
Saturday 26 March 2022

In the Garden

Morning Peeps, Saturday again and this weeks Allsorts theme as selected by Lorraine is 'In the Garden'. Our winners will receive some Card-io stamps from First Stop Stationers.

I've not been the best blogger this week, have a few new health issues going on and spent much of the week at hospital and not felt much like sitting at the computer (most know I can't see well enough for commenting on phone or tablet). I will get to you all just as soon as I feel up to it again. Luckily the bulk of this post was scheduled in advance.

Above a sample using one the new Vintage Inc., stamp sets by Stephanie Weightman, this is the very first release which has four floral sets and four lace ones, they are all really good sized images with several in each set which coordinate beautifully. The Daisy is called Bellis (Bellisima - Beautiful) onto an inky Oxide background, another piece of hubbys mesh from the greenhouse, one of my own sentiment stamps and Sidney the Squirrel (see further down for my own garden variety).

For my second DT share I'm in the vegetable garden (probably with a bunny or two) using AALL and Create Seeds of Hope. Each time I get this stamp set out I think of my Dad and what a perfect image it would have been for a Birthday card for him. He farmed all his life and was an avid gardener growing sufficient vegetables to feed the fact up until only a few years ago when he was too poorly to garden anymore it was quite normal to see carrier bags lined along our front hedge full of produce for neighbours to help themselves.  I rather suspect the honesty of that process would be abused in many places but it worked in our small village.

I digress, an Oxide splodgy background using acetate, the focal image stamped and a little colour added, some random stamping with worker stamps to carry the colour of the carrots  and a little spotlight tied with raffia, something my Dad always had in abundance.

As we are in the garden it seems appropriate to share a few photos, the beautiful Clematis Amandii which is absolutely glorious this year growing right over a fence and across one of the seats and the scent is divine. And popping through the top a Magnolia flower which is planted the other side.

And a couple of 'Sam the Squibble' (so named by youngest Granddaughter) tucking into his feed, he goes in fits and spurts, some days he is fanatical and completely empties it burying in numerous places, I often wonder if he remembers where. Other days he comes for his fill and goes to sleep it off.

Enjoy the weekend.
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  1. gorgeous clematis Brenda great photo's and very beautiful cards
    Gr Karin

  2. These are gorgeous cards Brenda - loved your recollections of your Dad's gardening!! As for Sam the Squibble, he's priceless.

  3. I love your garden and squibble pictures!

    Also love both cards you're sharing. Beautiful backgrounds and lovely focal stamps.

    Happy Saturday xxx

  4. Two beautiful cards showing different reasons for gardening,love the pics of your own garden and visitor

  5. Stunning cards and I'm green here for your beautiful clematis;-))m

  6. Love the Bellis stamp - I used to have those when I was a child to water in the garden. The garden mesh is an inspired touch. The second card is so bright and fresh and I love the little embellishment.

  7. Love that first one best. Sorry to read that your health did take a turn for worse again; hoped you would be able to stay away from the hospital for a long time... Sending some positive energy to you to pull trough! The pics are so beautiful; would be gaasing them for a long time every time I would be near the Clematis... Hope you have fun plans for the weekend; enjoy it!

  8. Hi Brenda, a great post today, lovely cards as expected and a lovely story about your Dad- sadly I very much suspect that you're right about leaving the veg for collection and relying on people's honesty not working in a lot of places! How lovely to live somewhere that it does work! Fabulous photos of the clematis and 'sqibble'- we don't get many squirrels in our garden, just the occasional one or two but our local woods, just 5 minutes walk from us is rife with them! Marvin has a wonderful time chasing them (fortunately never catches them!). I hope you are feeling better, take it easy! xx

  9. Two stunning cards Brenda ... love the inky backgrounds (I'm still not really quite getting there with controlled splodginess ... I bought some more acetate from Hobbycraft but it wasn't suitable .. inks made it go sticky!!) and the stamping is gorgeous - truly Bellisima new Stephanie Weightman stamp and love all the background stamps plus the fab vegetable garden.. so lovely it reminds you of your dad. Gorgeous pics of your flower and squibble ... I adore seeing squirrels in our garden. Take care with all the health things going on
    Pauline xx

  10. Two wonderful cards Brenda. The background for your pretty flowers looks fabulous and what a great idea to use the mesh on the card. And I am equally loving your carrot garden card, it's so unique with the beautiful stamps and inking. Surely the bunnies have escaped and landed on my card :-)

    Lastly I wanted to say I had no idea how early spring arrives in the UK. I can't believe how much is already blooming and growing! I only have my snowdrops still, a few daffodils are almost getting ready to bloom but our high this weekend is only 4 degrees (Celsius). At least the sun is shining though!!

