you can.
Sending hugs, Fliss xxx
The most important thing you have to do is taking care of yourself..... dont worry about your friends..... they will understand that.
i hope you be well soon.
Trzymam kciuki, aby Twoje zdrowie było w jak najlepszej kondycji.
Bardzo ciężko czytać o Twoich kłopotach ze zdrowiem. Dbaj o siebie
Agata from Poland
Take care
Hugs :*
Dear Brenda, you had me panicing there, for a minute I thought oh No!! she's giving up everything. Boy am I pleased that's not happening and I am delighted that we will still see your beautiful creations every now and then. Please take care hun. Sending you lots of love.
Suzi x
Oh Brenda,
what a dreadful shame, but of course we all understand and send you nothing but support and hugs. I will miss your supportive comments and inspiration, and of course hearing about my chums - your furry family.
I hope Bernie is behaving and looking after you properly?
Much love my friend and please feel much better as soon as you can.
Hi Brenda
The most important thing is what works for you and keeps you sane. I always love seeing your work and am guilty of not telling you so as often as I should.
I wish there was something I could do to help and words are failing me at the moment to express how I feel.
Huge hugs to you Brenda
Love Ali x
Brenda...I am so sorry to hear of your ill health and I will still look forward to seeing your beautiful creations. You have to look after number one and do what's best.
Take care
I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling fine, Brenda. I'm glad that you're still able to craft, you make the most beautiful projects. Don't worry about not visiting, everyone will understand.
The most important thing is that you take care of yourself and that you don't feel like there is a lot of must does.
Take care. Hugs, Hanna
Brenda, I am a fairly new visitor to your blog but have had much enjoyment from reading your posts and looking at your lovely creations. I am so sorry to hear about the MS and send you much love and best wishes. I am sure everyone will understand and you know what they say - something is better than nothing, so put your health first and blogging second. Take care xx
oh my goodness, you poor thing. Don't be worrying about us, take it easy x
I'm sorry to hear that Brenda. I think of you, take car brenda.
Its definitely time to look after yourself Brenda, I'm sure everyone will understand that your health has to come first so take it easy, craft when you feel like it and I'll look forward to all your gorgeous inky creations:-)
love and hugs
Claire xx
Brenda! Hold on! We are with you! We will pray!
Dear Brenda!I do understand and hope it will be better for you soon :)
I will pop in on you every now and then and look at your fabulous creations :)
Sending lot`s of hugs and take care,hun :)
Hugs,Kari :)
Dear Brenda. I certainly understand and just wish you lots of love and hope that you get back to some normality soon. Visiting us is the last thing you need to worry about. I'm just so glad that you can craft ok otheriwse I can imagine, life would be pretty horrible right now. At least if you can keep occupied, the time goes by better.
I do understand, believe me, I have an Aunt and a friend who suffer with this horrible diease and I know how disabiliting it can be.
Just take care of yourself.
Hugs Lisax
Hello Brenda. You must do what is right for you, and your health has to come first. You dont need to worry because you have lots of lovely friends and people who care deeply for you. You just take care and get well soon. At least you are able to craft a little, and that will be a good help to you, but go slow.
Take care sweetie, you are in my thoughts.
Lots of love, Sandra xxx
Always remember, that you have to put yourself first, do only what your body allows and to heck with everyone eles. We do undderstand! Do what makes you happy! Take care of yourself.....I also know just how you feel since I have lung disease. My motto...take one day at a time, be happy and cherish your good days! We all love you! Take care my friend!
Hi Brenda,
don't worry, we all understand this.
It's good you are still able to craft and I'm so proud to be in your team,
Oh Brenda, you are a love. Fancy worrying about all of us when you should be concentrating on yourself! I am so glad you are still able to craft and be part of the DT's that mean so much to you. I will look forward to seeing your wonderful creations as and when and wish you nothing but better health and love.
Take care hunni,
Dawn xx
no worries hun. The main thing is that you are ok, it's important to take care properly! It's better to have you around in small doses than not at all. And don't feel you have to get back on all comments, we do it cause we love your work.
Brenda, I'm so really sorry to hear those news about your healt! But don't worry - we all understad you and we all are wishing you to become perfectly healthy very soon! God bless you!
Hi Brenda, I totally understand and really hope life gets easier for you soon. Glad you can still craft to keep yourself occupied.
Take care
Lisa x
So sorry about your MS and hope that it will settle down again soon. Do fully understand and do take care. Hugs Anesha
Your health and well-being must of course come first and i wish well in the times ahead. I have loved visiting your blog and will miss your many inspirational works but you must do what is right for you
Take care
Sylvia xx
You need to reserve your energies hun x wishing you well x Leigh x
Dear Brenda I fully understand where you are coming from. As you know my hubby has MS and the simplest of tasks wear him out and take it's toll. So glad you are still able to get some crafting done. I'll keep stopping by to see how you are getting on. Take care xxx
Oh Brenda, you are an inspiration for me. It's not been long that I started following you, but I love your work. Hope you soon get back to creating and crafting full swing.
