
Saturday 1 October 2022

Garden delights

Saturday morning so that must mean time for a new challenge at Allsorts and this week Lynn had chosen the theme of 'Gardeners Delight' with the chance to win a lovely Stampendous stamp set from Oakwood Direct plus a stencil

Above we're down in the veg patch with a variety of carrots, think they call them Heritage, sure my Dad would have said what's wrong with the normal orange ones. Anyhows, an Oxide background, the carrot stamp is one of two really large ones on AALL and Create Seeds of Hope, some extra background stamping using Shattered and I just love these two little Rabbits from Miniature's as they seem to be permanent fixtures in most veg gardens.

A second using an image from Ruth Hamilton Design who is one of this weeks sponsors offering three images from her site, Sunflowers, stencilling in the background, washi tape and one of my own sentiments from my Moments set available at Create and Craft and here.

And as I'm an Oakwood DT I had better share a couple using Stampendous stamps for recent Create and Craft TV shows, this one called Treehouse Post onto a mottled Oxide background which was a mop up piece, the second one is House Mouse Painted Pansies and shock horror I had to do a bit of colouring.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
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  1. Lots of lovely cards here B.
    I love the garden ones for Allsorts and that cute little HM one is so sweet. xxx

  2. beautiful and sweet cards Brenda

    gr karin

  3. A brilliant carrot card,love the flavour of purple carrots sadly no longer have anywhere to grow them,the sunshine yellow and sunflowers are beautiful as are your beautifully coloured images on your other cards

  4. Gorgeous cards as always Breanda, hope everything is well with you now.

    Sue xx

  5. Lots of inspiration here Brenda..and love all your garden themed cards...


  6. A lovely selection of cards Brenda- all beautifully designed as always. Had to smile at the little rabbits on you vegetable garden card - so cute- but bet they don't delight many gardeners!

  7. A varied selection Brenda. Are there purple carrots out there? well my favourite is the little mos painting his pansies. Now I like cute mice on cards but would run a mile if I saw! Hope you are doing OK x

  8. All beautiful cards as allways Brenda. I especially like one with the little birdhouse, a good idea with the postage die. Take care. Marlies x

  9. Again a treat to visit your post! Like the colours on each; they fit the images so good every time! But... with the squirrel is my favorite; I just love those busy little animals! Enjoy the weekend!

  10. OMG Brenda what a fabulous assortment of delightful garden creations! Loving each one as they are all so beautifully designed! And how sweet is that House Mouse painting the pansy! I just love it!

  11. Beautiful cards Brenda each one is such a delight to see so detailed and colourful I love them all.
    Lorraine x

  12. Beautiful garden themed cards Brenda, such gorgeous creations.

  13. Wonderful assortment of cards, Brenda, and Happy Anniversary to you and hubby! XOX

  14. A beautiful selection of cards today Brenda .
    We used to grow purple carrots where I used to work, no difference in taste but did stain my pan , xx

  15. Fabulous cards Brenda love all the carrots and the little cute House Mouse-our rabbit wouldn't entertain carrots or anything green and if no blueberries or raspberries in his dish he would kick the dish and go to bed!
    Carol x

  16. Just seen your comment on Faiths blog-Happy Anniversary to you both
    Carol x

  17. Ciao Brenda, che dire? Come sempre sei molto eclettica, riesci a cambiare stili e tecniche con facilità e ci stupisci ogni volta con le tue splendide creazioni.
    Non ho mai visto carote viola, immagino che siano buone come le altre, ma credo che tuo papà fosse molto saggio: arancioni non andavano bene? :D Mi hai fatto sorridere, la penso come lui. :D
    Ho sorriso anche per il tuo "shock horror" riguardo il colorare il timbro di HM per l'ultima card. So che non ti piace colorare, ma lo hai fatto davvero splendidamente e che belle tinte hai scelto! Credo che sia la card che mi piace di più tra quelle di oggi, anche se sono tutte molto belle e c'è molto lavoro dietro ognuna di esse, si vede!
    Spero che tu stia abbastanza bene... Ti auguro un weekend sereno e soleggiato! Io non mi sento pronta per il freddo che arriverà, anche per via delle restrizioni che avremo presto qui in Italia su luce e gas...prezzi alle stelle già adesso e ci hanno già detto che avremo razionamenti.
    Un abbraccio

  18. Haha, this post made me smile.
    You did a fine job coloring!
    I like the carrots, treehouse and sunflowers!
    And the little housemouse!
    Hope you are well.

  19. What a wonderful set of cards Brenda - love your carrot one, and the colouring on the pansies is exquisite :)

  20. Four such delightful cards Brenda, Love them all, hard to choose a favourite.

  21. Love your colourful carrots. Great backgrounds on all your cards, I think I need to take some lessons from you as I always struggle with backgrounds, which is why my cards are so plain! Your colouring is great too xx

  22. Lovely cards as always Brenda and great colouring with the little HM stamp.
    Avril xx

  23. Beautiful creations Brenda, your designs are all so different, I love them, but I especially love the little mouse painting a flower, so sweet, Kate x

  24. Stunning cards love them all x

  25. Love card with the carrots and nice to see the original purple ones too. Wonderful sunflowers with that fab quote of yours. Great colouring on the house mouse card, so pretty too.

  26. Fabulous set of cards Brenda - the carrots on the vegetable patch is so original and beautiful colours, and the House Mouse card is so pretty and sweet.
    Pauline xx

  27. Loving the trip round a variety of gardens here Brenda! The carrot one is fabulous and my dad would have echoed your dad's sentiments about the 'normal orange ones'! We don't have an issue with rabbits here but squirrels and pigeons are a different matter, much to Eva's delight. I'm sure she thinks she's doing a marvelous job keeping the numbers down (she couldn't catch one if she tried!!)

  28. Beautifully artistic cards & I love the purple carrots!
