
Sunday 2 July 2023

Digitalis for Dad

Morning Peeps, we have new challenges today at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations, There's a distinct floral feel at both "Fabulous Florals" and "Summer Flowers", perfect doubling up opportunities here. Super prizes as always, a £25 store voucher from Crafty Individuals and Two A5 stamp sets from AALL and Create.

My card above is a nod to my Dad using the Digitalis from AALL and Creates Woodland, the flower has a special meaning, they grew in my Granny's beautiful cottage garden and Dad also grew them. So when he died I chose a newly created woodland burial ground in fields he used to farm, recently purchased by the Diocese of Ely. Digitalis are one of the few flowers allowed so what I planted on his resting place.

I wanted to keep my card bright and fresh with a Spring/Summer feel, Dad was an avid gardener and loved that time of year as I do and his love of Nature was instilled into me as a child and continues to be my crafting inspiration.

Other A&C stamp sets used are Seasons and Elemental Notes and the little Pheasant from the set by the same name Pheasant. Dad would have seen the humour adding that, I'll just say as a farmer they featured in his life especially from 1st October through 1st February, I'll let you decide what I mean! I am popping over to the Snippets Playground with this one, flowers stamped onto offcuts and cut out.

This one uses one of the images from Hexapetalistic and one from Anemone both sets in A&C's most recent Create and Craft TV release. Stamped very simply onto an inky background and placed inside an ornate frame I discovered the other day, a whole bag of them unused I'm ashamed to say, coloured with Cadence paint to coordinate. The sentiment from my Moments stamp set.

Hope you all have a sunny Sunday.
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  1. beautiful cards Brenda and I love digitalis

    gr karin

  2. Buongiorno Brenda, spero che tu stia avendo uno splendido weekend per ripagarti un po' di tutte le rinunce che hai dovuto fare!
    Il tuo post di oggi è molto emozionante, la card ispirata dal tuo amato papà è un bellissimo tributo a lui, adoro il delicato design, la combinazione di colori e le splendide digitali, per non parlare dello sfondo a stencil, del fagiano e dell'anello che incornicia la F (Father? :) )
    La seconda card così vibrante nei toni del viola è mozzafiato!! Adoro quel frame vintage che attira l'occhio sui meravigliosi fiori!! Il tuo sentiment è perfetto!!!
    Abbracci, spero che anche tu abbia una bella Domenica di sole!

  3. The depth of colour on both cards is beautiful Brenda,unable to choose a favourite

  4. What beautiful work Brenda. Your digitalis card is stunning - thanks for sharing your Dad's love for gardening and nature. Pheasants here are not that common, although when I was growing up in a small town we had a pheasant family that used to visit our orchard quite regularly. Digitalis here is a noxious weed when wild, although there are some cultivars allowed for domestic gardeners.
    Your purple card is fabulous. I love your ink splat background for the anemone, and the frame is gorgeous

  5. Two beautiful and striking cards Brenda …I particularly love the gorgeous Digitalis and the lovely way it connects to memories of your dad.
    Pauline xx

  6. Such lovely colours on both cards, the Digitalis is so fine and detailed.

  7. A beautiful foxglove stamp and love the way you've used it and that pretty pink. I've never had them in the garden because of when I had a dog, but they are beautiful.
    Your other card is again pretty but in the beautiful purples and a lovely inky background too.

  8. Both are beautiful, but the pink and fresh green are such great colours together... that is my favorite! Hope you have dry weather and you can enjoy them! Hugs, Gerrina

  9. What a beautiful tribute to your father. As a farmer I know he worked hard, long hours and flowers he enjoyed will always be treasured, even on a card. I love the little bird on the sentiment and the charm you added. The purple flowers are beautifully framed with a gorgeous background too. Nice job on both!

  10. Both fabulous cards love the beautiful Digitalis,I have a few in the garden but lost a lot over the Winter too,fabulous Anemone card and stamps love the vibrant colour and ornate frame
    Carol x

  11. Gorgeous cards, my fave is the second one. I do love the digitalis too, mine are blooming right now;-))m

  12. Such a gorgeous creation in the memory of your dear dad Brenda. Thank you for sharing the lovely story about him. I adore the colour of your second beautiful creation.

  13. Both beautiful cards Brenda, such lovely stamps designs and colours. I love the first one with the foxgloves, used to have them in the garden but dug them all up when we got dogs- shame, but better safe than sorry! I love to see them growing wild though.

  14. Absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda, and a lovely way to remember your Dad. My back garden is covered in Foxgloves and I've never planted any of them, over the years they have seeded themselves, Kate x

  15. Yes! I'm sure your Dad would have loved your card and envelope, both beautifully stamped and coloured. We have some in the garden just coming to the end of their flowering, one at least 7 feet. We let them seed and hope for lots in the garden, but I'm afraid they limit themselves, for some reason? I love the pheasant and the ribboned ring. Love your inky background on the framed card, such a lovely frame, glad you found it hahaha. A beautiful stamp and card.
    Faith x

  16. Love both these, such lovely colours and interesting backgrounds as usual. Thanks too for the stories about your dad xx

  17. Love both cards B! Beautiful as always. The snippets card with the digitalis is especially delightful - particularly with the back story. The pheasant is a fun touch - wry smile here.

    Di xxx

  18. Two beautiful cards. What a special connection to your Dad. Hope you are well and enjoying the summer. Hugs Anesha x

  19. Two beautiful floral cards I love foxgloves and managed to grow 2 of them in my garden this year. Hoping for more next year.

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground.I’ll meet you up in the Treehouse later x

  20. These are both gorgeous Brenda - works of art ... and heart! Hugs, Kate!

  21. Two fabulous cards Brenda, the pink of the digitalis with those bright green leaves looks stunning and a lovely way to create memories of your Dad. I love the shades of purple on the anemone,.

  22. I read your text very carefully today and it touches me very much. A wonderful idea to remember your dad with these cards.

  23. They both are absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed reading about your dad's love of nature and flowers. You've created a beautiful card in his memory using the Digitalis stamp!

  24. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the foxgloves with the little pheasant and the lovely vibrant colour on your second card.

    Pat xx

  25. Wow Brenda both your cards are beautiful x

  26. What a beautiful card, those flowers are so pretty. I can see why your Dad and Gran both liked them and what a lovely thought for your Dad's burial ground. I love the second card too with the vibrant purples and beautiful frame.

  27. Two beautiful and stunning cards Brenda such gorgheous colours


  28. Love that the first card is a nod to your Dad and it is a beautiful card! Gorgeous colours and such detailed fussy cutting too! It's lovely hearing about your Dad's resting place, it sounds perfect! Fabulous purples on your second card and the frame is fab! Take care, hugs. xxx💖💖💖

  29. Really wonderful cards and a lovely way to create memories of your Dad.

  30. just catching up Brenda, I hope all is well with you.

    This is gorgeous...purple is actually my favourite colour, so pretty.


  31. I love your first card. We have quite a few growing in the garden this year. Pink and white ones. Hugs Mrs A.

  32. Stunning cards as always...I love the foxgloves....really pretty. The anemone stamp is nice too xx

  33. Very lovely flowers on both of these cards. Love the colors too.

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