
Sunday 18 June 2023

Hamish the yellow Lab

Morning Peeps, I'm never sure how I prepare the mid months posts for We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations and so often forgot my own post. But I did have a post part prepared for the the Snippets Playground so to limit screen time combining the two.

I've not been able to join in for a few weeks because of these pesky eye issues, hopefully what will be the final treatment next week on 27th - my Birthday of all days but at my age it's just another day and sooooo want to get back to normal crafting. I would also like to enter this one into the current Path of Positivity "Inspired by a Pattern" so hope the aperture panel and envie fits the brief as it's created with what is probably my favourite and most used stencil.

It's almost the end of term at the Playground so need to show my face especially as sports day must be immanent. It's a card I made for our youngest boys Birthday last month, his one year old yellow Lab Hamish is huge and a gorgeous boy re-homed last Summer. So I knew I wanted to use this image from AALL and Creates Man's Best Friend

But didn't anticipate it would be so hard to re-create the colour of a yellow lab, this was my fourth attempt, non of the numerous ink pads I have were right so in the end a mixture of copper, gold and yellow EP's. Hamish and the words were offcuts as is the background which is a small leftover of a Gelli Plate vellum print just big enough to full the aperture. 

My rather hastily added shares for our theme options of CAS and Around the World. Above using AALL and Create Little Wren stamped very simply onto a scored base, a little colouring and some flicks of ink. It's only an A6 stamp but very useful for masculine cards in particular.

I made this ages ago and never blogged and can't can't find the stamp anymore, I did have a bit of a clear out when my craft room was reorganised so it may well have been moved on via the charity shop. I've a feeling it was a Little Clair stamp and by the look of it heat embossed with some background stencilling. I do know the sentiment is Penny Black as it's from a set which also has safari animals.

Have a good Sunday all, we're promised thunder storms and an 80% chance of rain so finger crossed we actually get it as we need it, the Hay's all in and a reasonable haul, but the arable crops need it.
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  1. All three cards are gorgeous but the little wren one grabs me the most for the wonderful simplicity of the card and sweet but grungy image.
    Good luck with the remainder of your treatment. Sending happy birthday wishes to you in advance xxx

    1. Oops - forgot to say thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. Join me in the treehouse for Breakfast Club! X

  2. Three lovely cards as a reminder about the challenge, I particularly like the simplicity of the little bird and the yellow lab is appealing - great sentiment too. All the best for your final eye treatment.

  3. A trio of beautiful work once more Brenda - Love Hamish - that's a fabulous card, as is the wee wren. The safari card is wonderful with the sunset background.

  4. Beautiful are all of your cards l love to see any animal on a card and the backgrounds are stunning x

  5. A wonderful variety of animal themed cards,love your lab,the colour mix looks really beautiful,a fantastic CAS stem and gorgeous safari scene

  6. sweet and beautiful cards Brenda

    gr karin

  7. 3 beautiful cards Brenda, love the gorgeous multi-tone stencil work on the cute lab card, the safari scene really pops with your vibrant background, and the CAS little wren is very stylish.
    Pauline xx

  8. All fabulous cards and stamps,I love the little wren and hope all goes well with your final eye treatment.
    Carol x

  9. another batch of gorgeous cards. Hope the final treatment goes well, shame about your birthday but if it helps that will be a great gift!

  10. Ciao Brenda, sono felice di sapere che il 27 sarà l'ultimo trattamento per i tuoi occhi e sarebbe davvero un meraviglioso regalo di compleanno poter tornare alla normalità! Stupendo il labrador con quel sentiment sul pannello a stencil, mi piace davvero moltissimo e la polvere da embossing aggiunge molto interesse.
    La card con il passerotto è perfetta per un maschio, così come l'ultima card, davvero splendida con quei colori caldi!
    Spero che piova un po' da voi per dissetare i campi e la Natura, ma sono contenta di sapere che avete potuto raccogliere un bel po' di fieno per gli animali. Io uso il fieno come pacciamatura per l'orto e quest'anno a causa della siccità e delle successive alluvioni qui ce n'è davvero poco, a prezzi esorbitanti!
    Buona Domenica!

