
Saturday 9 September 2023

Dancing in the Rain and baby Pigeons

Morning everyone, Saturday morning so time for a new challenge at Allsorts and this week Lynn would like us to use dies on our creations. This months fabulous bundle of prizes come from Craft StashAnna Marie DesignsAALL and CreateWOWVOW and Oakwood.

My card above is a little sneak peek of Dancing in the Rain from Highlight Crafts/Two Red Robins launching on Create and Craft at 6pm tomorrow. It's a gorgeous collection especially for your Autumnal makes, but of course works year round and coordinates with all previous collections. A couple more below, the second uses the new Web Exclusives which launched yesterday to compliment the full set. On the top one I've used several of the dies in the collection onto a free standing acetate base, added a die cut circle to create the wreath shape cutting the acetate to the same size.

This one was a really quick and easy one, an image from a MCS USB printed twice, three dies used to cut the apertures in one sheet which I then lined up over the second sheet to create a pretty CAS (for me) card with a few red paint splats to carry the Poppy colour.

I have one more to share, it's another for this month new Path of Positivity challenge where as well as a positive element on your entry, they currently have a Tic/Tac/Toe option and I've gone for the top row of Feminine/Buttons/Bling/Florals. Of course florals come easy, bling not always but this one does have some gems, I made it some time back before my eye ops as one of my AALL and Create samples but not yet blogged. The stamps used are Blousy Blooms and Power of the Word, the leaves are from Foliage (set 496), now discontinued but several retailers still have in stock.

The Pigeon population had a busy Summer around us but most nests are out of sight so we don't see their fledglings until they take their early flying lessons at about four weeks. However, this nest was built head height in a shrub just outside the dining room window so provided a front row seat and I managed to get this photo the other day of the two babies, their eyes are just open so are probably 4/5 days old. One is partly obscured behind a branch, the other watching cautiously. 

I think like the Pheasants and Partridges, they see our land as a safe haven from other farmers and their guns. On a sad note, some of the rabbit population seem to have contracted Mixi, nothing you can do to help them but it's very distressing to see.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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  1. Beautiful TRR cards, Brenda and the technique on the poppy card is really effective, I must remember this one! x

  2. Morning Brenda your selection of creations are outstandingly beautiful the images and detail of each one is amazing, it is so sad to hear about the rabbits it is a distressing disease I only ever seen it once when we went to Scotland the one year it seemed overrun by rabbits the next year they were dying in huge numbers, I am so envious of you living where you can see the Pheasants and Partridges the Pigeons have taken a liking to our back garden which is a mega lawned area with big trees we have several sorts of feeders and they often can be seen resting , lol.
    lolo x

  3. A wonderful selection of TRR cards Brenda,you showcase the products perfectly,love both floral makes and your photo

  4. A fabulous selection of cards Brenda and a great idea with the poppy one for a quick card. The last card is my favourite with the fab colour scheme and that little mouse is so cute. A great photo of the baby pigeons, but they are so ugly looking aren't they :) . Have a good weekend x

  5. Wow I really love the imagery on the Highlight Crafts/Two Red Robins. I look forward to their launch. They would work great for my pet donations.

    Your poppy card is beautiful. Great die cut you used to add more interest to the image.

    That little mouse on the last card is super adorable too.

  6. All so beautiful but which is my fave.......
    Got to be the poppies, xxx

  7. All the flowers, berries, wildlife and pets look amazing on each and every card you shared today. I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite, but I'm envious of your front row seat in your dining room to the nesting of those cute birds! Have a great weekend!

  8. A great selection of cards - the poppy one is my favourite

  9. Ciao Brenda, le nuove uscite di TRR sono molto belle, come del resto tutta la loro produzione, ammiro sempre molto queste immagini così realistiche! Gli uccellini sono i miei preferiti, ma anche i fiori stupendi, le more, le foglie, i funghi.. e i piccoli cagnolini sotto l'ombrello mi fanno sorridere. L'uso dell'acetato rende la prima card davvero speciale.
    Adoro la CAS con i papaveri, è davvero molto d'effetto! Non ho ancora provato questa tecnica, vorrei provare a timbrare direttamente sui leftover delle fustellate invece di tagliare dopo. Forse potrei eliminare qualche avanzo! :D LOL
    L'ultima card è molto femminile, il nero con il rosa è una combinazione che amo molto e adoro i bottoni con il fiocco di twine al centro dei fiori!! Bellissime anche le foglie, un gran bel design!
    Che meraviglia guardare dalla finestra e avere la vista di un nido con i piccoli!! Presto assisterai anche ai primi voli! :) Un sogno.
    Davvero triste invece che alcuni conigli abbiano contratto la mixomatosi!! Spero che non si sparga!! Probabilmente il caldo ha favorito la proliferazione di zanzare, che sono un vettore del virus. Mi dispiace davvero tanto. Dita incrociate...!
    Un abbraccio, buon weekend!

