
Saturday 1 July 2023

Time spent in the garden for Allsorts

Morning everyone, this week at Allsorts we are going with the season and the theme of Summertime. Prizes from Oakwood, SizzixAALL and Create and Craft Stash.

Another short scheduled post, all went well but in the end I had two eye procedures, the planned laser treatment followed by Photocoagulation surgery for the macular degeneration.

My Summertime comes in the form of flowers, what else for me! For the top card I have used AALL and Create May collection Flower Trio and Bright Dawn, along with Seasons for the wording, the little 'Squibble' is Two Red Robins. 

One more share in sunny yellows using Bright Dawn, unusually for Tracy a silhouette stamp which is perfect for adding to a masked and inked background as I have done here. I also added a frame created with one of the stamps on a really old set (but still available) called Patches wording from Seasons again along with Power of the Word.

I am really hoping my vision perks up as we are off to London today, one of our Son's and DIL are taking us to see We Will Rock You as our Birthday treat. We missed out on seeing it twice due to Covid restrictions so really excited to be going to this short run of shows. We were lucky enough to see them live in concert back in the day and also the Freddie Tribute Concert at Wembley. 

I also have a few of my DT shares from this weeks C&C release of the My Craft Studio Winter Wanderings and A Winters Visit collection, although not able to make many due to the eyes! All are computer generated, totally flat so ideal for Christmas posting and really quick to create for mass production. At the moment only available from C&C here but will be on the Highlight website very shortly.

Hope you all have a good weekend and my thanks as always for your kind visits and words of encouragement.
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  1. Two lovely summery cards and thanks for sharing the MCS winter ones as well, reckon that season will be with us before we know - the year seems to be rushing by. Enjoy the show, I'm envious. Expect you could guess my favourite band of all time 😉.

  2. Hi Brenda you have made a gorgeous, beautiful and gorgeous cards

    gr karin

  3. great ideas and amazing cards, I always love all the variety of your techniques.
    enjoy the show, it must be amazing!
    crafty hugs xx

  4. Enjoy the London show!
    Fab cards in this post, as always x

  5. Gorgeous cards Brenda - loving the silhouettes against the bright yellow - that is fabulous.
    Do hope you can enjoy the show

  6. Ciao Brenda, il tuo post di oggi trabocca dolcezza!!!Wow!! Quante meravigliose cards!! Adoro la prima, i fiori embossati di bianco sullo sfondo a stencil danno una magia particolare all'intero design e fanno risaltare così bene il fiore rosa! Favolosi colori e quel piccolo scoiattolo è perfetto per catturare l'attenzione sul punto focale!
    La seconda card è molto originale e mi piace molto il doodled frame!
    Le quattro cards con la nuova release di TRR per Natale sono emozionanti, sai che adoro i loro prodotti e anche questi nuovi non sono un'eccezione!!! Non posso scegliere una preferita, le adoro tutte!! Hai fatto un ottimo lavoro come sempre nonostante i problemi agli occhi!!
    Spero che sia andato tutto benissimo e ti auguro un favoloso weeekend a Londra per festeggiare il tuo compleanno, buon concerto!!!

  7. So pleased to read that your surgery went ahead Brenda and hope that your benefiting from it.Two stunning summer floral cards as always beautiful cards for Highlight Crafts

  8. Love the colors and collage on the first card.

    The second card is so sunny and happy.

    The computer generated images in the winter scenes are so stinkin cute! Those will be cherished.

  9. Wow, these are all so lovely. Each one made me stop in admiration. Pleased to hear your op we took. I’m off to the hospital
    Today for a further appointment. The last one the machine didn’t record a full reading so They are using a more detailed one this time. Life is just one round of drs and hospitals . No fun getting old. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. So very very beautiful Brenda and so creative are your cards x

  11. First of all, I'm glad your procedures went well and things are on the up and up from now on with your vision. Happy July, and a very Happy Birthday to you as you venture on to London to enjoy a wonderful concert. I'd love to see that show too so enjoy it! The music will be great! Now on to this wonderful collection of cards. I love them all, especially that little bunny sitting on the sentiment in the first card. The background is amazingly created with all those pretty flowers and colors! Each card is beautifully created with wonderful colors, backgrounds and animals. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Beautiful floral summertime makes and your Christmas cards are gorgeous- guess we'll al be making them like crazy soon, this year is speeding by so very fast.
    Hope your eyes are good and you have a fantastic weekend- enjoy the show!

  13. Glad everything went well with the procedures and hope you enjoy the show.WOW all fabulous card,background and stamps-love all the Wintry Nature ones too
    Carol x

  14. Love all the little critters on your cards! The first one is my favorite; just love silhouettes!
    Hope you will recover well from (wow!) your two ops! Sending some positive energy to help you! Hugs, Gerrina

  15. Of course it has to be flowers for summertime, what else? I am glad your procedures went well and I hope you are reaping the benefit now so you can enjoy the show tonight. This post is a feast for the eyes. A wonderful collection of cards xx

  16. Lovely details on the first card. The yellow and black one is so effective and striking. Lovely wildlife cards too.

  17. Wonderful cards Brenda, the wildlife images really are beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful time at the theatre, it will be amazing for sure. One of my biggest regrets was never getting to see Queen live but Connor's friend Ben played Roger Taylor in Bohemian Rhapsody so there is a tenuous link!! xx

  18. So glad to hear the operation went well and that you are recovering well too! Your cards are all gorgeous and works of art. I'm planning on treating myself to some Aall and Create stamps this Christmas, long time still but I spent a huge chunk of money on a vacation for 4 so the stamps have to wait.
    Sounds like you have a fabulous evening planned today, have the best time!!

  19. Your Summer cards look great Brenda. Beautiful stamped/backgrounds. The Christmascards all are very beautiful too. I love the scenery ones. Have fun at the concert and I hope your vision is back again and your eye trouble will be a lot better. Take care. Marllies x

  20. Your cards are so beautiful, Brenda. I love your summer card and the winter cards.

    All the best for you and have a nice Sunday.


  21. 2 gorgeous A&C cards Brenda with fab stamps and gorgeous inky backgrounds. Lovely wildlife cards too .. this isn’t a form of crafting I have ever done or really understand, but very effective. Glad your eye procedures are over and done with, and hopefully will enable you to get fully back into crafting. Hope you enjoyed the London show.
    Pauline xx

  22. Stunning cards in this post once again, hope you enjoyed your day.

  23. Hope you enjoyed the concert!
    Fabulous cards as always;-))m

  24. Such stunning creations Brenda. I am so pleased your procedures seem to have gone OK. I hope you enjoyed the show last night and could indulge in it as much as you could.

  25. Beautiful cards Brenda. I hope you enjoyed We will rock you. We saw it years ago and loved it.
    I was at Freddie tribute concert too, loved it and still have the T shirt!!!!

  26. A fabulous collection of cards, Brenda.
    Hope you enjoyed the show, I remember seeing it several years ago and it was brilliant. xx

  27. Two gorgeous floral cards, the colours are perfect for summer. Lovely images on the winter themed cards, digital is something I've not done before.
    Hope you enjoyed your weekend and the show.

  28. So many beautiful cards Brenda, I love the flower on the first one and all the Christmas and winter themed cards are gorgeous. So glad your procedure went well and hope you have a good time in London.

    Pat xx