  11. What a fun card and envelope with that delightful lab! Wonderful colors and design! Your favorite stencil pattern is perfect for our challenge over at Path of Positivity; thanks for sharing with us! ~Katrina

  12. Great cards Brenda, that Lab is so sweet and I love the sentiment. Love the safari scene with the hot colours and that little wren is a gorgeous image and beautifully coloured.
    Avril xx

  13. Three really gorgeous creations Brenda. I am sorry to hear that your next eye treatment is on your birthday of all days. I will pray for you.

  14. They are all lovely cards Brenda, I had a set of jungle animal stamps that came free in a magazine. Xx

  15. Beautiful cards Brenda and no prizes for guessing Hamish is my favourite. Sadly, the rain has passed us by. We planted 100 horse friendly hedge plants in the spring, Martin has been using the old tractor mounted sprayer (with hose atttached!!) to water them xx

  16. Lovely cards Brenda. I really like the CAS one. Using scoring is such a great way to add interest to a CAS card. hope we get some rain tonight, but I have a feeling it might pass us by. forecast is only showing 50% for us xx

  17. Lovely showcase of different styles and animals, beautiful cards;-))m

  18. There was me thinking how clever of you to do a yellow lab - little did I know the effort to get there! It does look wonderful though. Love that little wren, one of my fave birds and it's a great CAS card. The safari scene is very atmospheric with the inky blending.

    We've just got back through a lot of rain, thunder, lightening and now flooding!

  19. A great set of cards Brenda, lovely animal themes and super designs.

  20. Three fabulous cards, Brenda. I especially love the little wren card, such a lovely CAS design. xx

  21. Love the lab card, such a great stamp set! The wren card, in all its simplicity is a striking image. Hope your eyesight is improving. x

  22. Stunning cards as usual Brenda particularly love your bird one...good luck for your eye treatment


  23. Stunning cards as usual Brenda particularly love your bird one...good luck for your eye treatment


  24. Stunning cards as usual Brenda particularly love your bird one...good luck for your eye treatment


  25. Three gorgeous cards B - Hamish, the wren and your African scene are so good I could never choose a favourite. Good luck with the rest of your treatment! Hope you're soon fully back in action.

    Di xx

  26. Wonderful cards, Brenda! Love your yellow lab!


  27. I just adore that doggie card with that great (and true) sentiment! I think you nailed the color for a yellow lab about as close as you can. I love the envelope too! The little wren is captivating wtih all the doodling you did and that wild birthday card is shadowed perfectly with the silhouette animals! Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog - I'm your newest follower too :)

  28. Hi, B! I love the stamps you have used on these darling cards - "darling" because of your love for all animals. The textures on your doggy card are amazing! I am especially in love with the Little Wren stamp, and the "faded out" splashes of earthy colors! Brenda, I am wishing you a happy birthday early. Hopefully the eye surgery will afford a "new life" for you, so you can do (and appreciate) the things you most love. Wishing you every success!

  29. What a fabulous trio of cards Brenda and I'd be hard pressed to pick just one favourite. The little doggie card is adorable and I love that beautiful sentiment, the CAS design on the bird card is so stylish, and the beautiful hot colours on the safari card make for a wonderful background.
    I hope the eye treatment goes well next week and that you have a good birthday.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Addicted to Stamps and more and I hope you'll join us again soon.
    Carol x

  30. Happy birthday on the 27th. I hope your eye treatment helps you clear up the eye issues and you are back to full health.

    I really love that dog on the first card. I have it on my wish list to get as soon as I get some crafty money saved up. Love the color you used for the background too. The second card is CAS perfection. Great image you used and the scene on the third card is incredible. Great image and gorgeous colors too. Love the addition of the bubbles too.
