
Saturday 22 April 2023

Fur therapy

Morning Peeps, April is National Pet Month so our Allsorts challenge selected by Lolo reflects this, it's 'A/G with the option of For the Love of Animals'. Prizes which you will find on the challenge blog come from OakwoodAALL and CreateStamp AddictsRuth Hamilton DesignAldridge Crafts.

Again I have used Mans Best Friend and Canine Dreams from recent AALL and Create releases on Create and Craft, I absolutely love these sets by Dominic Phillips. He's done Cats, now Dogs and I've dropped a non too subtle hint that Horses would be welcome.

My Lab was stamped into a lightly inked arch shape stencil and some of the same Cracked Pistachio added to the pattern within the body. Some ripped washi tape to ground him and the small dog and sentiment added plus the word confident from Power of the Word. A really quick and easy card which will be going to one of our Son in Laws for his Birthday this week, their youngest dog Evie is a black Lab.

A second share, this time Horses as in our household they are very much family pets, a few photos, the first from many moons ago at the Horse of the Year show in 1970 with the Pony Club (third from left myself and Blackbird, my first Pony 'love' gifted by my Granddad when I was seven). Fast forward, to the second photo, Anysia, Margo and Penelope last fashion has changed and joddies certainly for the better.

The photo is one of a set of three frames I made for Margo's new bedroom. All have different animals, she very much follows the family trait of loving any animal be it big or small and gets totally animated every time she sees one. 

She's a very lucky little girl having 12.1hh Penelope (GG aka Granny is a soft touch!). Above she was about ten moths old, now twenty months old she loves sitting on Penelope who is regularly shown 'in hand' and at seven coming on nicely, she should be a reliable bombproof ride when Margo is old enough.

Finally I've managed another for the new Butterfly Challenge and also the current Snippets Playground as lots of bits and pieces using in the making here.

When I saw the new shape at the Butterfly Challenge called a 'stand up pop up card' I had to try. Once the base was made it was a good incentive to get my act together and actually complete a finished card. I found it good therapy to try and get back into the swing of things.

And.........I think I've got a full house of all the elements, the shape, colours Salmon, Straw, Sky Blue and Sea Blue, Stripes and of course Butterflies.

After cutting all the mats for the different panels I brayered them with Oxides and this is my Salmon and Straw, the flower coloured with the other two Sky and Sea Green. Next to incorporate the Butterflies which I did using an A&C background stamp onto all the brayered panels using the same tones of blue and sea green Oxide. I was almost finished and realised there were no stripes so threaded some blue cord behind the flower stem (which I had just adhered with Pinflair) and added some stamped words and a Birdie.

Finally as this weeks Allsorts challenge and this post is all about Animals, a photo last Summer of most of our girls (Poppy the Terrier was AWAL) along with with a couple of visitors.

Happy weekend all.
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  1. these are sweet and gorgeous cards Brenda

    gr karin

  2. Love that dog-stamp and how you used it! And the folded card is a special one too! I tent to not try these, but love seeing them at other blogs... :) Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Stunning cards all of them!
    Sunny greetings and lovely weekend;-))m

  4. Three beautiful cards, the animal ones are great for the Allsorts challenge and you've done well using all the elements on your butterfly challenge one. Card making is great therapy.

  5. What a great trio of cards Brenda - love the dog one, but the one that really takes my heart is the pop-up butterfly challenge one - that is fabulous

  6. Super animal themed creations, Brenda. I love seeing all your animal photos too. Your Butterfly Challenge card is so pretty, what a clever idea for incorporating the stripes. xx

  7. Three Gorgeous cards Brenda and love the animal theme...thank you for sharing tour lovely photographs with us...


  8. Fabulous trio of cards Brenda,the doggy one is definitely my favourite,loved seeing your photos too

  9. That is one great lab image and it is framed nicely in the inked arch. Gorgeous horse scene. love all the dimension. Great stand up Pop Up card. Love the colors you used.

  10. A fantastic collection of gorgeous cards and photos from past to present.

    Sue xx

  11. Three fabulous animal themed cards and love all the photos
    Carol x

  12. I've enjoyed your post today Brenda, the cards are gorgeous- probably don't have to say that my favourite is the first with the beautiful Lab. stamp- that's such a true sentiment too. Lovely photos of you and your family and of course your gorgeous furry girls - love the intense concentration on all their
    lovely faces!!
    Hope Hamish is doing ok- I remember how sorry for himself Marvin was- but he soon got over it!

  13. As always your projects are all so beautiful and creative showcasing animals and flowers along with the beautiful backgrounds and a really wonderful scene with the horses, cows and bunnies which might be my favorite this time but it's hard to choose!
    Enjoyed seeing the photos too, how sweet is little Margo!! And it looks like the dogs are all awaiting some treats :)

  14. Super creations Brenda. I love those doggie stamps but just don't think I would get the use out of the, but they are perfect to send to dog owners. Lovely photos of your family animals too x

  15. First of all, thanks for bringing such a lovely pop-up card in your satchel for your Playground homework!

    LOVE your Labrador card as well as the scenic foals one.

