
Sunday 3 September 2023

Flowers and Leaves and a haul of rosettes

Morning everyone, the first Sunday of March means it's time for our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are as always Anything Stamped with Trees and Leaves and Garden Delights.

My Garden delights come in the form of the gorgeous Cone Flowers from AALL and Create Textures Florals which I know is a firm favourite with many A&C fans. I went with bold oranges and fresh greens onto an Oxide background, paper piecing the focal flower along with some extra circles and the word onto a plant label. 

Now my eyes are on the mend I'm trying to enter one of two challenges again, for the above card I did my usual and paper pieced the flower I used snippets for that, the flower label and extra circles so hopping over to the Snippets Playground. The Path of Positivity have a Tic Tac Toe option and the little booklet above has flowers, my own background and die cuts so would love to enter there. Also Simon Say's Wednesday where the theme is Anything Goes.

My trees and Leaves come in the form of a little book card and matching envie using three recent A&C releases, all are A6 stamp sets Windy Willows, Leaf is Better and Garden Times. All stamped with Clair Acorn, some colour added and stencil work to the background. The little Cockerels come from Bright Dawn.

Thought I would also share this photo. Anysia and Ben (he's now 25) have had a very busy Summer attending shows and have received a great haul of honours, as a Mum of a toddler not an easy ask (GG helped with some of the babysitting!). 

Whilst I'm no longer able to ride I gain great pleasure watching her achievements and she makes me so proud, history repeating itself you could say and Margo who was two last week shows signs of following the trend. Anysia also showed Margo's pony Penelope in hand a couple of times but no piccies of that or the rosette she picked up. Heskey my horse just stays home and happily munches his way through yet more fodder.

We look forward to seeing all your creations at the challenges this month.
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  1. Beautiful stamping of flowers and leaves - I just love coneflowers 😉. What a great haul of rosettes, a good day out by the looks of it.

  2. Hi Brenda your cards are so beautiful and have that lovely Autumnal look with the amazing splash of colours that come with that season. The pictures of the awesome wins are fantastic it reminds me of my time many, many years ago when I had a horse I used to visit most of the Gymkhanas
    lolo x

  3. Both makes are great Brenda! The haul of rosettes is impressive too... x

  4. Wonderful cards today Brenda- love the colours and the gorgeous stamps. The coneflower is stunning - wish the bloommin' slugs hadn't scoffed mine, think we may have rescued the plant but all the flowers have gone! That's a very impressive collection of rosettes, watching your granddaughter must be the next best thing to being able to participate yourself. xx

  5. Love all your cards Brenda but the coneflower stands out for me with its gorgeous colours. A wonderful array of rosettes too, well done to Anysia x

  6. Love the pics, but enjoy the beautiful artwork even more... All beautiful, but that first one... that's my favorite! Hugs, Gerrina

  7. It is always nice to see what your family achieve and she has done you so proud....your cards are absolutely gorgeous x

  8. Buona Domenica Brenda, che bello vedere tutte quelle coccarde colorate di premiazioni! Puoi ben essere orgogliosa di Anysia e Ben e che le donne della tua famiglia portino avanti la tradizione! Margo sicuramente sarà la prossima star con il suo pony! :)
    Stupenda la card per SS, il tuo paperpiecing sullo stencil e la bella palette rendono tutto molto d'effetto. Mi piacciono i cone flowers timbrai sullo sfondo!
    Il piccolo libretto per WLS è delizioso, adoro il contrasto tra il delicato sfondo a stencil e i colori vibranti dei punti focali con il nero!
    Grazie per il chiarimento su RSPCA, sono contenta che funzioni bene e che si occupino anche di animali selvatici!! Mi sembrano molto efficienti se sono venuti subito per il serpente! Da noi le associazioni non sono così ben organizzate, pensa che se chiami per un uccello in difficoltà ti dicono di arrangiarti a prenderlo e poi di portarlo in Toscana al centro di recupero, a 500 km di distanza!! Per cani e gatti abbiamo associazioni con sedi anche qui in zona, ma per i selvatici è un disastro.
    Buona Domenica di sole!! Qui hanno preannunciato il ritorno a 30 gradi e oltre.

