
Saturday 12 June 2021

Butterflies and Bugs and Poppies in bloom

Morning Peeps so time for a new challenge at Allsorts and this week Wendy would like to see lots of 'Butterflies and Bugs' and a prize from Craft Stash for our lucky winner. I also have some shares from my post a few days ago over at the Chocolate Baroque blog here and the large Poppies I mentioned the other day are now in bloom.

A pretty simply created card above, an oxide background, masked the edges and added the colour, stamped Chocolate Baroque Butterfly Daisy Collage one and a half times with Versfaine black with the mask still in place and finito.

This was a The Craft Store TV make for Stamp Addicts, a masked circle softly inked around the edges, Music Sheet stamped in Versafine grey and the Butterfly, SA kiss stamped onto Circles in Circles and cut out. The sentiment is also SA.

Aren't they just glorious?

My Chocolate Baroque shares,

Have a sunny weekend.
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  1. Oh what fabulous work Brenda - love your second card with the pink and raspberry! The poppies certainly make a wonderful display!
    Those C.B houses are fascinating, and love the various ways you have used them, especially the second card - I think I must be showing my bias for CAS cards :)
    Stay safe

  2. Gorgeous card Brenda and love all your beautiful poppies and Bees -we have one lone rougue purple poppy in the flower trough underneath the front window must be about three foot tall surrounded by small alpine plants lol
    Carol x

  3. All amazing cards Brenda and I love how you've made the pink butterfly, that crd is very effective. Gorgeous poppies too. Have a good weekend x

  4. Always a delightful visit here Brenda, lots of colourful, inspiring creations. I don't how you fit everything in to your day, I'm obviously a slow crafter, lol. :o)

  5. Wonderful creations, Brenda! Love them and your flower photos!


  6. A stunning collection of cards brenda and beautiful photos of your poppies.

    Sue xx

  7. Love that oxide background on the first card and your wonderful pink CAS second card too. Thanks for the poppy pictures. I am enjoying all the poppies I have been seeing on my morning walks recently. It has made me decide that I must get some for my garden xx

  8. Love the butterfly cards, the second one is so pretty in pink with the CAS design.
    Obviously I love the poppies in your garden. I had a hug ornamental one but lost it when there was some work done a few years ago and I've never replaced it, lots of yellow welsh poppies though.
    Great CB houses, I like how you extended the roofs off the card.

  9. Your cards are simply beautiful Brenda, my favorite is the first one with the pretty butterfly collage CB stamp but do love the simplicity of the second one as well. Gorgeous and unique buildings too!

    Really loving your poppies!! I'm not sure I've seen purple poppies before! What a striking color!

  10. Wonderful makes Brenda. Love your flowers. Tried to grow some for see this year but no luck. lol Have a great day. Anesha x

  11. Che meravigliosi papaveri nel tuo giardino!! E vedo che le api li apprezzano molto! :D Finalmente l'estate sembra arrivare, qui da qualche giorno fa molto caldo.
    Tornando alle tue card, sono innamorata della prima, che bellissima scena con gli inchiostri gialli e rosa enfatizzati dal nero delle timbrate! I fiori e le grandi farfalle ne fanno davvero una scena estiva! Mi piace molto questo timbro di CB, lo metto nella mia wishlist :)
    La seconda card è molto elegante e mi ricorda che voglio provare la tecnica dello stamp-kissing, Ci sono molte tecniche che mi riprometto sempre di usare, ma poi mi dimentico. :/
    Bellissime le case di CB con quei colori vividi e anche la versione in toni neutri è molto intrigante, mi ricorda una litografia.
    Un abbraccio, goditi il sole nel tuo paradiso!

  12. Gorgeous cards Brenda but those poppies are stunning!

  13. Two really great creation and a like the difference between the two, bright and beautiful and CAS
    Fabulous photo's, stunning array of super poppies. Great card sample too.

    Kath x

  14. It's your Butterfly shaped card on Allsorts that I came over to compliment but it hasn't been included here. Some fantastic Poppies they really are glorious. Also a series of Chocolate Baroque images and samples those houses are so bright and vibrant. But I really do like that butterfly shape! x

  15. Wow..a beautiful array of cards Brenda. I am drawn to the pink butterfly but all your cards are always brilliant. The photos of your poppies are great too...a purple one?..very unusual. xx

  16. Oh my this is delightful Brenda your cards are stunning they look so perfect I love your Poppy pics I have never seen such colours as these.
    lorraine x

  17. A beautiful collection of cards, Brenda. Thanks for sharing the photos of the poppies, they are just fabulous! xx

  18. Lovely cards Brenda and I do love those colourful quirky houses. The poppies all look gorgeous but the purple one
    is stunning.
    Avril xx

  19. Wow Brenda, the flowers are glorious and the buzy bee, perfect.
    Wonderful creations too, xxx

  20. All of your cards are gorgeous Brenda, such fabulous designs and colours. Your poppies are wonderful, such vivid colours too, Kate x

  21. Fabulous and beautiful cards.
    Lovely flowers, I have only red poppies, haven't seen those purples, wow;-))m

  22. beautiful and lovely cards Brenda and fab photo's of those poppies , the purple are fab
    Gr Karin

  23. Your poppies are spectacular Brenda, the butterfly cards are gorgeous, I love both designs. Fabulous house cards too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  24. Stunning cards! Glorious poppies! Fabulous house cards!
    LOVE it all Brenda!
    Wish you a joyful week.
    Hugs xx

  25. A beautiful collection of creations and photographs. Vee xx

  26. I predict a busy week at Allsorts with the ever-popular butterfly theme! Your cards are both gorgeous as always. I'm finding myself more and more drawn to busier cards without layers after making CAS cards ever since I started crafting. Your poppies are making a glorious display aren't they! What amazing colours! You must have been influenced by them when you made the first of the CB house cards! Vicky x

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Great cards and beautiful poppies. Love them. Happy Thursday evening.

  29. Hi B, sorry for late visit as you will know miss Bella keeps me running and hard training her to walk on the lead.... will eventually get there.
    Great cards love the stamps and your stunning flowers, wow, and that bee, amazing aren't

  30. Your poppies are gorgeous--such brilliant colors! Love the first card--need to case it, Brenda!

  31. so very nice flowers!
    amazing cards as always!