    After all your hard work, please come and enjoy a hot cross bun up in the Treehouse! x

  16. Beautiful animal scene frame and 2 fab cards .. love the graphic look of the black lab which is great for a masculine card, and love all the detail in the blue flower card. I never really make fancy fold cards … I think I need to give it a go !
    Pauline x

  17. I've thoroughly enjoyed my visit here today Brenda - not only gorgeous cards but some fabulous photos too! How fun to see you at the Horse of the Year show back in the day. Penelope is beautiful with that sweet gentle face - I expect Margo will be riding any day now! Lovely to see your beautiful pack of labs too. Enjoy your weekend! Vicky x

  18. Ooh, yes, keep hinting a horses stamp in this series would be fabulous!! Wonderful, wonderful cards Brenda and I LOVE the Pony Club pic, how I wish you would share more!! It sounds like Margo and Penelope are already building a great relationship, Mollie is still not showing any interest at all!! xx

  19. Bellissimo post cara Brenda, sia per le meravigliose cards che per le foto!
    Sono d'accordo con te, questi cani di AALL and Create sono stupendi come anche i sentiments che li accompagnano! Immagino che i cavalli che arriveranno saranno altrettanto speciali!
    Bellissimo come hai usato il washi tape per creare il pavimento di pietre. Sono sicura che tuo genero apprezzerà moltissimo la tua card.
    Un altro stupendo quadro per la cameretta di Margo con i prodotti di TRR, una scena deliziosa!
    Mi ha fatto molto piacere vedere la foto del Pony Club con te ragazzina a cavallo :) e anche la dolce Margo, Anysia e Penelope. Una splendida tradizione e sono sicura che Margo la porterà avanti con amore. Mi fa felice anche il fatto
    che tutta la vostra famiglia ama gli animali! :)
    Molto bella e perfettamente nel tuo attuale stile la pop up card per il Butterfly Challenge e che grande idea mettere lo sago per interpretare le righe! Geniale!
    La scena con la famiglia canina e tuo marito che distribuisce i bocconcini nel tuo splendido patio mi fa sorridere moltissimo!!
    Ti auguro una Domenica soleggiata e serena, spero che la tua salute sia un po' in miglioramento

  20. Such a gorgeous post with 3 fabulous cards and beautiful animals and family too x

  21. Love your card, really love these stamps. Love seeing your lovely family members. Such a cute photo of the dogs. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  22. Wonderful animal themed cards Brenda and lovely photo's too. Animals/pets bring so much joy to us all.

  23. Your animal themed cards are wonderful Brenda, such fabulous images and designs.
    A great photo of you with the other riders. I adore horses and started to learn to ride in my 50s, never a confident rider, I came a cropper at one point and confidence went altogether, but I was glad I learned what I did. Loving your photo of all those gorgeous Labs. Kate x

  24. Beautiful cards Brenda and a very nice idea of the pop up shape one. Also lovely frame with the horses for Margo's bedroom. Lovely photo's too!. Marlies x

  25. Wonderful cards B - especially the snippets one - it's great and I do love the colours you used! Wonderful photos as well - animals certainly are a huge part of your rural life.

    Di xx

  26. Another fab card with the lab stamps and what a true saying that is also. Lovely frame for Margo and great horsey photos. Nice to see you in 1970 too!
    A wonderful stand up card with the beautiful flower and delicate background stamping.
    Great photo of the dogs - all patiently waiting ...

  27. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous creations again Brenda, I have loved looking at your family photos as well.

  28. Fabulous cards Brenda! I love the lab card and its fun sentiment, the lovely TRR scene and this beautiful and clever pop-up card.
    Nice to see the old (and new) photo of your animals. I did wonder if the man in the photo was someone famous? x

  29. A wonderful selection of cards and pics, special memories too, xx

  30. Gorgeous selection of cards and thankyou so much for coming along and playing in the butterfly garden with me. String certainly makes the stripes. What a inventive idea. Love it! Hugs Mrs A.

  31. What wonderful creations, Brenda and it was also a delight to see the pictures of your many animals! I particularly love the artsy look you gave to the first card with the very evocative stance and perfect sentiment.
    Hope you are well.
    Carol x

  32. So many animals, thanks for sharing. It is always nice to get a little glimpse of peoples lives outside of cardmaking. Your cards are great too of course, as they always are xx

  33. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the gorgeous blue flower on your stand up pop up card and the lovely variety of photos.

    Pat xx

  34. Your cards are just wonderful Brenda, Love the colour of your doggie and great sentiment, then your group of cows and horses, so beautiful and restful. Your piccies are so lovely and what a wonderful reminder of your Royal presentation. The little pony, looks just right for a little one, I'm sure she will love her a lot. The flower fold card is fabulous, inspired thinking with the cord. Looks like those Labs are waiting for some treats.
    A great post, I enjoyed reading Brenda.
    Faith x

  35. There's so much to see here I don't know where to start! Your dogs are adorable and I just LOVE the first card! I'm a horse and dog lover, so I love the pony pics too. Great cards, and thanks for sharing all the fun photos!

  36. What a beautiful card Brenda! I like it a lot. More than it is representing a puppy, and I think of our little Laky, and I have tears in my eyes. Animals are faithful companions, always, and we have to help and respect them, every day I am more convinced of this. Your last photograph is incredible, how nice it is to see your puppies together, they are beautiful.
    I loove your lovely frame with poneys, and your cards, as always, You create great Artworks!
    The photos you have shared are gorgeous, and you will have many memories of your family. Great!
    I hope you are well, and I thank you for stopping by my blog. I send you a big hug,

  37. Really wonderful, Brenda! Love the lab! And the poenys! :)


  38. Oh goodness what a brilliant post. I got lost in your personal photos and had to go back to check out the cards lol. Everything is amazing. Love the photo of you back in the day!

  39. Absolutely love seeing your pictures, Brenda! My folks were horse lovers, but the last ones they owned were before I was born. Your card is amazing with the unique design & all the beautiful elements!
