
Sunday 6 June 2021

Vibrant Poppies

It's the first Sunday of the month so time for our new challenges at We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations. Our themes for this month are 'Hand coloured or paper pieced image' and 'I love.....' We have a new sponsor at Stamping Sensations, Helping Hands Crafts and of course Chocolate Baroque at the other.

The tri folded arch was created using my much used TH cabinet card die and the mats for the stamping an arch shapes die which works well with it. Lots of Oxides and stencilling and the Poppies from CB Fresh Florals stamped an coloured........yes I did say coloured in, all seven panels, using Distress Markers and Sparkle Pens. The words are from a number of different CB stamp sets.

My Spring and Summer creation was another TV Craft Store make, the little booklet made with dies, Oxide sprays and a whole host of CB stamps that I won't even attempt to list but incorporates my 'I loves........ of colour, inks, Flowers and Nature.

And a few photos from around the garden this week......

Zoe fund this on one of the Ash Trees in the top paddock, I wouldn't like to guess how may Bees there actually were in this swarm, but it was quite a spectacular sight. We are not certain where they come from, although we have a suspicion they may live in the trunk of a broken branch of the same tree. We kept well away and within half an hour they dispersed except a few left buzzing around the branch.
A fledgling Sparrow under the dining room window, he looks pretty fed up with the afternoons session of flying lessons with his siblings.
A lovely display of self set poppies, hubby scattered some wild flower seeds last Summer in the nearby paddock and they seem to have migrated to one of the veg patches so of course he had to leave them to flower nettles and all. I can't wait for the one at the front to flower, will share some phots when it does.
And the first of the Digitalis, as usual they have self set all around and some in the most inconvenient places, but we tend to leave as many as possible as their blooms are a delight. This one is approaching 6 foot high and located itself in the gravel between the old and new conservatories.

I look forward to seeing you all when I pop round to visit your entries.
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  1. Gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the folds, the poppies look fabulous and the little booklet is just stunning.
    I bet your garden is amazing, how cool to see a swarm of bees settle. I've only ever seen one swarm of bees. They came across our garden and Emma and I had to take cover in the greenhouse!
    Lorraine x

  2. Wonderful and colourful flower creations,
    huge samples.
    Happy weekend;-))m

  3. Morning! what great photos - the artwork, of course - but the swarm of bees! wow!! glad they dispersed quickly.

  4. Ogni volta che fai una tri foled card mi ricordo sempre che la fustella TH cabinet è nella mia lista dei desideri! :D Stupenda in rosso e nero con gli sfondi delicati e i sentiment stile Art Deco!! Davvero elegante e di grande effetto!!
    Anche il libretto nei toni del rosa - lilla è stupendo, bellissimo mix di timbri tra cui riconosco di sicuro CB e Lavinia!
    Impressionante raduno di api, e sii felice di averle perchè significa che il tuo giardino non c'è inquinamento! :)
    L'uccellino è così dolce e vedo che i papaveri non mancano nemmeno nel tuo orto :) Io amo mettere i fiori insieme alle verdure e dicono che aiutano gli ortaggi a crescere bene, infatti vedo che le tue cipolle sono molto belle :D Io insieme ai pomodori ho piantato la calendula e fiori da prato, ma anche il piretro che spero terrà lontane le cimici, un vero flagello qui!
    Buona domenica!!

  5. wow gorgeous card Brenda.

    eeeeeek that are many bees you never know where they come from.
    love the digitalis I seed them this year but sofar nothing.

    Gr Karin

  6. Wauw wat zijn je kaarten prachtig
    Mooie foto
    Groetjes Gerrie

  7. Beautiful cards as always Brenda...lovely to see photos of your garden, love the photograph of your little fledgling.. Poppies always look beautiful.


  8. I enjoy my online visits to your garden, I feel so much closer to nature and you do get out of the ordinary fauna!
    Your Arch mini books is fabulous, so much work in the background stamping and the colouring in of the flowers! The booklet is equally lovely. I hope you have a great Sunday, hopefully sunny! x

  9. Hi Brenda, what can I say your poppy card is absolutely stunning those poppies are just so beautiful, love your pretty booklet love the flowers especially the snowdrops there my favourite..hope your keeping well..
    Babs x

  10. Hi Brenda, what can I say your poppy card is absolutely stunning those poppies are just so beautiful, love your pretty booklet love the flowers especially the snowdrops there my favourite..hope your keeping well..
    Babs x

  11. Hi Brenda, what can I say your poppy card is absolutely stunning those poppies are just so beautiful, love your pretty booklet love the flowers especially the snowdrops there my favourite..hope your keeping well..
    Babs x
    Ps your garden looks amazing always plenty going on

  12. Amazing results on these gorgeous projects Brenda - love them. And thanks for sharing your garden photos - it's winter here and not much is growing!
    Stay safe

  13. You've created two stunning projects show casing these wonderful stamps Brenda. Also some wonderful photos of your garden and the swarm of bees.

