
Saturday 6 May 2023

April showers bring May flowers

Morning everyone, time for a new challenge at Allsort and this week I am your host with the theme of 'April showers bring May flowers' and of course there's always the A/G option for those who really don't have any flowers in their stash. 

Prizes for three weeks this month (726/7/8) come from WOWVOWOakwood Direct and Craft Stash. The fourth week on 20th May will be to celebrate our 14th Birthday so prizes for that week will be announced closer to the time and my what a fabulous bundle it is from a company who seem to offer the stamp of the moment!!

A brayered background using Oxides, stencil work using the negative elements by inking and spritzing the stencil to use as a stamp, some raindrops with another stencil and texture paste and a few of the circles coloured in with Distress Pencils. 

Lots of different AALL and Create stamp sets used, the Wellie boots from The Great Outdoors, flower from Flower Journey (new so not on the web site yet but available from C&C), circle Textured Florals, March and numbers Seasons, a bit of stamping down the edges using Round Digits and finally words from Power of the Word. And of course a matching envie, people tell me they love these when they land on the doormat and in reality it doesn't take much longer to create once the card is made. 

My teamie Ellie also has this theme for her I Spy challenge so it seems only fitting that I link up there. And Simon Say's Wednesday challenge is No Patterned Papers, so a perfect one for me as I invariably create my own. 

A rather bright background brayers with Oxides, purposely left a bit random to give more interest. All focal stamping in Versafine Nocturn using an AALL and Create A4 set and the  silhouette flower from Clocks and Flowers, Hare from Long Eared Mammal, months and sentiment from Seasons and Power of the Word (links above) and to carry the colour of the suns I stamped Shattering around the edges. Finally some stencilled raindrops using white texture paste.

One last share, it's for Highlight/Two Red Robins where the DT have been re-branded, we are now going to be known as 'Brand Creatives'.

I've used some of this weeks new colourways for Touched by the Rain. It's a big bundle so a considered purchase, but the majority of dies are available individually so you can pick your favourites. There are six different sized dies in the set and Reflections are free. Gary the birdie was a greenfinch when the set was first launched, now he's also a Goldfinch!! We have a family of them in the garden and the two babies have just left the nest, but they dart about so quickly getting a photo is proving difficult.

I am trying hard to get back into the crafty groove and actually made some DT cards for C&C shows next week (to be shared in due course), the new meds are helping with the pain and arm/neck mobility but leave me a bit wooly headed so it's frustratingly slow. I make cards in my head when sleep evades me, it's actually making them that's proving a problem.

But I have some new goodies which is always an incentive to get inky so a crafty day planned and hoping to get a few more off the production line.....know craft will be the last things on the minds of many today, but I'll be in my craft room! 

I hope you can join us this week at Allsorts, do pop over to the challenge to see what my teamies have created to inspire you. 
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. gorgeous and cards Brenda

    gr karin

  2. Stunning cards as ever Brenda - I am amazed at all the detail you have in your backgrounds

  3. Your gorgeous colours in the rainy backgrounds made my morning bright,really dull and misty here in Aberdeen,so happy to read that the new meds have helped the pain,

  4. A super selection of floral cards - The one with the wellies is a favourite but the others come close second. Glad to see I won't be the only person in the craft room today rather than glued to the TV 🤣🤣. Chucking it down with rain here at present so a good excuse to stay indoors. Hope you soon start to feel better, no fun being in pain or 'woolly headed'

  5. Gorgeous cards with beautiful details on, can't pick a fave;-))m

  6. Beautiful cards Brenda. So happy the meds are helping but sad about the side effect. Have a great weeken.Hugs Anesha x

