
Saturday 4 September 2021

Welcome Margo Ivy

Morning Peeps, we have a new addition to the family, at long last Baby Margo Ivy was delivered this week. She is a little darling......well I am biased, the above photo taken in hospital when she was two days old.

Have to say remain unimpressed with the NHS Natal care, wasn't brilliant in hospital and not much improvement in the community. No home visits since COVID, not sure if that's the same across the Country but here all new Mums get are two phone calls in the ten days after delivery. If things need checking, as they do with Anysia and baby, they have to go to clinic which could be anywhere it seems, in her case it's an hour long round trip every day which seems somewhat unreasonable after a long difficult birth.

At Allsorts Wendy is our host with the theme of 'Anything Goes with an option of Love of your Life'. We have two prizes this week, some images from Ruth Hamilton Design and a £15  store voucher from WOWVOW.

A note about next weeks Allsorts challenge, it will be a special challenge in memory of Kath, a theme that is very much in her style and several prizes as well so please make a note to check it out on 11th September.

I have gone with the Anything Goes option at Allsorts and a card using some new Lavinia stamps. It was Anysia's Birthday card, she shares the same Birthday as Sister Azaria and Margo was born on the same day, goodness knows what the odds are of that happening. I perceive the two Fairies, one in a hanging basket as Mother and Daughter and it seemed very appropriate for Anysia. Lots of older worker stamps, Oxides and of course liberal helpings of glitter. 

My first cuddle, a special moment. It's been agreed I am most definitely not old enough to be Great Granny so have been assigned the name GG which works for me. I'm not sure though if this is a subtle acronym for me to start saving for her first pony, if so probably my own fault as I suggested she needs to be in the saddle at three same as the rest of the females in the family!

A second card using Ruth's Primula coloured and placed into a die cut frame.

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  1. Oh how lovely she’s gorgeous as are your cards enjoy your moment they are so special x

  2. Oh wow that Lavinia card is my favorite of these two cards! The odds that they are all born on the same day is so small; but for shore they are eachothers most precious birthday presents!
    Congrats on being a GG! Didn't know natal and mother care was so less in the UK, or is that due to Covid Here you can have a homebirth and there will be a special trained nurse to take care of baby and mother for at least 5 days who will be at the home during the day to help and check both... Enjoy your time with the little one and have a good weekend!

  3. Congratulations for the sweet new arrival, how exciting for you.
    Love your cards today too

  4. wow! can't believe they are all now born on the same day! will be one big party next year! She looks so cute and right at home in the arms of GG.

    Love the Lavinia, so pretty and the way you coloured the wings really stands out especially on the envelope. Ruth's digi looks so sweet on your second card and great framing too.

  5. Congratulations on becoming a GG - I have four Great grandies, and love them all. Margo ivy is beautiful!!
    Lovely cards Brenda, but then you always do make wonderful cards :)
    Stay safe

  6. She's gorgeous Brenda. Rachel would have had 3 visits from the midwife if she hadn't caught covid so 2 had to be via FaceTime. Beautiful cards too, so much detail in your Lavinia one. Have a lovely weekend x

  7. Oh my word Brenda, Margot Ivy looks soooooo beautiful and she has hair,lol, I must say this is the first time I have 'seen' you in the flesh totally different to what you looked like in my mind's eye, I have to agree you do not look old enough the be a Great Granny and I think the abbreviation to GG is perfect. Talking of perfect your cards are absolutely wonderful I love your perception on the creation of the Lavinia stamps it is awesome the colours are fab, I also love how you have designed the second one a stupendous post Brenda.
    lorraine x

  8. Congratulations GG..Margot Ivy looks so beautiful. Your cards as usual are lovely too, especially the Lavinia one! x

  9. Oh,WOW,Margo Ivy is just Beautiful and so glad everything is ok.OMG,that is not so good though for Anysia ( Beautiful names they have )doing that round trip.I think GG is just fab.Love love love your cards,am a Huge fan of Lavinia Stamps.Take care and Happy Crafting.Happy Weekend.xx

  10. Margo Ivy is just gorgeous congrats to all and to you on becoming a GG-I must agree with Lorraine you look totally different to the image I had of you lol.A big birthday party every year then to celebrate.Of course your beautiful cards got overshadowed today,but love the beautiful Lavinia stamps
    Carol x

  11. Oh hooray - such lovely news about the safe arrival of Margo Ivy! Totally adorable as well. And what lovely cards too B - happy days ahead.


    Di xx

  12. That's amazing, I am so pleased that Margo has arrived safe and sound, she looks like she is a good size and I love how she is swaddled in that colourful flowery blanket. That is surprising about the level of support even with covid as an excuse. I used to be a Health Visitor long ago so knew the system well then. Things have changed a lot it seems. Your card is very special too, such beautiful colour and lots of lovely detail. How strange to have 3 birthdays on the same day like that. My sister in law had her 2 boys on the same day 1 year apart. I thought that was pretty clever at the time xx

  13. Beautiful pictures of you and little Margo .. what a blessing❤️Also 2 beautiful cards … I particularly love the Lavinia one. I think Distress Oxide inks have come along in the 3 years since I was last crafting and I don’t really need Nader stand the difference between these various distress products. I do have some distress ink pads and would love to get more into this style of crafting but methinks I would need to buy quite a bit more stash!!