  11. Beautiful cards and stamps,love the vegetable one,John is the same grows so much stuff and it is my job to take bagfuls to our neighbours as there is too much for us to use but it's getting too much for him now, love the beautiful clematis and cute little Sam the Squibble lol
    Carol x

  12. Hello Brenda, what a lovely post, first of all your cards are fabulous, gorgeous images and colours, with great stamping.
    Your plants are just so lovely, and the photos of the squirrel are delightful, he's fairly tucking in, Kate x

  13. Gorgeous cards, love the background on the first really makes the flowers pop. Sorry to hear you have been so poorly

  14. Ciao Brenda. Sono davvero molto dispiaciuta per la tua salute, spero che tutto si risolva.
    Come sempre le tue card sono stupende e vibranti!! Bellissime margherite rosse su uno sfondo luminoso e interessante con gli esagoni e lo stencil! Lo scoiattolo aggiunge interesse e cattura lo sguardo sul sentiment!
    Le carote sul verde giovane e brillante della seconda card sono così originali! Mi piace molto lo sfondo! Bellissimo l'aneddoto riguardo tuo padre, sicuramente era una persona generosa e sono sicura che tutto il villaggio lo ricorda con gratitudine e affetto. Un vero gentiluomo, altruista e con buoni principi morali! Tutti dovremmo prendere esempio ed imitarlo, specialmente oggigiorno con la crisi economica e alimentare alle porte e tanta gente che ha bisogno.
    La tua Clematide è davvero spettacolare, un vero tripudio di fiori!!!!
    Sam the Squibble è così carino e divertente, e anche bello grassottello! :D Come mi piacerebbe avere scoiattoli così confidenti nel mio giardino! Da noi l'anno scorso ce n'era uno, giovane e tutto nero. Ha a disposizione alberi di mandorle e un nocciolo, ma preferiva i miei pomodori. :) L'ho visto una sola volta ed ero molto eccitata, era bellissimo.
    Ti auguro un po' di meritato relax nel tuo paradiso verde, abbi cura di te e goditi il bel sole!
    Grandi abbracci
    Alice xx

  15. I love it when you share pictures of your garden, they are always stunning. So sorry you haven’t had the best week, but at least the sun has been shining. Your first card is my favourite xx

  16. Beautiful cards and thanks for sharing the photos of your garden.
    Sorry to hear that you've had to spend so much time in hospital this week. Take care. xx

  17. Two beautiful stylish and elegant cards Brenda. The flowers in your garden look beautiful. I hope you soon start feeling better again. Marlies

  18. Your 1st card is gorgeous Brenda. Love the pics of the garden too, xx

  19. So sorry to hear you were in hospital, I do hope you recover soon. And no worries about commenting or even visiting blogs, your health comes first and you won't miss much!
    Today's cards are wonderful and your garden photos marvellous! x

  20. What fantastic photos of your Amazing creations,always in awe of them.Love Sam Squibble sooo adorable,I don't care what people say I love them all.Your Clematis is just Breathtaking.Hoping you are improving in your health,take care.Hugs xx

  21. So lovely are your cards also very sorry to read you was in hospital l hope your recovery is quick and your feeling much better soon x

  22. Such lovely cards and glorious garden pictures too Brenda but I think Sam the 'Squibble' has stolen the show! :o)

  23. Beautiful cards, and lovely pictures of flowers & Sam!
    Hope you're feeling better.

  24. Your cards are beautiful, how nice that image gives you sweet memories of your dad. Your clematis is outstanding. Vee xx

  25. Two fabulous cards Brenda, the flowers on the first are beautiful and I love the carrots on the second a great card for any gardener. I love all your photo’s too, it’s so nice to see all the buds opening after the week of sunshine we have had. So sorry you have not been feeling too good, I do hope you are soon feeling much better. Take care.

    Pat xx

  26. Aw Brenda, so sorry to hear that you have had another hospital stay and hope that you are feeling better. Beautiful cards but I have to say that "Sam the squibble" is star of the show today!! Love seeing your garden too xx

  27. Stunning visions of spring!! I love these beautiful cards, Brenda, and your fabulous photos!!

  28. 2 fantastic cards. I like how you've used different geometric shapes on your first card and those red flowers pop out nicely. Love the squirrel detail too. As for the second card, love the spotlight effect used for the largest carrot, super spring colors!
    I hope you will feel better soon.

  29. Two beautiful cards love the photo's especially of sorry you've not been well, hopefully you are starting to feel a little better


  30. WOW I love your cards and the pictures from the garden, your white clematis is breathtaking.

    All the best for you, Brenda. I hope you are feeling better this week.


  31. Colours are fabulous on these great cards.. ♥

  32. gorgeous cards!
    I love your photos!

  33. I hope you are feeling better now. I love your cards and your stunning photos from your garden. I always enjoy these. Have a great weekend.

  34. So sorry you're having more health problems, Brenda. Hope you feel better soon. Fun seeing your pictures--can almost smell the clematis! Your cards are just beautiful! Love that the one with carrots makes you think of your dad. People in our neighborhood do put extra produce from their gardens out by the street for anyone who wants it. Being someone who doesn't garden, I love enjoying the fresh produce they share!
