
Saturday 24 September 2022

Peonies, Poppies and a few photos

Morning to you all, we are returning to normal again at Allsorts having carried our themes forward a couple of weeks following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Ellie is our host and would like to see 'Spots and Stripes'. Our lucky winner will receive dies and tickets to Crafting Live at Peterborough on 22/23 October from Highlight Crafts. The show promises to be a really good one with a bumper number of exhibitors lined up. 

I have used Vintage Inc Peony and Laced to Perfection from Highlight Crafts, the stamps are available individually or as part of two special offer collections. If you are new to this brand and also Two Red Robins dies, I can promise you that the quality is excellent, as are all things out of the stable of Steph Weightman. 

Those tempted by the stamps or indeed anything on the Highlight website (with exception machinery) you can use my code BRENDA10 to obtain a 10% discount.

This one uses Poppy Perfection from the new Hedgerows collection along with Poppies from earlier collections, link below. The spots are subtle but are there to tie in with this weeks theme. The sentiment is from my Believe stamp set available from Create and Craft or direct here.

Above our eldest son centre surrounded by his Home Office team before the service at the Abbey on Monday. Having been one of those involved in the planning of arrangements in recent years and then when Her Majesty died, he was invited to be part of the Ceremonial Presence at her funeral, something he said was a tremendous honour. They look so smart in their Dress uniforms as indeed did all the UK Services who took part.

And Miss Margo this week in the saddle on Penelope, she's now twelve months old and apparently loving the experience. It's never too young to start!

Penelope seems to be turning out to be a god buy, at only six years old I was sceptical if her schooling was as good as the breeder claimed, but so far she seems pretty bombproof and is showing nicely in hand and picked up a couple of placings the last few weeks.

Have a good weekend and my thanks as aways for your kind visits and words of encouragement.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Two beautiful cards so many gorgeous stamped images on the first and stunning colours on the poppies in the second.You must be so proud of your son,love the pic of Margo she looks so happy

  2. Beautiful cards, of course I love the Poppy one.
    Fab photo of your son and his team, what an honour. Margo looks so happy in the saddle and how lovely Penelope looks too.

  3. Lovely cards Brenda, and such an honour for your son.The wee cutie is certainly enjoying her ride!

  4. Beautiful floral cards Brenda. Fab photos, little Margo looks so happy in the saddle and wonderful pic of your son so smart in his uniform. You must be very proud :) x

  5. A lovely post Brenda, sorry, the limelight has been stolen from your beautiful cards by the wonderful family photos! What an honour for your son, you must be so proud of him. The photos of little Margo and Penelope are wonderful, the look of joy on her sweet little face says it all!
    Both cards are beautiful as always, my favourite is the peony one with the gorgeos stamped and stencilled background.
    Hope you're doing ok.

  6. Both your cards are beautiful as always your so talented what an honour and he looks lovely in his uniform xx

  7. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love the peony image in blue. Photo's are great, and the look on Margo's face made me smile she is just so cute. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  8. Two beautiful stylish cards Brenda. I love the red one, a great design with the stamping and dies. A very big honour for your son, he looks very smart and such adorable phots of Margo. Take care and have a nice weekend. Marlies x

  9. Two gorgeous cards and some lovely family photos. Really nice post B.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  10. Two lovely cards Brenda, a handsome son and an adorable Margo...she steals the show this time round, she looks so happy. Shame they have to grow up and lose that innocence! xx

  11. Beautifully done cards Brenda and a great way to add spots/stripes to the card, they both are absolutely gorgeous!
    And what a sweet smile on Margo's face, you can tell she is meant to be in that saddle!
    What an honor for your son to be invited to the Queens funeral!

  12. 2 beautiful floral cards Brenda .. I particularly love the stencilling and washi tape on the first one (now washi tape is something I’ve never used and maybe I should 😀). Fantastic pictures of your son and his team … you really must be very proud, and adorable pics of Margo on her pony. Your family must be so thrilled and relieved to see her so healthy after the illness scare she had ❤️

  13. Beautiful photos and cards. Anesha

  14. Great cards, I always admire your design and great photos, wow, what an honour. We were watching Queen's funeral too.

  15. what an absolute honour for your son. great photos. love the cards, too, of course!!

