
Saturday 24 June 2023

A bunch of Roses and even more Poppies

Morning everyone, this week at Allsorts Lynn would love to see Bunches of Flowers with the alternative of an A/G option. Prizes from SizzixAALL and CreateAldridge CraftsLavinia and Ruth Hamilton Design.

Still working with one semi functioning eye, but hopefully all will be sorted with Tuesday's procedure. Above A&C In the Bucket, simply stamped and coloured and some stencilling in the background along with a sentiment from my Believe stamp set available from Create and Craft here or Stamp Addicts.

Roses and Iris's, both Flowers of the Month along with the Vase from Highlight Crafts, from memory January and March. The June one just released is the most beautiful Christmas Rose which is part of A Christmas Bouquet, but as always all dies are available individually if you want to choose. I cut the vase twice and welded together with hinges made from offcuts so it stands up as a vase.

Poppies continue to give a fabulous display in the garden this year, I adore the self set's growing alongside the Keksi (name in the Fens for Cow Parsley) as they compliment each other so well, these are growing on a bank and some almost five feet tall...

Happy weekend all.
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  1. Beautiful flowers Brenda - both on your cards and in your garden!
    Loving the stencilled background in the first card, and the dimension in the second

  2. Even with an eye not working that good your card looks great! Love the yellow and blue together and the vase is a beauty!
    Those poppies look great! (Reminds me that I've got to get using my poppy stamps again...) Enjoy the weekebd!
    (Succes on Tuesday!)

  3. Beautiful flowers all round, both on cards and in reality. I love to see 'wild' poppies and they are shown up well by the cow parsley.

  4. Sorry, forgot to say all the best for Tuesday

  5. Wow your cards are beautiful as is your garden so very pretty must smell gorgeous too with all the roses xx

  6. Hope all goes well on Tuesday Brenda,the bucket of flowers and sentiment are a great pairing and your vase with flowers beautiful

  7. Lovely floral cards Brenda...your poppies are absolutely beautiful I love the pink one, my poppies have now sadly finished...
    Wishing you all the best for Tuesday Brenda


  8. I hope your eye is getting better every day. I love the happy colors on the first card. The second card reminds me of my great grandma. Many years ago after she had passed I was going through some old birthday cards and came across one that had $5 in it from her. I purchased a vase with that money and it is very similar to the vase in the second card. Really love the vase because it reminds me of her. Gorgeous card.

  9. Two beautiful cards Brenda and gorgeous photos of your Poppies. Hope everything goes well for Tuesday.

    Sue xx

  10. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, love the images. Beautiful photo's of ypur garden poppies. I hope the procedure goes well for you on Tuesday, meanwhile have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  11. The poppies in your garden are so beautiful, Brenda. And of course your floral creations are just fabulous! So many wonderful flowers!
    Hoping all goes well with the eye procedure and be sure to give your eyes the rest they need afterwards!

  12. Stunning cards today. love the vibrant pink on the first one and that vase is very impressive. thanks for sharing those rather special poppies too. Good luck wit your eye procedure next week xx

  13. A post full of beautiful flowers, on your cards and in your garden.

    Good luck with your procedure on Tuesday. xx

  14. Beautiful floral cards Brenda and such lovely photos of your gorgeous poppies. I missed most of mine -they decided to bloom whist we were away- I knew it would happen! I did get to see the giant red ones (the few that managed to survive when the fence posts needed replacing earlier in the year- most of them got trampled to death!)
    Hope all goes well for you on Tuesday.

  15. Ciao Brenda, vedo che nonostante il tuo occhio non sia ancora del tutto a posto riesci a creare cose bellissime come sempre! La prima card è molto bella, ma quel vaso con gli iris e le rose è davvero straordinario!!! Non solo così bello e delicato, ma sta anche in piedi e questo lo rende prezioso! Non smetto mai di stupirmi per le meravigliose immagini e fustelle di TRR e di ammirarle!! Sono davvero straordinarie.
    I tuoi papaveri sono uno spettacolo, credo che apprezzino il caldo di quest'anno!
    Qui invece le piante iniziano già a soffrire un po'.
    Passa un bel fine settimana e goditi la pace e le bellezze che ti circondano!

  16. Both beautiful cards love the stamps and stencilling -the vase of flowers shaped card looks brilliant-we have quite a few poppies in flower andthe red hot pokers have given their best show this year.Good luck for Tuesday.
    Carol x

  17. Both cards look fabulous, and I really like the subtle embossing on the first, along with that colorful vase on the 2nd! Your flower gardens are a sight to enjoy, how beautiful!

  18. two beautiful cards Brenda. The vase one looks amazing! The flowers in your garden look great too. So colourful. Good luck with your eyes. Take care, Marlies

  19. The Highlight crafts flowers and vase are so detailed and beautiful! Hope everything goes well next week, Brenda. x

  20. 2 beautiful cards Brenda in such different styles, and gorgeous floral pics from your garden. Good luck for Tuesday, hope all goes well
    Pauline xx

  21. Such lovely floral cards, both different in style but equally as pretty.
    I hope all goes well on Tuesday for you xx

  22. What a beautiful post Brenda. Between your cards and your beautiful garden full of colour you have lifted my spirits today!!

  23. A beautiful display Brenda both cards and garden, I do love seeing your garden, x

  24. Two lovely cards. Very delicate stencilling in the first one to off set those pretty flowers and great dimension (and patience) in the second card. The poppies in your garden are wonderful to. Hope all goes well for you this next week. Take care. x

  25. Beautiful bunches of flowers Brenda and I admire your patience with the glorious stand up vase. What amazing poppies and the cow parsley is the perfect partner. Hope all goes well for you on tuesday xx

  26. Beautiful cards Brenda and love your stenciling on the vase too. I loved looking at the pictures of your beautiful garden, poppies are one of my fav flowers and they are always a joy when they burst into bloom. You have a wonderful mindful space to enjoy with so much colour too. All the best for Tuesday. Michelle x

  27. 2 beautiful cards you have made Brenda and fab photo's

    gr karin

  28. Fabulous cards and so pretty flowers on your garden;-))m

  29. Both lovely cards Brenda but the vase with irises and roses is gorgeous! Good luck with your procedure, hope all goes well x

  30. A very pretty floral card. Good luck for tomorrow’s procedure. Xxx

  31. Love your cards, they are wonderful. Hope things are well with you. Been very busy here but all good. Take care. Anesha x

  32. Your cards are awe!
    Beautiful flowers - both on your cards and in your garden!
    Hope the procedure was good! Wish you all the best, Brenda!
