
Saturday 17 September 2022

A few Country scenes

As many of you know we are not having an Allsorts challenge again this week as a mark of respect following the death of our dear Queen and whilst the UK is in an official period of mourning. We will return to normal next Saturday 24th September.

My crafting activity was curtailed this week by an ambulance trip and I'm awaiting seeing a cardiologist, but did managed some samples for Highlight Crafts with new products. Life seems to be throwing constant curve balls right now which is so frustrating but c'est la vie. 

This weekend Highlight Crafts has lots of special offers and member discounts running until 1pm Tuesday, but even if you are not a member you can still use my code BRENDA10 to get 10% off all purchases. But be warned, the collections can be addictive! 

Above and below Christmas cards using elements from A Frosted Eve, A Christmas Eve,  Deer to my Heart and Winter Landscape. The sentiments are from my own new sets available from Create and Craft here and here and Stamp Addicts here.

Last but by no means least and there's more in the pipeline including some using the Poppies in the new Two Red Robins Hedgerows collection. I think of all the collections this just might be my favourite so far, it encompasses fields and wildflowers, since a child I've never been happier than when I'm out in the meadows and paddocks with a horse and dog or two in tow.

The complete set is on offer at the moment and even less if you use my code above, but all of the dies are available individually to enable you to choose your favourites. It's such a clever collection as there are dies coordinating with the background scene, part of the free Reflection download to enable a 3D scene to be created.

Have a peaceful weekend.
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  1. Two beautiful scenes you've put together.
    Sorry to hear you had an ambulance ride this week.

  2. these are very beautiful and great decoupage toppers Brenda

    gr karin

  3. Absolutely beautiful scenes-love the one with the little mice-sorry to hear about your setback and hope you get sorted soon
    Carol x

  4. A gorgeous trio Brenda, lovely dimension and detail in each scene.
    Sorry to hear of your set-back and hope that everything settles down.

  5. Agorgeous collection of cards using the Christmas set of dies Brenda. I had managed not to buy that particular set, having so many other sets and most of the Two Red Robins set also. However after seeing your wonderful cards I'm just popping over to buy it. Sorry to hear you are unwell again, hope this is only a small set back and you will soon be back to your normal self.

    Sue xx

  6. So sorry your body is not cooperating these days! Hope things get better soon, Brenda. The Christmas cards are so beautiful with so much detail--love them!

  7. They are all beautiful Brenda with these pretty scenes! And how cute are those mice!!
    Sorry to hear you had to go to hospital. Hoping your health improves soon and that you receive good news from the cardiologist.
    Glad you still managed to get a bit crafty. I haven't crafted in a while as my cousin was able to come for a visit and it was nice seeing some family in over 3 years!

  8. Beautiful Christmas cards Brenda,the snowy scenes are so festive love the little mouse card too

  9. Oh Brenda, mi dispiace! Non sapevo che hai avuto di nuovo problemi di salute e sei dovuta andare in ambulanza al Pronto Soccorso! Spero che la visita dal cardiologo ci sia in tempi brevi, che ti dia buone notizie e una cura adeguata per rimetterti presto!!
    Nonostante tutto sei riuscita a fare tre card splendide, davvero emozionanti e dolcissime! Amo come usi i bellissimi fogli e le fustelle di Two Red Robins, sai creare scene naturali bellissime e magiche!! Il cerchio e l'arco nelle cards di Natale danno la sensazione di entrare in quelle scene meravigliose! Adoro i dolcissimi cervi e gli sfondi!!! I tuoi sentiments completano così bene le card!
    E l'ultima card, ancora estiva, con i papaveri gialli, la chiesa che esce dallo sfondo e i piccoli animali in primo piano... stupenda!
    Abbi una buona Domenica di tranquillità! Abbracci!

  10. WOW!
    Great scenes you have put together.
    I really like the yellow poppies!
    Hope the cardiologist has good news for you!
    Sorry to hear about the ambulance ride.
    The few times I've been in one, it seems they hit every bump, and take the long way!

  11. They are really beautiful Brenda. Xxx

  12. Two very pretty scenic cards B.

    So sorry to hear it was necessary to call an ambulance this week and that you need to see a cardiologist. Sounds serious. Sending my best wishes to you xxx

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. So sorry to hear your latest health news Brenda, I hope you feel better soon.
    Your cards are absolutely stunning, such beautiful scenes, I love the traditional look of them, take care of your self, Kate x

  15. I do enjoy seeing your scene cards, there is always so much to see with lots of lovely detail. So sorry that your body is still playing up, hope it settles down soon xx

  16. Such a beautiful selection of cards Brenda. Such lovely scenes. Sorry to hear about your ambulance journey. I hope things get better for you soon sweetheart.

  17. Super cards Brenda, such lovely scenes.
    Sorry to hear that you needed to trip in the ambulance. Hope you don't have to wait too long to see the cardiologist and get the treatment you need. xx

  18. They are beautiful; could go in a book as illustrations! Hugs, Gerrina

  19. A set of beautiful scenic cards Brenda, love the cute mouse on the last one. Sorry to hear you had problems these week, hope you soon get them sorted.

    At xx

  20. I am so sorry to hear that you've had a scare Brenda and hope you don't have too long a wait to see a Cardiologist. What gorgeous cards these are. Oh how I love a country scene. Maize has been cut all around us so it won't be too long before the deer are leaping out in front of the pony down the lane. We had a massive spook on sunday when acorns fell onto the neighbours barn as we were plodding past!! Honestly, Surprise didn't scare easily at all but Wills is an absolute wimp!! Sending love xx

  21. A beautiful selection of cards Brenda. I love the scenes and all the decoupaged elements.
    Lorraine x

  22. very beautiful scenes, I like all the amazing details.
    I hope you are feeling better now.

  23. Wonderful scenes, Brenda! Love them!


  24. A very inspiring use of these wonderful collections Brenda! So sorry to hear of your health issues. Sending hugs, Vicky x

  25. l hope your feeling much better now and your cards are adorable lovely scenery x

  26. These images are beautiful. The depth achieved by layering makes them all super pretty, Brenda. I'm sorry to see here that you had to take a ride in the white nee-naw bus. I hope you feel much better now. Hugs, Lesley