  9. Beautiful inking and stamping on these super cards Brenda.

    Thanks for coming to play in the SNIPPETS PLAYGROUND with the coneflower card - a def fave stamp of mine! See you up in the Treehouse later for more inky and snippety fun in Art Club xxx

  10. Congratulations to your granddaughter on her successful summer,you must be really proud of her,Two wonderful stamped cards in gorgeous colours Brenda

  11. Such awesome cards as usual Brenda, a lovely Autumn feel to them all. Big congrats on all your granddaughter's awards she has earned this summer.

  12. What absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda, beautifully designed and coloured.
    Beautiful photos of your Granddaughter and her pony, Kate x

  13. I love that book card Brenda and that cockerel is a fine and dandy chap!! Very well done to Anysia and Ben, no wonder you are proud Brenda. He looks amazing for 25 years old xx

  14. Beautiful vibrant card with the orange flower Brenda - fab use of what is indeed a firm A&C favourite - I'm sure it was the first A&C set I owned and I still love it. I also love your little book - beautiful autumnal images and colours. Congratulations to the family on their riding achievements - you must be very poud!!
    Pauline xx

  15. gorgeous card!
    you must be very poud!

  16. You've done a great job with all these leaves and flowers and beautiful stamping and stenciling work on each creation! Loving all the ribbons and photos too which makes me miss having horses like we once did! Those were such fun times!

  17. Your first card is so bright and gorgeous Brenda. I love the book idea with the second, really nice! Wow I am sure you are super proud!!!

  18. Gorgeous cards, love the colours too. Congrats to Anysia, sounds like she has achieved a lot this year xx

  19. Such beautiful Aall and create projects, these stamps really are so addictive! Textured Florals was going to be in my first order but when I finally was ready to order it was out of stock from the US store. Definitely planning on getting it sometime though - it's now back in stock thankfully! Such a beautiful set! But then they all are!!
    Congrats to Anysia and Ben on their accomplishments! How wonderful!

  20. beautiful cards Brenda and what great photo's

    gr karin

  21. your cards are so wonderful, Brenda - love your flowers and the colours! That's a very impressive collection of rosettes! Wonderful horse and granddaughter!


  22. Fabulous cards Brenda - coneflowers are always wonderful on cards. Loving the warm Autumn shades you used too. What a haul of rosettes - I remember you buying Penelope for Margo. No doubt she will be following in the family's footsteps very soon. Or should that be 'hoof prints'.

    Di xx

  23. I love how you use your stamps Brenda, the background of your gorgeous coneflowers, is stunning, beautiful colour mix too. Love it. Then! A book card? WOW! Just so many beautiful images, and again I'm drawn to the lovely colour mix. You all must be so proud of your granddaughter, what a wonderful array of honours, I suspect she was thrilled to bit with them. Maybe an Olympic Winner of the future?
    Faith x

  24. All so wonderful Brenda and you just be so proud of the family, xxx

  25. I love the colour theme running through both of your projects Brenda, beautiful, warm and rich shades. Congratulations to Anysia and Ben on their achievements this summer.

  26. Beautiful cards with some fabulous images Brenda, lovely colours on the first one. Congratulations to Anysia on all her achievements.

    Pat xx

  27. Love the beautiful Autumn colours and stamps on your card and the litle book card.Congratulations to Anysia and Ben on winning all the rosettes,Margo has a lot to live up too.
    Carol x

  28. Love how you combined paper piecing and stamping the background on the first card. It's given so much depth to the design too. Your little book is so sweet and a lovely matching envie too.
    Anysia has done so well! I'm sure it won't be long before Margo is doing the same.

  29. Wonderful booklet! Such a great background, beautiful colors, and charming design! Perfect! Also love the pics from the show; showing as a mom is a true challenge! It takes a family to make a show-life happen! Congrats to all! Thanks for sharing all this fun at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  30. I'm absolutely in love with your gorgeous autumnal makes Brenda! Great to see Anysia and Ben sweeping the board with honours too and lovely that you are enjoying riding vicariously through your family. I bet you let Heskey know what they're up to as well! Vicky x

  31. Stunning coneflowers card, love the others too.
    Greetings from Finnish Lappland;-))m

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  33. Gorgeous makes Brenda and that cone flower looks stunning, love the background.

    Well done to Anysia on that fabulous collection of rosettes.
    Avril xx

  34. I really, really love the coneflower card. Great colors, very eye catching.

    Congrats to the grandbaby for all those ribbons. Wow!

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