
Saturday 28 August 2021

Keep it CAS at Allsorts

Morning Peeps a new challenge at Allsorts, and Tracy's theme is 'CAS'. I've been rather quiet in blogland as my eyes have been awal on and off for a couple of weeks so limiting screen time. Also worries with Anysia and baby, it's ten days overdue and midwifes had concerns for the last few weeks. But due to COVID and staff shortages were unable to take her into hospital until Thursday, now it's constant procrastination, so to say we are not impressed with the NHS at the moment is an understatement. 

Our prize this week comes from Chocolate Baroque. It's also one of my days to post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog here so also have my shares from there which formed part of last months The Craft Store TV shows.

I'm just hoping the above is CAS enough, it is just one layer! Stamp is from CB Honey Bee which I know of a fav of Tracy over a Pan Pastel background.

This one using CB Wish Flower has been in my folder for ages to thought it was time for an airing. On to my shares from my post here and the first uses Honey Bee again.

Hope you all have a good weekend.
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  1. wow Brenda you where busy and what gorgeous and stunning cards.
    Gr Karin

  2. Wow; I love all the summer flower cards! Each has an own feel through the colours and you made so many! Your christmascard is also beautifully CAS! Hope you have planned a fun weekend (that is so possible with limited screen-time :) )! Hugs, Gerrina

  3. What a gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, I love especially your first card, beautifully coloured design.
    I hope your Daughter is alright, such a worrying time for all. I'm sure the NHS will come good for them.
    Sorry to hear that your eyesight hasn't been so good, hope it's improving now.
    I was very envious of your Son being in Skye, it's the most beautiful island, but gets so busy in the summer, I'm sure he will have loved it...perhaps not the midgies so much lol, take care Kate 💖

  4. Brenda these cards are all beautiful - loving the hollyhocks. I can never grow then successfully :(.
    Your second card with the yellow flowers is absolutely stunning
    Take care of your eyes, we understand, and know that if you must limit screen time, so be it.
    Do hope Mum and baby are both ok. A worrying time
    Stay safe

  5. Beautiful indeed, as usual, B, do know what you mean re wondering what and what isn’t CAS. All in the eye of the beholder.

    Prayingfor your daughter and little one, it can be exceedingly frustrating in view of medical system at any time. I’m sorry your eyes also have been affected, praying they settle nicely too and play ball so to speak.

    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. All gorgeous cards and beautiful stamps love the box lid too and all the Bees.Sorry to hear about your eyes do take care with them and hope all goes well for Mum and Baby very frustrating!
    Carol x

  7. Beautiful work as always. To me your second card is definitely CAS but as you say all down to the eyes of the beholder. I just love that little fretwork box and the cards to match, such an unusual shape too. Sweet robin on a lovely wreath he looks right at home.

  8. All of your card are fabulous Brenda, love the hexagon shapes and the colours of the hollyhocks in the tope one are gorgeous. Sorry to hear your eyesight has been playing up x

  9. Your foxgloves look amazing on your first card especially in front of that lovely soft background. As the theme is CAS this week, I must try to enter. I think I might have something I have already made and not posted yet. All your cards are great this week, love colours. I do hope you get some good news re the baby soon and that your eyes improve too xx

  10. Beautiful cards .. I love the soft background and sun on the first card. I have discovered some old distress inks in my stash ans have started honking about trying some sponged backgrounds .. I’ve been looking into how to make subs and moons, masking and stencilling … yikes I van feel some more spending coming in!

  11. Gorgeous cards .. love your soft background and sun on the first one. I have found some old distress inks in my stash and am looking into how to do some distressed backgrounds, suns, moons etc and stencilling … I think I can feel some more spending coming on!