Dear Brenda, much as I love you and your work I would not want you to be stressing yourself out trying to respond to my comments (though you may still get them when you post DT work). Because my sister, Margaret, has MS I am fairly au fait with how the condition waxes and wains and, as you say, each relapse robs you of something. And I personally know how debilitating neuralgia is as I suffer from bouts of it frequently, as does Margaret. She only recently went through her third op in the hope of easing the painful neuralgia she gets in her face! Just a wee thought - there is voice recognition software available and some are apparently excellent so perhaps you could consider giving this a try - you never know it may be just the thing. In the meantime take care, happy crafting, and may you now experience a very long remission :) Hugs, Elizabeth x
I'm sorry to hear you will be reducing your postings, but I do understand. Your health is the most important thing. Please take care of yourself. My prayers are with you.
Sad news - I appreciate you sharing; I am sure everyone would understand - Remember you come first - please take care of yourself and take all the time you need. Our prayers are with you.
Your health comes first. I hope you'll get better soon. Wishing you all the best! Hugs!
I don't comment often but I love your work and I admire your courage to share something so personal to you with everyone here in blongland. I hope and pray that you get better soon.
love from Pakistan
I´m sad about tthis too. Your a very big Talent Brenda you deserve the best. Get well soon
hugs from Brazil
Wish you to get better soon! Hope everything will be OK!
It's sad you can't keep up your blog but I am glad to read that you can still do some crafting. I am sure you will still find ways to share your love of being artistic and creating. I have always found that when God closes a door he opens a window.
Take care of yourself! {{{hugs}}} :)
This is a good idea, I totally agree with you concentrating on fewer commitments and dare I say always go with what gives YOU the most pleasure! I hope you have lots and lots of good days!
I don't always comment, but your work speaks for itself. I am so sorry to read this, I am sure everyone will understand, wishing you better health really soon, take
Ofcourse we understand, just take good care of yourself and don't you worry about us. I hope you feel better soon and everything turns out good. Love, Marianne
I feel sure everyone will understand. It is a joy to visit your wonderful creations and I would far rather do that than not! Please take care of yourself Brenda, you have always been a very loyal follower which has been truly appreciated - but don't try to be super human....Warmest Wishes Claire x
I can't imagine that anyone is going to have any problem with that at all! You have to take care of yourself first! Hope that it gets better, but at least you can still craft. Hope that you can post, even if short ones so we can still see your lovely work!
Sending a hug,
Sorry to hear you are ill. Im sure no one will mind! I suffer from M.E and no how debilitating relapses can be. Take comfort in your crafting and from your fellow bloggers x
Oh my goodness Brenda. (((hugs))) Of course you need to limit your blogging so that you have your strength and abilities for other things. I'm so pleased that you're able to craft still. Take care, loads of love, Sarah xoxoxo
Brenda I love to see your work and any post you manage would be lovely but I and I know others totally understand where you are coming from on this - your health must come first, crafting second and blogging when you can.
Hugs Linbyx
take care...i'm sure everyone will understand your situation...glad you won't "disappear" totally..and i'm so happy you won't have to abandon crafting... =)
Hugs, SannaS
Know exactly what your saying Brenda, we strive to keep normality when struck with long term illness and fully understand that we have to be sensible and take care of ourselves. The main thing is being able to continue creating, that's what helps us cope. You take care. Carolxx
Take care of yourself! The important thing is that you can still craft a little and do thungs that makes you feel good! Hope you get much better soon again. Hugs!
It would be shocking if there is anyone who does not understand this Brenda you have been very generous in your support and encouragement of so very many people in blogland. The one important thing for you to concentrate on now is you. (((Hugs))) XOXO Zoe
Hi Brenda your health MUST come 1st & do what ever you can to keep you from
"climbing the walls" albeit like spider man...LOL peeps understand you CANT go on as stop beating yourself up bout it..just enjoy your crafting when your health allows... take care big cyber hugs (but not too tight)..
Christine xx
Take care, this is important!
Good luck
Hi Brenda, Just take care and carry on crafting as much as you I said before, you will always be special to me in Blogland and I'll still be here popping up in your comment boxes! I just want you to get better. Hugs, Teresa xx
Hi Brenda, I totally agree with everyone else - you must look after yourself first and foremost, and I very much hope that by doing so you will feel better. It's good that you are able to craft again, I'm sure that will help your recovery. Just do what you feel able to, and what you can't - delegate! Big hugs, Lynne xx
Hi Brenda,Im happy that you can still craft,and if thats all well,thats ok too.Your health is the most important thing.You will still pop up in my list if you put cards on your blog, and it will be nice to see them.
