
Tuesday 2 May 2023

Baby Squirrels and a Daffodil or two

A real rarity these days, a mid week post which is to share my card which went to Gundi in Germany as part of the March Card Chain Challenge

It's another AALL and Create showcase sample and I went with the months colour options of Charcoal, Lime and Bumblebee along with the two of the options Spring and Paper Piecing. 

The background was created with the Gelli Plate and acrylic paint and some second generation stamping using Elemental Notes and some raindrops using a stencil. The Daffodil from Elegant Spring Florals, masked and the top section of the flower stamped a second time to extend the image. I then stamped both flowers twice more onto some inky offcuts as well as a piece for the word Daffodil from the same set and another snippet for the Birdie. The words March and Spring come from Seasons and finally an envie to match.

As there are several snippets on this one I am popping over to the Snippets Playround. I want to check out if there are any baby squirrels up near the treehouse, as there certainly are here. I eventually grabbed a photo of one of the rare black babies, there are some that are pure black, but this one clearly comes from a mixed pairing judging by the hints of ginger on it's front.

Isn't she/he sweet, I could spend hours watching them play, the other day one on the black babies played catch in the orchard with a grey baby, it was such fun to watch but they move far to quickly for me to get decent photos.
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  1. Beautiful card you made for Gundi, I am sure she was thrilled to receive it! And what a cute squirrel with the chestnut mixed in the black fur! I need to get one of those feeders for the squirrels living in the backyard oak tree.

  2. Ciao Brenda, sono molto contenta di vedere che hai potuto creare qualcosa di nuovo!! Buon segno! :)
    Una card molto luminosa e primaverile con i bei narcisi e lo sfondo fatto con il gelli plate! Io non riesco mai a timbrare bene sugli acrilici, devo timbrare ripetutamente con la platform e comunque in alcuni punti l'inchiostro si rifiuta lo stesso di aderire allo sfondo. Alcuni inchiostri come il Versafine Clair funzionano meglio di altri, ma mai a perfezione. Mi piace il piccolo merlo che metti sempre sui sentiments. Qui abbiamo spesso i merli, ma nessuno scoiattolo. :) Ne avevo visto uno alcuni anni fa, si veniva a mangiare i miei pomodori :D Era nerissimo e lucente. Poi non l'ho più visto e mi è dispiaciuto molto. Adoro guardare le tue foto e leggere quello che hai la fortuna di vedere nel tuo paradiso naturale. Il piccolino delle foto è bellissimo!!
    Un abbraccio!

  3. Gorgeous gelli background, Brenda - just love your sweet daffodils!! Awww - cute squirrel photos too! We have a grey squirrel who has "borrowed" a birdhouse for her nest - I expect the little babies to emerge soon. :)

  4. I quite forgot it was reveal day today over at CCC. Love that vibrant green background on your card, it is just like all the lovely green that is popping out everywhere at the moment. It sets off your daffodils beautifully and I love the matching envelope and coloured too.Thanks for sharing the pictures of your squirrel babies, so lovely to see. We went walking in a bluebell wood this morning. It was stunning xx

  5. What a lovely spring card you created Brenda - lovely bright colors and pretty daffodils!

  6. beautiful card Brenda and fab photo's

    gr karin

  7. Beautiful card, love it. What a great shot of black squirrels. Have a great week. Anesha x

  8. Beautiful card and stamps,great background and love the pics of the squirrel
    Carol x

  9. A wonderful spring card Brenda. Our daffs have all but gone now except for a few "Erlicheer" Narcissus on Surprise's resting place. Well done on catching a pic of that lovely baby xx

  10. Lovely card Brenda!
    Thanks for sharing the baby photos!

  11. A lovely card Brenda, as always. Thanks for sharing the lovely squirrel pics, we don't have them here!

  12. Lovely daffodils, B! I especially like the bird perched atop the sentiment! Wow! Your squirrels look so different from ours! Large, bushy tails, and bigger in general, with deep shades of neutrals! We have TONS of squirrels, and have had to help keep them in check. Not sure what happened to their natural predators because we have plenty of hawks, owls and snakes! Do you have lots of birds, too? It sounds like a loud symphony warming up in the mornings! We love that sound! Our squirrels are bullies, and chase the birds away LOL Thanks for sharing your photos! hugs, de

  13. Such a pretty spring like card Brenda - love the colours and how you have adapted the stamp to make it your own, as it were.
    Those squirrels look gorgeous, rodents though they may be ;)

  14. Great use of some of your snippets for this lovely spring card. The baby squirrel is sweet - I've never seen a black one although I do remember seeing red ones when I was a small child but they are rare nowadays except in a few places.

