
Saturday 19 March 2022

Dance, sing love

Morning Peeps, Saturday again and this weeks Allsorts theme as selected by Mervi is 'Feminine'. Our prizes of Gemini dies and digital images come from Craft Stash and Ruth Hamilton Design. And further down a few of this weeks Two Red Robin creations.

Above I have used AALL and Create Blooming Field and coordinating die, stamped, coloured with Derwent Inktense pencils and cut then placed onto a background with a few splatters and my all time favourite Penny Black sentiment Dance, Sing, Love.

My second share used Ruth's  Primula printed, coloured, cut out and Glossy Accents added to the flowers placed onto a background with watery Twisted Citron Oxide and some randon scrip stamping.

Above Phoenix the Fox in a scene built up with various images/dies from Cottonwood Clearing (all also available individually). This is totally different crafting to what I normally do, I've always been a stamper and love it and with a penchant for scene building and dimension, often stamping flowers and elements a second time to decoupage. So the Two Red Robin range plays right into my hands.

Moving onto these two, we all know I don't do cute, but when these little chaps from the Just in Case range landed on my desk I had to have a play. 

A note regarding the discount code BRENDA10, one or two told me they had issues using it on the website, seems there was a glitch in the system but it's sorted and working OK now.

Have a good weekend, thanks for your visits and hope to see you at Allsorts this week.
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  1. Fabulous collections of cards Brenda…pretty floral cards…and I love your animal ones


  2. Gorgeous floral cards and cute animal images in pretty scenes.
    Sunny greetings;-))m

  3. A plethora of perfection, Brenda. These are all just gorgeous. Your cutting out is so neat. Vee xx

  4. WOW - lots to see in this post!

    Each card is so beautiful. I particularly like the first one with the lovely sentiment on it. xxx

  5. A wonderful selection of makes

  6. I am enjoying seeing your TRR makes, cute or not... How fantastic are those giraffes!!
    Lovely set of card Brenda! x

  7. These are very beautiful cards Brenda
    and the animal cards are gorgeous great backgrounds you have made great job you did

    gr karin

  8. Wonderful collection of cards Brenda, I especially like the lovely giraffe scene. Hope you have a lovely sunny weekend.

    Pat xx

  9. Beautiful floral cards Brenda and I love the colours of your foxy card. Have a good weekend x

  10. Prachtige kaarten.
    De kaart met het vosje spring er tussen uit
    Groetjes Gerrie

  11. You've really brought Ruth's digis alive with these fabulous cards.

  12. All so nicely done Brenda, beautiful florals and animals, and even though you don't often do cute you really use cute stamps so well and you surely know how to make them work in your style!

  13. Stunning creations once again Brenda, your talent and imagination and creativity knows no bounds.

  14. Beautiful floral cards, looking at the first one I have no idea why you say you cant colour! The animal cards are lovely too- the scenes you have created for them are fabulous.
    Hope you're having a good weekend and enjoying some lovely sunshine.

  15. Fabulous selection of cards Brenda,love the scene with the Foxes -that and the first one are really my favourites
    Carol x

  16. Such a wonderful selection of cards Brenda, the floral cards are so pretty with gorgeous designs and colours. The animal cards are fabulous, especially the fox in his little scene, absolutely love it, Kate x

  17. Those last 3 are indeed a bit different for you, and they are great fun. I particularly like the giraffes xx

  18. Che meravigliose cards Brenda, la prima in particolare è dolcissima e hai colorato i fiori così bene con le matite!!!
    La seconda è luminosa e molto primaverile, e che bella idea il glossy accents sulle primule, rendono così bene!!
    Le tre cards con i prodotti di Two Red Robin sono speciali! Amo moltissimo specialmente la prima con le volpi e gli archi e tutto il bel decoupage di fiori e funghi. Anche se le card "cute" (in italiano la parola non rende l'dea! :D LOL )non sono il tuo stile, queste due sono riuscite splendidamente e che bello sfondo per le giraffe!!
    Buona serata, spero che tu abbia avuto una bella giornata di sole

  19. What a fabulous selection of cards, as always Brenda. The floral cards are lovely but it is great to see the animals make an appearance in the others!
    Have a great weekend.
    Take care.
    Carol x

  20. A gorgeous selection of cards once more Brenda, and I love how you tackle so many different techniques and 'nail' them every time! I am in awe.

  21. Such a beautiful collection of cards Brenda,

    Sue xx

  22. Another gorgeous set of cards Brenda - my favourite has to be the first one as I love that A&C flower and how you have coloured it, plus that wonderful sentiment - oh how i wish that were still available to buy!! Can't think why I never had it back in the day!! I also love your pretty primula with the background script, and the cute animal scenes .. giraffes are my favourite animal and your giraffe card is brilliant. Hope you're having a good weekend
    Pauline xx

  23. Lovely cards Brenda, the last one is so cute!
    Love the AALL&Create one, haven't used this stamp for a while, must get inking.
    Avril xx

  24. Oh my giddy aunt,I LOVE them all.So different but so creative and Beautiful.x

  25. Very pretty feminine cards Brenda and a touch of cuteness too!! xx

  26. Such stunning cards Brenda - especially those beautifully feminine florals. Hoping to find a moment to join in this week! Vicky x

  27. You've been busy!! These are beautiful cards x

  28. Lovely selection here Brenda, you have a wonderful creative imagination. x

  29. All beautiful, Brenda, but I especially love the look of the flowers covered in Glossy Accents! Never thought to glaze blooms, but now I've gotta try it!

  30. What a wonderful array of cards! I adore the flowers, all the animals and especially those little foxes! Beautiful work on each one!

  31. Five truly awesome creations Brenda. All very different but all equally gorgeous in their own right.

  32. these are stunning cards!
