
Saturday 2 September 2023

Sunflowers at Allsorts

Morning everyone, at Allsorts this week Ellie has chosen the theme of Sunflowers. Prizes this month come from Craft StashAnna Marie DesignsAALL and Create, WOWVOW and Oakwood and will be drawn on Friday 29th September.

WOWVOW sell much more than just wedding related goods and currently have beautiful ribbons at discounted prices here, most sections on this page have reduced products and there are such things as washi tape, gifts and other goodies on offer here.

Nothing beats a Sunflower to bring a smile and I love this one with the little birdie from AALL and Create's A4 set called Friendship Florals which has several good sized stamps. The background is an acrylic paint gelli plate pull, the flower pot a Highlight die and the Swallows A&C washi tape.  I would like to enter this into the current Simon Say's Wednesday challenge where the theme is Anything Goes.

Something a little different and I'm still on a learning curse using David Wait/Highlight's mixed media products, so this is far from perfect. I printed two sheets of rice paper from an In the Studio USB and covered the bottle along with two coasters using Cadence napkin glue. When dry added two step spider crackle on the bottle and some vintage wax to bright out the cracks, I'm still in awe of this product as the second step is a clear coat and allows you to see through to the base unlike most crackle glazes where the top coat needs to be acrylic paint to make it crack. I coated the coasters with two coats of Cadence glaze and they really are waterproof.

Disclaimer...........the glass looks huge but it really isn't, it's poor photographic perspective, we use normal size ones, honest!!

And a few of my samples for Highlight Crafts/Two Red Robin releases on Create and Craft this week.

Above and below using MCS Scene Building Vols 11/12. I am loving working with the scene building USB's, last weekend I created about 100 Christmas cards for the RSPCA, made up into packs of four same design with an animal theme. All USB's are interchangeable so you can combine elements from different ones, it made light work of the process and will help raise much needed funds.

The two below using the Old School House Web Exclusive

I'm convinced Poppy our Parsons Jack Russel has been moonlighting posing as Teddy for the new Terrier dies, what do you think?

Have a good weekend all and as always my appreciation for your visits.
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  1. Loving the cheery sunflowers and you've been busy with other projects too. The drink mats are something a bit different, a great idea

  2. Wow, so many ideas with sunflowers. They are magnificent. And Poppy and all the dogs are beautiful.

  3. Poppy's photograph is fabulous, you've captured all the detail of the fur and it's just such an excellent pet portrait! I love your bottle and coaster and I'm thinking of trying that on my next coaster make...

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda, but your wine bottle and coasters steal the day for me - they look amazing!!

  5. A beautiful selection of projects Brenda, the Highlight ones are so intricate I wouldn’t know where to start with that type of crafting. The sunflower projects are both gorgeous .. my favourite has to be the coasters and bottle, they look amazing. I’ve never tried anything like this but I think I may look into how to do it, the results are so fab. Gorgeous pic of Poppy too .. adorable!
    Pauline xx

  6. beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda, love the bottle I don't drink but it looks great.

    fab photo of the jack russel

    gr karin

  7. Thank you for the beautiful burst of colour this morning, the sunflower makes are stunning, a wonderful selection of Scene building cards too. The new Teddy die must be based on your pic of Poppy

  8. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the top sunflower one and your gorgeous coasters. The photo of Poppy is so sweet. Enjoy your weekend.

    Pat xx

  9. What a fabulous photo of Poppy, she's totally distracted me from your lovely creations! Yep, she's definitely been moonlighting and looking like that who can blame her!
    Beautiful cards and projects- love the bottle and coasters, not entirely sure I'm convinced by your disclaimer over the size of the glass :))

  10. Really love that stunning bottle. That really is impressive and a great way to decorate the bottle.

    Love all the imagery on your cards too.

  11. A bright and cheerful post this morning using these lovely sunflowers. Fabulous projects all round and the acetate card scenes are stunning.

  12. Another lovely collection of cards on this post Brenda. xxx

  13. What a beautiful array of projects you've been working on! I like the sunflowers and especially how you decorated the bottle and coasters! That looks amazing! Your dog is absolutely precious and I agree- she's been moonlighting!

  14. So pretty creations, fabulous job;-))m

  15. OH! My goodness, Brenda, what AWESOME makes. All so marvellous and beautiful.
    Faith x

  16. You are right sunflowers always make you smile. Lovely to see that you have made coasters and a decorated bottle. Very impressive. Thanks for sharing some of those beautiful scenes too xx

  17. Such wonderful creations Brenda. Always love your Aall and create samples and your bottle and coasters look fantastic! Beautiful 2RR creations too, those detailed images look so stunning and how sweet is Poppy! The dogs surely do look a lot like her :)

    PS: Totally agree with the comment about A&C stamps needing a public health warning LOL. They really do seem addictive as I'm thinking I might put together a monthly package of their stamps/products for myself to purchase each month, like my own stamp kit :) They are sooooo much fun!!

  18. Love sunflower cards!
    gorgeous cards!
    Im sure Poppy Is posing!

  19. The sunflowers look so good! Even the bottle is now more something to enjoy while just standing... And I do think Poppy has been moonlighting; it is so close... Hope you have a fun weekend!

  20. Wonderful projects, Brenda. I especially love the sunflower bottle and coasters, very clever. Great photo of Poppy posing. xx

  21. Ciao Brenda, ho riconosciuto immediatamente il bel vaso di terracotta di TRR ed è perfetto con quel girasole e la silhouette dell'uccellino! Stupendo lo sfondo con quella tonalità di verde!!
    La bottiglia e i sottobicchieri sono una vera meraviglia, che bell'effetto!!!E mi hai fatto ridere con la prospettiva del bicchiere in fotografia, ero sicura che non usi bicchieri giganti per il vino!! :D
    Deliziosa la slimline, quegli sfondi in prospettiva fanno davvero risaltare i fiori!! Non so cosa sia RSPCA ma dalle tue parole mi pare di capire sia un'associazione che si occupa di animali. Hai fatto 100 card per raccogliere fondi, WOW!!
    Le cards con i prodotti della tua USB sono tutte stupende, che meraviglia. Adoro quell'oca sui vecchi libri, forse imparerà qualcosa? Stupendi i Terrier e il Bassotto, per non parlare degli adorabili uccellini e dei fiori!!
    Poppy è bellissima, un amore!! Che sguardo attento! E il collarino rosa le sta benissimo! :)
    Buon weekend cara Brenda! Qui è tornato il caldo!!

  22. Wow Brenda, what gorgeous makes. Anything sunflowers I love so loving all those. The animal card are a delight and so good to send for a good cause too. Xxx

  23. I love sunflowers Brenda, and what a selection of stunning cards. The bottle and coasters are just beautiful too.
    Such a lovely wee dog. sweet little face, Kate x

  24. I always think of sunflowers and daisies as happy flowers Brenda and love your sunflowers, I did have a little smirtk about the size of the wine glass!! MCS really do have some beautiful artwork, including Poppy, I do hope she's getting royalties!! xx

  25. Beautiful cards Brenda your sunflowers are stunning so life like another stunning post as always lovely to see and read x

  26. I keep resisting new sunflower stamps but I do like the bird on the centre of this one and your combination with the gelli plate and die cut pot makes for a really pretty card.
    Love the bottle and coasters - maybe I need a gin glass that size lol!
    Fabulous samples and yes poppy does look like she's been moonlighting as a model.

  27. A lovely mix of samples Benda, my favourite has to be the bottle, looks fabulous and I believe you about the size of the glass.
    Avril xx
