
Sunday 18 February 2024

Hearts, Hounds and snippet birdies

Morning everyone, today sees our mid month inspirational posts at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are Romance and Animals, Birds and Creatures.

Above I have used an old faithful for this time of the year, AALL and Create Fragile Fragments (538) and Elongated Hearts (156), simply stamped, some of the hearts/words stamped a second time to decoupage and some colour added.

My second share is also an A&C stamp, this time Canine Dreams (862) again pretty simple, sky created with Pan Pastel, the image stamped with Versafine Clair and some Swallows which come from Fully Fledged (751). As a family we decided the Dog is a 'Ginger' which is what one of our Son's two Vizsla are nicknamed, but equally it could be a Lab with a decent waistline, not something ours can boast!

And here's one from my last real crafting activity which was back at Christmas for Stamp Addicts Create and Craft show last week. It features one of their new Teri Sherman stamps, Blue Titis and one of my own sentiments from Moments. It's my share over at the Snippets Playground, with the exception of the base card everything is snippets and cut out on the Scan and Cut again. Even the pieces of acetate were offcuts so I created the base card from a sheet of A3 to accommodate them. Colours are a bit garish, but I never ever claimed to be a colourist!


  1. Love seeing cards made using A & C stamps - always lots of interest in their stamps

  2. A wonderful trio of cards in this post Brenda.

    Thanks for bringing the third one along to the Snippets Playground. Those sweet blue tits on their floral branches remind me of Spring - something the weather isn’t doing for me today!!!! See you in the treehouse for Sunday Morning Breakfast Club shortly xxx

  3. 3lovely cards this morning. Lovely depth and vibrancy on the first, great pastel sky on the second and I like your bold garish colouring on the third. Hope it isn’t too long before you can get crafting properly again xx

  4. A superb set of cards here Brenda, I love the heart themed one with the depth of layers in stamping and cut our elements.

  5. what a beautiful cards you have made karin

  6. Ciao Brenda, ho letto il tuo commento e sì, la primavera sembra già arrivata, con almeno un mese di anticipo. Qui fa molto caldo oggi, si può stare senza giacca e sugli alberi stanno spuntando i fiori e le gemme.
    La slimline è così elegante e piena di allegria, mi stupisce sempre come tu riesci fare belle cards usando solo uno/due timbri e uno stencil!
    La card con il cane sognante e il bellissimo cielo pieno di rondini ha un aspetto davvero primaverile e luminoso, così come la card con gli uccellini per Create and Craft, davvero adorabile! Le tue cards con l'acetato sono così suggestive! Mi piace vedere le cards che stanno in piedi da sole. Devo provare questa tecnica! :) Adoro i colori accesi che hai usato e secondo me è colorata benissimo!
    Buona Domenica, ti mando un grande abbraccio, e speriamo che il sole oggi ritorni a farti visita!

  7. Three wonderful creations Brenda I love them all but I do have a fondness for that 2nd one with the silhouette doggy image each one has a magic of their own superb work
    lolo x

  8. Three lovely cards Brenda...your 2nd card really caught my eye...all three cards are perfectly coloured...


  9. Beautiful trio of cards Brenda. I’m particularly drawn to the hearts card, which is so beautifully done and is another of my wish list stamps. Gorgeous colouring, .. oh and the birdies aren’t garish at all they are wonderfully vibrant! Fab!!
    Pauline xx

  10. A fabulous trio of cards Brenda,all beautifully coloured,especially like the hearts in the first.

  11. Three beautiful cards Brenda all with wonderful stamped images and lovely colours.

    Pat xx

  12. All beautiful cards and stamps-must admit the first one is my favourite.
    Carol x

  13. Lovely selection of cards Brenda, as you might have guessed I'm particularly drawn to the second- I love how you've used the dog stamp, the card has a wonderful dreamy feel. I keep looking at the dog silhouette but cannot make up my mind as to the breed!

  14. What a marvelous heart card, B. The heart-theme with amazing stenciled background, and collage of elements to portray our "hearts" enjoying a variety of moods and human interests, is especially lovely combined with the floating solid hearts. I like that you have decoupaged some of the hearts to make it even more (dare I say it?) "heart-felt". LOL Beautifully done! Loving the magical sky you've created in your hound masterpiece, with the yellow hues bringing life and fantasy to a typical day. Your beautiful birds against the acetate look amazing! Brenda, so glad voice activated commenting is helping. I have not updated that feature on my iMac yet, but I use it on all my other devices and find it helpful. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, Google (Blogger) does not play well with Apple products when it comes into the login process. Even when I'm logged in to use the voice activation, Google says I'm "anonymous" instead of my name. SIGH -- such are first world problems, right? Wishing you a lovely week ahead. hugs, de

  15. What a lovely selection of cards B! Love the vibrant colours in your snippets card - let's hope it isn't too long before you are back in the 'crafting saddle' so to speak!


    Di xx

  16. What a wonderful trio of pretty cards! I love the first one with all those hearts and interesting design, and I thought at first the dog on the second card was a dachshund 0 but his legs are too long LOL NJ on the snippets make too. All have such fun and interesting designs

  17. A fabulous selection of cards Brenda, love the dog watching all those birds fly by!
    Lorraine x

  18. Three lovely creations!
    I LOLed at the dogs waistline!
    I am envious at how easily your cards seem to come together!
    I think I am just a make work project!!
    Have a great week!

  19. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the first one, so much detail and your colouring skills are perfect in your birdie card!!

  20. Fabulous cards Brenda, Love the doggo and I think your birds look fab and not at all garish!! xx

  21. Beautiful stamped cards. My fav is the dog one with that gorgeous sky.

  22. Hi Brenda hope your keeping well, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely message, what a beautiful set of cards you have show cased love them all , the bird one is ever so beautiful and my favourite.

    Babs x

  23. What a beautiful trio of cards Brenda - love your romantic one in particular

  24. All three creations are really awesome. If I was forced to choose, I would pick the first one, full of love. I hope you are feeling 100% soon.

  25. Gorgeous creations Brenda, love the colours in the first hearts card, a beautiful stamp too. Your dog card had me chuckling about the Lab waistline, it's a lovely card with the simplicity the stamp has. As for the birds being garish? I love the colours and the design of the card. Take care. x

  26. Always wonderful makes, Brenda! I adore the artistic heart card! Of course, the dog card appeals to this doggy lover! Our guy is perfect weight--no thanks to him! I always say, one of the family has to be in good shape and it gets to be him!

  27. Three more beautifully stamped cards and I love all the fine detail that you always add. I think your elongated hearts card is probably my favourite Michelle x

  28. Lovely cards Brenda, love the hearts card with it's gorgeous colour combo, and the dog watching the birds fly by is lovely.
    Not garish colouring at all on the last one, made me think of sunshine and spring.
    Avril xx

  29. Beautifully romantic card - love your colour scheme.

    Thanks for having me as a Guest Designer this month.

    Helen x

  30. I love the layout of all the hearts on the first card. Oh that is giving me some inspiration for a card or two.

    Very lovely dog image on the second card.

    Gorgeous colors on the birds for the third card. Very eye catching.
