
Sunday 7 May 2023

Chase your Dreams

Morning everyone, the first Sunday of May means it's time for our new challenges at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations where our themes are In the Garden and Add a stencil, as always stamping must be the focal element. Prizes this month come from Craft Stash and Oakwood Direct.

A heads up for the AALL and Create fans out there, Tracy has a new release showcasing on Create and Craft tomorrow, fabulous images as always and I will be showcasing some of my samples very shortly. Meanwhile there's a 25% discount (use SCRAPBOOKDAY2023) on all products purchased from the store until 23.59pm tomorrow.

Above a circular canvas, I bough a pack of six years ago so thought it time I used one or two. They already have a gesso coating so I went straight in with Oxide sprays, then added some sunray's with a stencil and texture paste. I bit of random stamping using AALL and Create Elemental Notes, stamped the flowers from Flower Journey and Elegant Stems and onto inked offcuts and cut out, then  'planted' into a TRR flower pot with some Sisal Fibre, words from Power of the Word and a little Mouse in the smaller pot.

The Path of Positivity theme this month is Inspired by Nature, as Nature is what inspires most of my crafting activity it's one I had to join in with. Whilst the card below carries the word Nature I felt the canvas above offers more Positivity, so thats the one I would like to enter.

This one has an Acrylic paint Gelli Plate background, then stamping using A&C Wire Birds and three flowers from Blousey Blooms, again stamped onto inked snippets, cut out and arranged around the birdie which I stamped again to decoupage.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. these are beautiful cards Brenda with great backgrounds

    gr karin

  2. absolutely stunning, thank you so much that you always describe your techniques.

  3. Wow Brenda!! Il tuo canvas circolare mi lascia senza fiato!! Che meraviglia!! Adoro come hai usato i bellissimi vasi TRR con i fiori AALL& Create e la fibra!! Sono così vibranti e d'effetto! E la texture con lo stencil e il gesso e il sole viola!! Quel piccolo topino che richiama il nero dei tuoi sentiments e le timbrate random... La perfezione!!! Sei sempre così ispiratrice!!
    La card ha una palette meravigliosa, adoro il tuo sfondo con il gelli plate e i fiori con l'uccellino! Una splendida visione primaverile, fresca e sognante!
    Riguardo il tuo commento, sì, qui da me in primavera è ancora tutto verde, ci sono fiori e farfalle e pochi parassiti. Ma tra un mese o due il caldo sarà molto e così ci saranno pochi fiori, molta erba secca e animaletti indesiderati (zanzare, formiche e cimici, soprattutto). La Liguria sulla costa soffre molto la siccità e il vento asciuga quel poco di rugiada mattutina. Diciamo che da marzo/aprile fino a giugno i fiori non mancano, ma in estate abbiamo quasi solo gerani, lavanda e piante grasse :)
    Un abbraccio, buona Domenica!!

  4. Two fabulous makes in gorgeous colours with so many detailed images

  5. Wow so very beautiful cards Brenda with great backgrounds and lovely floral flowers and gorgeous birds too x

  6. Stunning cards Brenda, beautiful colours and amazing backgrounds as always


  7. Love how you used a circle on your first card, it captures the rays so well and that adorable mouse peeking out too. Your second card is also so vibrant and colourful, a great collage.

  8. A beautiful canvas and card Brenda, gorgeous colours and lovely stamped flowers.

    Pat xx

  9. Very pretty canvas and card Brenda. Love the colours and are very artistic. xx

  10. There's so much to look at in each of these projects B. Terrific backgrounds and super stamping. xxx

  11. The backgrounds of both of these are very special. Love them xx

  12. Two really gorgeous creations Brenda, I can never choose my favourite out of your creations as they are all so beautiful.

  13. I read you are entering the first with PoP, but I have to say both projects are so lovely! Wonderful color and the sentiments are perfect! Beautiful and full of nature! Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  14. Wow, love the canvas Brenda- the circular shape adds extra interest to the fabulous stamping and texture, the purple flowers are beautiful- love the little mouse in the second flower pot. The nature-inspired card is beautiful too- lovely colours and stamps and wonderful background.

  15. Beautiful card but stunning canvas-great texture and love the stamps
    Carol x

  16. WOW! your circular canvas is stunning, the colours look fabulous together and the flowers so vibrant. Love the card, again such beautiful colours.
    Avril xx

  17. Absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda, beautifully designed and I love your choice of colours and images too. Your first card has lots of fabulous texture, just lovely, Kate x

  18. WOW! Both gorgeous, beautifully made and designed with gorgeous colour mix Brenda. Stunning cards.
    Faith x

  19. Two stunning cards Brenda, love the colour schemes, backgrounds and stamps you have used.
    Pauline x

  20. Absolutely Magnifique Brenda ! Loove your gorgeous canvas, it´s amazing, and the purple sun wonderful. Great design ! As great is also you nature card. Just in love with them.
    I wish you a great new week,
    Big hugs, Caty

  21. Lovely as always.
    No favorite for me this time, though I do LOVE the mouse in the planter!!
    Hope you're doing well!
    Daisy too!

  22. Beautiful work Brenda - love the circular one in particular, especially the detail of the wee mouse :) Loving the colours on both of them also.

  23. Gorgeous cards and the 2nd one is right up my street, love it but cant do it!

  24. Two beautifully done projects Brenda, wonderful nature themed and loving the color schemes! That little mouse is adorable!

  25. These are gorgeous Brenda, I love the flower pot full of flowers!
    Thanks for commenting on my latest card, it's always a pleasure to read your comments ... oh and I'm the same it's bene a long time since I bought some new PB stamps but I've been eyeing up a few recently myself! lol

  26. Great makes Brenda. Love your canvas,had to chuckle though, I am equally fond of saving stuff!! Beautiful colours on the blousy blooms xx

  27. Wow, love how you combined all the elements! And beautiful backgrounds too! Hugs, Gerrina

  28. Fabulous cards with gorgeous backgrounds;-))m

  29. A wonderful pair of cards here Brenda and I absolutely adore the cute little mouse popping his head out of the flower pot.

  30. Wonderful cards, Brenda! Love your amazing backgrounds!


  31. Great canvas and card Brenda. Great colour combination as well. Hugs Anesha

  32. Two stunning cards Brenda but that first one called me back for a second look. Beautiful!!

  33. Stencils I have loads of and never use. So naughty. A case of too much stash and not enough time. These two are stunning. My eye is drawn to the second one with the lovely Bird image. I do love Tracy's stamps but am on a mission not to buy any goodies unless it is essentials that I need. Does Tracy come under essentials!!! Hugs Mrs A.

  34. Gorgeous colors on these cards. I love the texture on the top card. Really beautifully done.

  35. Oh how beautiful! I really love the gelli plate background for the 2nd card!

  36. This is a gorgeous circular canvas, Brenda. I love the textured and stamped background and Tracey's flowers and critters look fabulous in the flower pots. Thank you so much for joining the Path of Positivity May challenge with your project. We hope you will visit us again soon.

    Carole DT x