  12. What a beautiful collection. Love all of them.

  13. Beautiful cards, gorgeous backgrounds along with the colours. xx

  14. All wonderful cards Brenda and as I said over at Tracys blog, I do miss the beautiful English flowers, xxx

  15. Beautiful cards as always Brenda and I love the boxes....hope all is well with Anysia and the baby


  16. Oh how worrying for you.Do hope the eyes get better.And that they do something about the baby that is not good.Hopefully soon you will let us know the outcome.Thinking of you.Of course,you cards are all Stunning in their own right.Clever

  17. Such beautiful cards Brenda. Sorry to read that your eyes have been bad again, I do hope that they improve soon. I'm sure you will be back soon with good news about the baby, but until then you are all in my prayers.

    Sue xx

  18. Beautiful work Brenda.
    Wishing Anysia a safe delivery xxx

  19. Such beautiful cards Brenda with these wonderful stamps. And loving the way you used the honeycomb die on the top of the gift box!
    I'm sorry to hear you've had eye trouble again, so important to take screen breaks!
    And I can totally understand your worries, since she can't get to a hospital until Thursday. It's really hard to believe what times we currently live in... Praying for a safe delivery!

  20. A fabulous collection of cards, Brenda.
    Sorry to hear that your having problems with your eyes again. Hope Anysia has her baby soon, it must be a worrying time for you all. xx

  21. Oh you´ve done nice cards.
    How clever ´with the hexagonal cards! :)

    Personally I´ve finally got started with cardmaking again.
    It´s so fun being up creating after so long time.
    I´m going to publish some today and during the week.

    Wishing a safe delivery for Anysia.
    And a good start for the week!

  22. Wooow.. love your wonderful cards, exactly the hexagon card! It`s amazing!
    Wish you a wonderful week!

  23. Absolutely gorgeous array of cards Brenda, beautiful images and colours.

    Pat xx

  24. Outstanding work Brenda your choice of images and colours are awesome, each and everyone of them hold a beauty all of their own, I love how you do the hexagonal ones this is exceptional work especially as you are having problems with your eyes, you take care
    lorraine x

  25. You selection of lovely cards always inspires me to get my inks out and create some backgrounds - I haven't quite perfected the stamping techniques that you are so talented at but practise, practise practise :0)
    I hope you have had better news about mum and baby by now too.

  26. Fabulous cards Brenda, the one with the CB Wish Flower looks stunning, love the design.
    Hope everything is OK Anysia, such a worrying time.
    Avril xx

  27. I love your CAS creations Brenda, and that card set is absolutely fantastic, I love the shape which is so fitting for the stamps, your design is gorgeous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  28. So many gorgeous makes Brenda, including that CAS (but not white) first card!. Yes the NHS has accumulated so much delay that things are not as they should be. But 10 days late isn't unusual, in fact I have this (cynical) theory that in the UK they add a week to the expected due date to ensure that mothers won't stray far around the due date! Hope everything goes well x

  29. Your floral cards are beautiful Brenda, lovely stamps and designs, I particularly like the hexagonal ones! Sorry to read that you're having problems with your eyes, hope they have improved by now. Also hoping all is well with Anysia (what a pretty name!) and baby.

  30. What an awesome collection of cards, Brenda and I would be hard-pressed to pick a favourite. CB are very lucky to have you on their team!
    Hope things improve with your eyes and that the baby arrives safely.
    Take care.
    Carol x

  31. Ero convinta di avere commentato questo post, ma evidentemente mi sono addormentata al PC e non l'ho fatto... Questo per me è un periodo non facile. :(
    La scatola esagonale è stupenda, e che bel coperchio fustellato!! Se non sbaglio hai fatto altre scatole con questa fustella, è davvero interessante. Anche le card che contiene sono deliziose!
    Mi piace molto la CAS in giallo e nero con i fiori sul bordo, un design molto elegante.
    L'uccellino sulla ghirlanda invernale mi piace molto, grazie per l'ispirazione. Ho questo timbro ma non l'ho ancora usato. I colori tradizionali e lo stile CAS rendono questa card davvero carina.

  32. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I'm especially drawn to the wreath with the bird--LOVE it! Sure hope everything is OK with mom & baby. Covid is hurting the world in so many ways!
