
Saturday 2 April 2022

Hens, Hares and that Squirrel again

Morning everyone, Saturday morning and a new challenge at Allsorts with the theme 'Any 'real' Animal'. There are some Ocean inspired stamps from Lavinia for our lucky winner.

A Lavinia Hare above along with Eden, I wonder what she is saying to him? They are standing outside Druids Inn with steps added to the entrance, trees and various worker stamps, all onto an Oxide background, what else!

Above is one of two shadow frames I have made for Margo, they are moving and I thought they would be nice for her new bedroom. I will be sharing the other on Tuesday and I may even make a third, things look better in threes. Included in my scene are chickens from Morning Sunshine, Crookedy Fence, Cecil makes another appearance, Hedgerow Blossom and a few extra flowers and strooms. And if you look carefully you will see the little birdies in the trees and on the fence, they are from the new Web Exclusive Waiting for Spring, these are going to be such useful images for your scenes.

Above one of my recent TRR samples which I've not blogged yet. A pretty die cut frame and circle of Pansies cut from different coloured Reflection sheets. So simple yet effective to create a quick card. The 10% discount code for anyone tempted to start their TRR collection or an to an existing one is on the sidebar. Here I've used a couple of the same birdies as above but cut them on white and used Pan Pastels to colour.

A simple card using a new release called Devotion along with stencilling and a really old PB sentiment and the matching Reflection sheet. Thee decoupaging was a bit of an experiment as the Scan and Cut I bought a few weeks ago which could have dealt with this, went back after just two days, it was faulty and to be honest I wasn't convinced by it's usefulness so decided not to have a replacement.

So, to avoid printing the full Reflection sheet as I only wanted the focal blooms I used the snipping tool go grab them, printed it off six to an A4 page at 100% and it matched to the die shape perfectly. I've tried it with other Reflections and seems to work fine every time......much more cost efficient on the ink.

And one final share using the hens and chicks again as well as First Class and Snowdrops called A Drop of Snow.

Happy weekend all,
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  1. As always a wonderful selection of gorgeous makes,love the different Spring time themes

  2. I love visiting and seeing all your amazing work Brenda - you really are an inspiring artist!!

  3. Stunning cards as always Brenda xx

  4. gorgeous cards Brenda specially the card on top you know I love Lavinia

    Gr Karin

  5. A wonderful verdant card - such depth of colour you've achieved.
    Such pretty cards and lots of beautiful colour. sorry you had to return the S&C - I have an old silhouette and it can be a trial at times, so I wondered about upgrading, but maybe not.

  6. Wow what a lot of beautiful scenes! Ofcourse the Lavinia one is my favorite (great to see them with bright and different colours!) Make it a good weekebd! Hugs, Gerrina

  7. Absolutely beautiful cards x

  8. Beautiful selection of cards Brenda and must admit the last one is my favourite with the beautiful flowers and delicate stencilling
    Carol x

  9. Your spring themed cards are all beautiful Brenda and I really love the Lavinia Stamps one! Such a lovely composition and beautiful shades of green.

  10. Wauw wat zijnje kaarten weer prachtig
    De bovenste kaart met elfje schitterend
    Groetjes Gerrie

  11. Una bella ventata di Natura e di Primavera stamattina, Brenda!! Tutte le tue creazioni mi fanno sorridere e sperare in giornate di sole. Qui piove e c'è molto vento forte, spero che i fiori sugli alberi non vengano danneggiati. La prima card è la mia preferita, una scena davvero verdeggiante e magica! Devo aggiungere qualche timbro di Lavinia alla mia piccola collezione, prima o poi! Il piccolo quadro per la cameretta di Margo è delizioso con i colori pastello e tutti gli animali, così come l'ultima card della serie! Adoro quel pettirosso sulla cassetta della posta e tutti gli elementi dimensionati!! Adorabili anche le cards floreali, quella con le viole è così allegra e l'altra a decoupage davvero raffinata ed elegante!
    Ti auguro un buon weekend, spero che tu possa rilassarti un po'.

  12. Each one so beautifully done, Brenda. A wonderful forest scene with the fairy and little hare, the bright green is such a pretty color for a spring forest scene! And I am loving all the animals and florals from Two Red Robins. Especially drawn to the barn garden with the chickens and hens. They will look so nice in Margo's new room.

  13. My goodness! So many gorgeous cards! I love the scenes you create with so many different styles. Masterful.

  14. You really are so talented.Every creation is a work of art.I just Love everyting you do.I am in Awe.xx

  15. Lovely collection of cards today Brenda. You clearly are enjoying building those scenes and I am glad to hear you are discovering new ways to make the most of them. Sorry to hear you got a faulty scan n cut and decided not to stick with it. My scan n cut is one of the first things I bought when I got into crafting. There is definitely a knack to using them and now I have die cuts (I much prefer the look of die cuts) I don't use it so much, but I still wouldn't be without it. Currently I have been using it to foil, which works wellxx

  16. Absolutely gorgeous card Brenda, such pretty designs and colours, difficult to choose a favourite, but I have to say I'm leaning towards your Lavinia card, it's just magical. Hope you are keeping well, Kate x

  17. Another fab set of cards Brenda - absolutely love your Lavinia card layout and the colours of the background - it really pops! and my other favourite is the floral one with the old PB sentiment. I have to say I've never tried any automated scanning/cutting etc. ... wouldn't even know where to start!! Still using my 15 year old Cuttlebug though I use it less now than in my previous crafting life as I don't use dies nearly as much as I did back then. I wonder if I'm missing out a bit on the digital age ...

  18. Such wonderful cards Brenda. I'm especially drawn to the ones featuring the animals and birds. You've really captured the vibrancy of spring. Thanks for the heads up about the Allsorts theme - it hadn't turned up in my mail yet! Vicky x

  19. Wonderful selection of cards, Brenda. My favourite has to be the one with Lavinia stamps, just beautiful. xx

  20. These are all so beautiful, I love pansies and that PB sentiment is gorgeous. You don't need a scan n cut your cutting out is totally perfect. Vee xx

  21. The TRR shadow frame is just delightful and perfect for a young one's bedroom!
    Interesting to hear about your experience with Scan & Cut, I would love to have the ability to cut any shape I want, including stamped images but the price of the machine, the space required to store it and the cost of consumables has so far stopped me. x

  22. A wonderful selection of gorgeous cards in this post Brenda, I love your framed scene for Margo.

  23. Stunning and lovely cards all of them;-))m

  24. these cards are so pretty!

  25. All so gorgeous and the 1st one is very striking in shades of green, xx

  26. LOVE all these projects. The shadow box looks lovely and will be brilliant for a new bedroom. Def needs three though! LOL! xxx

  27. A stunning collection as always Brenda.

    Sue xx

  28. So many gorgeous cards Brenda and a beautiful shadow box. I love the Pansy circle such beautiful colours.

    Pat xx

  29. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I especially love the 4th one with those beautiful flowers, background & PB sentiment!
