
Sunday 2 February 2020

Laugh Live Dream and some more athletic success

Morning Peeps, another scheduled post as when this pops up I should have had my second eye op so on screen rest again for a couple of weeks. Our new challenges starts today at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'Feminine' and 'Animals, Birds and Butterflies.' As always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both. 

My Stamping Sensations share at the top uses stamps from Bee Crafty our sponsor, the border stamps are from Large Doodle Butterfly and the Lily is from the BEAUtanicals range. An oxide background, stencilling and the Lily stamped a second time and decoupaged. I stamped part of one of the sponsors wordage stamps onto a piece of embroidery aida.

I love the Butterfly and matching die set Penny Black released last year and I have used it here along with their lattice die, an Oxide background and the Butterflies are cut from card coloured with the same inks.

Alex our travelling athlete son has been in Portugal for a couple of races, he did really well in the one last week coming in second and the first GB runner home (he's No 607 in the photo further down and one of him on the podium) and also got another PB (Personal Best).

No idea where my kids get their energy from, three of them are regular distance runners, it not unusual for Alex to be out at 5am to run 22 miles when he's home, he calls it a "short training run". Today he will be on his way to Seville for another marathon, he came third in that one last year so is looking to improve his placement.

This weekend another son Eliot is running the Arc of Attrition, a 100 mile endurance race around the rugged coastal paths of Cornwall, when he ran it a couple of years ago he ended up in hospital with Ultramarathon Induce Bilateral Corneal Edema (loss of vision) at 82 miles, Alex and Zoe were his support team and luckily found him, but as they are on the Continent for Alex's races can't be there so we're worried to say the least, but he's adamant he's doing it and assures us he will be fine this time. I might have some photos of that next week.

Looking forward to seeing all your creations for the themes this month.
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  1. Love your cards. Hope your recovery goes well. Congrats to your sons. hugs Anesha

  2. Morning Brenda , your cards are so beautiful, I really do love the butterflies and the piece of trellis behind them it’s ever so pretty. Congratulations to your sons on there wins they have done really well, I think the older they get the more we worry..
    Babs x

  3. Beautiful card Brenda ...good luck with you eye op and wish you a speedy recovery...congratulations to your sons..sometimes our children really surprise us..


  4. Beautiful cards Brenda. Just looking at your boys makes me tired, oh to have a fraction of their energy, xxx

  5. such a beautiful and gorgeous card Brenda and fantastic photo's

    Gr Karin

  6. Fabulous cards Brenda. I hope your eye op has been successful and wish you a speedy recovery. Just looking at your son's achievements makes me feel tire :). Well done to him, brilliant xx

  7. Beautiful elegant cards Brenda. Hope your operations goes well and you soon recover. A very good achievement of your boys running marathons. Well done. Marlies

  8. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the pastel butterflies and your great background. Super photo's and well done to Alex hope all goes well in his other race, also good luck to Eliot in his race. I hope the eye op went well and that you are feeling OK.

    Pat xx

  9. Adorable both the cards, Brenda, they are just amazing! Love the vibrant colours of the first one, and the embroidery aida with the sentiment is really a great idea, it looks so well with the lilies and the stencilling!!
    The second card looks very sweet, it's very feminine with those pastel colours and love so much the delicate butterflies on the white diecut panel, such great design!!
    Very well done to your sons Alex and Eliot, you have to be very proud of them!! Best wishes for them both!!!
    Best wishes also to you, for your eye surgery, hopefully it will help you very much in the future!
    Oooppsss... I wrote in English, not in Italian as usually. Sorry if I'm too busy to erase and write again.
    See you soon, take care of yourself!!!
    Big hugs!

  10. Far too energetic!!! LOL
    Lovely cards as ever - rest up and do as you're told (????!!!!)
    3 nice ones yesterday matey!

