
Sunday 5 September 2021

Who lives in Bumble Lodge?

Morning Peeps, a real bumper post as it the start of our new challenges at We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations where our themes are 'Anything Goes with Celebrations option' and 'Stamp of the Moment', prizes come from Chocolate Baroque and  

In addition it's time for a new challenge at River of Creativity where our theme is 'Fashion Sense' and I also have my shares from my post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog today.

As it's so very hard to choose a favourite stamp we deceived 'Stamp of the Moment' made far more sense as there are always new favourites popping up. For me there is a constant theme of Poppies and Lavinia Fantasy stamps plus of course Stampendous P107, good old Agapanthus Cluster which will be making an appearance mid month.

Those of you into your Lavinia will know they released some fabulous new stamps a couple of weeks ago and along with two new Fairies included some gorgeous little houses so of course despite sitting on my hands the morning of release, by 7am several seemed to have fallen into my basket. Above is Bumble Lodge along with lots of worker stamps and Bandit and Rufus (aka Raynard) the Fox.

This one uses the new CB Polygon Poppies onto an acrylic (Dylusions) paint background, lots of worker stamps from the set and inspirational quote from my Life is so much Better stamped onto vellum along with a matching teamie Hilary at WLCB nearly always stamps an envelope to compliment her cards which makes cards that extra bit special so I've pinched the idea Hilary, hope you don't mind 😀

My River of Creativity share has a bit of a play on words and numbers for the stores although the street name in Milan is authentic. The shop fronts were created with TL dies from way back in my early days as a DT for them, likewise with the shoe with the killer heel. On the other side a CB Mannequin stamp and smaller ones from the same set stamped in the background.

My WLCB first share using the lovely Christmas Rose Script and I wanted to create something soft so stamped the image onto vellum and heat embossed with details white EP, coloured the reverse of the Roses with Distress Markers and placed into a die cut frame.

My second WLCB share is a bit of a (for me) CAS Anniversary card using stamps from Chocolate Baroque Butterfly Flourish stamping the flourish twice corner to corner, a few flowers and sentiment from Words to Dazzle.

And last but by no means least my shares from my post here.

Following on from yesterdays photos, here is another of Great Granddaughter Margo Ivy born this week, so far she seems to be a remarkably placid and contented baby.

If you are still with me and not fallen asleep by now then thanks so much for taking the time to look and hope to see you at the challenges this month.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. All your cards are fantastic Brenda. I love the Lavinia stamps and the Christmas Rose script is gorgeous with a lovely effect with the white lines. The stamp is one for my wishlist.
    Margo Ivy looks lovely and she does seem very contented sleeping in her little "basket" Marlies

  2. Simply stunning cards Brenda, love bumble lodge one on my wish list. Margo looks so contented, beautiful babyxx

  3. Oh Brenda, your work is amazing - I think my most favourite card is your Celestial one! Margo Ivy is gorgeous!!
    Stay safe

  4. All wonderful cards as usual Brenda, I love that little house, but my favourite is the Christmas Rose. It looks lovely embossed in white. Margo does looks so peaceful and bonny x

  5. What a beautiful selection of cards Brenda, they are all wonderful

  6. Goodness me all your designs teams have kept you busy today haven't they! As for all your samples each one makes me stop and look at all the detail and work you put into them at the same time as making me stop catch my breath and often mutter WOW that is wonderful. As with a favourite stamp it is impossible to pick a favourite although of course I am very partial to your Fashion Sense card which isa wonderfully humorous take on the oh so serious world of fashion. Congratulations on the arrival of Margo Ivy much love to her and all the family she is very photogenic so perhaps a fashion model is her future! xoxo

  7. No wonder Bumble Lodge fell into your basket! Fairies are not really my thing and even I have been looking longingly at the little houses! Lavinia has gone from strength to strength recently. All fabulous cards and I love that original fashion street scene!
    Margo Ivy looks comfy and very smart too in her lovely bedding. x

  8. Beautiful cards and a great joy to come here again! The doors and shoes/dress are a great way to use these and the Celestial and all the flower cards look so great, but the Lavinia one is my favorite... Hugs, Gerrina

  9. What a beautiful display of your talents Brenda. All the cards are so beautiful, so individual and very inspirational! Oh wow, congratulations on the arrival of Baby Margo Ivy! She is a little princess and I love the floral baby nest!!

  10. Beautiful cards brenda, my favourite being the rose, so pretty and delicate on the vellum. beautiful Margo too...very content in her cocoon.xx

  11. Wow!What a wonderful collection of cards! Your attention to detail is amazing! Adorable pic of your Great Grand-daughter too. Congrats!

  12. Gorgeous cards, that cute little house in the top one is adorable.

  13. Each one is so beautifully done Brenda, my favorites today are the Lavinia card and poppy card, but you made each one so very special!
    And a beautiful picture of baby Margo Ivy. Her rose print baby basket is so pretty!

