
Saturday 17 February 2024


Morning everyone, a new challenge at Allsorts and this week Dena would like to see lots of Pink, but if it's not your colour then theres always the A/G option. Prizes come from AALL and Create and Lavinia and will be drawn on Friday.

Voice programme doing the typing so excuse any typos, it's got a mind of it's own sometimes. Above another made quite some time ago, I'm digging deep into my folders now and desperately need to get some proper crafting done. Zamira remains one of my favourite Lavinia Fairies, here I created a simple stencilled background, stamped her with Versafine Nocture and added a kaleidoscope of Butterflies fluttering from her hand. The sentiment from my Moments stamp set seemed appropriate.

As it's a special occasion at the Butterfly Challenge, ten years old this month, I really wanted to join in. I was hopeful that I could find something suitable in my folders but alas nothing, so had a go to see what I could do with one working hand and one that can just nudge without the pain kicking in again, so two days and a good few expletives later this is what I ended up with.

The format of the challenge has changed and each challenge now follows the alphabet, this time it's 'B'. So hope I've got the idea right by picking out several elements to combine, baby blue, bud green, burnt orange, Birthday wishes, border (stitch stamp) a stamped 'B' and of course the Butterfly. Will confess it was a bit of a cheats card as most things were already prepared, I have a bag of Flowers cut ages ago on the Scan and Cut (after stamping onto inky card) for paper piecing, background from my drawer of ready made ones, Butterfly A&C Ephemera with some colour added and basically all fixed together plus a computer generated sentiment and the 'B' stamped to finish.


  1. what gorgeous cards you have made karin

  2. Two wonderful cards, Brenda. I love the delicate colours on your first card, showcasing the lovely Zamira. Your second card is so bright and vibrant… just beautiful.
    Liz xx

  3. Two beautiful but very different cards. The delicate pink background is perfect for Zamira and the second one which was assembled despite your difficulties is detailed and vibrant. Top marks for perseverance.

  4. Two beautiful butterfly cards Brenda, both so different but gorgeous..


  5. Really love the image on the first card. The colors on the second card are very eye catching and make for a wonderful happy card.

  6. Both fabulous cards,love the stamps and delicate pink stencilling. Beautiful stamps and background for the butterfly card too.
    Carol x

  7. Love your cards Brenda. The pink one is so delicate looking and the details on your other card are fab. Have a good weekend x

  8. Beautiful cards Brenda, I always admire your magical Lavinia creations and I'm so impressed that you managed to create the second one with just one hand- such determination- and the result is wonderful.

  9. Delicate pink and vibrant sunny colours,two beautiful cards with gorgeous backgrounds

  10. Ciao cara Brenda, mi pare che il programma di riconoscimento vocale funzioni molto bene, il post è perfetto! Se non sapessi che lo stai usando non potrei mai immaginarlo!
    Concordo con te, Zamira è la mia fata preferita, infatti è in cima alla mia wishlist di Lavinia, prima o poi l'acquisterò! Adoro la dolcezza e la delicatezza di questa card! Lo sfondo rosa a stencil, la luna bianca con il bellissimo sentiment e le gemme trasparenti... tutto è perfetto per dare risalto a Zamira con le farfalle!
    Sono davvero ammirata per quello che sei riuscita a fare con una mano sola e nonostante il dolore!! La seconda card per celebrare il 10 anniversario del Butterfly Challenge è veramente stupenda!!! Avere da parte molti sfondi e elementi già tagliati è un grande vantaggio, ma sei riuscita a colorare e assemblare tutto con molta precisione e il tuo meraviglioso talento! Adoro il colori vibranti, i fiori e la farfalla, e il bellissimo bordo finto cucito!!
    Continuo a tenere le dita incrociate per te, sperando che qualcuno disdica l'appuntamento e ti chiamino al più presto! Ti auguro il miglior weekend possibile, spero che spunti un po' di sole!

  11. Two beautiful cards Brenda, love the fairy and you are so right, the sentiment is very fitting. Wonderful floral butterfly card too, you did so well working with just one hand.

  12. Two beautiful creations Brenda that top one is amazing and magical I can see why the image is your favourite I do so love that soft stencilled background the second card is so very different bold bright colours and a wonderful stamp the butterfly, the flowers and sentiments are just pure perfection
    lolo x

  13. Two brilliant cards Brenda, love the fairy with such a delicate background and your butterfly one with all the element beginning with B is great. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  14. So pretty the first one!
    Love all the B elements on the second, and the colors!
    Hope you're not in too much pain!
    Thinking of you and sending happy thoughts!

  15. Zamira looks fantastic with that soft pink stenciled background. It's just a lovely card. Your butterfly card is amazing too with all those fun elements. I especially like that stitching, reminding me I have a pair of jeans to hem.

  16. I can imagine your frustration about wanting to craft from scratch Brenda but I'm amazed at the beautiful cards you are creating from your folders and one working hand. Bravo! Vicky x

  17. 2 fabulous cards Brenda - I love the soft colours showcasing Zamira on the first one, and the whole composition and colours on the second one. I most particularly love your border stitching stamp !
    Well done making such a fabulous card given your current health problems, and fortunate you had some elements to hand that you had prepared earlier ( I make background sometimes but shove them in a folder and never seem to look at them again!). Also after seeing previous reference to Scan and Cut I did Google it but can’t imagine investing in it even though my fussy cutting is certainly not the best.
    Pauline x

  18. A pair of fabulous cards B.

    I love Zamira too (although I don’t have her in my Lavinia collection) - and can see her getting another airing when Mrs A’s challenge reaches the letter Z!!!! Great stencilling & stamping.

    Your A&C floral card is so pretty and had great composition.

    Keep going - we’re all cheering you on from the sidelines xxx

  19. Two gorgeous card with beautiful backgrounds Brenda.

  20. Zamira is certainly a stunner and a sad reminder that my waistline will never be like that again, particularly after a Birthday weekend with two afternoon teas!! Your "B" card is wonderful, and with one working hand expletives are quite acceptable I should think, I've been known to curse like a docker with two!! xx

  21. The Lavinia fairy with the delicate pink background is so pretty. Your beautiful flowers and colours on the second card really make the card sing.

  22. I love these cards, they are so lovely. The butterfly cards is really pretty.

  23. Your first card is so beautifully feminine, Brenda. The 2nd one is absolutely amazing with all the elements put together perfectly! I'd be pressed to make it with both hands working fine! Very much hope you'll soon be improved.

  24. Brenda, I'm totally over whelmed that you have sat and made me a card especially for the butterflies 10th birthday. It is a treasure. thankyou so much for coming and playing in the garden. hugs Mrs A.