Big Hugs Sue xx
Take care Brenda. Your health is far more important than anything else. Lovely to hear you can still craft. :)
You are in my thoughts & prayers. Wishing you a peaceful weekend. Gez.xx
Oh Brenda, my dear blogging friend, the most important thing of all is that you look after yourself, you must put your health first, of course we will all understand that you must reduce your postings and commenting, you are an amazing talent Brenda and it's wonderful that you can still enjoy your crafting and produce your fabulous, amazing work, I'm sure your blogging friends will just be happy to see that you are still in blogland and showing us your beautiful cards, so look after yourself Brenda, and don't worry, we all understand.
Sending big hugs, Jacee
Look after No.1 Brenda and take care :)
So sorry to hear of your health problems Brenda.
Your health must come first, you have to look after yourself.
We'll still be here in blogland when you post or visit.
Best wishes
Like everyone else says, just take care of yourself. Glad you can still do some crafting because you enjoy it. Take care. :)
Brenda, please remember that your health comes first and foremost, and no-one will mind if you step back for a while. I will think of you every match day (!!) and wish you well. So glad you can enjoy crafting still and I will continue to watch out for the posts you can do!
Lots of love, Helen.
Know that you will be missed but that what we really care about is you and your health. Take care and pace yourself anyway that suits your day. As always, thoughts and reiki are coming your way. hugs, eileen
Sorry to hear this, Brenda. Take care of yourself and it will be good to see what you're up to, when you feel able. You're a very special lady, and your work is beautiful. Lots of love, xx
i'm sorry to here that yr health is not good at the moment, i hope with all my heart that it will be better soon, if possible! All the best to you!
I am really sorry to hear that. Frankly, I was a bit shocked, so many stunning works, so many posts, i always wondering when do you manage that all. Your friends will always understand you, Brenda. I really want you to get well. Hugs, Svetlana from Moldova
Oh,Brenda,I'm so sorry to hear that you are still unwell.
Your health comes first.I understand!
You just focus on getting better!
I'm just happy to see you create and that you are shearing your lovely work with us.
Hope you will make one with
Take care girl!
Big hogs!XOXO
Sorry to hear your health is still not OK, but I keep my finger cross for you.
Take care
Your health must be paramount, we all know youve struggled for a while trying to blog so its good to read that you are going to be getting a bit more rest from it.
At least you will be free to enjoy the crafting that is more comfortable for you now.
Wishing you only good things Brenda!
Keryn x
Hi B.
It was lovely to see you yesterday, albeit short.
You must look after yourself & take the time you need. We all fully understand & I personally think you have done more than your fair share, so you must take time for yourself.
Big HUGZ Fleur xXx
Wish you to get better soon!i love your blog!!take care!!
It must have been very hard for you to make these decisions Brenda but you are doing the right thing. MS is very very cruel at times and people don't realise the strain you're put under just trying to keep things 'normal'. It's time to think of No. 1 now and enjoy what you can do instead of struggling on with what you can't. Take care won't you.
Love Lynda xxx
Brenda, dear, so sorry to to hear that you are not feeling well. I'll admit that I was very saddened to read your post. I've just recently gotten to know you and was enjoying all your beautiful work.
Ofcourse, dear, you cannot go on like always. I understand and I'm sure all your other blog friends do too. I'm just so glad that that you can enjoy and do your crafts. Do take care of yourself and enjoy everything you do. We'll still get to see your beautiful creations - and cheer you along :)
oh jeeze Brenda, don't scare me like that, i thought it was lights out for the blog for good!!!
Of course I/we/all completely understand the need to decline work in front of the computer screens, and concerntrating on other areas!
Whatever you feel right to post, whenever suits you will be just great with me!!!!
Totally understand you can't track back on every comment or blog either, you just do what you can do, and no more!
Take care, and all the best!!!
Dont you worry hun , your health has to come first .Take care sweetie.
Makes sense to me. I'm glad you are able to keeping crafting :)
I am relieved as I thought you were closing down your blog....and I wouldn't see your wonderful creations. You take care Brenda....Totally understand.
Brenda - I am so sorry to hear about your MS relapse. That disease is one of the worse in my opinion. My brother has it and I understand perfectly how it is. I am so happy for you that you can continue to craft and don't worry about blogging less. I will keep an eye on my dashboard and "see you" when you post. I am praying for you.
Take care :)
Brenda - blogging and crafting are supposed to be fun, relaxing hobbies and they can't be that if you are worrying about everyone else and in pain! Of course you must concentrate on what you are able to, you will continue to inspire us here and that is enough and to know that you are still with us even if you can't visit....just look after you...Esther xx
Brenda, dont to be worried with us..look after of you!I I prayer for you, for your recuperate!