  16. What a wonderful card, and I love the blue/green color combo of the flowers and dots! TFS the fabulous photos of your family - you must be so proud of all of them (including Penelope) of course :)

  17. Two really great cards, can't choose a favourite as they are both fabulous. you must be so proud of your family and how lovely to see Margo looking so happy and healthy xx

  18. I love the little one on her pony, just so sweet, she looks like she loves it.
    Your Son looks so smart along with his officers, a great honor indeed.
    Beautifully created cards, lovely colours Brenda, Kate x

  19. Che meraviglia vedere Margo in sella a Penelope!!! Certamente è una bambina fortunata e si vede benissimo dalla sua gioia nelle foto che sta facendo un'esperienza molto emozionante! Sono certa che diventerà presto una brava cavallerizza!!! Molte emozioni anche per tuo figlio, immagino il tuo orgoglio di Mamma!! :)
    Due cards favolose, quella con le Peonie è molto dolce nei toni dell'azzurro e i cerchi a stencil, ed ha il tuo inconfondibile stile! Quella con i bellissimi papaveri è un'esplosione di colori e allegria, davvero stupenda!!! Che bel design!!
    Spero che la tua salute stia migliorando velocemente!!!
    Buona domenica, abbracci!

  20. Love them both, but while it is blue, I think, the blue one is my favorite!
    Great pics! Think Margot is enjoing it! Enjoy the weekend!

  21. I like the peonies, but WOW the poppies are a show stopper!
    Proud mom moment...and you should be, what an honor!
    So cute the pics of Margo and Penelope, and no, it's never too early to start!
    Hope you're feeling well.

  22. Hi, the peony is gorgeous, beautiful colour. Poppy looks great too.
    Great family pics. X

  23. Another pair of exquisite cards Brenda - love the peonies and the accents around the image - the poppies are stunning - love the layering
    Thanks for sharing the photos - you must be so proud of your son!!
    Wee Penelope looks gorgeous, and how wonderful to have her in the saddle so early

  24. gorgeous card brenda, love the colours.

    You must be so proud of your son and such and honour to be included in the events for the state funeral.

    Margo looks very please with herself, lovely photo.


  25. Two very lovely cards and I see that the poppies have snuck in to you post :)
    I haven't seen them for a while and was getting worried :)
    Beautiful photos, you must be such a proud mum and granny.

  26. Thanks for sharing your lovely, colorful floral cards, Brenda! I especially enjoyed seeing your family photos, so full of love, pride, and a sense of service to your fellow human beings. Beautifully done! Wishing you a great week! hugs, de

  27. I adore the peony card--beautiful! Your son & his group look wonderful in those uniforms & can just imagine how honored he must have felt. Amazing to see Ms Margo on Penelope at just 12 months old! She does look quite happy & adorable sitting there!

  28. A lovely post Brenda, gorgeous cards as always. Your Son and his team look incredibly smart and what an honour to have been there. Margo has the smile of one VERY happy little girl. Penelope looks completely unflustered by her tiny jockey, I think you've made a jolly good purchase there. She has a lovely face from what I can see. I do love that Margo is sporting the same colours as Penelope's saddle cloth and the spotty helmet is wonderful! I do hope you are doing well xx

  29. Both cards are amazing. I especially love the poppy card, it looks so real.

  30. 2 very beautiful cards Brenda and great and beautiful Photo's

    gr karin

  31. Two gorgeous cards Brenda - love them. Your photos look fabulous. Your son and his team look so smart, you must be so proud of him, and your granddaughter looks adorable on the pony - never too young!
    Lorraine x

  32. Wow, Brenda! Two lovely cards and four great photographs! You must be so proud of your handsome son. Such an honour to have been part of the Ceremonial Presence. And your granddaughter is such a cutie! Hugs, Lesley

  33. How wonderful to have your son at the Ceremonial Presence!
    I can't believe Margo is holding her own on a horse at such a young age... impossibly cute too!
    But I digress, the cards are beautiful, the first one has my preference as you might guess! x

  34. Such awesome work as usual Brenda. Lovely photo of your son and his team, you must be a very proud mum. Also a very proud granmother, your granddaughter is so cute. I want to give her a squeeze.

  35. Such a gorgeous pair of cards, Brenda and I particularly love how you built up the stamps on the first one to give great depth without layers which makes it so postage friendly. How lovely to see your family - you must be so proud!
    I hope you are well,
    Take care
    Carol x

  36. Both beautiful cards Brenda -very smart photo of your son and his team-one proud Mum too.Your Grandaughter already looks quite at home in the saddle bless her.
    Carol x

  37. Stunning colours on the floral cards and a great design showcasing the poppies.
    Great photos of your son, you all must be so proud.
    Little Margo is gorgeous and so loving being in the saddle. Don't they grow up fast.
    Avril xx

  38. How proud you must be of your son, who had the honour of being in the arranging and being in the presence of Her Late Majesty. He, and the team, look so smart, it was such a wonderful "send off" for her. I sat and watched everything for the whole nearly 2 weeks, doing nothing.
    Your beautiful little Margo looks so happy to be atop her horse. I have a niece who still at 60 is horse mad. Penelope looks calm.
    Can you tell I'm catching up?
    Faith x