  11. Beautiful cards as usual Brenda, such lovely images ans colours.
    I hope that your op goes well, fingers crossed for you.
    Thanks for sharing about your two very athletic sons, and congrats to them both. I can imagine that you worry, but if they are anything like my hubby doing his sports, they carry on regardless, as they love what they do. take care Brenda, Kate x

  12. I just love the butterfly card you have shared Brenda...the colours, the placement of the butterflies, the all comes together so perfectly and congratulations to your are rightly so proud of them

  13. Such beautiful cards Brenda, I'm loving those butterflies on that beautifulyl designed card and also an amazing floral creation as well with those pretty lilies!
    Congrats to your son on his accomplishments, I'm always in awe of marathon runners, and any runners in general as I have zero endurance when it comes to running!
    Hoping you're healing well and be sure to give your eyes the rest that they need!

  14. Hope the op went well (3 points will have helped I am sure!) love the cards, both beautiful. Well done to your sons, much too like hard work for me!!

  15. Hope the op went ok Brenda . Will look forward to you being back with us online.Well done to your son ,they are still our bavies arent they despite their adult activities ? More lovely cards from you ,will look forward to seeing more later

  16. Love these 2 cards. I hope the op went well and you are not tempted to do too much. Your sons exploits are amazing and I am sure they must get their high energy levels from their mother as I am always amazed by how much you pack into a day. Now it is time for you to rest xx

  17. Fabulous Brenda love the butterflies and wow your kids are

  18. Loving your cards as usual Brenda..especially those petty butterflies...gorgeous colours. Congrats and good wishes to you sons! I couldn't make the end of the street let alone a marathon! Hope the eye is doing OK. xx

  19. Hope the recovery is going well Brenda.
    Two lovely cards, the butterfly one is a stunner and l love the delicate colours running through. x Susan x

  20. Hi Brenda, after a long absence I finally have time again to look here with you. You made such great cards again, I like them all very much.
    Best wishes

  21. Two fantastic creations, gorgeous colours and really lovely images, especially love the colours on the second card and the way you have coloured the butterflies.
    Fantastic photo's of your Son, wishing him all the best.

    Kath x

  22. Wonderful cards Brenda - I particularly love the soft blues and lemons on the second card!You family amaze me - and you too by the sounds of it :)
    Prayers for a successful surgery and a quick recovery

  23. Two lovely makes brenda, that PB one is so pretty and delicate. I also have no idea where your children get their energy!!!! The thought of driving 22 miles seems like a drag to me!!!!! I send you lots of love for a speedy recovery from your eye operation, rest up and take care xxxxx

  24. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Well done to your travelling son and good luck to both in their respective races this weekend.

    Sue xx

  25. Love those zingy colours on your first card and the beautiful simplicity of the second one. Well done to your son - tires me out reading about it lol! Hope recovery is going well.

  26. I hope your op goes well Brenda, sending my love and get well thoughts. These are such pretty cards. Wow that is serious running your kids do...I really hope your son is OK this time..a real endurance race! xx

  27. sending hugs Brenda.
    gorgeous cards you made.

  28. Long distance running is a complete mystery to me, but good for your kids! Absolutely LOVE the butterfly card, Brenda--one of my favorites with the design & colors!

  29. Wowza...I'm worn out just reading about your Sons' adventures! 100 mile, what's all that about??? I can't believe that anyone would ever want to do that but all credit to him and I hope that it all went well. You must be so proud of them. Your cards are beautiful and I especially like the second one. The blues and greens works beautifully together. I hope that you are recovering well Brenda xx

  30. Talent is shining through on all quarters today Brenda. Loving your gorgeous and very inspirational cards. Well done to your sons! Such amazing and determined athletes!!

  31. Gorgeous creations, Brenda! I love them both. Brilliant Success for the boys too. Fantastic!

  32. beautiful!! congrats to your sons, you must be so proud. hope your recovery is going well.

  33. Fabulous cards and backgrounds Brenda love the beautiful butterflies and beautifully coloured flowers on the first.Congrats to both your sons-wow feel shattered just reading the routes and hours!!!
    Carol x
