
Saturday 3 February 2024

Never stop making wishes

Another Saturday so time for a new challenge at Allsorts, this week I'm your host and I have created a bingo grid. Prizes come from Stampendous and will be drawn on 23rd February.

The top card follows right to left diagonal line of red, green and stencil. All stamps are Lavinia, a combination of old and new. The sentiment from years ago made by Stamp Addicts.

This one again using Lavinia stamps and also a combination following the right vertical line red, Fairy and Flowers.

Here's my card from the January Card Chain Challenge which went to Marianne in Crete, Lavinia Fairies and Sweet Poppy stencil. The colours came up rather bright in the photo following colour, Fairy and stencil prompts.

Been another mad week, Alex taken back into hospital for further surgery on his foot as his toes had no feeing or movement following the first surgery, he's now in full plaster to his knee and pretty immobile. On the positive side his Diabetes is stabilising. The hospital called to ask if I was available sort notice to go in Wednesday/Thursday for the cancelled procedures, that was the last I heard so still waiting one hand/armed! 

Found my iMac has a voice programme so been giving it a try for commenting etc, very tentatively as early attempts threw up a few faux pars and it seems to miss conjunctions!!


  1. Brenda you have made very beautiful cards, love the one on karin

  2. All three lovely cards with the Lavinia stamps. I hope your son soon recovers and I hope that you also can be helped soon. Take care, wishing you all the best. Marlies

  3. I really love the imagery on these cards. I need more fairy images in my collection. These are great. Sending prayers for Alex.

  4. I love all of these Brenda..well it's lavinia and your creativity put together..what's not to like. Hope life improves for you soon! xx

  5. A real treat today with all these beautiful cards to admire, fabulous stamps and magical scenes.
    Sorry you're still having a rough ride, hope poor Alex soon recovers from the surgery and gets his mobility and toes back! Fingers crossed you'll get the 'call' soon. The voice programme commenting could be entertaining! :)

  6. All fabulous cards and love the beautiful Lavinia stamps and backgrounds.Hope you get sorted with the procedure soon,and best wishes to Alex for a speedy recovery.
    Carol x

  7. Three lovely cards Brenda, love the second one. Hope Alex is soon out of hospital again and that you get your procedure sorted this week, fingers crossed.

    Pat xx

  8. Truly wonderful creations Brenda each one is full of beauty and colour the stamps you have used are absolutely gorgeous as I have said many times before Brenda you are one amazing strong person.
    lolo x

  9. Each card is so beautiful and magical, love the stenciling on each one and beautiful colors!
    I'm sorry to hear Alex had to go back to the hospital, wishing him a quick recovery from surgery and hopefully you'll be able to get your procedure done soon.

  10. A great selection of cards - love them all but it particular the first one with the super curved bough with the buds. Good luck with your short notice appointment at the hospital and continue to have fun with the voice-operated comments

  11. Love all 3 of these cards and couldn't choose between them. All are very beautiful. Hope they don't make you wait too much longer for your cancelled procedure xx

  12. Ciao Brenda, buon Sabato. Dita incrociate e preghiere perché ti confermino al più presto il tuo appuntamento per Mercoledì/Giovedì!! E anche per il piede di Alex!
    Il tuo post è perfetto, se lo hai fatto con il programma vocale direi che funziona bene!
    Stupende ispirazioni anche per questo challenge! La prima card è molto armoniosa con il coniglio e la fata agli estremi del ramo con i boccioli e il rosso cattura davvero l'attenzione. Adoro lo stencil delicato sullo sfondo e quel sentiment!
    Anche la seconda card è magica, di nuovo lo sfondo delicato e una bellissima scena, sembra che per il topo e le fate sia quasi ora di andare a riposare? Quel fungo è strepitoso, mi piace molto l'effetto che gli hai dato con i colori!
    E la card per il Card Chain è davvero meravigliosa, viola e acqua stanno così bene insieme, è una palette che mi piace sempre moltissimo. Quello stencil geometrico che definisce il punto focale con la scena della fata è bellissimo!!
    Ti mando un grande abbraccio!!

  13. Delightful fairy cards and such lovely colour combos. Fingers crossed for an appt soon.

  14. I really like what you do with Lavinia stamps and each card looks amazing. I love the rat climbing the ladder - I can relate LOL Sending healing hugs your way for all the family health matters you're dealing with. I care, and I hope everything will soon be sorted out for you both.

  15. Gorgeous cards here too (still catching up!) especially love the top one. Hope Alex recovers well and you get a date soon too! Can't believe the news about Klopp.....

  16. 3 beautiful cards Brenda. I hope both you and your son are soon sorted and on the road to recovery x

  17. Gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the scenes you create.
    It definitely sounds like a mad week. I hope Alex has a speedy recovery. Good luck with the voice programme, technology can be so useful and so frustrating!
    Lorraine x

  18. Love to see the magic your create with the Lavinia stamps! So beautiful.

  19. Fabulous designs Brenda! I particularly like the double curve of the first and those stunning colours. Sorry to hear that the hospital 'adventures' continue for poor Alex - and you. I do hope you get your appointments. On the plus side, the voice programme sounds as if it could spread some humour! Autocorrect is often a great source of mirth in this house! Vicky x

  20. Good luck with your short notice appointment next week. Hope your son makes a good recovery from his surgery.

    A trio of lovely Lavinia cards - just delightful xxx

  21. Your top card has to be my favourite. just loving the sentiment which is so true. Hope you get called in for cancelled proceedures. Still waitng for my appt which i had to cancel back in December because of having covid. They tell me i should be hearing at end of this month but not keeping my fingers crossed not that i can do that anyway! Lol. Hugs Mrs A.

  22. Three fabulous magical Lavinia cards, Brenda.
    Hope Alex makes a speedy recovery from his surgery and hope your procedure goes ahead next week.
    Liz xx

  23. WOW, incredible designs on all 3 cards. So beautiful. I'm sure Marianna loved your card. WOW.

  24. Aww, your're a magician with those Lavinia stamps!
    Hope son recovers rapidly, and you get in sooner rather than later!
    Thinking about you!

  25. A very pretty collection of Lavinia cards with lots of interest to look at and great colour schemes.
    Pauline xx

  26. Absolutely stunning cards these stamps are amazing and your make such beautiful cards x

  27. So, so beautiful, love all of them, xx

  28. Love the delicacy of the stencilling on your cards Brenda, a perfect foil for those scenes! Hope you get the opportunity to get the surgery before April, it's not unusual for them to have slots opening as some patients cancel. x

  29. Wow what a treat! Three Lavinia cards! Love them all, but the last one is my favorite... think that is because of the purple/blue combination and the stencilwork... Enjoy your weekend!

  30. Gorgeous fairy cards, Brenda - especially love your purple one for the CCC!!

  31. Brenda these cards are amazing - Love the final one for the card chain. That stencilled frame is perfect for the image

  32. Stunning and beautiful cards;-))m

  33. A lovely selection of cards using Lavinia stamps Brenda. the colours are so beautiful.

  34. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Sorry to hear that you have had more setbacks and that Alex has had more surgery and wish him a full and speedy recover xx

  35. You're so good at magical cards, Brenda! Love the design of the first one and such a beautiful use of the colors for your CCC card! Sorry your son had to have another surgery, but glad to hear his diabetes is getting stabilized. Hopefully you'll have the procedure soon. Good luck with using the voice control. I've seen people text that way, but never tried it myself.