  10. Such a wonderful assortment of cards Brenda, those 2RR creations have such amazing details on the images and you make the most amazing scenes with them! A really beautiful Aall and Create card too with this wonderful color combo and a bit of a CAS style, just wonderful!
    You got a great view of that bird's next, but sorry to hear about some of the rabbit population's desease and that they can't be helped :( So sad!

  11. WOW! Brenda, what a beautiful selection of cards, love your florals and shaped with the lovely dies on acetate, love the idea of that. The hyacinths and birds are so lovely, a touch of Spring? Your poppy card I love, and will try to case, love the effect of the die cuts. Your last card, I love the colour mix with the little mouse and lovely stamps. Then your wonderful photo of the pigeons nest. We have plenty flying around here, but never seen a nest, you are so lucky to have so much wildlife around you. As for the poor rabbits, Nature can be so cruel can't it?
    Faith x

  12. Fabulous selection,love all the images,dies and stamps,love the last two beautiful flower cards.
    Carol x

  13. Always a feast for the eyes to come here! Love all the layered ones; favorite is the CAS-one (even though I like many styles...) Here we have a small backyard, but so grateful that we had 4 kinds of birds nesting there and in the frontgarden we had 2! Love that that is possible even with a mice-catching cat living with us. Our trick... she only goes outside on a leash... Enjoy your weekend!

  14. My favourite this week is the poppies, love that technique too. Thanks for sharing the photos of your baby pigeons. I don't think I have ever seen any before, despite having pigeons in the garden I do not know where their nests are xx

  15. A wonderful showcase today Brenda, the doggos are my favourite and the baby pigeons of course. Our rabbit population has taken a hit this year and we've not had them basking in the garden quite as much as usual. We had a family burrow in the bottom the hedge on the other side of the lane and I'd just taken a photograph of Bo and Bumble watching three babies from the sitting room window when seconds later down swooped one of our resident buzzards and one was gone. It's the screaming that upsets me so x

  16. Gosh absolutely stunning creations the colours are gorgeous and the baby nest how nice that you captured them so cute x

  17. Such pretty designs from Highlight, but the one that really caught my eye is the MCS Hyacinths - just breathtaking.
    Of course I love the poppies and your use of the aperture technique. The A&C is so pretty with the pink and the cute little mouse.

  18. Hi Brenda, your cards are stunning, I just love the cards with the little animals, absolutely adorable. Beautiful poppy cards too, such lovely designs and colours.
    Never seen a baby pigeon so thanks for sharing your photo, Kate x

  19. Beautiful use of the TTT Board! Such a gorgeous layout in the pink/black colors featuring the beautiful blooms and vines! The little mouse is sweet sitting on the sentiment! Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  20. A gorgeous collection of cards and I especially love your red poppy card. Great photo, the poor pigeons nesting near us have had a tough time this summer battling magpies stealing their eggs. Michelle x

  21. Beautiful creations all! I couldn't pick a favorite!!
    The poppy one is interesting!
    Great photo of the nest and babes!
    Hope you are well!

  22. Wow those die cut cards really pop Brenda. The colours and images are amazing. Of course, I adore your stamped cards too!! That is a brilliant photo of the nest and babes, how sweet!

  23. Gorgeous selection of cards;-))m

  24. Fabulous selection of cards, Brenda. I especially love the poppy one, I still need to try this technique. I did smile when I read your blog post title. I’ve just been out in the garden in the pouring rain to twist the bird feeder round. The pigeons were eating everything as, although I know they need to eat to, I wanted to make sure some were left for the little birds. xx

  25. Another superb collection of cards Brenda … lovely work with the Highlights Crafts images and dies, though my favourite has to be the AALL & Create floral card .. such a gorgeous composition and colour scheme
    Pauline xx

  26. Beautiful cards Brenda, I especially like the poppies, great card design and beautiful image. Love the photo of the baby birds, so cute.

    Pat xx

  27. An amazingly beautiful collection of cards Brenda.
    Congrats on catching the pigeon photo. Sorry to hear about the rabbits. xxx

  28. Gorgeous cards Brenda, all of them are just fabulous but I especially love the poppy one, the die cut rectangles and little splatters look stunning!!

    Hope you have a great week!
    Lols x x x

  29. What a beautiful selection of cards! I especially love the blue one with the cute hedgehogs and the one with the poppies!

  30. The animals, fruit, flowers, and other plant life are all gorgeous.

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  31. Lovely scenes created with the gorgeous TRR images Brenda and two pretty floral cards also. Nature is just wonderful and how fabulous to have a front row seat to watch these pigeons up close.
