
Saturday 29 April 2023

Down the garden path......again

Morning everyone, time for a new challenge at Allsorts and Lynn is back with a new theme of 'Anything Goes with the option One for the Girls'.

Prizes for three weeks this month (726/7/8) come from WOWVOWOakwood Direct and Craft Stash (taster photo further down). The fourth week on 20th May will be to celebrate our 14th Birthday so prizes for that week will be announced closer to the time and my what a fabulous bundle, that's all I'll say for now!!

So Fairies are the order of the day, so much activity down by the pond where they all live in our garden that it seemed's a large natural pond with several Moorhens and Ducks (some we rescued as chicks via the RSPCA a couple of years ago) and other creatures living in the undergrowth and reeds and they all live happily alongside the all know by now I live in a fantasy world......but the pond and animals are real I promise.

Stamping in black for the Fairy and Mouse, red for the toadstools, sepia for the sign, all Versafine Clair, then versamark and detail white EP for the foreground stamping, all of which are Lavinia and the backdrop Quirky Bird.

The theme is Anything Goes at this weeks Simon Say's Wednesday challenge so I would like to link the above card up there. Also I am linking up to the Winds theme at Country View Challenges, just, it closes this evening.

This one had been sitting in my folder for a while using more Lavinia stamps, as this pair seem to be having a real girly chat it seemed to fit the theme nicely. A Gelli Plate background, sponged sun, stamping and glitter along with a matching envie.
Above this months prizes. Have a good weekend.
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  1. Wonderful backgrounds (and foreground) to your beautiful fairies Brenda. We can believe if we wish!! Your pond sounds a fun place to sit and look and meditate at.

  2. These two fairy cards are so beautiful and your pond area sounds wonderful too

  3. Two beautiful cards, Brenda. I love the scenes you've created. xx

  4. Lovely fairy cards Brenda. Have a good weekend x

  5. Wow Brenda! that first card looks superb, it is so dimensional looking, and of course it's Lavinia! Your second card is lovely too...but my vote has to go to card 1 this time's absolutely a gorgeous work of art..I love it (can you x

  6. Oh my goodness the scene on that first card is amazing. I love the images you used and the second card is super sweet too. Really love Livinia stamps and hope to get some added to my collection.

  7. So very beautiful are your cards x

  8. I assume the first card is stamped onto a printed background - it looks amazing and something I must try. I've never seen the taller of the Lavinia fairies - is she discontinued? Love the chatting fairies and a beautiful card.

  9. O wow; a post to get lost in... What a great world you were in making these! Love the scene on your first; so much to see and so well combined! (Would love to see your real pound IRL! If I ever are in the neighbourhoud be sure I will try to visit...) And that gelliplate background looks so good as a serene green scene! Hope you have a good weekend! (bit chilly here)

  10. You can never go wrong with Lavinia fairies for a feminine card, these are both absolutely stunning! And your real life pond sounds lovely!

  11. Fabulous backgrounds and love all the stamps-the first card is amazing
    Carol x

  12. Oh Brenda, che meravigliose apparizioni di fate!! Entrambe le card sono spettacolari, e la prima è specialmente magica ai miei occhi con quell'apertura rotonda nel muro che porta lo sguardo sul giardino segreto e sulla fata danzante! Uno scenario perfetto!! Chissà che musica fatata sta suonando il topolino! E il bianco delle timbrate è bellissimo! Questa card sarebbe da appendere al muro! :)
    La seconda card è così luminosa, una palette adorabile! E tutto quel glitter sulle ali delle fate attira davvero l'attenzione. I timbri di Lavinia sono sempre straordinari!
    Mi piacerebbe moltissimo avere un laghetto con anatre e gallinelle d'acqua e tutti gli altri animali che vivono in quell'ambiente! Qui da me è troppo asciutto e caldo, l'acqua non è così abbondante come da te.
    Ti auguro una buona Domenica serena, abbi cura di te!!

  13. Lovely cards Brenda but I do love the 1st one, xx

  14. Stunning fairy cards!
    Lovely weekend;-))m

  15. Two beautiful fairy scenes using these gorgeous stamps.

  16. Wow!! Brenda what amazing cards, I love the fairy theme, well I would wouldn't I. Fabulous designs using wonderful stamps. I love the bridge. Absolutely love them, Kate x

  17. Wow these two cards are Wonderful Brenda! I really like them both, Lavinia's stamps are always very pretty, those fairies know everything. The details are beautiful, and the backgrounds spectacular. Great design!
    How wonderful that you have many animals in your pond, next to the fairies, it is where they are happiest.
    I wish you a very happy weekend, and send big hugs

  18. Two stunning cards Brenda. You are so good using these stamps. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha x

  19. Thanks for sharing a little of your fantasy world!
    Sounds wonderful!
    Love both cards!!

  20. Both scenes are fabulous Brenda...and perfect for our Country View Challenge! You have until 11pm tonight to link them up... x

  21. Two beautiful cards Brenda, both fit so well with your fantasy world, love the scene on the first one.

    Pat xx

  22. Gosh Brenda what gorgeous cards - so much beaty for the eye to take in! If the fairies in your garden inspire such beautiful artwork who care if they're "real" or not! Hugs, Kate

  23. Two really fantastic creations as usual Brenda, your backgrounds are mind blowing, they are so gorgeous. I wish I had a lovely fantasy garden I could lose myself in.

  24. You certainly are the queen of the fairies Brenda. These cards are absolutely gorgeous. I feel myself entering your fantasy world and I like it there!!

  25. WOW! Brenda, I love your fairy scene, what a wonderful arch, so many gorgeous stamps used and beautifully too. Love the addition of the fun mouse. Your second card is luscious, I love the colour combination and the beautiful stamps. A lovely scene and envelope.
    Faith x

  26. Two wonderful fantasy fairy cards. Can't decide which I like best. Thanks for describing your pond, it sounds magical xx

  27. All so beautifully made and perfectly magical Brenda! I imagine you weaving fairy tales in your head as you create these! Vicky x

  28. 2suoerb fairy cards Brenda … love the tall fairy on the first card which I’ve never seen before. I’m guessing the background is printed? It shows off the stamping to perfection.
    Pauline x

  29. I have Fairies in my garden. Who else moves all the pots around if not them! Super cards especially the first one. Hugs Mrs A.

  30. Oh my goodness, how fantastic are these!! the fairy scenes are just gorgeous! I think I need to invest in more of these stamps, I only have a few and obviously not enough!!

    Going shopping >>>>>> ;-)

  31. ooh, forgot to say, thanks for joining in with the Wednesday Challenge XX :-)

  32. Oh I love these magical cards Brenda. Our annual fairy toadstool ring has just appeared in the far paddock!!

  33. What a lovely fairy card B. Fantastic background and gorgeous fairies. xxx

  34. You do make magical scenes with the fairies--beautiful!