Your art is a good remedy, make the who you power!
With all good wishes...take care!
Never you mind worrying about blogland Mrs .. .. you just take it easy and get yourself sorted.
You can only do what you can do .. .. so don't push yourself too hard.
Your health needs to come before anything here.
Love Jules xx
oh huni i love your work and i am so pleased you will still be sharing your work,Just make sure you take good care of you before anything else and i hope you are feeling ok too
take care huni
hugs and well wishes sent your way
Lorraine xx
Hi Brenda, I'm sorry to hear that you're not going to be posting as much or visiting blogs. I really feared the worst when I saw the heading of your post so I'm quite relieved to hear that you'll still be around in blogland.
MS is a horrible illness. My niece has had it since she was 21, she first became ill a week before her wedding. Like you she tries not to let it rule her. She has 3 great teenage boys and has always tried to do everything she can with them when she's able. I'm sure they, and her husband, look after her very well when she's having a bad time.
Take care Brenda. Sending hugs from me and my "boys."
Kat xx
Hi Brenda. please stop worrying. We will always love seeing your wonderful creations. Your health must come first. It is such good news you are able to craft again.take care of yourself my friend xxx
hiya sweetie
i've read this ones on your blog that you're doing not so well by your health
i wish you all the best sweetie
and looking foward to see your dt craftings
i understand you complitly hun
hugs angelique
Brenda, of course you must think about your health. I am glad you can still craft and so will still be posting your wonderful creations. Take care,
Nikki x
You must look after yourself and think firstly of yourself, it's not selfish, we only have one body and need to keep it going as best we can ;-) Thinking of you and am so very pleased to hear you are still able to craft and will be showing up your creations which we all love to see. Take lots of care of yourself xxx
After reading this post Brenda I have to say what a very sensible decision, we all understand perfectly well and you have always been such a devoted and fair blogger.
I am lucky in the fact that I work along side you for a couple of those challenges, and will have contact with you, but for all your followers i'm sure they will be just glad that your taking care of yourself.
Tracy x
So sorry for your problems Brenda.My dear sister suffered MS so I know only too well how cruel this dreadful condition is. You MUST concentrate on your health and guard it carefully. My motto on my Blog is People who mind don't matter and people who matter don't mind. Very true and all of us out here, whilst sad at not seeing so much of your lovely work certainly don't mind in the circumstances. Take care and try to stay well. Hugs from Elaine in NZ xx
so I have to say that I'm sad to hear of his health problems.
But you have to take care of your health first, we all understand.
Stay well and happy!
Dear Brenda, take care!!!! Health is the most importatnt thing, so use your anergy to feel better!!! I send you all my love and strengh!!!
Hi Brenda, I'm so sorry I missed this post on Friday. I agree with everyone else - your health must come first and we all understand. I'm glad to hear that you're still able to craft and look forward to a post now and again. It's good to know that you will still be doing the demo's you had planned. Bye the way I love your new blog background! Take care of yourself and looking forward to seeing you soon, Linda x
Hi Brenda
your health and well being is more important than anything else. take good care of yourself. We love your work and any comments you may be able to leave. we know you are thinking about all of us any way
hugs sarah x
Hi Brenda,
Your health is the most important thing in the world, and your loyal followers will always be there for you no matter what. Take care and be kind to yourself - Much love and hugs, Sylvia xxxx
PS: Your new blog layout is gorgeous!
Hello, I hope you feel better soon. It sounds to me as if you've a very busy schedule, look after yourself:0) xxx
Hey Brenda,
I just read this blog entry today...
As I have MS myself, I know exactly what is going with you. I even know the optic neuritis. It is hard if you can't see everything the way you want it to - as well as being unable to drive around with your car.
I did have problems with my eyes twice, but luckily for me it went back to normal both times.
What I wanted to tell you though, DON'T ever let the MS rule your life! It can give you a hard time, but never lose your hope about getting rid of the symptoms.
Take it easy for a while...
With love,
Hi Brenda,
I don't post often, but I do admire your work. Just worry about you & the rest of it will fall into place. My prayers for you & I look forward to anything you will post.
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net
Only just found this pst ?Brenda as my blogging seemms to be limited to about once a week mostly. I know you must be feeling so frustrated about having to make this decision - but your health must always come first. I'm pleased that you are still abe to craft as I'm sure you'd be crawling up the wall if you couldn't. Wishing you all the best and hope you get better real soon.
Beryl xx
No apologies are necessary. Be well and may God bless you with better health.
I am so sorry to hear this news Brenda it must have been a difficult decision but your health does come first and so many obviously understand this. I am glad that you can still craft and look forward to seeing all your beautiful creations. Take care my friend.
Lorraine x
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