  7. Love how you combined the stamps on your first one! See you do it beautifully too!
    Good that you can avoid the pain, not great to be 'wooly'; your head is the part of your body that is needed most to go on, but for the moments that you can; just slip out and rest that is what your body needs too... It sounds like a ballancing act, but he: isn't that life? I'm sure you find your way in this as you have found your way in so many that came onto your path... Sending some positive energy to help you and hope you can enjoy some warmth and sunshine this weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  8. Ciao Brenda, bellissime cards per il tema della pioggia! Adoro soprattutto la prima con gli stivali di gomma, tutte le timbrate di sfondo e i toni delicati! Molto luminosa la seconda e che bella silhouette di fiore!
    Finalmente abbiamo avuto un pochino di pioggia qui, ma davvero poca per quello che servirebbe.
    Sono contenta che le medicine ti stiano aiutando per il dolore ma di sicuro tolgono concentrazione ed energia! Speriamo che tu possa smetterle presto.
    La card con le nuove release di TRR è deliziosa!! Ovviamente è la mia preferita di oggi :) Adoro quell'uccellino, quando ero piccola c'erano molti verdoni qui, ma ora sono spariti purtroppo. I girasoli sono stupendi con le gocce sulle foglie e mi piace moltissimo la ghirlanda sullo sfondo goffrato. Anche il sentiment è bellissimo.
    Spero che tu riesca a creare oggi!! Qui in televisione incoronazione del vostro Re Carlo terzo su tutti i canali... siamo obbligati a guardarla o a spegnere la TV :D

  9. Another fab selection of cards Brenda, I especially love the first one as I adore those wellies .. they are so versatile for using with flowers peeping out, and I love how you have coloured them. Tracy has definitely been producing some fab stamps recently to inspire creativity… Flower Journey is my absolute favourite and is earning its keep already. Sorry to hear you are still struggling health wise and hope you’ll manage to get some good crafting in over the weekend.
    Pauline xx

  10. Such lovely cards today Brenda, reflecting your chosen theme perfectly. My favourite is the first one with the amazing background and the wellies, the sentiment made me think of my youngest granddaughter- she loves to don her rainbow coloured wellies and dance in the rain...what else are puddles for!
    It's good that your meds are giving you some pain relief and helping mobility- side effects not so good. Hope you enjoy your craft day.

  11. Such beautiful cards, I love all your techniques and styles.

  12. I love the amazing depth you get in your collage cards Brenda! Love that fabulous sunflower wreath too - a lovely sunny splash on this chilly morning. Glad the meds are helping with the pain even if they're not perfect. Enjoy your new goodies and your crafting day! Vicky x

  13. Super gorgeous cards! I love, love, love the sunflowers. They are always so happy on cards.

  14. Your makes encapsulate the theme beautifully. I love how you did the wellies too. Beautifuly sunflower wreath with the leaf EF behind looks fab.

  15. Another lovely selection of beauties Brenda, super duper welly boot!! xx

  16. Beautiful cards!
    Glad the medication is helping.
    sorry about the woolly head.
    Hope everything clears up soon!

  17. Fabulous cards and bacgrounds-love all your stamps and the sunflowers.The first one is my favourite too
    Carol x

  18. Your cards are so Wonderful Brenda!! I really like all three. They are original, I love the backgrounds you create, the colours and the impressive designs. When I was little, I loved to walk in the rain puddles. And, of course, you are right, everything is possible, you have to put your mind to it and have a lot of willpower.
    Have a great Sunday,
    Big hugs, Caty

  19. Three lovely cards on this post B. Again . . . lovely inky backgrounds and focal stamping. Lots to see and keep one entertained!

    I watched a bit of the Coronation but had other things to get on with! xxx

  20. I hope you had a productive day in your craft room yesterday. Love all three of these cards especially the embossed background on the last card xx

  21. Awesome array of creations Brenda, your backgrounds are alway amazing. I don't know how you produce such lovely work with a wooly head.

  22. A bright and cheerful set of cards Brenda, lovely designs using some gorgeous stamps.

  23. You really do make the most beautiful cards Brenda. These are gorgeous, I'm glad to read you have better medicine that is helping with the pain. It must be a huge relief for you. What joy to have Goldfinch nesting in your garden. Take care.
    Faith x

  24. A fabulous collection of cards, Brenda. I especially love the last one, just beautiful. xx

  25. Lovely cards and I do adore Sunflowers, xxx

  26. I am loving each one of these, such great details, the sunflowers are stunning but think my favorite one is the first. Love the print on the rain boots!
    So nice to see you joining in at I spy with my little eye this month! Thank you!!

  27. Your cards are all wonderful! I like the boots with the rainy theme and that fun little hare in the 2nd card, but the 3rd is my favorite with those gorgeous blooms and perfect sentiment! NJ!

  28. Back again - catching up after being away ... would love to thank you for joining in with Ellie's I Spy With My Little Eye challenge
    Pauline xx

  29. Glad the meds are helping & hope you'll feel better as your body adjusts to them. I do so admire your artistic talents! Wonderful work, as always!
