
Saturday 5 June 2021

Foxes, Fairies and Fantasy

Morning Peeps so time for a new challenge at Allsorts, this week our host is Tracy Mouse with the theme of Magical Worlds and we have some lovely Lavinia products for this weeks winner. 

Today also sees the start of our second challenge at River of Creativity, we had an encouraging start to our challenge and if you didn't get chance to join in then perhaps this months theme of 'Parent and Child' will inspire you.

For those who follow me by e.mail I have added a new option to my sidebar as Feedburner is ceasing in a few weeks, so please add you mail addy to the new Follow It and fingers crossed things 'should' continue as before.

Obviously it was going to be Lavinia stamps for this one. An Oxide background, masked sun and for a change I used a glue pen through the stencil to add the rays and then sprinkled with glitter. I wasn't sure how it would turn out or photograph but reasonable happy with the result.

This is my DT creation for River of Creativity, it uses Stamp Addicts Foxy Mama simply stamped with Versafine and a little colouring with Distress Markers and framed in coordinating colours. We encourage all styles and types of crafting from cards to cakes so why not come and join in this month.

Some Fairy tags, I make these up in batches to send with winners prizes, I think it adds a little personal touch when received and people always seem appreciative. 

And last but by no means least, one of my Chocolate Baroque samples from Lesley's Craft Store shows yesterday, there were two shows, one all about sea life and the other steampunk. This one uses the Seahorse from the Mermaid Queen set.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and thanks as always for your visits.
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  1. Morning Brenda, Yes i think we did get off to a good start at and I love your Fox mama example. I can also confirm that your tags are a lovely little extra surprise when someone receives a prize from one of your challenges. Then there is the seahorse and another lovely serene card by you. Wonderful post have a great week. x

  2. A stunning Magical scene using these gorgeous Lavinia stamps Brenda, she looks as if she's heralding the dawn, beautiful.
    Beautiful framing around the Foxy Mama image and more gorgeousness after that, a lovely post.

  3. What a gorgeous series of cards Brenda - love the parent/child image you used, and you have made a wonderful card with it. The seahorse is super cute too.
    Stay safe

  4. This is a fabulous post with gorgeous designs and great very creative ones..x

  5. What a beautiful collection of cards Brenda, I love them all. My mojo has been absent for such a long time, but it's just begining to get back to normal so I'm hoping that I will be taking part in a few more challenges soon.

    Sue xx

  6. Hello Brenda....what a fabulous set of cards... you are the 'queen of scene' and your first card was stunning...just adore the Wolf card and how you've framed the image..beautiful tag colours and just love the underwater colours...


  7. Fabulous cards,backgrounds and stamps -love the Foxy Mama stamp
    Carol x

  8. Well Magical Worlds will certainly be a challenge for me but I hope to rise to it!! Your wonderful Lavinia cards are so atmospheric and I love that you make little tags to send with winners' prizes. The foxes are adorable aren't they and very different again from the glorious underwater scene. Always a pleasure to come and look at the gallery here Brenda! Vicky x

  9. So many beautiful creations here Brenda, my favorite one this time is the Lavinia card, a simply stunning scene and loving the sparkles! And those tags are gorgeous too! Lucky winners!!
    Great background for the undersea card, I love sea horses and those colors are so perfect for this scene! Beautiful foxes!!

  10. Wow lovely colourful array of card. Those foxes are so cute. I still have the tag you sent me with a prize a few years ago.

  11. I always admire your Lavinia scenes, perfectly inked, perfectly stamped and framed. The foxy image is wonderful and looks great with just that hint of colour.
    As to the holidays (or lack off) I would say we are in the same boat... but that's just it, sadly, we aren't in any boat! Winter cruise perhaps? Let's hope so. x

  12. Your first card is stunning this week, love the sparkle from that glitter and the wonderful light from the sun. Your tags are great too, such a good idea. I think I have 2 now, love them xx

  13. WOW!! Every card is stunning Brenda, all beautifully designed and your colours and backgrounds are brilliant. I especially love the fox and cub, it's a beautiful design, Kate x

  14. These arae all really stunning creations. Have a great day. Anesha x

  15. Come puoi immaginare, adoro veramente la card con le fate di Lavinia, sai che le tue card sceniche sono le mie preferite e quelle tonalità di viola e giallo insieme sono bellissime!!! I raggi glitterati si vedono bene anche in foto e sono stupendi!!! E lo sfondo nero è sempre perfetto per accendere i colori! Meravigliosa, starei a guardarla per ore!
    Le tags sono splendide e sì,ho la fortuna di averne ricevute anche io :) Sono sempre una deliziosa sorpresa! Anche il nastro che usi è delizioso
    La card delle volpi è molto dolce ma elegante con quel frame e i colori neutri, e l'esempio per CB è incredibilmente vibrante!! L'oro è perfetto per dare luce al verde e al blu! Come sempre, un meraviglioso e sapiente uso dei colori!
    Un abbraccio

  16. A really stunning array of colours with great images and a super design.

    Kath x

  17. Beautiful cards and tags, Brenda. I especially love the Lavinia Stamps scene, just beautiful. Very clever idea to use the stencil to make glitter rays..... very effective. xx

  18. Gorgeous cards, the Lavinia's are stunning;-))m

  19. wow stunning lavinia card Brenda and gorgeous cards and tags
    Gr Karin

  20. Love them Brenda, all so pretty and the blending of inks is wonderful. xxx

  21. What a gorgeous collection Brenda but, of course, Foxy Mama is my absolute favourite, such a fabulous image xx

  22. Love the sparkly rays & all your projects are beautiful, Brenda!

  23. Another WOW from me Brenda I absolutely adore that Fox image it actually looks like a painting, the magical fairies are also looking stunning, super, super makes
    lorraine x

  24. I love your card and tags for my theme, it'a a wonderful scene and the glitter rays are fabulous. You know I love a fox, it's so cute and looks fab on the layers of matt and layering. Oh and I can't leave that gorgeous little seahorse out it's a wonderful make.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. A really beautiful magical scene and such pretty colours. The tags are lovely and the fairies look just the right size on them. Love the seahorse and the colours with the touch of gold is just divine. What a wonderful image for your DT piece of the foxes.