  14. Absolutely fabulous selection of cards and stamps-really love the soft Christmas Rose card.Beautiful pic of Margo Ivy in her beautiful rose basket loved the rose wrap she was in yesterday too
    Carol x

  15. A lovely array of cards Brenda, I must admit I am tempted with the CB Christmas Rose and the stamping on vellum gives it such a delicate look.
    Another lovely picture of Margo Ivy, she does look so contented.
    Avril xx

  16. Well I'm afraid little Margot Ivy has stolen the show Brenda, she is just adorable, thank your for another photo of her.
    All your cards are amazing, so beautifully designed and gorgeous colours too. I do especially love the first card, I love fairies. Kate x

  17. WOW, WOW, WOW, Brenda I am in awe of this amazing selection of creations, I did have to smile when you mentioned that a few items had fallen into your basket, lol, that keeps happening to me as well, lol, I love the quirky house, fairy and fox the scene is delightful and somewhere I would like to be right now, I must go check out the new releases at CB because that Poppy looks fantastic, the fashion creation is top notch I remember the times when I could wear shoes like that, lol, the softness of the Christmas Rose is perfection, sometimes I get the urge to do 'soft and serene' this you have accomplished beautifully, the flourish is super I love the borders as well as the flourish, your other two makes look sensational especially that celestial gold embossed one, but unfortunately after all that the star of the show has to be Margo Ivy she is so beautiful, she looks like a long baby maybe she is going to grow up with legs that seem to go up to her armpits, gorgeous long legs that I unfortunately only could dream of, lol. you are going to have so much joy buying lovely little girlie stuff
    lorraine x

  18. Una meravigliosa carrellata di cards per la gioia di questa Domenica, Brenda!! Ma la star del post è Margo Ivy!! :D Che bimba deliziosa!!!!
    Tornando alle cards, la scena che hai costruito con i timbri di Lavinia è la mia preferita, come puoi immaginare. Da tempo non compro nuovi timbri e devo dire che quella casetta mi attira davvero tanto, così come le piccole volpi!! Stupendo il background sulla pagina di libro!!
    Questi papaveri di CB sono un altro timbro che mi piace davvero molto,e hai scelto bellissimi colori. Molto bella anche la busta, Hilary fa scuola, dovrei copiarla anche io! LOL
    La card con Via Montenapoleone mi fa sorridere, davvero originale!! Bellissima interpretazione della via più famosa d'Italia!
    Le due card per WLCB sono dolcissime e molto femminili, la Rosa di Natale è stupenda in bianco e rosa sul vellum, e poi trovo davvero elegante come hai usato il timbro Butterfly Flourish due volte a specchio, davvero un risultato interessante e splendidi colori!!
    Spero tu abbia passato una buona Domenica con la tua famiglia nel tuo fantastico giardino. ùQui fa ancora molto caldo e purtroppo no, niente raccolta delle olive quest'anno: gli alberi hanno pochissime olive, le piogge di aprile hanno fatto cadere i fiori.
    Un abbraccio

  19. Thanks for sharing another picture of the lovely Margo (great name), she is looking a little less squashed now! All your cards are amazing, as usual and how lovely to see you stamping your envelope and you coloured parts of the image. I think that is so effective and adds the little bit extra to make it special. I think I might have to put the Christmas Rose script stamp on my wishlist, it is fabulous and looks so good heat embossed and coloured on vellum xx

  20. Margo is so adorable. Love your cards Brenda, such a lovely selection of cards. Have a great week. Anesha x

  21. Such a beautiful baby girl! Hope Margo & her momma do well. Wonderful cards, Brenda! Love the fashion card & the Christmas rose!

  22. Well of course you had me at fashion and it seems that even Margo Ivy has an early fashion sense too in that gorgeous dress and basket.
    You've been so busy with such beautiful work as always. I love the bold Christmas make on the fold out card. The very delicate stamping onto vellum looks so very pretty and of course the poppies.

  23. gorgeous and very beautiful cards Brenda and congrats and what a cute and sweet baby
    Gr Karin

  24. Wow stunning and gorgeous cards and so sweet lovely new born baby girl.
    Greetings from Lappland, we are coming back today, hopefully.

  25. Love, Love, Love your stylish shop front windows nearly as much as I love your Pics of Baby Margo. Gorgeous Bumble lodge and a perfect scene to set it in.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  26. Fabulous makes, Brenda. Especially love how you've used the hexagon frame with your poppies as well as the softness of your heat-embossed vellum and colouring on your Christmas kisses card.
    Congrats on becoming (a) GG. Margo Ivy is looking so sweet and she seems so tall.
    I've also just remembered to sign up for the Card Chain Challenge and was happily surprised to see that I will be sending you a card this month.
    Marianne x

  27. these are so beautiful cards.
    take care

  28. Another collection of Fabulous cards Brenda. Such a gorgeous photo of Margo too.

    Sue xx

  29. Margo Ivy is such a beauty! Congratulations to your family. I am loving all of these cards and have a new moon stamp set on my desk, but yes I'd say choosing to go with Lavinia was a wise decision, as this release really takes the cake. I adore your little scene and the new fairy houses. xx, Autumn

  30. It's always like a trip round a gallery coming to your blog Brenda! Such inspiration - not least from the gorgeous florals shown off by sweet baby Margo! Vicky x

  31. Awww - many congrats on your latest great-grandchild - a very cute addition to your family.

    Beautiful selection of cards - as usual.

    Looking forward to seeing what Kath chose for her Allsorts theme tomorrow.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  32. What a delight for us all Brenda but first let me welcome little Margo Ivy into the world, the sweetest vision of all.
    Each card gives shares it's own character I especially love the Lavina Stamps makes, the new stamps really do look amazing but my heart is drawn to the stunning concertina Christmas card. I am proud to have those stamps in my collection. Fantastic work, thanks so much for all the inspiration.
    Enjoy those baby cuddles, creative wishes Tracey x

  33. Such lovely cards and I am definitely going to look up "Bumble" lodge, my smallest sprollie is incredibly impressed that there is a house named after him!! Another lovely photo of Margo, love the beautiful romper xx

  34. Stunning cards and huge con gratulations on the safe arrival of beautiful little Margo.

  35. Ooh fabulous cards so creative and so beautiful is your granddaughter she just so adorable xx