  15. Gorgeous card! Love your background! And just love your cute squirrel photos too!


  16. Thank you again for this really beautiful map with so many details to discover.
    We also have a lot of squirrels and I like to watch them too. At the moment a mother is coming with her three children. While she nibbles nuts, the three little ones romp around in the trees. And our dog unfortunately found a small dead squirrel in the forest yesterday. But that is nature.

  17. Beautiful Spring card Brenda...just love the daffs and tulips...I've never seen a black squirrel before how exciting.


  18. I love the fresh colours on your card! I see them echoed in the garden and streets here...and I like it!
    That squirrel is so cute! Can imagune that you can watch there quick moves for a long time; so good to get you in a 'zen'- mood! Higs, Gerrina

  19. A beautiful spring themed card in fresh bright colours featuring my favourite spring flower- love the paper piecing!
    Fabulous photo of the cute baby squirrel, I've never seen a black one, those in our local woods are grey, there used to be a pure white one but haven't seen it for quite a while now. It is very entertaining to watch them play, Marvin thinks so too!

  20. Beautiful daffodil card Brenda, I love daffodils pity they have finished in the shops now as I bought some every week, but there are still some stragglers in the garden. Lovely photos of the squirrels.

    Pat xx

  21. I've got a card with this stamp, sent to me by a lovely blog friend :), months after my birthday, standing up by my desk, I love it. The daffodils, I love of course and the design is just gorgeous on this card Brenda. The background is just so lovely too. As for black squirrels, I didn't know they exist, how lucky to have them so near to your garden.
    Faith x

  22. A beautiful spring card Brenda, lovely daffs and your design is fabulous.
    Aww how sweet your baby squirrels are, didn't know you got black squirrels, I thought only grey and red, learn something every day, thanks for sharing, Kate x

  23. A pretty spring card which I am sure was appreciated. So many lovely details to see.
    Fab photos of the squirrels.

  24. A lovely card made with your pretty gelli print background and beautiful daffodil.

    I'd never seen black squirrels until you posted pictures of them! Haven't seen ANY squibbles near the Playground Treehouse!

    Thanks for submitting homework to the SNIPPETS PLAYGROUND. Come up to the treehouse to find out what illicit goodies I have inside my satchel while Miss Di isn’t looking! x

  25. Fabulous card B for Gundi. I do so LOVE how you do your backgrounds, One day, one day. The lime is a great colour choice with the theme of Spring.

    And then the baby squirrels stole the show - how adorable! And unusual - you are very lucky to live in such a wealth of wildlife. We get excited at the sighting of a fox strolling up the road caught on CCTV!

    Di xx

  26. Lovely card that you have sent as your swapand what an absolute corker photo of your black squirrel. Didn't know that they existed here in the UK.We only have grey ones come in our garden. Hugs Mrs A.

  27. Wonderful card!
    oh she is adorable!

  28. Lovely CCC card Brenda... cute squirrels too

  29. Wonderful card Brenda ! I loove the amazing background, and the beautiful daffodils too. This baby squirrel is so so cute, I hope there are babies at the tree house. Let us know when you could see them.
    I wish you a very nice Friday and weekend, and send big hugs

  30. A lovely Spring card Brenda, love daffodils.
    Fabulous photos of the squirrels, we get one occasionally coming into the garden, always a pleasure to watch.
    Avril xx

  31. Beautiful spring card Brenda, love how you have masked and extended the stamp. I have just received my first ever masking fluid as I have used masking sheet in the past which doesn’t work with fiddly areas, so I’ll have to see how I get on with it! Adorable baby squirrel pictures .. we have squirrels in the garden every day but I’ve never seen a baby one!
    Pauline x

  32. Terrific daffodils on your card. That squirrel is so gorgeous. I am not sure I have ever seen a black and brown one.

  33. Beautifully artistic card & envie for Gundi! Wonderful pictures of the adorable squirrel baby! Love the coloring which is so different than the ones here.