  14. Congratulazioni Brenda!!!! Margo Ivy è un bellissimo nome e lei è una neonata davvero deliziosa!!! :D Sono felice che sia andato tutto bene! Anche GG è perfetto per te :D
    Gli ospedali stano diventando sempre peggio, anche qui in Italia, con la scusa del virus! La realtà è che continuano a tagliare fondi alla sanità pubblica.
    La card con i timbri di Lavinia è meravigliosa, colori splendidi e un bellissimo background!! Dolcissima e piena di dettagli!! La adoro e di certo anche Anysia la amerà!!
    Un numero fortunato quello del giorno di tutti questi compleanni femminili! :D
    La card con le primule è molto carina e fresca, le mezze perle dorate sono un bel tocco di luce!
    Goditi la tua famiglia, è una delle cose più belle della vita!
    Un forte abbraccio

  15. What a precious baby, Brenda. And such a beautiful name! Congratulations to all of your family!
    And such pretty cards! Love the fairy scene especially!

  16. congratulations to you all - no, you don't look old enough to be a great granny, at all! She's a little cutie. At least you got cuddles whilst she's tiny. Hope the after care improves. Great cards, too!

  17. Congratulations of becoming a GG Brenda....she looks adorable just enjoy the cuddles...


  18. Oh Brenda she is adorable!!! Love those chubby cheeks. Enjoy your time with her. Sorry to hear about the problems with the NHS treatment. Just enjoying a gin and a nice relaxing evening. Sending hugs. Love the cards. x

  19. What a gorgeous name for your new Granddaughter Brenda, and she is just beautiful all wrapped up in here blanket. Super photo of you having cuddles too.
    Well, that seems a very poor way to treat new mums and babies, I don't know if it's a wide spread thing or not. Everything is getting blamed on Covid, but in actual fact the NHS has been run down by the Tories for years now, thankfully Scotland seems to do better than NHS the moment.
    Your card is just so beautiful, Kate x

  20. Margo Ivy what a beautiful name for such a gorgeous baby girl, Congratulations on becoming a GG, lovely photos and gorgeous cards too.

    Pat xx

  21. Congratulations on the addition of the beautiful Margo Ivy to your family. Two wonderful cards, I love them both but my favourite has to be the one with the Lavinia fairies. xx

  22. Adorable colours on your cards and that little one is precious and oh so gorgeous... Xx

  23. Gorgeous great granddaughter and gorgeous cards, congratulations! Xxx

  24. Your Great Granddaughter looks lovely Brenda, adorable and indeed you do not look old enough to be a Great Grandma.
    Your cards are beautiful as allways. Marlies

  25. Sorry for the lovely cards but, Margo is the star of this post! I do love the pic of her swaddled in that floral shawl and the one with het GG... Such a worry that the NHS is so stretched normal care cannot be provided, let's hope that Margo thrives without need of medical help! x

  26. Ahh lots of comments B! We are all in love too! Such a cutie. Chuckled at you GG acronym leading to 🐎🐴🦄
    Love the secomd card particularly.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  27. Congratulations Brenda and Welcome to Margo Ivy, she's beautiful and a lovely photo of your first cuddles. I can see a big Birthday party next year, it's amazing they they all share the same birthday. Love the Lavinia card, it's a lovely scene and the colours are gorgeous.
    Avril xx

  28. What a precious baby girl! Can't imagine they have to do all that driving! Hubby's grandkids call me GG instead of having to say Grandma Greta. Always beautiful cards, Brenda!

  29. Congratulations with your new grandchild Brenda and you have made a gorgeous and beautiful card
    Gr Karin

  30. Congratulations Brenda!
    And your works are so beautiful!


  31. Congrats 🎈
    Fabulous cards.

  32. Beautiful Lavinia creation, fabulous magical scene. Love your pretty primula card.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  33. congrats! she is so sweet girl!
    So wonderful cards you made.

  34. Congratulations Brenda, so glad that she's here safe and sound and I hope that Mum makes a speedy recovery. I have one daughter and my sister has 2 and all 3 of them are born withing 5 days during October just different years of course.

    Your cards are as always fantastic, I'm loving the new Lavinia Stamps.

    Sue xx

  35. Congratulations to all!! I like the GG!
    Your cards are all gorgeous again this week. I don't know where you get all the ideas from. Thanks so much for your beautiful cards using my digi images xx

  36. Oh congratulations Brenda - what a joyful post! What a wonderful photo of the youthful GG holding such an alert little bundle! Beautiful cards as always too. Vicky x

  37. I have missed so much it seems Brenda! What wonderful news that baby Margo Ivy has arrived, such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. How marvellous that she shares a Birthday with her Mummy and Auntie. I do hope that she is thriving and that Anysia is doing well. As for the Maternity Units...well it seems pretty rubbish across the board. My Farrier's Wife is a Midwife at Dorchester Hospital, when he was here last week told me that Dorchester, Yeovil and Bournemouth Mat Units were closed due to the number of staff with covid. Any ladies in labour were being directed to Poole Hospital or await a Midwife from the Home Delivery Team!! Makes me shudder to think about it!! I think it's probably about time that you added a New Forest Pony to your equine family, they come highly recommended!! Beautiful cards finally and what a wonderful photo of you GG xx