    Sue xx

  14. Your 7 panelled card must have been a labour of love to make as you hand coloured them all, that's dedication and the end result was well worth the time spent. I love your little book too so cheery and vibrant with the purple and green and it really does demonstrate what you love. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos too xx

  15. Gorgeous makes Brenda and how thoughtful of the foxglove to appear just to coordinate with that beautiful booklet!! Love the hand coloured and sparkled poppies too. It must be swarming time, there have been a couple of announcements on the Village Facebook page about bees this week xx

  16. Beautiful creations Brenda. All in lovely colours, well designed and very nice stamps used. Your garden will look realy nice with all the flowers. Very scarry about the bees though. Glad they went away so soon. Marlies

  17. Both stunning projects Brenda love the foldes arch and little booklet -fabulous backgrounds and such beautiful stamps-love all the nature pics,someone posted on FB about Bees saying they are looking for new homes and if left alone will soon pass on must be brilliant to see though-thanks for the heads up I missed that challenge lol
    Carol x

  18. What a wonderful set of cards. Love the colours you used. Have a great weekend. Anesha

  19. You certainly showcased nature so beautifully Brenda with this amazing projects! OMG those bees would scare the life out of you!!!

  20. Great projects once again, I love the arched tri-fold with the gorgeous poppies.

  21. Wonderful cards and I love seeing pics of your garden, xxx

  22. What a fabulous post Brenda, Your cards are gorgeous, such wonderful designs and colours.
    The bee hive is amazing, bet it was noisy too. Your baby sparrow does look a bit miserable, he most likely just want's to enjoy the sun. A lovely wander around your garden.
    I've subscribed to your new Follow it. Was it easy to set up, I'm not all that good with complicated techy things lol, Kate x

  23. Two really fabulous creations, gorgeous colours and fabulous images. Love the black with the super poppy stamps and lovely papers.
    The little booklet is also stunning, again a great mix of colours and some super images.
    Some really super photo's too.

    Kath x

  24. Love seeing your nature pictures, Brenda! Beautiful cards!

  25. Well Brenda I have been wowed by your post such an array of beautiful cards and photos of nature what more could anyone want in life, I absolutely adore your cards the colours and so wonderful and vibrant, the pictures of your garden are amazing my Larkspur and salmon pink Oriental poppies are mostly out in bloom although the Poppy heads are so big they don't last very long.
    lorraine x

  26. I thought Ihad already visitedbut heyho.
    Love the concertina card añd all lovely. Love seeing the garden pics too, xxx

  27. Gorgeous cards Brenda love the poppies.
    Enjoyed the photos of the garden!

  28. Oh Brenda that Poppy concertina creation is absolutely fabulous and the book in pink and purple shades is really beautiful. I think I would have been a bit worried with all those bees.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  29. Brenda there is always a treat in store for me when I visit and today you have blessed us with two. Your stunning trifold goes on and on displaying the beauty of the poppy, my favourite of flowers for many reasons and then the Summer booklet, displaying how the flowers do bloom holding their heads high embracing the sun, stunning beyond belief.. always in awe.
    The bee hive is a marvellous sight to see as is the roaming wildflowers, I have a few that have found a new home this year too.
    Thank you for sharing your delightful projects.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  30. Beautiful poppy card Brenda and fabulous colours on your gorgeous booklet. I love all your photos of the summer flowers, everything seems to have woken up with all the sunshine of the past two weeks.

    Pat xx

  31. Gorgeous cards and beautiful flowers. xx

  32. Two stunning makes and of course the poppies are a hit with me! Love the photos of the garden, we saw a couple of bee swarms on holiday and I managed to get a photo of one, but not as close as you lol! they were on a roof top.

  33. A tad late with this but what fabulous makes, I love your tri fold card and using just the two images with different words works so well, and the inky backgrounds look great. The colours and images on your little booklet are gorgeous.
    The bee swarm is amazing and like you I would have kept my distance, love the photo of the little sparrow.
    Avril xx

  34. so wonderful cards!
    and nice flowers!

  35. Loved your garden B and we had a swarm like that once in ur yard just a surburban block and to ask an apiarist to remove them! Love the self sowers well done. Great craft stare as always too.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
