
Sunday 4 February 2024

Happy hearts and flowers

Morning everyone, time for February challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations, themes are Romance as chosen by Hilary and Animals, Birds and Creatures and the A'G option. There are two gorgeous collections of stamps from AALL and Create and Fairy Hugs to be won.

Above AALL and Create Forget me Not (896) stamped with Versafine Clair, the flowers stamped again and cut out, the stencil is Rosy Posy (138) with sentiment and heart from ephemera (35).

A couple of favourites with many of us stampers on this one, A&C Textured Florals (531) and Woodpecker from Follow your own Path (563). A piece of rice paper for the background sprayed with Oxides and images cut out and coloured with Ecoline pens. The flower, circle, birdie and sentiment are all snippets so off the the Playground so long as I can navigate the linky one handed.....I'm learning!

Letter arrived yesterday, cancelled procedures now mid April, I'm not a happy camper, my Neurologist (different hospital) who often touches base weekends isn't happy either, so think we'll both be rattling some cages on Monday, wonder if they'll be anyone listening inside though!!


  1. two gorgeous cards Brenda. Marlies

  2. Brenda you have made two gorgeous karin

  3. Two beautiful cards.

    Thanks for entering the second one as your Snippets Playground homework. See you up in the treehouse later - don't worry - you can use Linby's catapult/sling contraption to shoot you in through the treehouse window (you know how she likes to make an entrance!) - then you can come and enjoy Sunday Morning Breakfast Club! How about a nice piece of hot toast with lashings of butter . . . or a croissant if you prefer - all washed down with a nice cuppa.

    Sorry to hear about the NHS mess - hope your appointments can be brought forward.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  4. Ciao Brenda, sono molto dispiaciuta che hanno spostato il tuo appuntamento ad Aprile, roba da matti!! Confido che Lunedì tu e il tuo neurologo riusciate a far anticipare l'appuntamento al più presto!!!!
    Due splendide cards, così vibranti e armoniose! I Non ti scordar di me sono perfetti per un anniversario e il tuo decoupage funziona sempre così bene per dare enfasi e dimensione!
    La seconda card con quello sfondo di carta di riso spruzzato e il colore turchese sul fiore e sull'uccellino è spettacolare, davvero bellissima!!!
    Sono contenta che stai imparando ad usare una mano sola! Mai arrendersi!
    Qui è nuvoloso e umido ormai da parecchi giorni, ma le temperature si sono alzate e ci sono già le gemme sugli alberi. Dita incrociate che non ci siano gelate inaspettate!
    Ti abbraccio forte, buona Domenica!

  5. Two fabulous cards, Brenda. I love the colour combinations on both.
    Liz xx

  6. 2 gorgeous cards Brenda, I particularly love how you have used the heart and flowers in the fist one. What a shocking delay to your procedures when you are so debilitated until you can get them done… I hope you can get them brought forward xx

  7. Both cards are stunning but if l was to pick my favourite it would be your second card its stunning and the colours used are gorgeous x

  8. Both fabulous cards and backgrounds,love all the stamps.Disgusting getting delayed that long!
    Carol x

  9. Two lovelies today Brenda. So annoying about your treatment.x

  10. Love the first card, so very pretty and a great way to use the A&C stamp - must remember that idea! Then your second card - wow the colours are so wonderful.

  11. Beautiful cards, Brenda! Jo x

  12. Oh no Brenda, that isn't good news, just can't believe how badly this year has started for you, fingers crossed for a huge improvement very soon.
    Gorgeous cards as always, the anniversary card is lovely in those pretty colours, for me the second one takes the crown- I love the stamps you've used and that amazing background.

  13. I love both cards, different styles but so well designed! x

  14. Two lovely cards Brenda and as always beautiful backgrounds and colour ways...


  15. Two beautiful cards Brenda the stamps are absolutely gorgeous so are the wonderful colours, I am so sorry to hear about the long delay in your procedure I hope that something can be done about it I think it is a disgusting state of affairs.
    take care
    lolo x

  16. Two really gorgeous creations Brenda. Love them both, they are such gorgeous colours and layout.

  17. Both cards are absolutely beautiful Brenda. You do such amazing work showcasing these stamps it's no wonder they are loved by so many! My favorite this time is the first one, I am so loving the colors and the way you used the stamp and stencil for this romantic card. Unfortunately I missed my chance on that stamp set when it was on sale! I do have the bird and flower from the second card and so glad I do as they are also fabulous!
    Sorry your procedure has to be delayed until April... hopefully something will work out sooner!!

  18. Both great projects!
    Really like the color combination you used on the bottom one!

  19. Love the colours on these. Especially the vibrant green on the second card. It looks wonderful with that dusky yellow. Lovely stencilled background on the first card too. Sorry to hear about the delay to your procedure. I hope you manage to get something sorted. April is a long way off xx

  20. Brilliant 👏 cards B.
    You're in my prayers with your appointment, for God's mercy and listening ears with sticking appts instead of this constant fiasco you're facing. Giant prayer hugs
    Praying for your sons diabetes too.
    "...The LORD has His way through the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.

    The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in Him.
    Nahum 1:3, 7
    Verses that have anchored me in the storms of life.
    Prayer hugs.
    Shaz in Oz.x

  21. Gorgeous cards Brenda, lovely designs and colours.
    Good luck with the cage rattling tomorrow.

    Lorraine x

  22. Fabulous and beautiful cards;-))m

  23. What fabulous cards B - so pretty and beautifully designed and made as always. Delighted you came to play with us in the Snippets Playground, despite so much else going on. Fingers are crossed that cages have been rattle AND that the birds have been woken up and are flapping about arranging for something to be done!

    Di xx

  24. Oh Brenda, what a kerfluffle this procedure is proving to be! I do hope folk listened when you (and your specialist) rang....
    Your cards are amazing - I love the second (bird) on in particular -= well done

  25. Both are gorgeous, really love the vibrancy of the first onex

  26. Stunning makes once more Brenda and hope that you can get the NHS appointments resolved.

  27. The anniversary card looks amazing with the stenciled flowers, and stamped images. The colors on the woodpecker card look fantastic and that is such a beautiful design with the window and alphabet letter! Sorry about your procedures being cancelled - that seems to be happening here in the US everywhere these days as well.

  28. Two stunning cards Brenda, love them both. So sorry to hear your procedure has been cancelled, hope you managed to speak to someone and get some action.

    Pat xx

  29. What a lovely pair of cards, Brenda. I particularly love the first one and see that you have gone the extra mile for the envelope too!
    I'm sorry to hear about the delay in your treatment - the whole system is under such great strain but I hope you can move things along for swift treatment.

    Carol x

  30. Mid April?! Hope the cage rattling works! 2 beautiful cards!

  31. Gorgeous cards Brenda - I'm especially loving the uplifting pink and green of the first (it seems to be my preferred colour combo of the year so far!!) Sorry to hear about the cancelled procedures and good luck with the cage rattling although you may find crickets inside those :/ Vicky x

  32. Two beautiful cards.

    Hope you managed to make some progress with phone calls on Monday and start getting things sorted out.

    Thanks for having me as a guest designer this month.

    Helen x

  33. Two wonderful cards. I am sorry your procedure was cancelled. I hope you can get on the books soon. Hang in there.
